• Published 14th Jun 2016
  • 1,925 Views, 33 Comments

Transformers Prime: Return to Equestria - The Carolean

Three years have passed since Optimus left Equestria, a decision he will come to regret. In his absence, the Decepticons have returned, ready to claim revenge on the planet that slew their leader.

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Chaptper 1

Optimus Prime stood on the deck of the Nemsis, watching as the ship approached a metal ring encased in stone. He couldn’t help but crack a smile as the vessel neared the space-bridge. “Everything’s lookin’ groovy Prime. Space-bridge is good to go,” Jazz called up from his station.

“Understood,” Prime answered. “Ultra-Magnus, is everything secured for the voyage?”

“Affirmative. All personnel are present and accounted for,” Magnus answered.

“Very well,” Prime said, before activating the ship’s innercom. “All Autobots, prepare to enter the space-bridge.” As soon as the single word left his mouth, the space-bridge sprang to life. Blue lines ran across the bridge’s rocky surface, before a blue-green vortex materialized in the ring’s center. The spinning maelstrom of energy expanding to fill the entire circle’s circumference as the device tore a hole in space itself.

The prow of the ship sank into the portal causing a ripple to spread out from the point of impact, sparking as it expanded outward. Prime sighed happily. “It won’t be long now.”

“Hey Prime, someone’s givin us a ring!” Jazz told Optimus, instantly snapping the Prime back to reality.

“Put it through,” he ordered.

The deck was instantly flooded with the horrible scratching of static, punctuated by a few discernible words. “Optimus...Decepticons...here...questria...move bri...mosphere.” The voice was foreign to Prime, but he could infer everything he needed.

“Magnus, change the coordinates to directly above Ponyville,” Optimus ordered. Magnus heeded his command, using the console to alter the location of the space-bridge’s end. Finally, the Nemesis reached the end of the portal.

As the ship left the portal, Ponyville came into view. At first Prime felt a sense of joy at returning to Equestria, but it was quickly replaced with confusion. The streets below the ship were crowded with ponies, all of whom appeared to be cheering. In addition, the entire town had been transformed since the Autobot’s last visit. The tiles that once covered the buildings were replaced with sheets of metal. Thick stone walls lined with primitive cannons surrounded the entire town. Insignias bearing a resemblance to that of the Autobots dotted the town, though they had a longer, more pony-like face.

Suddenly, a tapping on the window drew Prime’s attention. Two alicorns hoovered outside the Nemesis; one was Twilight Sparkle, while the other was a pink alicorn he was not familiar with. The pair were clad in full plate armor, Twilight's being purple while Cadance's was a sky blue. Their armor covered nearly every part of their body, save for their underbellies. Their chest plates angled outwards and wrapped around their bodies, starting at the base of their necks, wrapping around them in a steel grip. Their backs were protected by three interlocking plates, which ended in two curving plates on their flanks that overlapped with the last of the interlocking plates. A similar series of plates guarded their necks, a series of four plates on the front and five on the back for Cadence, and three in the front and fore on the back for Twilight. Their shoulders had armor of their own, grieves, and tied manes and tails. Their helmets enveloped their entire heads, with face mask that that were pulled up at the moment. Their shoulders were decorated with the same Autobot symbols that dotted the town. The symbol retained the solid red coloration of the insignia it was based off of, but had a longer snout, two ears, a unicorn’s horn, and a pair of wings behind it. It's face was split down the middle, and the entire thing was made of simple geometric shapes, just like the real Autobot ensignia. The two mares pointed their hooves upwards, before disappearing from view.

“Jazz, accompany me to the flight deck,” Optimus ordered.

“You got it Prime,” the lieutenant said, leaping out of his seat at joining Prime as he strode out of the bridge. The pair worked their way to the deck, where they found the two alicorns waiting for them. Twilight smiled at Prime, but there was something different about the young mare. Her eye, once filled with potent youth, were more worn and dilapidated. Her smile, too, had changed. Rather than the excited grin Optimus had seen when last he saw her, it was now soft and slight, not unlike his own smile.

“Hello again, Optimus,” she greeted as she approached him. She wrapped her hooves around his leg, hugging him as tears began to run down his face.

“Yo Prime, what happened to this place man? It ain’t anything like you described” Jazz observed.

“That is a question I would like answered as well, Jazz,” Prime said, turning his attention to Cadence.

“You missed a lot Optimus,” Cadence told him, taking a deep breath. “Everything was fine until this last year, when the Decepticons returned.”


Celestia stood on the highest balcony on the highest tower in Canterlot, gazing skyward through the lenses of her telescope. Luna’s constellations were as beautiful as ever, though they were not what drew her eye. She scanned the canopy of stars, desperately searching for a space-bridge portal.

“Has he returned yet, sister?” Luna asked. Celestia turned to find her sister trotting through the door behind her, the younger princess holding two cups of tea in her magical grip.

“No, not yet,” Celestia said as she took one of the cups of tea. She took a sip, sighing happily as the warm liquid graced her throat. She returned her eye to the telescope, continuing her scan of the night sky.

Luna joined her sister, gazing up at the stars with her. “What do you intend to do once he returns?” she questioned.

“Well, I suppose we’d have to find the Autobots’ place in our society, then find places for them to live. After that, I suppose we just go on as normal as possib-” Celestia interrupted herself with a sudden gasp. “He’s here!” she shouted excitedly.

“Where?” Luna asked with equal enthusiasm.

“I can see his ship. It’s right...wait.” Celestia paused again, the vigor suddenly leaving her voice. Suddenly, she drew her face back from the telescope lense. “No...no this can’t be happening. Not now!”

“Sister, what’s the matter?” Luna questioned.

Celestia’s answer was only one word long, but it filled Luna with a sense of dread she hadn’t felt since the tantibus incident. “Decepticons.” Luna pushed her sister aside, looking through the telescope herself.

Three dark ships left the Space bridge portal, each surrounded by its own swarm of Vehicons. They all looked very similar to the Nemesis, but there were a few noticeable differences. Two lacked the prominent, curving front spires, favoring a more streamline design with all of their fins sweeping backwards. They were also thinner and longer than Megatron’s flagship, and their prow formed a lopsided V instead of a single angle. The third ship was nearly identical to the Nemsis, the only difference being the Decepticon insignia emblazoned on its prow.

Luna tore her eye from the telescope, her face contorted into a look of terror. “We must evacuate the city immediately,” she said. Celestia nodded in acknowledgement, and the two galloped out of the tower.


Shockwave stood on the deck of his flagship. It had been a gift from Megatron, but he’d never felt the need to name it, nor any other ship in his small fleet. He watched coldly and unblinking as his ship descended on Equestria. Soundwave was an exquisite pilot.

“Commander Shockwave, shall we begin our assault?” Cyclonus questioned.

Shockwave turned towards the Decepticon, watching as he snapped to attention. He was a tall ‘bot, nearly all purple in coloration, save for his red eyes. His feet were long and angular, forming a ramp up to his curving shin armor. His thighs were covered in simple silver plate armor, and his lower torso closely resembled Megatron’s. The right and left sides of his chest were guarded by wedge-like armor plates that jutted out from his chest, while an orange plate covered his chest. Like most fliers, two wings protruded from his back, though his were more curved than the other Decepticons, looking more like a pair of circles. The area around his mouth was scared, showing the Decepticon’s veterancy. His helmet covered the entirety of the sides and back of his head, similar a samurai’s helmet, with two protrusions from the top that resembled ears. His shoulders and lower arms were protected by purple angular armor with tiny wings, parted by his silver elbows.

“No, Dreadwing will lead the first wave. You will be held in reserve,” Shockwave explained.

“With all due respect, is that truly necessary? Were these Autobots, I would understand your caution, but these are only organics,” Cyclonus said.

“Do not underestimate the enemy,” Shockwave answered simply. He turned, striding past his fellow Decepticon. “It cost Megatron his life.” “They did slay Megatron, after all.”

Cyclonus released an audible growl. “All the more reason we should deploy all our forces now, to slay as many as possible,” he argued.

“It will be difficult to avenge Megatron’s death if you are dead yourself.”

Cyclonus abruptly turned to confront the insolent soldier, only to snap to attention when he realized who had spoken to him. Dreadwing strode across the bridge, his scared face twisted into a grimace. “You should listen to Shockwave. Underestimating your enemy can be quite...hazardous,” he said as he passed the other Decepticon, motioning to his new silver arm, before he joined Shockwave towards the prow of the ship. The two watched as blue and gold beams cut their forces to ribbons. The alicorn sisters were inflicting large numbers of casualties on the Decepticons, numbers too large for Shockwave’s taste.

“Cyclonus, accompany me to the surface.”


Celestia soared through the air, unimpeded by her heavy armor, alongside her sister, who flew with equal grace. Both armor sets had similar torso pieces and helmets, but these two had the addition of shin plates, and bore the colors of each princess’ respective guard. Both princesses had bound their manes and tails, binding them in neat braids.

“We need to split up, cover more area,” Celestia said as they soared towards the hoard of Vehicons. Luna nodded in acknowledgement, before peeling away from her sister.

As she drew closer, the Decepticons opened fire on Celestia, forcing her to raise a shield around herself. Her magic spread out, forming a cone around half her frame. Moments later, she slammed into the Vehicon’s ranks, shattering one unlucky soldier’s body with her shield. As he spiraled towards the ground, his comrades opened fire, but it was useless. The princess’ small frame allowed her to effortlessly dodge each blast, causing the Vehicon’s fire to hit each other instead of their intended target. Celestia, on the other hand, fired ceaselessly, striking Decepticon after Decepticon with her magic bolts.

Enraged by the deaths of his fellow soldiers, one brave Vehicon flew above the princess, changed forms mid-air, and fell upon her, his blade drawn. He believed the princess had missed him. He was wrong. A bright golden glow formed in front of Celestia, and a moment later, her spear appeared in front of her.

It was a magnificent weapon, given to her by the gryphons long ago, ironically as a sign of peace. The spear had a long blade at the top, and a short, stubby point at the base. The entire weapon was gold in color, matching her armor perfectly.

Celestia hastily cast the Vehicon from her spear, throwing his corpse into the path of an oncoming rocket. The missile exploded, enveloping the princess in smoke, but ultimately did her no harm. She cleared the smoke with her magic, just in time to reveal an energon bolt flying towards her. She dodged it just as easily she’d dodged the ones before it, rotating on her axis and flying past it with a single flap of her wings, before returning it with a blast of her own, taking out an entire squad in the process.

As she flew, she caught sight of Luna, who was effortlessly slicing a Vehicon in half. Her weapon of choice was a sabre, whose handle was the same color as her coat. This weapon was a gift from the minotaurs, which was the reason for the useless hand guard at the blade’s base.

Three Vehicons defended on Luna all at once, prompting her to raise her blade in preparation. Her blade shimmered in the moonlight as she cut through all of them, severing one trooper’s wing, cutting another diagonally, and slicing through the third across his width.

Celestia flashed her horn at Luna, who turned and waved in response. Suddenly, a massive energy bolt struck Luna right between her wings. Her entire body went limp as the force of the impact sent her plummeting. She slammed into the street, creating a crater around her.

“Luna!” Celestia shrieked as she flew down to her. Much to her relief, Luna’s chest rose and fell once she reached her. Then, something red appeared out of the corner of her eye. She hastily rose a shield around herself and Luna, only barely blocking the large energon bolt. She turned her gaze towards the direction of the shot, finding herself facing a tank.

The mighty vehicle fired another shot, the oncoming bolt slamming into the shield, causing it to buckle. Hoping for an opening, Celestia lowered the shield and charged horn first towards the tank, only to raise her magical barrier again. She’d underestimated the time it took for the tank’s cannon to recharge, which was almost instantaneous. The tank unleashed another blast on the princess, cracking her shield, then another, then another. Just before her magic was fully drained, she teleported Luna away. Then, the final blast struck her shield. She raised her spear to defend herself, but the bolt cut the weapon in half. The force of the shield’s breaking threw Celestia backwards, her body cracking bricks as it bounced across the street.

Shockwave changed forms, content the princess no longer posed a threat. Cyclonus landed next to him, shocked at how sudden he was able to defeat the alicorn. The two aproatched her, Cyclonus more cautiously than Shockwave. Celestia tried to right herself, straining every fiber of her being as she attempted to get up, but her effort was in vain. Suddenly, her horn began to glow bright. The two Decepticons nearing her watched as the princess shrank before their eyes, the mark on her flank fading as her mane became totally pink. Finally, the golden glow of her horn faded, and Celestia lost consiousness. Once they reached the fallen princess, Cyclonus drew his mace. He raised it above his head, preparing to deal the final blow, when Shockwave stopped him. “No, take her back to the ship,” he ordered.

“May I ask why?” Cyclonus asked respectfully, though a hint of anger tainted his tone.

“She may prove useful to our cause.”