• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 1,221 Views, 4 Comments

Seein' Pink and Blue - Lock Target

A certain Blue Streak and his new Pretty Pink Partner get fed up with the world of Fan Labor.

  • ...

Part 1: Let's get real

One morning, in a colorful, suburban home, Pinkie Pie wakes up groggy. After doing her morning routine, she heads down to the kitchen where Gilda had just finished pouring a cup of coffee. She slides it over to Pinkie who sighs in a sulkful manner.

"Somethin' on your mind, Pinks?"

Pinkie sighs again. "It's nothing much, just that I think I'm in a rut at this point"

"You don't say" replied Gilda starting on making her cup, "Why's that?"

"Well" Pinkie started, putting some sugar and creamers into her coffee, "It's this whole fan labor business. I mean, it's so constant! I can handle it in small amounts, but it ALWAYS doubles in between seasons of the show!"

"It's only been two seasons, don't worry about it"

"That's easy for YOU to say" cried Pinkie in an upset tone, "YOU'RE a minor character! I just need a break from this life, you know? To see the world outside of this one!"

"You know why we can't do that"

"I know, it would be catastrophic to both worlds" Pinkie sighed again.

Gilda looks at her watch saying "Well, time to get a move on! We'll be late for work"

The two head out to their car with Gilda at the driver's seat driving to their destination in the cartoony town. As they make it to the Flabor Studios building, the cast of That 70's show rear-ends them.

"Son of a BITCH!" said Fez.

Guilda sighs claiming, "I hate mondays...Good thing I got Allstate"

Pinkie exits the car noticing Soinc standing on her side in between the cars. She walks over to him as Gilda and Eric start arguing.

"Are you okay?"

"Whoa, THAT was close!" said the Blue Streak turning over to Eric. "Hey, if you were a little faster, you'd have another lawsuit on your hands!" He rests his elbow on the back of the girls' car, rests his head on his fist and sighs. "Not that it matters today"

"Why not?"

"I don't know...I've just been doing this for years, I feel like I'm in a rut"

"You too?"

"Look, Pinkie, just go punch us in, this is gonna take a while"





Pinkie, Sonic and the rest of the That 70's show cast head into the building heading for the punch-in area along the way, several other characters are seen practicing their lines.

"Please put down your weapon, you have 30 seconds to comply!"

"That's-a good, now make-a me feel it!"

"Please put down your weapon, you have 25 seconds to comply! 24, 23, 22, 21..."


"I just don't know what went wrong...I JUST don't know what went wrong, I just don't KNOW what went wrong...My knowledge of this occurence's error does not compute, beep-boop...Varily, dear firend, I hath no idea of what brought this event to this unsatisfactory result...Yo, I ain't got no clue what went down, girl, where mah muffins at?"

"I'm telling you, I've not been getting any where I'm trying to bust them, get hurt or anything like that...That's beside the point! The humor of the show is that bad stuff happens to me which in some ocasions, gets me into Jeremy's arms! What are my fans gonna say about this...? Well, in a couple hours, I have to do a crossover with Meg Griffin, MEG GRIFFIN for pitty sake! When did it get like this? I mean- Why are you laughing? Hello? HELLO!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"

"Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out.
Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out. Wig out"

Anyway, they eventually make it and all punch in. Sonic and Pinkie are handed lists of where they're needed.

"Gilda get into another dispute?" Asked the guy handing out lissts.

"Eric rear-ended us"

"He rear-ended somebody AGAIN!? That seems to happen at least once a week"

"He almost got ME this time"

Moments later the two are having breakfast in the Cafeteria with Spike. Pinkie is laying her face on the table.

"So what do YOU guys have?" asked Spike, "Me, I'm doing a short comic with Garfield, Homestar and the Annoying Orange. I just hope they don't do the knife bit"

"Probably not" said Sonic, "When I did a crossover with the Annoying Orange, I was struck with a wrecking ball"

Gilda arrives with Mario and the girls.

"Hi, Pinkie" said Twilight, "Gilda told us you were feeling a bit down"

Pinkie sighed. "Yeah, but it's nice to know that somepony else has the same problem"

"I try to muttle through the day otherwise" Sonic added before taking a bite out of his pastry.

"What has been goin' up, my cultuwal wefewences?"

"Hey, Homestar. Still up for that race with me and Rainbow Dash after work?"

"We'll finally know who's the fastest out of the three of us!"

"Sa-wee Not-Mawio and Not-Mw. Ed, can't tonight. My giwl's makin' me spend time with hew"

"...Did you just call me Not-Mr. Ed?"

"So he called you Not-Mr. Ed, big deal, wanna fight about it?"

An exasperated AJ bucks him into Orange's oatmeal.


"Oops, I'm a 'might sorry, sport"

"You're an APPLE!"

"...Yer point?"

"...Okay, now you're just trying to get my OAT!" Orange laughs.


Luigi enters the cafeteria and hides under the table winded. The ED-209 enters and starts shooting around. Mario and Sonic nod at each other and head into battle. Mario distracts the ED while Sonic disarms him. Mario then pulls out a fire flower and transforms into Fire Mario melting the ED and then transforms back to normal when a metal pail falls on him.

Pinkie Pie Groans, "It's so BORING around here!"

"Tell me about it, that's the third ED this month alone!"

"It's-a not so bad"

"Easy for YOU to say, you're rarely used in X-rated works"

"Wow, Pinks, looks like you found a kindred spirit"

"Ahem, well, everypony" said Twilight, "We better finish up here, breakfast is almost over"

Moments after break fast, Sonic is seen with Donkey Kong practicing their lines. Pinkie arrives.

"Hey Pinkie, what are you doing her?"

"I'm scheduled for a cameo in some webtoon called 'Plumber in Pursuit'. What's that?"

"It's this 10-part comedy short series where I'm being chased by Mario because he thinks I slept with Princess Peach. We're half way done after this one"

"Ah, yes" said DK in a refined british-accennted voice, "You represent the bored mind of a gentleman who while is loyal to other fandoms, fancies a world where equines are sapient, where mythic creatures are a common thing, where THE SOCIETY OF CHILDREN'S TLEVISED ENTERTAINMENT IS AT A DWINDLING POINT THAT THEY WAVE A WHITE FLAG THAT IS THE VERY SHOW THAT YOU ARE A RAGULAR OF AND DRIVE THOSE WITH ORIGINAL IDEAS INTO MADNESS...! Here's your script" He then hands Pinkie a single-paged script.

"I wet myself in my brain...Good thing it was wearing pants...'There you are you silly monkey, you owe me a bannana'...That's it, huh?"

"Afraid so, it IS a cameo appearence after all, my dear"

The director walks in on them saying, "Filming's been delayed, Forman's doing one of his suicide bomb threats on the set"


Moments after getting Eric off the set, filming began.

"We're rolling...Speed"

"Marker" The Clapperloader snaps the clapperboard and moves it away.

"Aaand, action"

Mario and Sonic run on a tred wheel in front of a green screen. Mario is weilding a hammer.

"Admit it, you can't keep up!"

"I'M-A GONNA GET YOU!" Mario shouts before tripping launching him out of the shot.

Donkey Kong comes down on a flying harness from a nearby tree prop.


"Hey, get your mits off me!"

Donkey Kong places him on the branch.


"Well...You DID save me from Mario. You see, last night I wound up in her room. Thinking I was a plush toy, she cuddled me for the rest of the night. I didn't want to wake her so I just fell asleep. This morning, he found me and it turns out she wasn't fully covered if you get my meaning. He put this all together and he's been trying to pound me into the ground since. Maybe with your help, I can pin him down long enough to set the record straight"

"And cue Pinkie Pie"

Pinkie pops out from behind the tree.


She gives a shout and starts attacking DK. Moments after shooting, Sonic and Pinkie are seen walking down a hall.

"...Though I see your frustration. While I've been in the Fan Labor business longer, you guys are a very hot topic right now"

"I know...I just wish I could go visit the Other World, at least for one day"

Sonic sighs, "Yeah, that would be nice..."

"I think I may know a way" said Eric. "Meet me back her at night" He then walks away.

"...So what do YOU have next?"

"Well, I have a photo shoot and then I have to be on an edition to the Cupcakes series...And that's pretty much it"

"Lucky you"

That night, the two head back to the studio. Eric is seen at the front door.

"Come with me"

Eric leads them through the halls into a darkened area. The two have never been down this way before, their heads filled with wonder. Why is Eric being so conciderate lately, they wondered? What does HE have to gain? The trio makes it to a valved door.

"Behold, this door leads to the Other World. You must be careful, if you remain there for three days, it will cause utter bedlem and could be catastrophic to your fandoms"

"Oh that's okay" said Pinkie, "We're just going to be there for one"

"Of course you are"

Sonic turns the valve and opens the door. Pinkie jumps in.


"Why don't you come with us?"

"I'd better not, who will keep your secret?"

"Good point. You sure you can handle that responsiblity?"

"You have my word as a Jedi"

"Okay then" said Sonic jumping into the door, "GERONIMOOOO!"

Eric closes the door behind them and reseals it giving a maniacal laugh.

"Perfect, just perfect...The drug I gave them worked like a charm. Now my plan comes into fruition! They remain in the Other World forever and their fandoms dwindle. People soon not see a familiar face, their empires will crumble! Then, once that comes to pass, That 70's show will have the biggest cult following since Looney Tunes! AHAHAHAHA!"

A clang is heard. Eric pulls a nearby rope pulling a cage holding Fez and Fluttershy.

"And no one will be able to stop me..."

"...My American friend...You have gone insane!"

"Think of it, Fez-"

"I said CUCKOO!"

"You won't get away with this...! I might not be able to stop you...Nor can Fez....Sompony will stop you, I don't know who..."

"Hmm...Hm-hm...Hmhmhmhmhahahahaha, AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!"


To be continued.

Comments ( 4 )

Boredom strikes again, everypony. :fluttershysad:

This doesn't need all those tags, just AU and Random. For it truly is.


I'm going to back away slowly, and come back when there's more weird shit.

751222 Once part two comes out, then it will need these tags.

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