• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 431 Views, 2 Comments

The Dimensional Saviors - omegafan101

Haruhi Fujioka, Sonic the Hedgehoh, Kirito and Twilight Sparkle team up to defeat stop their enemies from taking over their worlds.

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Chapter 2: Details

Stood in front of Haruhi were three strange figures. One was a boy who looked to be about her age dressed up in a black cloak with two swords holstered on his back. The next was a giant blue furry creature wearing nothing but gloves and shoes. The last was a purple girl that also looked like she was her age with wings sticking out of her back.

“Huh, she actually came,” The boy said.

“So this is the guy that’s gonna help us?” The creature said, “He looks small, scrawny and wimpy.”

“Um, Sonic,” The purple girl said, “I think that’s a girl…”

“Nah, it can’t be, look at him,” The creature, Sonic, said, “His hair’s to short, he’s wearing a suit and his chest is way to flat. This is obviously a guy.”

“Nope, she’s a girl,” The boy said.

Sonic started blushing and lost whatever smugness was on his face, “Oh, uh, sorry,” He apologized, “It’s just, you kinda look like a dude.”

“N-n-n-no it’s okay,” Haruhi said, still terrified, “I-I-I get that a lot…”

“Phew!” Sonic said, looking relived, “Well, that makes me feel better.”

The boy put out his hand to help Haruhi up. Reluctantly, Haruhi reached out her hand and allowed the boy to pull her up. This was followed by a handshake, “Name’s Kirito,” he said, “Nice to meet you Haruhi.”

Now Haruhi was even more confused, how did this guy know his name!? And more importantly, were was she!?!

Sonic held out his hand and shook Haruhi’s, not even letting her agree to the handshake, “I’m Sonic,” he said, “Sonic the Hedgehog,”

Next was the purple girl, “Hello there,” she said, “My name’s Twilight Sparkle,” she held out her hand but before Haruhi could shake it, Sonic bursted out laughing, “Oh come on Sonic!” She said, “Again!?”

“I’m sorry!” still laughing, “It’s just to funny!” he finally managed to stop and wiped a tear from his eye, “Sorry, can’t help it, your name is hilarious.”

“Well it’s very insulting.”

“Yeah, I can be like that.”

“Can we focus!” Kirito said, “We need to stop the Syndicate!”

“What is the Syndicate anyway?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, I don’t think you ever told us.” Sonic agreed.

“Well-“ Before Kirito could finish his explanation, Haruhi cut him off.

“Hold up sword boy!” she said, now snapped out of her state of shock, “I just witnessed a crazy lesbian take over my city and then a little girl came through a portal and told me to follow her through! At first I thought it was a dream but there is no way that this is! Now my question is, of ALL people, why would you get ME to help YOU fight THAT! I don’t fight things! I’m a high school student!”

“Calm down!” Sonic said, “Pull yourself together!” He proceeded to lightly slap her face as a joke, Haruhi wasn’t laughing. In fact she appeared to have fire in her eyes, “Oh shi-” Haruhi pulled back her fist and punched Sonic square in the gut, causing the hedgehog to go flying backwards and crash into a wall, “Ow…”

“Don’t fight huh?” Kirito asked.

“Oh shut up!” Haruhi screamed, “I just got angry…” she said, denying the fact that she just did that, “So, what exactly is going on?”

“I was trying to explain that,” Kirito said, sounding a bit annoyed, “Yui, start up the presentation.”

“Okay Daddy,” Yui said.

“Daddy!?” Sonic said, “You look like you’re sixteen! Unless…”

“Get any of those thoughts out of your head!” Kirito said, “She’s a little girl my girlfriend and I found alone, so we adopted her. Also she’s an A.I.”

“You have an A.I. for a daughter?” Sonic asked.

“Woah really!?” Twilight said, kneeling down to get to Yui’s height, “That’s amazing! I’ve never seen technology like this! It’s so advanced!”

“Well, technology from my world is more advanced then any of yours,” Kirito said.

“So, let me get this straight,” Haruhi said, “You found an A.I. roaming around the city and adopted her? And what’s with this”My world” nonsense”

“Well no, you see in my world we have technology called Nerve Gear. It’s a gaming console that allows the user to actually feel like they’re in the video game. One day over 10,000 people, including my girlfriend and I, were trapped inside a game called Sword Art Online, and if you died in the game you died in real life. That’s when we found Yui. It took two years for anyone to get out, and even then only about 6,000 people survived.”

“Yikes, that sounds brutal,” Sonic said.

“Yep, as for the other worlds, I’ll explain that right now. Yui, is it ready?”

“It’s been ready for a while now,” the little girl said, “You just took to long to explain.”

“Well, okay then.” Kirito brought the other three to a giant computer and started typing, “This is my enemy, Sugou,” a picture of a man with blond hair and fairy wings appeared on the screen, “He’s an absolutely terrible person. The day everyone got out of SAO, he trapped half of them in another game called Alfheim Online. I got lucky, but my girlfriend was trapped. I was able to beat him and he was locked away, but now he’s broken out and created a dimensional portal inside of ALO so that he could keep his powers. He used it to travel to your worlds and gathered some of the most evil people he could find. Haruhi’s enemy Beni Bara,” a picture of Beni Bara showed up on the screen, she was a very tall woman with hair just as short as Haruhi’s, and some how every picture she appeared in she was doing some kind of ballet pose, “Sonic’s enemy Eggman,” a picture of a large fat man in a red jumpsuit appeared on screen. He was baled and wore some massive gray boots, “And Twilight’s enemy Tirek,” This one was the scariest of the four. Appearing on the screen was a ginormous centaur with two horns and what looked to be a ball energy between them, “These four have teamed up to form the Evil Syndicate and are working together to conquer each of their worlds, luckily, I was already looking for Sogou when he made it, so I saw him travel through the portal. I was able to steal the plans and made my own portal, I did some research and got you three to help me.”

“S-so,” Haruhi started, “I’m in another dimension right now?”

“Yeah, you’re in mine.”

“Eh, nothing I’ve never done before,” Sonic said.

“Same here,” Twilight said.

“Well you guys are clearly from worlds were this happens on a regular basis!” Haruhi said, “I’m not! I’ve never done anything like this before! Why would you choose me!?”

“Well, when I did my research, I found that the ones who had dealt with Beni Bara were you and the host club, honestly you just seemed the most tolerable of them, but seeing what you did to Sonic, I think you can really help us.”

“A-and if I refuse?”

Kirito stared at her, thinking, “Then, there’s a chance your's and all of our worlds will fall.” Haruhi didn’t say anything, “So, you guys in?” he said, turning to Sonic and Twilight.

“Absolutely,” Twilight said.

“Oh yeah!” Sonic said, “Let’s kick some Syndicate butt!”

“Haruhi?” Kirito asked.

The three heroes started at Haruhi. The female host stood there and said nothing, thinking, for a good long while, “Okay,” she finally responded, “I’ll do it…”

Kirito smiled, “Alright then, let’s get started.”

“What do we do first?” Sonic asked.

“How about Equestria?” Twilight asked, “Tirek needs to be stopped.”

“Alright then,” Kirito said, “Yui, set the portal to dimension MLP:FIM.”

“Alright Daddy,” Yui said as the portal opened.

The four heroes stood in front of the portal, getting ready to go through, “Everyone ready?” Kirito asked.

“Before we go,” Sonic said, “We should have a team name.”

“Um… What did you have in mind?”

“How about… ‘Sonic and Friends’”

“Um, no,” Twilight said, “I was thinking something more like, ‘The Fantastic Four’”

“That’s actually already a thing,” Kirito said, “How about, ‘The… Heroic Syndicate’…?”

“Oh no way!” Sonic said, “That’s just a rip off of the bad guy’s team!”

“Well at least it’s better than, ‘Sonic and friends’!”

“Guys!” Twilight screamed, “Why don’t we hear what Haruhi has to say?”

The three looked at Haruhi, who was trying to keep her distance from them, “Um…” she said, “What about… ‘The Dimensional Saviors’…?”

Kirito and Twilight smiled, “I like that,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, it fits,” Kirito agreed.

“Eh, it’s okay,” Sonic said. Twilight punched him in the arm, “Ow! What!?” Twilight stared him down, “Fine, it’s great! Can we go now!?”

“You’re the one that wanted to name the team!” Kirito said, “Now is everyone ready?” The other three nodded, “Alright, let’s go!”

The four heroes jumped through the portal going to Equestria.

And the Dimensional Saviors, were born.