• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 431 Views, 2 Comments

The Dimensional Saviors - omegafan101

Haruhi Fujioka, Sonic the Hedgehoh, Kirito and Twilight Sparkle team up to defeat stop their enemies from taking over their worlds.

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Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

Author's Note:

The following chapter refers to Beni Bara as an insane feminist, this in no way is to insult any feminists that happen to be reading this, it's simply referring to Beni Bara's strange views on men. If this is any way insulting, I apologize.

It was a normal day for Haruhi Fujioka, she woke up, made breakfast, brushed her short hair and put on her school uniform. Yep, a normal day… well… as normal any day can be for a poor girl going to a private rich kids school disguised as a male host. “Yep,” she thought, “That’s a normal day.”

She grabbed her bag, walked out the door to her apartment and locked the door behind her. She looked down the balcony of her apartment, although it was rather small, and saw nothing but people walking around the neighbor hood getting done what they needed to get done, “Yep,” she thought again, “Just a normal day.”

Suddenly, a familiar voice came over some kind of speaker attached to one of the buildings, “Citizens!” it said, “Allow me to introduce myself! My name, is Beni Bara of the Lobelia Saint Girls Academy and leader of the Zuka Club!”

“Beni Bara!?" Haruhi said, just as confused as the other citizens. She looked around the street and noticed that the speakers were set up all along the street, “She’s broadcasting this to the whole neighborhood!” she thought, “Who am I kidding, knowing these damn rich people she’s probably broadcasting this to the entire city and then some.”

“Allow me to explain our reasoning for the sudden broadcast. You see, there’s one thing most every one of us here at Lobelia agree on: Men are idiots. So, with some convincing and help from my new friends, I’ve decided to capture all men and enslave them! And women shall take their rightful place as rulers! I know, it may sound a bit silly, but once you all see it my way, you’ll agree with me. CAPTURE THEM!!!”

Suddenly, what looked to be Beni Bara’s fan club members drove into the streets with giant vacuum looking machines, the size of tanks. They sucked up all the men and women into the machines, “Take them back to Lobelia, men shall be locked up and women shall join as at the top. Any that disagree, will be ‘convinced’. And make sure you find Haruhi Fujioka, she is to join us at the throne as fellow ruler!” The loud speaker turned off.

As the fans sucked up more men, women and even children, they didn’t seem to notice Haruhi. She quickly unlocked her door and retired to her apartment. She let out a deep sigh of relief, “What the hell is Beni Bara thinking?” she asked herself, “I mean I knew she was crazy but not THIS crazy!” Haruhi thought back to the host’s and her’s other encounters with Beni Bara and the Zuka Club, at first they just seemed like insane feminists who hated men and tried to “rescue” Haruhi from Ouran. But then they kidnapped her and attempted to steal her first kiss from her, not that she cared about a first kiss, but she certainly didn’t want it to be with a girl… Even though that already happened… But still they KIDNAPPED her. But that’s nothing compared to basically taking over the city!

“Hiding here’s probably not the best idea,” she thought, “Unfortunately, they know where I live so they’ll find me fairly quickly.”

Before Haruhi could finish her thought, a large blue light appeared in her apartment. It made a strange indescribable noise and looked to be some kind of a wormhole, or a portal, or something. She cautiously stepped away from it, not wanting to be pulled in. All of the sudden a strange little girl in a white dress came through the portal. She looked up at Haruhi and smiled, “Hello!”

“W—W-Who are y-you?” Haruhi said, rather scared. She lived a strange life but this was certainly different.

“My name’s Yui! My daddy sent me here to get you.”

“Y-your daddy?”


“S-so y-you’re not with Beni Bara?

“Nope, I’m from another universe. My daddy sent me here to get you.”

“A-another universe!?”

“Yep, we need you’re help to save our universe and yours, come on!” Yui jumped back through the portal and disappeared.

Haruhi stared at the portal that the little girl had disappeared into, with a million things racing through her mind, until she came to the only logical conclusion, “Oh I get it,” she said, “This is just a dream. It’s a really crazy one too. Oh what the hell, it’s just a dream, it’s not like anything bad will happen.” Haruhi jumped through the portal.

The portal was defiantly a strange experience, blue light emanating throughout the whole thing, lightning striking everywhere but somehow never hitting Haruhi. She finally saw light at the end of the tunnel. She came out the other end and fell flat on her face. She lifted her head up to see three figures standing over her. A teenage boy in black with swords on his back, a giant furry creature, and a purple girl. Haruhi was terrified… she felt pain from her landing… Haruhi’s normal day had ended… This was no dream…