• Member Since 21st Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 8th, 2022

Muffin Derper

Muffins is Love Muffins is Life. "I find your lack of Muffins Disturbing" -Darth Derpy

Comments ( 5 )

So I don't usually read horror stories because of the emphasis on the blood, gore, and how it is meant to scare you (I don't like being scared). However, I will keep an eye on this story mainly due to the relationship of Desert Rose and Rarity. I really don't like how Desert Rose is treating Rarity; her opinion of Rarity is her own and that is fine, but how she expresses that opinion rubs me the wrong way. Also, Desert Rose seems like the kind of person who has gone through life believing that she needs to push a person's buttons in order for them to show their "true selves". This chapter may be hinting that her world view is due to a rough situation with her family, but it is still another aspect of her that rubs me the wrong way.

You don't have to change any plans that you have for her and Rarity, but I would like to see these two develop some respect for each other's point of view. Especially Desert Rose, since she has been the most aggressive out of the two of them.

8013167 you are not wrong about it hinting at Desert Rose's family, but I think you will find in time its not what you think its about. And Desert Rose has her reason's for her hostility towards Rarity, but that will be reviled in due time. But I can say that this story wont just focus on blood guts and gore, me and my co-author are trying to build character arks and development through all this. So in a way yes, you will be rewarded with what you are seeking, though it may not be what you are expecting.

And thank you for taking an interest in our story. just hope you do enjoy it.

I have been wondering when to comment on this story, but as Desert Rose likes to say to herself: fuck it.

Started tracking this fic last year because I was looking for something 'spooky' to read, and decided to give this one a shot. At first, it seemed like a one-and-done, but I kept reading until I had gotten through all the chapters and there was something about this fic that piqued my interest. Sure, there are some issues--inconsistent grammar, especially---but there were other things I liked. The tension and atmosphere built down in the sewers kept me intrigued.

And oddly enough, despite going into this fic looking for something 'intense' and 'spooky', it was the last couple 'quiet' chapters that have led me to making this comment. The way the 'real' Desert Rose has come out of her brooding shell centimeter-by-centimeter has been enjoyable. She's still angry--wouldn't have her any other way :derpytongue2: -- but there is a soft spot to her that I feel will grow even more visible in the coming chapters. Also, her and Nurse Redheart work off each other far too well. I was not sold with the idea of the pair at first, but I've grown to really enjoy their chemistry.

I'm sure that we will be back in the fray soon. I wonder what is going on with Twilight, where AJ is, etc. Things have been calm for a bit, and you know what they say about the calm before the storm.

I am really glad to see this story is not dead as I had feared, Derper. Sure, it has its issues--grammar, at times, is especially spotty--but it has the right ingredients to keep me looking forward to a new chapter. Hoping the next one comes out soon, but no rush. I am just happy to see it's not dead :pinkiehappy:

Well I never really had steller grades in English class, thought it a bore really. No this story is not dead. Over the past months I have had no urge to write. I wanted to finish my stores but could never find the motive to sit down and type. Writing had always been a hobby that was very sporadic with me. One minute I want to do nothing but write, the next not so much. However Chapter 8 was never supposed to be on hold as long as it was that was a fuck up on my part. I never realized it wasn't published as i took some time away from this site. Chapter 9 has been in the works even before my rather abrupt "vacation". It's actually been almost done this entire time. Just need to figure out how i want that chapter to end.

There's some legalistic involved with my Co-Author who is a IRL friend and has been for years but we now live in different states and he has college going for him. But never fear we have ambitious plans for these characters. In all honesty you have Bruce Dickinson Autobiography 'What does this Button Do?' to thank for my "return". For what ever reason it sparked my interest again.

I will end on this note until you see me post on my profile that I am done with writing or fed up with a story never assume a story is dead, from me at least. It make take me forever and a day to finish them, but never will stop them completely with out warning

Glad to hear you found that spark again! (Also, as an Iron Maiden fan, I'm glad it came from an awesome source such as that). As an on-again, off-again writer, I know that feeling of sporadic writing urges. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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