• Published 8th Jul 2016
  • 704 Views, 5 Comments

Organised Chaos - rainbowspirals

Walking muffins? Clouds growing wings? Apple Cider rain? It's Discord again. It took you a while to gather the courage to ask, but that day, you decided to join forces.

  • ...

Discord Again

7th of July. Discord again. You sigh, close the window and sit on your bed, wondering the possible consequences of the action you are about to make. You think about Discord. He isn't a problem. He will be overjoyed that you want to join him in his work. But your friends? They aren't going to be happy.

It isn't like you are trying to form eternal chaos on the pony lands, but simply... fixing it.

"Is something wrong Twilight?" You smile, knowing that whatever decision you decide you make, your number one assistant will always support you. After all, you love him, and he loves you back, as family. You have had him ever since he was born, and Spike would never disagree with you - his owner, or maybe even mother, considering how much you two have gone through together.

"A bit, Spike, a bit," you confess. The look on the little dragon's face reassures you. "You see... it's Chaos Day again," you begin.

"I know, I hate it too, I mean, everything that Discord adds is so weird," You laugh.

"That's not what I mean Spike," Spike walks over to your bed and sits beside you. "It's just... Discord is not efficient with bringing chaos to Equestria, and I want to help him with that," you look at Spike, who is listening patiently. "I... I'm joining forces with Discord," you finally confess. Your purple and lime pet dragon gasps.

"J-join forces?!" He asks. You nod. "B-but... why?! I mean... you are so good with your magic, and if you add his magic, you can form extreme chaos! Do you... Do you want that to happen? Or is Discord possessing you?!" The little one became immediatly concered and worried, checking your pulse and getting ready to slap your face. You use your leg and hoof to stop him, and then speak.

"Spike, I'm not 'possessed' by Discord, he can't do that," You laugh. "But I am serious. And I don't want to bond my magic with him. I simply want to make his work more efficient and organised. I mean, Chaos Day is an official thing now, especially since Discord hypnotised the Princesses and came to the agreement in which, he may host one day dedicated to himself. It grew a thing, and the Princesses can't do anything about it. Anyway, whenever Chaos Day happens, chaos starts at 3PM in the afternoon, when it's supposed to start in the morning. Also, Discord only adds something to the food, special rain and then some other things that are just pure random that ponies don't even pay much attention to. I need to fix this," you say. "Ponies are starting to treat Chaos Day as nothing, because they know when and what they will get," you explain, and finally Spike understands your decision. "Now if only I had the time to tell all my friends... but Chaos Day starts in only an hour, and I have much talking to be done with Discord," you announce.

"Are you going to leave now?" Spike asks. You look at him, a worried look in his eyes.

"Yes, I am. Look, you don't need to worry, honestly. You worry too much!" You giggle. You drop a few more words before heading out the door. "Alright. Where is this King of Chaos," you whisper to yourself. You look outside. He's nowhere to be seen. He could be anywhere. You begin to worry. You think back to the time when you found him sunbathing on a hamock held by raw edges above a valcano mountain crator, and you begin to worry. You don't know if you will find him in time.

* * *

"Good morning, Twilight," You jump. He's right in front of you. You throw an annoyed face and in a annoyed tone you say:

"Good Morning... Discord."

"Why are you sulking?" Discord becomes a Jack O' Lantern. "Did I scare you?" He asks.

"No," you lie. "I was looking for you," you began. Discord transforms back to his normal self.

"Oh... you were?" Discord hypnotises you a bit whenever he stretches a word, but it's so light you snap out of it quickly. "I didn't expect you to be looking for me..." Discord pulls out a calendar and reading glasses. "I do not have any meeting scheduled for today, only teatime with Fluttershy tomorrow, of course. But I do not recall you wanting me, Twilight,"

"This is important, Discord," you get nervous, but Discord just looks at you, everything disappeared from his possession. He is curious for what you are about to say. "I wanted to ask you something," you rub your hooves and begin to sweat. You silence yourself, but Discord doesn't bother to say anything, he just waits for you to finish what you are about to say. Eventually, you gather the confidence. "I-I... I want to join you,"

Discord is very surprised and his eyes open wide. "Join me? Well I am delighted to hear that, Twilight Sparkle! And I am going to start Chaos Day in a few minutes, so you came through just in time!" Discord is delighted. You smile.

However you don't let him be the leader of this team.

"Everything goes by my rules Discord. I want to make Chaos Day perfect. Nopony is interested in the Choas Day you bring, so I want to help you make it amazing this year. Then you can use my advice and make a better one next year, and so on. However if you want me to help, you have to obey by my rules, and you cannot use loopholes," you say, making yourself loud and clear. Discord thinks about it for a second. You think he is trying to find a statement against the rule, but he gives up a few seconds later, and agrees.

"Okay, fine."


* * *

"Your first and very bad flaw is beginning Chaos Day at 3PM. That isn't how it works Discord!" you calm down. "Chaos Day must start bright and early in order for every pony to experience it. It doesn't have to start at 12AM, but everypony usually wakes up at 6:30AM so you, being the clever and wise King that you are, you should think ahead, and enable all of your tricks at around 6AM so all ponies experience it all. Your second and bad flaw is never changing the schedule and types of your tricks, making everypony know what they are gonna get. Make it stand out! Make it unpredictable! Crazy rain and food growing wings isn't going to cut it every time, Discord. Maybe you can pull that off in 3 or 4 years, but now it's not what you want to throw. I suggest... Alarm clock hour and minute arrows changing to your face. That's only a little thing. Why don't you make every item in a bakery, when bought, your head pops out of it? And making each ponies' colours inverted for their flank, mane and tail would also be a good trick. Think creatively! I mean, you are like 7 animals put into one," you explain. You have many ideas in your head to make Chaos Day exciting, and you just can't wait to share them all with Discord! You can spend as much time as you want to with him, because later on you will just wing the whole situation with a Time Travel spell.

"I suppose I could throw some of those in," he wonders about the consequences.

"Also, don't have only like 5 tricks going on! Make it exciting! Throw in like 20, or more! And make sure to turn some of those tricks universal so each pony can experience the same trick," you say. "What if I became Discord? My chaos day would be pretty awesome" you think. You giggle uncontrollably, until you realise that Discord is waiting for you to continue. "Oh, sorry! Another tip I have is to have tricks that suit the pony you throw them on. For an example, for Rainbow Dash you could turn her wings backwards just like the Poison Joke in the Everfree Forest did, everyone laughed! Or how about giving Rarity a horrible bad maneday? There are so many options, Discord!" you yell encouragingly.

"I have to say, Twilight Sparkle, you surely are a charm. These ideas are wonderful."

"Oh my! Yay! Well then, let's start!" Before Discord can say more, you cast the Time Travel spell, keeping you, Discord and Spike in the normal time so you don't forget what is going on. "Alright Discord! 5:30AM, let's start preparing!" You sqeal, excited.

Your first destination that you instead of Discord decided on is Pinkie Pie's home - SugarCube Corner. You walk over to her bedroom where to your surpise, she is fast asleep.

"Let's do the hour and minute arrows change on her alarm clock to your face!" You say.

"I was actually thinking we should fill Pinkie Pie's party cannon with—" It's a horrible idea. It wouldn't work, and you know it, so you interrupt.

"Discord, let's do the clock trick. Filling Pinkie's party cannon with something else is a horrible idea, sorry. So anyway, change the arrows!" You order, and Discord sighs, but does so. You dislike the picture, so you make sure he knows. "Discord, that is a very bad picture of you. Who wants Discord with sunglasses on their clock? That's disguisting, sorry! How about a picture of you standing straight with your finger pointing up? That suits a lot!' You make Discord change the picture to something you like. It looks amazing. Your next destination, is Cloudsdale. You stop by Rainbow Dash, and you decide to change all the clothes in Dash's wardrobe to... CLOUD! It's an amazing idea, instead of some lame idea that Discord had, which was changing all the cloud in Dash's room to thundercloud. Discord looked at you, he didn't look to hot. Since he was instructed to, he annoyingly used his magic to change the clothes in the cloud wardrobe to white cloud. It looked perfect, the perfect prank!

You wanted to ask Discord why he was upset, but you decided to continue, so you headed over to Rarity's Boutique. For the third time, you think of the best prank ever! You decide to hide all the fabric Rarity has, even if Discord had other plans. Discord wanted to use washable paint and paint some special dresses Rarity had when you entered her boutique, the first ones you saw. You smiled, but hated the idea.

"Discord, you should think more. Washable paint? Seriously? Do you know how dramatic Rarity would be if her fabric was missing?" You begin to use your magic to move all fabrics and hide them.

"You are hiding them in her bedroom, Twilight."

"So? That's the last place she'll look," you wink and continue hiding the fabric. Discord doesn't move. "Come on, Discord... you want this to be the best Chaos Day, don't you? Now help me with this, Rarity will wake up soon," Discord looks at you, and this time, he really didn't look too hot.

"No," he says. You gasp.

"Excuse me? I thought you wanted the best Chaos Day ever?" You ask. You look confused.

"Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship, eh? I had many good ideas this year. Your tips were good, and I used them. But this year, I didn't even make Chaos Day. You did it all by yourself, and you wouldn't even listen to my suggestions. It's Chaos Day, nothing is supposed to be organised, it's not 'Organise Day'. I know you wanted to help, but you are coming to it the wrong way. You got so ahead of yourself you forgot that this is my holiday, where I throw tricks around. Thank you for the tips, but I would like it if you Time Travelled back to 5:30AM. I think I can take it from there," Discord smiled, and looked at you hopefully.

"You're right... I'm sorry," You begin. You didn't mean to go ahead of Discord, you just want to make sure that Chaos Day will go well this year, because you saw how unhappy everypony was all the other times.

You didn't have to say more. Discord accepted your apology, and for the second time, there you were, casting the Time Travel spell.

Well, at least you tried.

Comments ( 5 )

Not too bad, personally, not a fan of the 2nd person thing, but that's my own fault.
I like the plot and general idea, and I see twilight has found a better time travel spell that works on the affected's time stream so you don't meet yourself and cause paradoxes, nice touch.
I did spot a few mistakes in the writing.

you rub your hands and begin to sweat. 

Ponies don't have hands.

Another tip I have is that have 

The second that should be to. As in "Another tip I have is to have"

There are so much options, 

Much should be many.

Good story idea and I hope you continue with it, happy writing!

7374392 Whoops, it's actually finished o.o''

7375008 oh haha well good story

Thank you so much for the tips! I am right now fixing these mistakes. You have a great eye, sir!

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