• Published 14th Jun 2016
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Transformers Prime: Return to Equestria - The Carolean

Three years have passed since Optimus left Equestria, a decision he will come to regret. In his absence, the Decepticons have returned, ready to claim revenge on the planet that slew their leader.

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Chapter 8

“That name sounds positively ridiculous,” Starscream commented.

“When I want your opinion, I will ask for it Starscream. I refuse to be known as Megatron while in this disgusting form,” he told his companion as he leapt from the cutie map.

Across the room from Galvatron, Celestia stepped forward, flaring her wings as magic surrounded her horn, while Optimus slid on his battle mask and taking up a combat stance. Twilight threw up a shield, slowly backing towards the doors with Optimus while Luna calmly remained still.

“We are not afraid of you, ‘Galvatron,’” Celestia shouted, ignoring Stars.

“Not judging by the reaction of your student,” Galvatron said, directing his gaze towards the young alicorn.

“Leave her out of this,” Celestia growled with a loud snort and a hoof stamp.

“Hey everypony,” Spike began timidly. “I...uh...think we need to calm down...just a little bit.” Everyone in the castle turned their attention towards Spike, causing his tail to curl around one leg as he recoiled. “Or not, whatever works for you.”

“No offense, but what are you guys freaking out about anyway? It’s just Starscream?” Scootaloo asked.

“Starscream?” Twilight questioned.

“Yes. Hello, Twilight Sparkle,” Starscream said to the alicorn greeting her with a bow. “It’s good to see you again, or see anything again, for that matter.”

Suddenly, his entire body jerked up, his face contorting into a scowl. “I refuse to bow to any filthy organic,” Galvatron interjected.

“We are an organic now, ‘Galvatron,” Starscream said in a mocking tone.
Without warning, Luna stamped her hoof on the floor. “We do not have time for this. Every moment the Decepticons draw closer to the Empire,” Luna interrupted. “The rest of you go and aid Shining Armor. I will remain here and watch Galvatron.”

“Are you sure Luna?” Celestia asked, her eyes only momentarily darting to her sister, before returning to Galvatron.

Luna nodded. “He does not scare me, sister,” she told Celestia.

Content her little sister was safe, Celestia lowered her guard. She turned towards Luna, giving her a nuzzle and a wig hug, though she still cast a quick gaze at Galvatron every few seconds.. “Be safe Luna,” Celestia said.

“I will sister,” Luna promised.

Twilight stepped forward, focusing her magic on the Cutie-Map. Outside, her castle began to glow with a pink light as a blue projection of herself materialized out of the structure’s spire. “Attention First, Third, and Eighth company, prepare to move out,” she ordered, before backing away from the Cutie-Map. “It’s done,” Twilight told Optimus.”

“Good,” he said. “Quickly to the ground bridge.” Twilight and Celestia dashed out the door, while Optimus lagged behind as he shot one last glare towards Megatron, before following the two alicorns.

“Well then, I suppose that makes you my caretaker, then?” Megatron told Luna.

“Perhaps, but I would prefer the role of your teacher,” Luna said.

“Feh. Teacher? What could you possibly teach me?” Megatron scoffed.

“Megatron, I think it might be a bad idea to anger the princess,” Starscream whispered. “Her sister did kill you the first time, after all.”

“Quite Starscream! And my name is Galvatron! Use that name again and you’ll regret it,” Galvatron threatened.

“Oh? And what are you going to do precisely? Hit me?” Starscream mocked.

“So, there is nothing I can teach you?” Luna questioned, to which Megatron rolled his eyes. A wicked grin crept its way onto Luna’s face. “Why don’t we put that theory to the test?” she asked, teleporting Galvatron and herself away.

“Hey Flash, you think you can watch the Crusaders? There’s something I need got to do,” Spike asked, getting up from his seat.
Flash shook his head, struggling to overcome the strangeness of the exchange he’d just witnessed. “Sure thing Spike,” Flash answered.


Spike sat comfortably atop Smokescreen’s shoulder, one hand on the Autobot’s door to steady himself. Smokescreen snaked his way through the forest, slinking over roots and fallen trees. “Are you sure we should be doing this alone?” Smokescreen asked.
A tree branch snapped back and struck Spike in the face, forcing the dragon to push it away, spitting a leaf out of his mouth as he did. “Ah aredy tolh you Thoketheen,” Spike paused, picking the leaf out of his mouth with his claw, before casting it aside. “We’ll get there faster if it’s just the two of us.”

“But won’t it be safer if we have a large group?” Smokescreen questioned.

“Maybe, but we need to get there fast,” Spike told the Autobot.

“Need to get where fast?”

Smokescreen turned, nearly throwing Spike off his shoulder in the process, to see Arcee standing behind them. One of her hands rested on her cocked hips, while a displeased expression adorned her face. “A-Arcee?” Smokescreen stuttered as his mind raced.

“Where are you two going?” Arcee asked again.

“Were going to the Dragonlands,” Spike answered, unafraid.

“You know I can’t let you do that,” Arcee said. “We’re supposed to stay here and defend Ponyville.”

Spike sighed, shaking his head. “I didn’t want to do this, but, Arcee, what is your rank?” the dragon asked forcefully.

Arcee shifted her weight to her other foot, cocking one eyebrow. “Pardon?”

“You heard me soldier, what is your rank?” Spike asked again.

“Sergeant….why?” Arcee asked reluctantly.

“In that case, I order you to escort me to the Dragonlands,” Spike ordered, much to Arcee’s surprise.

“You’re ordering me? What rank are you?” Acrcee asked

“General Spike, head of the Royal Comunication Corps, at your service,” Spike told her.

“You’re a general?” Arcee and Smokescreen shouted in unison, both Autobots equally shocked. “How?” Arcee added.
The dragon nodded with a hint of smugness. “Well, as Princess Twilight’s number-one assistant, and a dragon, I had the perfect skills set to run the Communication Corps, so Twilight made me a general,” he said.

“That’s all well and good, but we aren’t part of the Equestrian army,” Arcee argued.

“Sorry Arcee, but you’re wrong about that. While you guys were away, Celestia added you as a regiment in the Royal guard, which means I have authority over you,” Spike explained.

Arcee sighed, placing two fingers against her forehead. “I’m not winning this one, am I?” she asked, to which Spike nodded. “Fine, I’ll let you go, as long as I come with you,” the Autobot finally said, striding past the two and stepping over a fallen tree.


Galvatron suddenly felt goosebumps coat his entire body. His teeth began to chatter uncontrollably as his body subconsciously tried to warm itself. “Where am I?” Starscream asked.
“Equestria’s south pole,” Luna answered. Galvatron suddenly unleashed a blast of magic into the snow beneath him, warming his body with the newly created water.

“Good, you seem to have found a way to warm yourself,” Luna said, before she fired a beam of magic directly at Galvatron. The former Decepticon fired a bolt back at Luna with equal power, calling out her attack. “Excellent, now defend yourself,” she ordered.
Galvatron surged forward, only to find his feet frozen by the water he thawed. Galvatron melted the snow again, but Luna fired another blast at him, forcing him to to block with another bolt of his own, Yet again, his hooves froze in place, yet again forcing him to thaw himself with his magic, and only to have Luna fire another magic bolt at him yet again. This cycle continued again, sending Galvatron’s anger to its limit. He lashed out with his magic in all directions, howling as the snow melted around him. He panted heavily, exhausted from the pure output of magic he’d unleashed. Suddenly, a blue bolt struck his side, sending him skidding across the huge puddle he’d just created.
Luna strode up the the fallen alicorn, lifting him out of the water with her magic. “In your Cybertronian body, you may have been a fearsome warrior, but in this new form, you’re little more than a foal,” Luna told him.

Galvatron growled, trying to summon his magic, but only able to produce a few sparks. “Tell me princess, does this excursion have a purpose, or is it just to humiliate me?” he asked.

“No, I would never do something so useless,” she told him, teleporting all three of them back to Twilight’s castle. She set Galvatron down on his feet, before extending a hoof to him. “I did it to make you understand that you need me. So, will you accept me as your teacher?”

“Very well, Princess Luna,” he said, shaking her hoof.