• Published 28th May 2016
  • 12,591 Views, 633 Comments

The Mystic Cipher - Tundric Spirit

In his average day life turned upside down, will Nick be able to survive in this new world after his less then pleasent arrival? Or will his inexperience with other magic users and the strang mark on his hand be to much for him to handle?

Comments ( 82 )

great chapter, cant wait for the next one!

Great chapter man I have to admit it was worth waiting for!!

Please tell me Bill will meet Discord.

backtrack a few chapters.

Another random loser going to his talking horse waifu's setting and getting powers for no other reason than "muh reasons".
Show, Don't Tell is completely disregarded, this copy/paste plot is lacking in originality, and the "OC" is bland and bit of a Mary Sue.
I'll just leave my dislike and add it to a group or two.

Seriously, does someone need to take a blunt object, and literally knock some sense into Twilight?:facehoof::twilightangry2:

do not add my stories to groups without my permission, I already had that problem with another story.

That's what happens when you get spoiled readers, they shit on the good things in life.

Keep your shit posting to your self, if you have constructive criticism I can understand, but shit posting is a waste of everyone time, you're like that one person who has to let everyone know there leaving the party, " HEY I'M GOING EVERYONE, THIS PARTY IS SHIT AND EVERYONE WHO LIKES IT IS AS WELL" that's what you 'read' like.

I apologize if this hurts your feelings, I'm emotionally constipated, so I don't get butt hurt from insults.

She had gained the eyrie of the other gods

Not to nitpick but I think you mean ire here?! feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!

And allow me to say that one who hasn't written anything does not have the right to nitpick and be an overall prick when they have read a story that is multiple chapters and has not taken the obvious option of not reading it and shouldn't be talking when they have no stories of their own to give their options any credence!

ah shit... I deleted the update chapter, but it took the comments on it with it. sorry for anyone who's comment was deleted in that.

Besides taking a little long to update still enjoying the story:rainbowwild:

Excuse me sir, I want to ask to ask you some questions. First, when is Nick going to kill the bastard who's trying to take away Trixie? Second, Is Pride actually Alucard in disguise after he consumed Satan's soul ? Also there are many things in your story that's bothering me ( I'm not trying to offend you or anything, I think you are a good writer), I notice you made Lucifer way too easy to destroy because we all know he's the embodiment of evil and can't be killed easily. Twilight, even after being freed from Celestia's influence is still being a stubborn bitch as usual. I usually don't mind reading pony stories that are matriarchal but if the females treat the males as slaves/breeding tools/sex toys then that is where I draw the line. Also, are Celestia and Luna considered demigods since their mother Faust is the creator of Equis. Also the Celestia in this story freaks me out because she secretly tortures her male subjects in her free time, it makes me wonder if she's being manipulated by her Alter ego Solar Flare/Daybreaker which makes me wonder if Nick will ever fight Celestia. Also considering that Nick's mentor Q is a god of chaos (So is Discord who I really want to see) and Faust is a goddess who I barely get to see in the story, could you probably make them appear more often please? And finally, in a couple of your chapters, I noticed that you also added God in it by the way Q acted nervous around him which always reminds me that no matter how many gods exist in a possible multiverse, our Almighty Creator is the Supreme being since no other deity can rival his omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipotence which makes wonder if Nick is a Christian despite him making a deal with a being of chaos and wondering if humans are the only sapient species or if there are other intelligent life forms out there in the cosmos. Also, if God created the multiverse, I wonder if Faust knows him or is aware that despite being a goddess being able to create a world of her own inhabited by many species of mythological creatures, has that thought in the back of her head or the feeling in her gut that there is possibly a being more powerful than her and can't help but fear if a being with unlimited power beyond her own could possibly exist. (I really want to see God more often in this story 😇)

i'll try to answer as many questions as I can, that is one mighty wall of text there with a massive number of questions. first off, the god bill cipher was afraid of was only the Abrahamic god as a place holder until I could think of something else, I edited those chapters to have the final incarnation of the max deity in this story. so if you thought this was a Christian fimfic, it isn't, and I apologize for possibly making you think that. the maximum deity in this story is a being known as an ancient, and in truth he probably won't be making many appearances, it would be like blast from one punch man showing up every episode.

Nick is not a Christian, i'm not going to lie, this is a self insert to an extent, so like me he is an Atheist, he will believe things that have evidence hat prove it, but otherwise doesn't believe things without proof.

next, where did Q come from? it's Bill Cipher from Gravity falls, not the trickster from star track.

Celestia and Luna, along with the rest of the pantheon, are gods, Faust is just an elder god.

Pride is just Lucifer's essence recycled into a powerful Familiar.

as far as Twilight goes, it's called indoctrination, she has been taught from birth to look as Celestia as a loving and all good Deity without question.

This is starting to drag a bit.

Twilight shut her mouth for now. Midnight’s magic had been holding back the brunt of the blizzard, while she wanted to point out that there were no bones to break there, she didn't want to risk getting left out in this blizzard unprotected. They walked for hours, the everlasting storm never letting up, even getting stronger as time went by.

Silly twilight with enough pressure it could still pop like a balloon.

Luna sat at rainbow dash's side looking over her injuries. Thankfully nothing fatal, but unfortunately the mare could not be considered a candidate for the wonderbolts any longer with the loss of her wing. Unfortunately the one who took her wing would no0t face justice anytime soon, if at all. This was getting worse and worse. Ever since her return she had seen the many changes in her ponies and kingdom.

Some questions
1) What happened to fluttershy?
2) Does nick still have access to his bookes from Bill and will he allow the others to see them? mines the philosopher's stone page I mean.
3) Any guess on when the next chapter comes out.
4) Necromancy, what are your feelings on it?
5) Could Nick create a second body and control it with a strong mental link because now I can't help but think what he,d be like with a pack of insectoid wolves.
6) Could nick add plants to his body and control it? Hes talked about absorbing algae in the past but I he hasn't used it and if he made a seed and gave a small shard of a philosopher's stone to it could he force the plant to grow quickly because a custom made glowing tree the size of a sequoia would make an interesting gift (cough cough new lunar republic)
7) This one's not a question but more of an idea when nick fights celestia again I think it'd be awesome if he said something along the lines of "gods are just being so powerful that when they call themselves that nothing else can dispute the claim so celeste prepare to fight the god of meat." Admittedly "the god of meat" sounds a little silly but I play krieg so.

Replying so if this gets a reply i find out to

good a reason as any
(caugh caugh notice the previous comments cough). sorry had something in my throat.

True but he's also worn out by a song montage so catching his breathe is still a thing,not to mention depending how fast the actual river is flowing,and his teacher wouldn't be aware of said common knowledge ...um...would he?

body builder verses martial art's master. who wins? guy who can bench press 400? or the guy who can use your own attacks against you without you managing to get a hit in.

In that set up the trained martial artist has a distinct advantage. Between Iron and Nick, I'd thought to compare it to a fight between a dog and a bear. Nick seems to be capable of making armor as hard as steel reacting faster than most can blink. Just those two alone would give him an overwhelming advantage against any single opponent.








don't make me get a Turnip you two.

.... *brandishes a Radish in challenge*

A gravity falls/mlp xver? Yes. Have all my yes.

I believe there is a group of congressmen that will revert net neutrality if it passes.

I could be wrong, so take my words with a grain of salt.

why did my bookshelf say this updated?

Go watch red vs blue on YouTube or at roosterteeth.com

I’m talking about the original

soon, still getting things together irl

I would like to know when the next chapter will be out

tundric said as soon as he gets his life together

I need...


Good story but this boy
*points at a starving boy in the corner*
needs MOAR!:flutterrage:


please make more

for now, I got to a point where I really don't know where to take the story, starting a new one to get away from this one for a while.

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