• Published 9th May 2016
  • 380 Views, 0 Comments

Sunset - Yosh-E-O

Fall is visited by Princess Luna when she continually has nightmares about losing her friends

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It was a cold night in December and Fall gone to sleep in her normal nest by the window, or that was what she called it anyways. Really in was just an old pillow on a ledge.

Cold air blew in around her and the sound of wind and owls could be heard from outside. It was as peaceful as life got for her.

The day before had been filled with torment from the other foals but finally after hours of hard work cleaning up messes they blamed her for, she had gotten to er nest to sleep, long after the other foals had been in bed.

Normally she would have watched the sunset first, but today she had been cooped up in the baby room scrubbing the floor as punishment for having broken a window two colts had broken playing a game that involved keeping a rock in the air.

The colts had told Ms Powderpuff that it had been fall that broke the window. Still at least the babies hadn’t bothered her much aside from pulling her tail and large ears and one who had bitten her, but he did not have teeth yet so it hadn’t hurt. In comparison that had been the better part of the day, although it had made her miss the sunset.

More importantly though it had made her miss her chance to see her friends Pint and Bucky. What would they say to her? Would they be mad? Would they not come back? That didn’t seem like the way they acted but she had never lied to them before, she told them she would be there and she had not.

She whimpered quietly in her sleep restless from worry. Soon though she felt herself falling into a deeper sleep as the nightmares began to play out of pint and bucky getting angry and leaving in just about every negative possibility. Finally she ran away crying.

She could hear a light singing like a bird but with words she could not make out. She opened her eyes to look but could see only darkness.

Suddenly a flash of blue crossed the darkness above her she could only assume was the sky as stars seemed to follow the flash. A blue pegasus, no that was wrong the pony flew but upon looking up the small filly could see the glint of a horn, a blue alicorn landed before her.

Fall gasped and stood still like a deer caught in the headlights. She didn’t know what to do around an alicorn, she had heard they were princesses but to her this was nothing but a fairy tail almost, at the very least something far away she never thought she would see.

“There is no need for fear little one. I am princes Luna, it is my duty to come into your dreams when you are having nightmares.” the mare said

“L..luna? Your nights are the best part of my day.” She bowed gratefully and the princess seemed to blush not used to ponies preferring her night to her sister’s day. The filly continued “But I’ve had nightmares my whole life up until recently when I met Pint and Bucky.”

“I know, I can see it within you. I suppose you do not know my story, let’s just say I’ve been away a long time, but I am back now. There is someone else having nightmares tonight I believe you would like to see. Will you come with me?”

The mare opened her beautiful wings and began to hover. The filly could not figure out why but this adult, unlike any other she had met, did not scare her at all. Even Bucky’s mother still had her a little nervous, this mare made her feel safe in her presence.

The filly began to walk behind her and Luna realized she did not understand she had control in the dream so she lifted the foal onto her back with her magic and flew through the door to another dream.

In this dream there was another Falllen Angel. She looked at herself confused. This fake version of her was being hurt badly by ponies who seemed to be nothing but shadows without faces, behind bars she could see Pint. The small pinto unicorn was trying to get his horn to work to get to the other side but nothing was happening.

“Pint!” Fall called out to him from Luna’s back and suddenly the dream disappeared, all that was left was the three ponies and the darkness but now there were stars shining in it. Luna landed and let Fall climb down and get hugged by her trembling friend who was running at her so fast she nearly fell to the ground. The princess then flew off without a word feeling her work was done.

“Your alright!” he cried “what happened today?”

Fall explained everything to him from her chores and punishments to her nightmares about him.

“We would never be mad at you for something like that. We are your friends no matter what” This time it was Fall who hugged him. “So you were up late working huh? Did you get to see the sunset?“ He new this was one of her favorite things to do.

She shook her head. The pinto smiled “well this is a dream it’s been a long time since we saw one together, you know them really well right?” She nodded “Good think real hard about it.” Without question Fall did as she was told, she was an obedient pony and she had absolute trust in Pint, something she had never felt for anypony until she had met him four or five months back.

Suddenly the sunset the sunset she was imagining was happening right before her eyes. The two little ponies leaned against each other enjoying the warmth of each other that felt almost real until they both woke up hours later, Pint in his parent’s bed at home he had crawled into for comfort having woken after a few of the nightmares and Fall in her nest.

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