• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 2,733 Views, 44 Comments

Long Live Dragon Lord Garble - Matthais Unidostres

Garble becomes the Dragon Lord and invades Equestria. Bad idea.

  • ...

"Long live the Dragon Lord"

"Long live the Dragon Lord. . ."

Garble looked up when he heard the satisfied and contempt sounding voice. He looked up and let out a low growl at the pint-sized dragon, who stood next to a purple Alicorn Princess.

"How's it feel, oh high and mighty Dragon Lord?" Spike said with his lip curled in contempt for the red dragon before him, "How do you like your new. . . palace?"

Garble got up from his lying down position and looked the young purple dragon directly in the eye, keeping his gaze hard and unwavering, trying his hardest not to blink.

Spike didn't even bother trying to win the staring contest Garble tried to start, blinking normally as he continued to stare up at the teenage dragon, still smiling that victorious smile. "So. . . how do you like the living arrangements? Is the food here to your liking, oh great and powerful Dragon Lord?"

A loud gurgling groan was emitted by Garble's stomach. It was a groan of shame, of disgust, of anguish, and of emptiness. Garble clenched his fists, forcing himself not to show any sign of weakness caused by his pride preventing him eating any of the rations he was given. However, Garble soon realized that before long, he would break down and end up eating. Part of him couldn't wait until his pride gave out.

Spike shrugged, chuckling a bit before continuing, "Yeah, I guess it's hard getting used to a new diet, especially in a strange place. I'm sure you've never had acco-. . . accoma-. . . uh, living arrangements like this as an ordinary teenage dragon. Now you're suddenly in the big time! Of course that can be quite a shock. Trust me, I know. Twilight when through the same thing when she became a Princess."

Garble was starting to breathe heavily, the angst was building up in his chest, and it would've threatened to make him throw up if his stomach wasn't empty. His fist were clenched so tightly that his claws were nearly breaking through his scales. His tensed footclaws would've dug into the ground if he hadn't been standing on one of the indestructible white crystal circles common in his current location.

Spike held up his claws in a placating manner and said, "Okay, okay, I get it. You're a busy dragon. You've got lots of Dragon Lord stuff to do. I get that." Spike put his claws down and took a few steps closer to Garble and said, "But there's just one thing I want to know. . ."

"Spike, be careful," Twilight said nervously, outstretching her right forehoof.

Spike paid Twilight not mind, and continued to speak to Garble, saying, "I want to know. . . how did it feel when you saw six ponies levitate into the air, surrounded by nearly blinding light, and transform into these colorful super ponies? How did it feel when your entire army of big and tough dragons breathed fire at them, and it just washed over them like hot air?" Spike chuckled giddily, and he leaned forward towards Garble, only about two feet between the dragons' heads, and asked with a grin, "How'd it feel to get taken down in one hit by a rainbow, oh Dragon Lord?"

Garble let out a terrible, ferocious roar and lunched at Spike, his claws outstretched and his eyes filled with killer intent. Twilight quickly pulled Spike back with her magic in the nick of time. The pony and dragon started at Garble as he swung his claws wildly, reaching his arms frantically through the bars of his cage.

"This was a bad idea, Spike," Twilight said sternly.

Spike had been slightly spooked by the fast brush with danger, but after a couple of deep breaths he calmed down, and confidence quickly returned to his face. He shrugged and said, "Aw, come on, Twilight, I'm fine. And I want this. I convinced Celestia and Luna to agree to it."

"But we didn't need to deliver the message in person or be here to see it happen in person!" Twilight complained.

Spike looked up at Twilight with big eyes and said, "Come on, Twilight. Let me have this. Don't make me fight all my Dragon instincts!"

Twilight sighed, "Fine."

During all this, Garble had been growling and snarling violently, trying with all his might to bend the bars. His attempts were in vain. And so, after quite a while, Garble gave up and sat down with a thud, still glaring hatred at the dragon and pony before him.

"Well," Spike began, "We've kinda gotta go now. We'll leave you to your Dragon Lord business. Oh, but there's just one thing. You see, all Great Leaders need assistants and allies around them. Kind of a support group, ya know."

Garble heard the sound of something clanking behind him. He turned around and saw five other teenage dragons entering the cage, which had sealed shut right behind them.

As Garble stared at his old gang with wide eyes, Spike continued to speak, "What was that you said not too long? Oh yeah, 'We'll take whatever we want from Equestria, and burn the rest.' You probably should've kept your mouth shut Garble, then you might've had the element of surprise. Not as strong as the Elements of Harmony, but. . .heh-heh. . . well yeah. . ."

Garble could feel Fume's death glare even though his eyes were still covered by his yellow hair, the ground shook as Clump thumped his mace-like tail several time, Fizzle had smoke and embers coming out of his nostrils, Baff wore a terrifying slasher smile, and Vex simply cracked his knuckles as he looked straight at Garble.

"Let's get serious for a moment, Garble," Spike said in a level tone, "A few of the victims of your reign actually knew you well enough to support you and trust you, so it makes sense that they would like the chance to have a talk with the dragon responsible for the imprisonment of nearly their entire race."

Spike nodded silently to Twilight, and the two turned to leave. Spike suddenly stopped after a few steps and said with a cheeky smile, and without turning around, "Long Live Dragon Lord Garble. . ."

And with that, Spike walked off with Twilight, the agonized screaming of Garble echoing throughout all of Tartarus, now filled with many, many dragons.

"At least the Tree of Harmony spared some of them," Spike remarked with a bittersweet smile.

"I know," Twilight replied with an excited smile, "Princess Ember will make a great ruler! Not to mention a great pen-pal!"

The End

Author's Note:

Does anyone else think that nothing was really at stake in "Gauntlet of Fire", assuming Spike, Twilight, and Rarity survived and were still able to get back to Ponyville and the Tree of Harmony regardless of who won?

Comments ( 44 )

Oh boy day one story this should be fun

Edit : oh yeah who know how that rainbod power works but against an army I'm not sure it's that powerful

Well, I don't think so, really. It's heavily implied that Dragon magic could overpower most ponies. I know most people think Twilight is one of the most powerful beings in the world, being an alicorn and all, but she's not perfect and is still a learner... sometimes in perilous situations, she tends to shut down for a few seconds, even as a unicorn.

I think without Spike and Ember's teamwork, there would be trouble. But this is a cute and funny story, nice job :yay:

Does anyone else think that nothing was really at stake in "Gauntlet of Fire"

I had the same thought. Clearly there is some reason the dragons didn't invade equestria under thorn so why would anyone think garble and co were a threat?

Yeah I figured that if the dragons invaded Equestria they'd be crushed. Yeah Garble, invade the place with two god-like alicorns that literally raise the sun and the moon each day and see how that turns out for you.:facehoof: However, it gave us a good Spike episode and led to this funny story. :twilightsmile:

7132727 Because Garble had a legit reason for wanting to do it. They made a fool out of him and he hated them.

Yeah... Not really sure the Mane Six would be THAT powerful to stop an army of dragons. Has anyone seen how big they can get? And how many there were in Dragon Quest?

The Elements might be the most powerful defense Equestria has, but I think there are some limits to what they can do.

7132889 An army of dragons isn't even close to the biggest threat they've ever faced. If they can defeat several immortal, godlike beings, they'd have no trouble with a bunch of incompetent dragons being led by an idiot.


If they can defeat several immortal, godlike beings, they'd have no trouble with a bunch of incompetent dragons being led by an idiot.

An idiot with BIG guns!

7132913 Tecnicaly they dont have the elements anymore. And B most of them scratch that all ponies suck at combat need I remind you of the changelings. And besides the show forces on the ponies and their glory any thing about dragons killing shit wont be written in the script.

7132913 The same ponies that ended up being captured by a large group of changlings?

Seriously, people seem to overestimate the skill these ponies have in actually dealing with threats physically, the closest that it came in the series was Twilight with all Alicorn magic fighting Tirek and Twilight failed to deal with Starlight Glimmer.

7133104 Well Tirek had the magic of basically every pony in Equestria and most people can agree that Twilight failing to beat Starlight was just shitty plot armor (that or she was holding back a lot because she didn't actually want to kill her or something).

7132727 Equestria would have won but not everyone in it would have lived

You people are not to bright. The Rainbow Power is essentially either a nuke or a trump card or an "instant win." It defeated Lord Tirek at full strength in one hit, and he was practically a god. The Tree of Harmony is the ultimate source of power in this world. The Magic of Friendship is the ultimate source of magic in this world. Friendship can do anything because that's the point of the show. The fact that you BRONIES cannot grasp this concept by now boggles the mind!

Celestia and Luna can't do anything. They couldn't fight extreme weather. It's the Rainbow Power that will save the day.

FINALLY! Someone with intelligence!

7133192 To be honest I really wish the writers would make Celestia and Luna be able to actually take on a huge threat themselves for once. I mean, if Spike gets his time to shine basically every season (even though not ALL of those episodes are good. Spike at your service I'm looking at you) then Celestia and Luna need to have some too.

Also, the writers of the show seriously expect me and the fanbase in general to believe the very things that raise the motherfucking sun and moon can't win in fights ever. This is a stupid trend they go by and it needs to die.

The Rainbow Magic wouldn't work too well. It's more like a sniper than a bomb. We've seen it affect single targets, and nothing more. It does heal things affected by the target, but it wouldn't just obliterate an army. The most it'd do is remove Garble's authority to control the other dragons as the Dragon Lord. It's possible it could work on a grander scale, but quite unlikely given that the Sombra future has Celestia in it(with access to the Elements) and she can't do a single thing to his army. She hasn't mastered the Elements, of course, but there is precedent to thinking that the friendship magic wouldn't be the best at dealing with secular matters like an army(though it is excellent at taking down magical threats).

The Sun and Moon are puny in the world of Equestria. Just because they can raise them means little since they are so small compared to their real world equivalent. Celestia and Luna should be considered the equivalent to a Captain America pony, not a Superman pony. Unfortunately for them, this still makes them weaker than Garble, considering Garble was still conscious after being flattened by that rock and Celestia was unconscious after a single hit from Nightmare Moon(which had similar power to that rock assuming it's made of catapult worthy material)

Comment posted by Wroth deleted Apr 17th, 2016

7133192 obvious troll is obvious, please hang up and try again.


You people are not to bright.

Psst...You might want to add another O to that, darling :raritywink:


7133192 I feel that for the last resort defense, that the EoH are a bit too suicidal for my tastes and get no respect.

Turns out dragons are basically the North Koreans of Equestria: They talk a lot of shit and act crazy but are so inept and out of touch with the rest of the world that they'll never do anything and everyone else just sort of laughs at them and thinks they're adorable.

Garble Jong-un ain't got shit on ponies.

7133192 Well someone is feeling a bit grumpy.....and besides I do admit I have bias towards dragons. But I can see other argumants on how to dee bunk the tree or the dragon war.

For the war the greed effect pillage to much and all his forces grow out of control and his become a massive horde of uncontrollable death that will kill all life. for one.

And for the tree well from what I understand it is a source of magic in equestrian and is it' biggest source. But from what I can gather it cant use jack if dosent have a trigger effect like the 6 keys. or if all it's users are killed off or disharmany between the triggers. And practicality aside of leaving the biggest weapon in the country into 6 civlian mares. As long as the dragons kill them quick enough they would be pretty good. Or they could I dont know eat it?

Meh I honestly dont know why I am debating this sorry for wasting your time. Keep writing good fic man

7133276 Honestly if I had to go off thier power I would say it's more of a cute mark thing. Thier marks giving them a conection to the celestial bodies and allows them to control either the magnetism or the soloer flares of the bodies. While the unicorns of old just put a shit tone of magic together and forced it. So ya I thing the princess have magic efficey over power when concerning these things

For some reason I find that so much more enjoyable than "Dragons are invincible, guise!"

This story is not good.

It is very sloppily written. Spike is uncharacteristically cruel, as well as strangely uneducated. The story prefers to tell rather than show, Garble's suffering comes off as torture porn written by someone who's never actually read proper torture porn, as well as mean-spirited dog-punting both on the author's part and Spike's part.

In the end, all it is is an amateurish revenge-fic targeted towards a character who already got rather brutally beaten several times in the relevant episode, and then thoroughly humiliated on top of that.

If you people want to read quality one-shots that tell you in just barely over a thousand words exactly why the known universe should kneel to pony, they're all over the shop. Don't waste time with this one.

7134491 The Journal of the Two Sisters confirms this, Celestia and Luna don't get tired when lifting the Sun and Moon because doing so actually replenishes their energy because of their cutie mark.

That being said, the Sun and Moon in MLP are still miniscule in comparison to their real life counterparts. We know this from the times when they are somehow both out at the same time.

7135148 In my defense I was unaware such a thing was confirmed or existed sorry for restating info

7133276 Celestia did NOT have the Elements in the Sombra bad future. At least, there's no reason to assume she did. Keep in mind, the Elements/Rainbow Power have taken down gods.

7134637 Garble wanted to pillage Equestria and burn the rest. There WOULD BE THOUSANDS CASUALTIES! I think Garble the would be mass murderer deserved what I gave to him.

7134637 Also, you're named after a sociopathic criminal mastermind.

7135439 By your own admission, the battle would be over the moment Garble's forces even began to mobilize.

But even ignoring the question of casualties, there is the fact that this ultimately does not matter. Our reactions to 'revenge fic', as it is most commonly known, are very dependent on our feelings towards the characters upon whom revenge is being exacted. If we feel a character has done an overwhelming number of bad things with little to no repercussion, we are more receptive to their slow, violent deaths. As an example, it was very common, prior to Crusaders of the Lost Mark, for Diamond Tiara to be on the receiving end of a great many cruelties in fan fiction. Aside from the obvious moral hang-ups of raping a little girl to death, this behavior was less likely to cause a stir because the majority of fans believed she needed to be punished.

Now, let us contrast Garble. He is only very briefly depicted as being a credible threat to anyone in both of his appearances. He gets away with very little, his crimes being almost immediately punished by cartoony slapstick that is only cartoony because dragons are less likely to be instantly murdered than ponies. His personal threats to Equestria are seen as only a very small part of the larger problem, that being that nearly all of the contenders for Dragon Lord have plans that would also cause widespread damage to Equestria.

Finally, he is not successful. He is soundly defeated, thoroughly humiliated, and incredibly likely to get beaten up by dragons who don't appreciate hugs. There is little to no incentive for the audience to want him to suffer more than he already has.

As another point of comparison, one more in line with the alternate universe argument, let us consider Sombra in the Crystal War timeline. I know of at least one story where he is captured, jailed, and driven to insanity by the machinations of a sadistic Pinkamena. That punishment came across as justified both because the Crystal War lacked a proper conclusion, and we directly saw the negative influence of Sombra's actions.

By contrast, this alternate universe that you present has no reason for us to want to see Garble punished. It is explicitly stated that he did not have the element of surprise, Twilight Sparkle has been shown in canon to be able to teleport multiple ponies from the dragon lands back to Equestria, and as you have proven so fond of espousing in the comments section, Rainbow Power is an instant win condition. Your fic contains no suggestion that anyone other than dragons died in this assault. Punishing a character for actions that take place in an alternate universe only works if your audience has already been exposed to those actions. In order for this story to feel justified, you would have needed to first craft a long, brutal story in which you left the strong impression that Garble should be punished. Except that you have created a reality where, at most, Garble was routed within three hours of becoming Dragon Lord.

Would-be mass murderers are not mass murderers.

7135414 ...Why wouldn't she have the Elements in the bad future? They were still in the Castle in Everfree, surely she could have popped over there and awakened them if things had really gone so far south.

They have taken down gods, but there's a catch. One, they've only taken down one enemy at a time(there's no reason to assume it would work on an army). Two, they have only ever been used on enemies that have been corrupted or altered by magic in some way. Imagine that the Rainbow Powers are a heavy, bolt action sniper rifle that can kill a T-rex in one hit. It's powerful, but it's single shot, and would not be ideal for defense against even two opponents. The Rainbow Powers are like that rifle, and we know this because when they took down Sunset, they went for her specifically and no one else.

7135611 Did we even watch the same movie? In Equestria Girls, the Elements of Harmony (a weaker version of the Rainbow Power) TOOK OUT SUNSET'S ENTIRE ARMY! First it struck the leader (Sunset/Garble), then it branched out and hit the entire army (unbrainwashed the students/banish or capture the dragon army), and it came back and struck the commanders (Snips and Snails/Garble's gang). Equestria Girls actually proves how much of an instant win the Elements/Rainbow Power is.

7135565 I think I understand the mistake you've made. You assumed that this story was a Revenge fic against Garble. I suppose you could maybe interpret it that way, but that was more of an accident on my part. I wrote this story to showcase how unbeatable/OP/broken the Rainbow Power and Tree of Harmony is. The Tree is essentially God in the universe this show takes place in (You could even compare the Plunder Seed Vines to the cross if you wanted to), so it really doesn't matter what villain attacks Equestria because the Rainbow Power will always shut them down. Starlight got past it by using time travel, and the Mane Six couldn't activate it in the Crystal Empire. But if Garble had gotten the staff, Alicorn Princess Twilight would've teleported them either all the way back to Ponyville or traveled in several shorter teleport bursts, and then boom, instant win Rainbow Power.

7141067 So, in order to showcase how awesome Rainbow Power is, you decided to write a story where you spend maybe one whole paragraph talking about Rainbow Power, and then spend the rest of your time insulting Garble.

I'm sorry, but do you understand how focus and prioritization works? You didn't write a story about how much you're convinced that Rainbow Power is a supergod, you wrote a story about how utterly pathetic Garble's invasion attempt is.

Does anyone else consider the comment section of a story being more entertaining than the story a bad sign? Or is it part of the story and thus contributing/saving quality?

7141798 I find it's generally a bad sign. There are some rare cases, but it's usually bad.


let us consider Sombra in the Crystal War timeline. I know of at least one story where he is captured, jailed, and driven to insanity by the machinations of a sadistic Pinkamena.

ohh what story is that?

7462246 Whatever. Enjoy the story.

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