• Published 14th Jun 2016
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Transformers Prime: Return to Equestria - The Carolean

Three years have passed since Optimus left Equestria, a decision he will come to regret. In his absence, the Decepticons have returned, ready to claim revenge on the planet that slew their leader.

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Chapter 6

Celestia and Luna gasped in unison, both sisters bringing a hoof to their mouth. Optimus sighed loudly, shaking his head. Twilight stood in place, sniffling as tears ran down her face, struggling to not completely ball her eyes out. “It’s not that bad, your highnesses. Twilight’s been taking good care of me, letting me stay here in the castle and helping me with everyday things I can’t do anymore. Heck, she ran out of your meeting just to help me use the restroom,” Flash explained.

“Flash Sentry, you shall be knighted and given the highest honors available in a grand ceremony once we retake Canterlot,” Luna told the guard. “It is the least we can do to repay you for your sacrifice.”

“Sorry, Princess Luna, but Twilight beat you to it. She threw this great big ceremony in the center of town. Gave me so many medals I needed three uniforms to hold them all,” Flash said with a chuckle. Despite the soldier’s best efforts, Twilight was still on the verge of tears. He draped one of his forehooves over her, nearly falling as he lost his balance. Twilight gasped, readying her horn to help the stallion, only to have him regain his footing.

“Hate to be a spoil sport,” Rainbow Dash interjected. “but we’ve got to meet Gilda at the train station.” The blue pegasus hovered in front of an open window, clad in armor not unlike her crystal-war armor. Twilight took a deep breath, wiping the tears from her eyes, before summoning a box of tissues with which to blow her nose.

“Alright,” she said as she blinked to clear her eyes. “Let’s go.”

Twilight lead the two alicorns and Optimus to the door, while Flash and Spike retreated into the castle. As the group neared the door, Twilight turned to Celestia. “I have to warn you, Celestia, Ponyville’s changed a lot over this last year,” she explained.

“I’m sure it will be just fine Twilight,” Celestia assured the mare.

“I agree with Twilight. You may find the changes...shocking,” Optimus said.

“I’ll be fine, I promise,” Celestia assured them again as they reached the castle’s front gate. Using her magic, Twilight threw open the entrance to her castle, revealing the town of Ponyville.

Celestia slowly strode into the streets of Ponyville, her mouth agape at what she saw. Gone was the warm and welcoming symbol of friendship she’d known before, and in its place stood a great bastion of steel. The once populous streets were now abandon, save for the periodic guards. The pleasant, colorful houses were greyed, all four walls and their roofs coated in metal. Nearly every shred of grass and tree was gone, replaced by AA guns and watch-towers. Even landmarks such as Sugarcube Corner were spared. Ponyville’s favorite bakery had been converted into a barracks, and Rarity’s home was now a storehouse. The entire town was covered in overcast, adding to the dingy and depressing atmosphere. “Where is everypony, and Why is it so cloudy? Are you expecting rain?” Celestia asked.

As though she was trying to answer Celestia’s question, a lone mare cautiously poked her head out of her house, scanning the area and the sky as she breathed heavily. Once se was sure there was no threat, she galloped into the street, only remaining outside long enough to get into the building on the other side of the street.

“Everypony’s inside inside; they’re too leave their houses for any length of time,” Twilight explained, sandwiched between Celestia and Luna.

“As for the clouds, we’ve gotta keep the clouds there 24/7. Makes it harder for the ‘Cons to do air-strikes,” Rainbow Dash answered, hovering above them.

“Air-strikes?” Celestia gasped in horror.

Twilight nodded sadly. “They come around at random, bomb us, then leave. Sweet Apple Acres is the only is the only place that gets direct sunlight,” Twilight explained.

“Cowards,” Optimus spat as he walked behind the four ponies.

“And we’ve got more AA there than just about any other part of Ponyville, along with constant patrols,” Rainbow Dash added.

Celestia let out a quiet gasp, utterly horrified by horrified by Ponyville’s current situation. Optimus put a comforting hand on her shoulder, Luna shook her head, letting out a louder sigh than her sister. “These are dark times indeed,” she said.

At last, they reached the train station. The complex had grown over the past year, at least twice the size it was before the Decepticons. It was armored just like the other buildings in Ponyville, with gun ports periodically cut into the armored siding. Half a dozen armored Earth-pony guards watched over the armored station, with at least another half-dozen inside, judging by the cannon barrels protruding from the structure.

“We’ve got some armor for you and Luna inside,” Twilight told the older alicorns. The group entered the station, except Optimus, who found himself forced to wait outside by his size. Twilight opened the doors, revealing the two sets of armor within the compound. The two suits were similar to those worn by Cadence and Twilight, though much larger. Luna’s armor contrived of purple plates with navy mail underneath, while Celestia’s was gold and purple.

Celestia strode up to her armor, removing the helmet and gazing at her own reflection in the golden metal. Luna soon joined her sister, the lunar princess stroking her chin as she looked over her own armor.

“Both suits of armor are enchanted with wards, strength enhancing spells, and speed enhancing spells,” Twilight explained.

A train pulled into the station, causing the entire structure to shake. “Make way for the Chancellor of Gryphonstone!” somepony bellowed.

“For the last time, stop calling me that!” another voice demanded.

Gilda and Gretta exited the train, surrounded by six armored guards. She wore a military uniform, adorned with a plethora of medals. “G!” Rainbow said excitedly as she dashed towards, only to be halted by a pair of guards.

Gilda rolled her eyes, pushing past her bodyguards. “Sorry about these dweebs, couldn’t find anyone better on short notice,” Gilda explained.

Rainbow ignored the gryphon’s words, her eyes fixed on her medals.”Coooool! Where’d you get ‘em?” she asked excitedly.

“Eh, most of them are pretty dumb,” Gilda said, motioning to one of her medals. “I got this one from stubbing my paw on a crate.” Then, the two friends embraced each other. “It’s good to see you, Dash,” Gilda told the pegasus.

“You too, G,” Rainbow responded.

Suddenly, a lone guard burst into the train station. “Princess Twilight, we have a situation. The Free-Love Enclave is under attack,” the guard explained.

"Decepticons?" Twilight questioned.

The soldier shook his head. "Changelings lead by Queen Chrysalis," he told her.

"Great, more enemies! Just what we needed!" Gilda said with almost tangible sarcasm.

"Come on," Twilight ordered. "Let's move!"

Everypony moved towards the door, save for Celestia. "Sister, are you coming?" Luna asked.

"I...need a moment Luna," Celestia told her younger sister. Luna followed Twilight and the others, leaving Celestia alone in the train station. The lone alicorn returned the helmet to the poniquin upon which it was originally mounted, before teleporting away.