• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 431 Views, 2 Comments

The Dimensional Saviors - omegafan101

Haruhi Fujioka, Sonic the Hedgehoh, Kirito and Twilight Sparkle team up to defeat stop their enemies from taking over their worlds.

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Chapter 4: Fears of the Changeling Dungeon

Haruhi woke up with a start, “Man what a dream,” she thought to herself. She attempted to stand up but fell on her face once again, “Oh great” she thought, as she looked at her hooves, “Guess I wasn’t dreaming.”

Haruhi got up on her hooves and looked around and found the others getting up. The last thing she could remember was meeting Tirek and then getting blasted with some sort of energy. She looked around once agin and found that she was in a prison cell.

The walls around them were black and beyond the bars was nothing the eye could see, due to the darkness.

“Everyone alright?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Sonic said, “What happened anyway?”

“As far as I can tell we were knocked out by some sort of spell.”

“Well, were are we now?” Kirito asked.

“If I can remember correctly,” Twilight thought for a second, “The last thing Tirek said was that he was sending us to-” Twilight gasped in fear.

“The Changeling Dungeons!” A fifth voice echoed through the room. It sounded like a woman, er, mare, and sounded almost demonic. The room was suddenly lit by an eerie green glow. Creating the glow was a terrifying large black creature.

About twice as large as Twilight, the creature had a crooked horn and bug like wings. But what was worse was the massive holes in her legs, almost making them look like black swiss cheese. She stood above them, smirking.

“Chrysalis!” Twilight said.

“That’s Queen Chrysalis!” the creature said, “You have no power over me here Princess Twilight Sparkle. For you are now in my domain! You are in the Changeling Kingdom!” Chrysalis’s words echoed through the dungeon, followed by a flash of lightning outside of the castle, even though there was no rain.

Haruhi jumped from the sudden lightning. Sonic turned to Kirito, “Do you ever feel like you’re in a movie or something?” he said.

“What are you and Tirek up to Chrysalis?” Twilight said to her.

“Well, Tirek didn’t tell me exactly what he and the Syndicate were up to, but it’s not like I really care. Tirek simply asked that I give him my army to help in the fighting. And in exchange, I get half of Equestria!” Chrysalis let out an evil laugh, “Plus Tirek’s teammates have loaned me some amazing advanced technology that really helps keep the dungeons more secure.”

“What are you planning on doing to us?” Kirito asked, stepping forward.

“Oh nothing really, I was just ordered by Tirek to keep the four of you locked up in my dungeon until they’re done with their plans. Should be easy enough.”

“You’ll never get away with this!” Twilight said.

“Oh, so cliche darling. And besides, why say something like that, when we all know it’s not true.” Chrysalis let out another laugh as she walked out of the dungeons. Lighting randomly struck once again.

Haruhi jumped from the lighting and leapt onto the side of Kirito without even thinking.

“Seriously! I feel like I’m in some sort of kids show!” Sonic said.

Haruhi stopped her shaking and realized what she had done. She lowered herself down from Kirito, “Uh, s-sorry,” She said, “I’ve just got some p-pretty bad a-astraphobia…”

“Astro what now?” Sonic asked.

“Astraphobia,” Kirito corrected, “It’s a fear of thunder and lighting.”

Sonic let out a snicker, “That’s a dumb fear.”

Haruhi began to get angry, “And what’s your phobia hedgehog?”

“M-Me!? W-well it’s a completely rational and understandable fear…”

“Then what is it?” Twilight asked.

Sonic stood there, frozen. He muttered something none of the Saviors could hear, “What was that?” Kirito asked.

“I’m afraid of water okay!” Sonic finally said.

The others kept in their laughter as best they could.

“Oh shut up! What about you two huh!?” Twilight froze while Kirito simply stopped laughing, not embarrassed about his fear.

Before Twilight could say anything the cell doors opened and the four heroes were set free, “Haha! We’re free!” she said, ignoring the question.

“Nope, not yet,” Kirito said. He pointed his hoof at the exit, blocked by multiple large beams of blue energy, “This must be that advanced technology Chrysalis was talking about.”

“Looks like the work of Eggman,” Sonic said, “And I haven’t forgotten about your fears, especially you Twilight.”

“I’ve got necrophobia, fear of dead things. It’s why I prefer not to kill, that and I’m a good person.”

“Okay, Twilight”

Twilight stood there, trying to think of a way to get out of telling her ridiculous fear. Compared to hers water seemed like a completely rational fear.

“Sonic just let it go,” Haruhi said, “we need to find a way out of here.”

“Nope,” Sonic exclaimed, “I ain’t budging till she tells us!”

Haruhi let out a sigh, “Twilight, just do it, I’d like to get out of here.”

“Besides,” Kirito started, “it’s only fair.”

“Alight!” Twilight exclaimed, “Fine, you win,” Twilight took a large breath and held it for a bit, until she finally sighed out her embarrassing fear, “Quesadillas…”

The three stood there, speechless. For about of two seconds. Sonic fell on the floor, laughing hysterically, Haruhi tried to hold her laughter in but she just couldn’t help it, Kirito tried his best to hold his laughter in.

“Alright I get it! Could you stop laughing!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“I’m sorry Twilight!” Haruhi said while laughing, “It’s just to funny!”

Haruhi and Kirito finally calmed down, while Sonic regained the ability to speak while laughing, “I CAN’T BREATH!” he said, still laughing historically. As a small moment of time passed Sonic finally stopped laughing and got on his four hooves, “Whoo that was funny!”

“Now,” Kirito started, “About getting out of here. Twilight, can't you teleport us all out of here?"

"I wish I could but Chrysalis put magical inhibitors on us," Twilight said, pointing to the silver ring around her horn, "The most I can do is levitate things. Besides, even if I could use magic, I can only teleport myself."

“I have the solution,” Sonic said, boasting.

“You do?” Haruhi asked, a bit confused.

“Of course! Like I said, this barrier is clearly the work of Eggman, and I know Eggman. He may be a robotics genius, but he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to common sense. All we need to do is find some kind of switch or a weak point and we’ll be outta here in no time.”

“Oh please,” Haruhi said, "With the Syndicate helping him, I don’t think Eggman will be dumb enough to put a button in our jail cell.”

“True,” Sonic said, “But there could still be a weak point,” Sonic walked toward the barrier and stared at it, “Found it!” he said.

“Oh really, then use it.” Haruhi said sarcastically.

“Gladly.” Sonic walked towards the back of the room and turned around. He got down low and got in a ready position. He then began to run towards the barrier at speeds that should be impossible for a human being. He then jumped into the air, rolled into a blue spinning ball, and launched towards a point in the barrier, hitting it. He came back down and landed on all four of his hooves, “Wait for it…” the barrier suddenly flickered and finally turned off, “Violá.”

Haruhi and Twilight stood there awe struck, “H-how the hell did you do that!?” Haruhi asked.

“They don’t call me Sonic for nothing.”

“Okay… But what about the ball thing!?” Twilight asked, “And how did you launch yourself while in the air!?”

“It’s called a homing attack, and it’s my most basic move, so if you were amazed by that, you’re gonna love what else I’ve got.” Sonic began to walk out the now open door.

“Th-that defies the laws of physics!” Haruhi said.

Kirito put both his hooves on the girls’ shoulders, “Just let it go,” he began to walk out the door behind Sonic.

The girls looked at each other and sighed, as they followed the boys out into the rest of the castle.

Author's Note:

This chapter was kinda useless, but I made it anyway! And if you don't like it! To bad!

Comments ( 1 )

I know it's been a year since you updated this story but I hope the next chapter comes out soon.

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