• Member Since 4th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2022


Just a brony who likes living. Please, don't leave thanks for me favoriting stuff. If anything, I should thank you, the author(s) for writing these amazing stories I find fav-worthy.

Comments ( 11 )

7452099 More than enough to warrant a 'dark' tag.

Princess of Magic (and by extent of Magic

I think you meant Friendship.

Well, this cannot possibly end well.

7453504 Ah, thanks for pointing that one out.

Hey parents! Do you have foals starting to become adults? Have you noticed your foal taking an increased interest in other ponies, having strange dreams about these ponies, fantasizing about them, or even worse, have caught them red-handed? Do you want to advise them on how to control their disgusting desires but don't know how?* Well now you can! With the new robo-Twilight, your foal too can know the wonder of denying that filthy pleasure!** With its many unique programs, such as orgasm denial and emotionless sex, robo-Twilight will help your foal to become well-adjusted adults with minimal sex-drive!*** Order now for only 6 easy payments of 199 bits at 1-800-5555-SEXISBAD to get robo-Twilight today!

If you or a loved one you know is suffering from such shameful foals, give us a call at 1-800-555-SEXISBAD.

Remember, masturbation is harmful to your child.

*Species such as dragons, griffons, changelings, and more should wholeheartedly comply to the demands of pony society, even if their sexual urges are considered normal among their own species.
**Doctor and physician recommended courses of action, such as talking to them and understanding how your foal feels, allowing them channels to vent sexual urges and frustration are silly. Get robo-Twilight today!
***Symptoms may include induction of mental illness, decreased interest in hobbies and other activities, and/or increased sexual desire, even sex addiction. Please contact your physician to see if this product is right for you.

In all seriousness, the prompt is a bit silly. Spike should be punished and chastised, just considering the circumstances, but not in this way. If a mare's heat functions similarly, shouldn't she be more forgiving and actually talk about this and do something like ground him or deny him some of his favorite gems for a month? After all, he's almost considered a teenager, or is, by the time he reaches sexual maturity according to dragon society. Twilight can't expect him to be fully on top of things as an overly hormonal teenager, who just learned of a recent desire to hump things.
But, whatever works for you man because it is fiction and I shouldn't analyze it too much. So, I apologize if I offended you or anything like that, and don't take anything I say seriously because it's your world and you should write it how you want to (I apologize for preaching to you).

7537577 But... but... that was my entire story...

*Sits in a corner, huddled, sobbing.*

This made me laugh way harder than it should have.

7537606 Hey, I did mention that it would have an OOC Twi, right? That gives me freedom, right? Right?

Anyway, yes, this is a very silly story, and like I said I basically wanted to write that manga I once read, which in itself is pretty stupid. And also pretty good, by the bye wink wink nudge nudge.

And hey, it was Luna's previous favorite bra, and Twilight can test something new, and Spike does need to... wait, no, I made that up as well...

Ach, if you're hurting for a good dose of reality ensues, that has already been planned to come in full force.

That is, if I get back to writing it. :ajsleepy:

I didn't see that, oops. But yeah, I'm just a realism centered person and I'm starting to think I shouldn't have written that second comment so just ignore it completely. I do find it darkly humorous, though. I wondered why a comedy tag wasn't on here, but then again it's always been fun for me dissect 'mature' works. If you want me to delete that one comment, I can.

I'll check that out, maybe.

This is gunna be good! I hope you eventually feel naughty enough to finish the second chapter. (Heck just one more chapter with some good sexings will be enough)

I can't wait to read the second chapter!

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