• Published 13th May 2016
  • 2,612 Views, 137 Comments

To Love A Princess - Jetflame

How do you know if you truly Love somepony is it instinctual? Is it a feeling? Two Pony's are about to find out if they are truly able to love somepony special

Comments ( 21 )

an update, a simple update but dam a good update, keep up the great work

Thank you for the update my friend. More please

short and sweet, cant wait for the next chapter

Now that I have introduced the night counsel the wedding will be hopefully be out in the next few weeks there will be action battle tore and self defense vampony blood drinking as well as a potential clop scene near the end of the chapter.

wooohoo! cant wait! *excited squee*

Ok. So here comes my critique.
Starting with the good. I love the story. You seem to have all these great ideas and there is so much here.
Now the nit picks. There are a few of them. But don’t let that bother you. Its mostly tips on improving the writing its self and not the story.
First and foremost, look out for periods. There is an astounding lack of them and it makes your sentences blur together. It makes for a clunky story and hard to follow what the characters are saying.
Next topic is repeating. We know celectia has a baron womb. Celestia knows. Twilight knows. Every one knows. When you have two characters talking who both have the same knowledge you do not need to repeat it. Go back two chapters and reread the conversation between Celestia and Twilight. Count how many times they say what the problem is. If its more than two then it is too much.
Trust in your readers to be able to remember things you have told them in the past. Especially if you told us earlier in the chapter.

Remember I’m not attacking you or the story. I love what you have. Its just how you present it is a little clunky. With a little bit of prereading and self editing it will be much easier to follow!

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

Right now I'm working on it I want it to flow right. This chapter will be the wedding chapter of Shining and Cadence there will be combat in it as well as somepony or ponies being impregnated near the end not sure who it will be yet. I write what feels right.

How many chapters will this story have and want is the next chapter coming out

To be Honest I'm not sure on the Chapter Count as for when the next chapter will be out.. I've been working on it though I might have to do some extra chapters to fill in the gaps before the actual wedding happens. Plus I'm having some issues with the Fight scene Layout how it will go and who is involved how the changelings got in cause the way it happened In cannon will not work with how I have Twilight and Shining Armor being Vamps. Plus the Structure of the chapter is taking a bit to flush out.

Oh I origonaly planned for 20 chapters but it might end up being more got a lot of things to cover Scence the story Takes place at Season 1 and goes till season 7 with some Miner diffrences in how some of the events happened.

When will the next chapter come out

Hopefully soon working through a writers block

Do you have any idea and will Twilight have any more heard member

Oh yes she will have more who will it be don't know yet.

I would like to see dragon lord Ember as one of Twilight heard members or Queen Chrysalis

Well I know for sure a dragon griffin even others will have a spot haven't decided on who will join on as for cheese for legs she will not be in any state after Twilight and Shinng get through with her.

I have not Forsaken this story. It's not canceled or going on Hyades, I have 4 groups well 3 unless you count Celestia and the other ponies as a faction that is in between these groups. Vamponies, Paladins Of Celestial light, The Children of the Night are the mane groups then we have the bystanders civvies if you will that have nothing to do with this little war between the groups. Hell I might just release what I have as an Interlude. On how the Children of the night that are vamponies reacted to Luna's introduction and return.

Does it refer to their wedding or the appearance of Chrysalis? And speaking of her, I think she would be an interesting addition to the herd, because thinking about her and her species, they only invaded because of the lack of food, and that they couldn't simply ask for the ponies because the same thing would happen as happened. with vampires,
it could be both a way of reforming her and it shows that appearance can play against the accusations thrown at her (if you accept this idea, don't make her colorful, I think this version is very ugly), which would make Twi feel empathy for her because they go through for something your ancestors went through.
(sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm from Brazil and I use Google translator to read and comment)

I liked this idea, it would be great to know how this "reunion" went.

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