• Published 14th Jun 2016
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Transformers Prime: Return to Equestria - The Carolean

Three years have passed since Optimus left Equestria, a decision he will come to regret. In his absence, the Decepticons have returned, ready to claim revenge on the planet that slew their leader.

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Chapter 9

The main road of the Crystal Empire lay in ruin. Buildings had been reduced to rubble, pushed onto the sidewalks by the advancing Decepticon assault. At the front of the palace, Shining Armor and his crystal guards formed the last bastion of defence, using a combination of rubble and magic to shield massive great cannons.

Without warning, a swirling blue and green vortex materialized behind Shining Armor and his men. The captain and his guards turned to face the portal, only for a flying Princess Celestia to emerge. “Move!” she ordered as she cleared a path through the barricade. The soldiers of the Crystal Empire did as they were told, parting so that there was a clear path out of the ground-bridge.

As soon as they were clear, the Autobots surged out of the portal, Optimus at their head with Grimlock and the Wreckers close behind, followed by several squads of pegasi. The Autobots plowed into the Decepticon ranks, sending the Vehicons in the front line flying, before changing forms and engaging in melee. Optimus was the first to strike, drawing his sword and slicing a Vehicon in half, followed by Wheeljack, who beheaded another Decepticon with one sword while deflecting another blow with his other blade. Bulkhead followed close behind Wheeljack, shattering the body of a Vehicon with his mace. Meanwhile, Grimlock fought in his alternate mode, using his massive jaws to rend the attackers.

In the sky, Princess Celestia lead a pegasus vanguard against the Decepticon fliers. The Decepticon squadrons found themselves horribly outmatched, caught between the alicorn’s magic and the pony soldier’s lightning guns. The pegasi’s lightning arched between the attackers, only giving those towards the rear of the formation time to avoid the attack. As the pegasi aimed, Celestia fired a beam of magic outward, sweeping it across the sky.

Cyclonus narrowly avoided the attack, the golden beam scorching his wingtip. He descended, watching as the ponies pressed on towards the warship, before changing forms and landing in the center of the Decepticon forces. He scowled, letting a low growl escape his throat. “What are you waiting for? Attack!” he ordered.

“But Cyclonus, sir, the Dino-Bot-” one Vehicon began to protest, until Cyclonus lifted him off the ground by his neck.

“I care not for excuses!” he shouted, before throwing the offending Decepticon at Grimlock. The Vehicon struck the Autobot in the face, instantly demanding his complete attention. He roared at the offending Decepticon, before chasing him.

As he watched his soldier flee in terror, Cyclonus extended his mace.”Decepticons, charge!” he shouted. He surged forward, a wave of metal bodies following close behind him. They collided with the remaining Autobots with the force of a tsunami, forcing them back towards the center of the Empire.

As the Decepticon’s attacked, Optimus’ eyes darted across the battlefield. He examined the position of every soldier he could find, just as he had done millions of times before. Celestia was too far away to offer aid, and Shining Armor and his men lacked the might. Thinking quickly, he changed forms, slamming headlong into the Decepticons. His tires squealed as his bumper scraped against the Vehicons in front of him. Some were sent flying backwards, others were knocked out of the way, and some were crushed under the Prime’s wheels.

Cyclonus stood towards the back of the hoard, ensuring no one would flee the battle. Suddenly, a lone Vehicon landed next to him, colliding with one of his comrades as he crashed. Cyclonus furrowed his brow, before finding his feet knocked out from under him. He spiraled through the air, a blur of blue and red streaking under him as he spun. He finally landed on his back, cracking the crystal streets beneath him.

Cyclonus hastily righted himself, shaking his mace as he pointed it towards Optimus. “Attack! Kill him!” he ordered, causing every Vehicon to immediately change direction. Every Decepticon fired at Prime, forcing him to swerve as he forced his way through the Vehicon horde.

Suddenly, a lone energon bolt struck one of Optimus’ rear tires, making him spin out of control. He quickly changed forms, his knees sending sparks flying as he skidded to a halt. He righted himself, only to find he was surrounded by Cyclonus and his soldiers. All at once, dozens of energon bolts flew at Optimus, leaving him only enough time to dodge most of them. Those he couldn’t avoid ricocheted off his armor, leaving scorch marks as they did. Thanks to his armor’s sloping, none of the bolts were a direct hit, though they still had impact behind them. His arms swung like heavy ropes as his torso was knocked about, keeping him in a constant daze.

Then, without warning, a lone Vehicon ran towards Optimus, his blade drawn. Cyclonus extended his arm, rushing towards the lone soldier, but the commander was too late. The Vehicon thrust his knife towards Optimus’ neck, only to have Prime grab his arm, before impaling the Decepticon’s chest with his own blade. The lone Vehicon created a shield for Prime, his valiant charge forcing his fellow soldiers to briefly stop shooting. Optimus kicked the trooper away, drawing his own cannons as he did so. He instantly opened fire, sending a volley of energon bolts in one direction, before spinning and firing in another. His attacks tore through the Vehicon’s ranks, causing some to flee, only to be gunned down by Cyclonus’ guns.

“Fight you cowards,” he ordered, drawing his mace and surging forwards. As he hurled his mace at Prime, Optimus caught him out of the corner of his eye. Using the barrel of his gun, he blocked Cyclonus’ attack on the upswing, before retracting his other cannon and punching Cyclonus in the abdomen. The Decepticon doubled over in pain, allowing Optimus to wrap his free hand around his neck, pressing his ion cannon against his head.

“Order them to retreat,” Prime demanded. Cyclonus growled, struggling to break free, but only making Optimus tighten his grip. Then, an explosion ripped through the street under them, throwing both bots into the air. Without warning, Cyclonus had discharged his own gun into the ground, creating an explosion that finally freed him from Prime’s grasp.

Both Cybertronians slammed into the street, creating two patches of shattered crystal. Cyclonus righted himself quickly while Oprimus lay on the ground, still dazed. A wicked grin spread across Cyclonus’ face as he drew his mace and slowly strode towards Prime. Cyclonus placed one foot on his fallen foe’s chest. He slammed his mace into Prime’s chest, cracking the windows on his chest. Finally, he raised his mace high above his head, ready to deliver the killing blow, before bringing it down again. As he did, however, he discovered the entirety of his weapon from the hilt up had been cut off. The other half of the Decepticon’s weapon fell to the ground, the loud thud it produced momentarily breaking the silence that had fallen over the Decepticons.

Celestia hovered a few meters above the ground, a golden liquid dripping from her hooves, the remnants of her armor. Her mane and tail were streams of orange flames, her eyes burned white, and a faint orange-yellow glow enveloped her whole body. She radiated an incredible amount of heat, so much that Cyclonus could feel it despite being a good distance away; her heavy breath caused nitrogen in the atmosphere to turn into plasma as she exhaled, forming tiny purple swirls. Having melted her armor, Celestia was left naked, save for a grey and red amulet around her neck.

Suddenly, her horn burned white with magic. She summoned a tempest of fire that consumed the area below her, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. With the Vehicon’s dispatched, the princess landed and slowly strode towards Cyclonus, who had been left unmolested due to his proximity to Prime. In a panic, the Decepticon drew his gun and fired a series of bolts at the approaching alicorn, all of which bounced harmlessly off the shield around her. Then, he changed forms, only for Celestia go grab him and pull him to her. He changed back to his robot form, thrashing against Celestia’s telekinetic grip, only for her to tighten it. Finally, he came to a stop, floating in the air about a meter from Celestia.

Then, without warning, Cyclonus’ armor grew hot. Extremely hot. He renewed his struggle against the princess’ might, but to no avail. As the temperature of his armor increased, he began to scream, howling in agony as he felt the various plates near their melting point.


Upon hearing her name, the alicorn peered past Cyclonus to find Optimus slowly righting himself. She suddenly dropped Cyclonus, hastily rushing to Prime’s side. As she ran, she began to return to normal; her mane and tail turned back to their normal pastel colors, the color returned to her eyes, and her magic became the golden aura she normally used. She helped Optimus to his feet, practically crawling on him as she examined his body for injury.

“What...what was that?” Optimus asked, stunned by Celestia’s display.

“I promise we’ll discuss it later,” she told him. “Right now, we need to find Ratchet.”