• Published 6th Sep 2016
  • 1,158 Views, 5 Comments

Fight Club Brawl: Aria and Gilda - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Rainbow Dash convinces her friends to go to a fight club with her, where her friend Gilda is about to face Aria Blaze

  • ...

Fight Night

Seven girls walked along the sidewalk, making their way through one of the less popular parts of town. Their destination: an old brick building, covered in graffiti, and with all of the windows covered over with wood.

"Is this legal?" Sunset Shimmer asked, wrapping her arms around herself as she looked up at the old building in front of her.

"Yeah, it's legal," Rainbow Dash replied from in front of everybody else. "Or... at least it's not technically illegal." She shifted, looking at the building they were headed to. "I mean, they don't have permits or anything, but everyone is legally an adult. Plus, it's not like they're being forced to fight against their will or anything."

"I'm more worried about the hygiene," Rarity stated. She motioned one of her hands at the place. "It's so filthy that I already feel like I need a tetanus shot and a long, hot shower."

Moving closer to her, Applejack threw an arm around Rarity's shoulders and pulled her into a half-hug.

"Now it ain't that bad," Applejack said with a smile. "'sides, not like we're eatin' here or anything."

"I still can't believe I agreed to come," Rarity sighed still looking at the building.

"I still can't believe that Fluttershy agreed to come," Sunset replied, turning to look at the girl in question. "I mean two people getting into a ring to beat up each other doesn't really sound like your kind of thing at all."

One of Fluttershy's eyes poked out from her hair. A finger fiddled with one of the locks as she looked at Sunset Shimmer.

"Well... no, it's not," she answered. "But it's important to Rainbow Dash, and we're here to support a friend of hers." She grimaced and pulled her hair closer. "Plus, I have some first-aid bandages and stuff with me. You know. Just in case."

"Maybe one of us should try entering a match," Pinkie Pie suggested as she hopped along beside the others. "Imagine if Applejack entered. Or Rainbow Dash."

"I'm not gonna fight somebody I don't know for no good reason," Applejack replied. "Pretty sure Rainbow Dash wouldn't either."

"And risk getting kicked off the soccer and track teams? No way." Rainbow Dash shifted to look at Pinkie. "Maybe you could talk one of your sisters into trying it or something."

The suggestion made the pink girl stop, her eyes going wide.

"Oh, no," Pinkie said with a quick shake of her head. "That would be a terrible idea. Marble would be too shy, Limey would go into a blind fury, and I don't think anybody would be able to take more than one punch from Maud."

Most of the group turned quiet as they recalled seeing Pinkie's sister punch a rock with her bare hand, breaking the stone and not her fist. Sunset, however, was more caught up in something else. She slowed down her pace, moving toward the back where one of their numbers was lagging behind.

"Hey, Twi," Sunset said, making Twilight slightly before looking at her. "You've been pretty quiet since we picked you up. You okay?"

"Yeah," Twilight -- the human world's Twilight Sparkle -- answered. "It's just... I never thought I would be in a part of town like this. Definitely never imagined I'd be going to some sort of fight club to watch two people beat each other up."

"Well... just think of it as a... Sociology project. Observing a subculture of human activity or something."

Twilight perked up at that.

"That's a great idea. I even have a notebook with me, so I could write down some observations."

"You carry a notebook everywhere you go?"

Twilight flushed at the question, looking away.

"No..." she answered softly. Her attention shifted to her hands as her fingers shifted against each other. "I... just started carrying them when I hang out with you girls. So I can... you know... take notes about friendship and such."

Sunset knew she should not laugh, but could not help herself. A small cough of laughter managed to escape her.

"You don't need to take notes about friendship."

"But writing it down helps me remember," Twilight replied. "Plus, I can look back over it when I get home and before I hang out with you again."

The rest of the conversation died as the seven of them reach the building. As the door opened, the sound people shouting filled the group's ears. The air smelled of sweat and blood. The people were gathered around an open area in the middle where two people were currently fighting.

"Alright, everybody," Rainbow Dash calls out as she steps inside, "follow me."

"Must I?" Rarity asked as she stared inside.

"You'll be fine," Applejack said, giving the other girl a gentle push inside.

Leading the way, Rainbow Dash reached the crowd. She shoved her way in, weaving between people and pushing some of them out of the way as she worked toward the front. The rest soon followed, although with greater ease, most moving out of the way after a polite "excuse me," from Rarity. It made it easy for them to keep up with the struggling leader.

"Yo! G!" Rainbow shouted as she reached the front.

"G," as it turned out, was a girl that was a full head taller than even Applejack. She was darkly tanned, and well muscled, with her arms and six-pack exposed from a shirt that looked more like a sports bra than a proper top. Her hair was cut short and spiky, most of it white with bits of purple on the tips. Turning toward the sound, her gold eyes narrowed at the sight of the group, a smirk forming on her mouth. She took a step toward them, holding out a taped up fist.

"Hey, Dash," she said as she had her fist bumped by the other girl. "Glad you could make it. See you managed to bring a bunch of your groupies with you."

"They're not my groupies," Rainbow Dash replied. She then smirked. "Well... not that they will ever admit it." She turned to face the others. "Girls, this --" she placed a hand on the larger girl "-- is my friend, Gilda. G, these are my friends. Fluttershy, you already know. And this is: Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer and... you okay, Twi?"

Twilight Sparkle was staring up at Gilda. Her purple eyes were wide behind her glasses and her mouth was hanging open. The purple cheeks took on a bright red color.

Gilda moved forward, pushing past the others and stopping in front of Twilight. Crossing her arms over her chest (which was at Twilight's eye level), her golden eyes narrowed again as she raised one eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

The question caused Twilight to tense, straightening up. She looked up at Gilda, the blush growing brighter as their eyes met each other.

"It's... It's just..." Twilight took a deep breath. "You're so... big." Her gaze then drifted down along Gilda's body again. "And... buff."

A smile slowly spread across Gilda's face as she leaned forward. Lifting one of her arms so that it was eye level with Twilight, showing off the griffon tattoo while she tensed and flexed.

"Wanna give it a feel?" Gilda asked, raising an eyebrow.

Twilight looked back and forth between the offered arm and wickedly smiling woman it was attached to. The bright blush grew stronger, spreading all the way to her ears. Her tongue slipped out as she licked her lips. One shaky hand started to reach up.

"W-w-well... it would be... rude for me to say 'no,'" Twilight said as she took a hold of the arm. Her finger brushed over the tattoo (she imagined feeling the feathers), before wrapping around the offered arm and giving a squeeze. A small gasp escaped her as she felt the hard muscle. She tightened her grip, watching the skin dimple under the fingertips.

"Maybe when I'm done here, you can come back to my place and... feel some other muscles of mine," Gilda said, giving a grin and wink to Twilight. Pulling the arm away from the girl's grip, she straightened back up.

"Well, well, well," a voice purred out, "it looks like all of my favorite" -- the word was spat out -- "people are gathered in one place."

The group turned to find a yellow skinned girl with massive orange hair standing not far away. One hand rested on a jutting hip as she looked at the group with pursed lips.

"Adagio," Rainbow Dash growled out as she stepped forward, hands balled into fists. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, back off ball kicker," Adagio huffed with a roll of her eyes. "It's a free country, and I'm not doing anything any more illegal than you are." Her gaze drifted away from Dash to look over the rest of them. "I have just as much a right to be here as any of you do." Her gaze stopped at Gilda and she smirked. "I just came to check out the competition before the match."

"Wait," Sunset said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you telling us that you're Gilda's opponent?"

Adagio turned to face Sunset, raising her own eyebrow before bursting out into laughter. She threw her head back as she did, her entire body shaking with the sound. As she continued, Adagio grabbed at her stomach and bent forward. By the time she stopped, she was panting heavily and her face had turned almost a deep red.

Panting and still giggling, she straightened back up.

"Really? Do I look like someone who would fight for money?"

"Nooooooo," Pinkie Pie answered, suddenly appearing by Adagio's shoulder. She then rested an elbow on the other girl's shoulder, Pinkie's palm against her own cheek. "But you don't look like an ancient fish pony monster that uses music to create chaos and discord between creatures, feeding off the dark energy, and tried to take over Canterlot High in an attempt to get us to fight and steal our Equestrian magic, allowing you to regain your full power either."

An array of expressions passed across the former siren's face as she looked at the pink girl now leaning against her: shock at the girl's sudden appearance; annoyance at being leaned against; confusion as she tried to listen to what the girl was saying; and finally, just plain frustration. Placing a hand on Pinkie's face, Adagio gave her a shove. She then turned back to the others, her gaze lingering on Fluttershy who started blushing.

"Believe me," Adagio stated, "if I were going to hit someone, they would be paying me for the privilege." She smirked as a small squeak escaped the shy girl. Looking away, Adagio then tossed her hair back. "I'm here to support Aria. She's the one fighting. And if she --" she pointed at Gilda "-- is friends with you," -- she grinned -- "than I am more than happy to watch Aria beat the snot out of her." She turned her back to the group. "In fact, I think I'll go tell her. Might give her extra incentive."

Adagio looked back over her shoulder, focusing on Fluttershy again (who was hiding behind Applejack).

"And next time I see you, I have some very fun stuff planned." She blew a kiss at the group before walking off.

The group all stood there, staring at the former siren walked away until she disappeared in the crowd.

"So," Twilight said, breaking the silence, "that was Adagio? The siren?"

"Indeed," Rarity answered. "And if what she said is true, then it seems that her ruffian accomplice is actually Gilda's opponent tonight."

"Hey, G?" Rainbow said as she turned toward her friend. "Know it's a long shot and all, but I don't suppose you'd be willing to back out of this one?"

"What?!" Gilda snapped, turning toward her friend. "You want me to quit?! Just because some..." she pointed in the direction Adagio had gone. "...some... walking pile of hair with a bitch attached to it recognized you? She was clearly trying to psyche us out."

Rainbow Dash took a step back and held up her hands.

"Gilda," she said softly, "it's not just that. Now don't take this the wrong way."

Gilda's eyes narrowed as her lip twitched toward a snarl.

Rainbow Dash continued.

"I know you're a good fighter--"

"Damn right," Gilda huffed.

"-- but... I... think you might be out of your league here."

"Out of my league? Out of my league?" Gilda took a step forward. "Tell me, Dash, what could Aria possibly have that makes her 'out of my league?!'" The last were she spat out between clenched teeth.

"A thousand years of experience, and supernatural strength?" Sunset suggested, causing Gilda to straighten up and turn to her.

Rainbow Dash stepped closer and placed a hand on Gilda's arm.

"Look, G, if you're going to do this, we'll totally be here to support you. Hell, I have a twenty in my pocket and I'll bet it on you tonight. But you're my friend and I don't want you to get seriously hurt. This isn't just about someone being tough. This is about someone who might be a full out psycho."

Gilda's expression softened as she looked at Rainbow Dash. The anger from it slowly faded. She then looked at the rest of the group standing in front of her. Her eyes closed as she sagged, letting out a sigh. She then straightened back up and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes again, she looked at them with new determination.

"I can't back out." Turning she started to walk off. "I have to get ready. I'll see you after the match. Victory pizza will be on you."

"Yeah," Dash agreed. "Totally."

She and the rest watched in silence as Gilda disappeared into the crowd.

After Rainbow Dash bet her twenty bucks on Gilda (at twenty to one odds, which Twilight explained would mean Dash got four hundred bucks if Gilda won), the group made their way to the edge of the arena and watched one of the other fights. After a quick run-down of the rules ("no jewelry/weapons, no biting, no wedgies," etc.), the two guys in the ring started punching each other until one of them gave up.

On the other side of the ring stood Adagio Dazzle. With a smirk, she held up one hand and waved her fingers. Beside her stood one of the other members of her little group, Sonata Dusk. With a grin, Sonata waved at the group, using her entire arm as she raised it as high as she could reach. In her other hand, she held a video camera (really good one too: HD digital; zoom; night vision; the works).

When the two guys finished, a woman who had been working as the announcer stepped into the middle of the ring.

"Alright everyone," she called out in a voice that was not quite loud, but carried through the entire crowd. "Now for what a lot of you have been waiting for. Tonight, we have not only a fight between to people who have somehow been undefeated, but our biggest prize fight with the purse being ten thousand dollars."

There was a round of cheers from the crowd, a lot of them throwing up their firsts in the air.

"Alright, alright!" the announcer called out. "Calm down so we can get to this. You should all be excited since we'll probably never have anything like again, but we need to get to it. Our first fighter stands with twenty-five wins. She has been accused of being a demon, and after seeing her fight, a lot of people will believe it. Let's hear it for ARIA BLAZE!"

There was a round of applause as Aria Blaze, the third siren of the group, made her way toward the ring. Her pink with a hint of purple skin seemed to glisten in the lights as she stalked forward. The long purple and green tails she had on the side of her head fluttered behind her as she jumped over the side of the arena. A wide, predatory grin spread across her face as she slammed a fist into an open palm.

"And her opponent," the announcer continued once the crowd had calmed down. "Standing at fifteen wins, she has been in every juvenile hall in the state, and is probably only here due to making bail." She paused as the crowd snickered (except for the group who was silent, and Rainbow Dash, who scowled). "Give it up for Gilda Goldwing!"

Gilda then made her way up to the ring. She now had a brown leather aviator jacket on, which she took off before stepping in. Raising her fists high above her, she turned to smirk at the crowd (and wink at Dash's group).

"Alright," the announcer said, "you know the rules: fight goes until one of you gives up or can't fight; no biting; no hair pulling; no weapons. Now give us all a good show for the crowd so we get our money's worth. Once I'm out of the ring, you two can begin." She then sprinted for the edge.

With the announcer clear, Aria and Gilda made their way to the middle of the arena. Both of them held their hands up in front of them, ready to punch and block. Gilda's hand were clenched tight, while Aria's was slightly loose.

"Hey," Pinkie Pie called out, pointing at Aria. "Is that a piece of their magic jewels on her wrist?"

The rest of the group leaned forward, squinting. They could see that there was some sort of wrist band on Aria's arm, and there may have been something shiny on it, but none could get a good enough look to know if Pinkie was right or not.

Gilda made the first move, giving a quick, tentative jab toward Aria's face. Aria blocked the jab, returning it with one of her own. It was one Gilda was able to dodge easily, moving her head to the side. Her entire body tilted as Gilda dropped one arm and took a shot at Aria's abdomen. It wound up as a glancing blow, sliding across the former siren's stomach and toward her hip before slipping off. At the same time, a punch ht Gilda's side, thumping heavily against her ribs. Not enough to do serious damage, but enough that she definitely felt it.

The two separated, getting space between them. Gilda glared at Aria, adjusting her stance. Aria smirked at her opponent. Holding up a middle finger, she kissed the tip and blew it at Gilda.

The bitch it toying with me!

With a feral growl, Gilda raised her fist, cocking it back, and charged at Aria. Once in range, she let out a roar as her fist shot forward. It had all of the tall, muscular, girl's strength behind it as she aimed for Aria's stupid, smug, face.

Aria moved to the left and threw up an arm, smacking the underside of Gilda's and sending the punch wide. Once the punch missed entirely, Aria turned her entire body, throwing a wide hook punch at Gilda. The blow hit the taller girl in shoulder with a meaty smack, causing her to stumble to the side.

Catching herself Gilda turned the stumble into a spin. She had her back to Aria a moment before completing the turn, bringing her fist around with her in a backhand. The blow landed squarely on Aria's cheek, causing her head to snap to the side and take a single step back. Aria then turned to look at Gilda, smirking as her eyes narrowed. A chuckle escaped the former siren.

"This is going to be fun."

Well, shit! Gilda thought.

Aria turned to face her fully, then lunged at Gilda. She threw a wide, arcing punch. One that Gilda saw coming and could easily avoid. It was only after she moved that Gilda realized it was more of a fake out, the blow close, but not actually going to hit her. Instead, Aria dropped down into a crouch and shot back up, driving an elbow into Gilda's side. Aria then shoved hard before turning to punch one of the floating ribs.

The blow sent a massive flash of pain through Gilda, causing her to hiss out between clenched teeth. There was definitely going to be some bruising, and the floating rib might be cracked (and hopefully not outright broken). At least it was not a kidney shot. Although she could not be sure if that was luck or chance. There was no time to think about it now, anyways.

Instead, she tried to attack Aria. Turning where she thought the girl was, Gilda drove her knee forward hard. There was the feeling of her kneecap hitting flesh and bone, and an audible grunt. A dark chuckle escaped her as she turned to look down at Aria.

Until she noticed a tight grip on the heel of her boot.

Tightening her hold, Aria Blaze yanked the captured foot back and up, throwing her opponent off balance. As she stood up, she kicked out with one of her own feet, driving it into the back of Gilda's other knee. With neither of her legs able to support her weight, Gilda fell onto her back. As soon as she did, Aria was above her. A sadistic grin spread across Aria's face as she lifted her fist, then gave two hard punches to Gilda's sternum.

The first blow knocked the air from Gilda's lungs. The second just hurt. Aria let Gilda go as she laid there. Rolling onto her side, she grabbed at her burning stomach with one hand as she tried to grasp for air. Using her other arm for support, she pushed herself up to her knees before trying to stand back up. As she did, she managed to catch sight of Aria, who stood nearby, watching her with arms crossed.

It looked like something was glowing on her wrist.

"Aria!" Adagio shouted. "Stop toying with her and finish it already!"

Aria shot a sour look at the other two sirens, then turned her attention back to Gilda. While still having some trouble breathing properly, she was standing upright again and looking at Aria. With a pop of her neck and new clench of her fist, Aria moved toward her opponent.

This time, Gilda was ready and moved first. Lunging at Aria, she slammed her forehead against the other girl's. There was a hard thump of bone on bone, causing a flash of pain to explode in the skulls of both. Trying to ignore the pain and take advantage of the situation, Gilda threw a punch at Aria's stomach. There was a satisfying meaty smack as Gilda's knuckles hit Aria's abdominal muscles. She followed this up with another.

Except this time, something grabbed her wrist, stopping her from hitting.

Aria's grip was like steel as it tightened. The bones in Gilda's wrist ground against each other, threatening to break. Grinning maniacally, Aria twisted the wrist while raising the arm as high up as she could. She then punched the inside of the shoulder, nearly dislocating the joint and sending a flash of pain through the arm and back. The next punched hit the sternum, the impact somehow sliding under the ribs (and one of them definitely cracked this time). Aria followed this up with a punch to the eye, one to the nose, and finally one to the chin, causing Gilda's head to snap to the side.

The grip on her arm was released as Gilda dropped to the floor. She hurt and could taste blood. Especially every time she tried to breathe in, which came as ragged, wet, gasps as the flow from her nose poured into her mouth. No permanent damage, she was sure of it, but she was in horrible pain and could not keep fighting. She could barely even feel the arm that had been hit, much less move it. And she could already feel the flesh around her eyes start to swell with bruising.

She was done.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer said, "we have a winner!"

The crowd cheered as Aria raised her arms above her head, smirking at the crowd. As they did, Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran to Gilda. Each took a hold of the defeated girl, slipping her arms around their necks and helping her up.

"It's okay, G," Dash said as she straightened up. "We got ya."

Author's Note:

Two of the sirens down, one more to go. It's probably going to return to M:Sex tagged. I just felt like Aria would rather make money from fighting than something sexual.

So, as an aside: would anyone be interested in possible Sci-Twi and Gilda shipping?

Comments ( 5 )

you could totally turn this into a series, i'd love to see Rainbow take on crystal preps Indigo Zap

She took Gilda to Aria City!!!!

would anyone be interested in possible Sci-Twi and Gilda shipping?

Yes. The lack of TwixGilda on this site is astonishing. :raritydespair:


every gilda story involves gilda being violent

how come no one tries to establish why they were even friends

"Plus, I have some first bandages and stuff with me. You know. Just in case."

Wise move, Shy.

"Oh, no," Pinkie said with a quick shake of her head. "That would be a terrible idea. Marble would be too shy, Limey would go into a blind fury, and I don't think anybody would be able to take more than once punch from Maud."

Oh my fucking god, Maud is Saitama!

The group turned to find a yellow skinned girl with massive orange hair standing not far away. One hand rested on a jutting hip as she looked at the group with pursed lips.

Adagio Dazzle, you're the last person I expected to come here.

"Believe me," Adagio stated, "if I were going to hit someone, they would be paying me for the privilege." She smirked as a small squeak escaped the shy girl.

You enjoy this.

With a feral growl, Gilda raised her fist, cocking it back, and charged at Aria. Once in range, she let out a roar as her fist shot forward. It had all of the tall, muscular, girl's strength behind it as she aimed for Aria's stupid, smug, face.

And you've already lost. You let her get beneath your skin.

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