• Published 11th Sep 2016
  • 295 Views, 0 Comments

The Machine Factory - BlazingLight

Taylor and Elena go into the work force of The Machine Factory and try to find the truth behind it's closed doors.

  • ...

The Plan

It's time. This is the hour we save this world from it polluted tyranny. The van stopped at the same entrance that I left. Me and Upi climb out of the van and we meet Tsaingein at the front. "Alright Upi. Where's this secret entrance?" She takes out and assault rifle from behind and points it to the wall. "It's actually close to where you left the first time." She walks towards that entrance and stops in front of it. She places a hand on the wall to our right and it pushes inwards. We all decide to delve ourselves deeper into this area.

All I could think now was Elena. I couldn't stop thinking that this might not work, that all of this could go wrong at any point. And it's true. We could all either die, or we'll be forced to stay in here until the day we expire. I would never want to go that way. I'd rather live a peaceful life instead of ruining it for everyone around me.

Upi lead the way, pointing her gun towards the darkness with a flashlight attached to it. The light shines far into the darkness, the dust flying around the light. We kept moving forward, knowing that we couldn't stop now, and that we needed to finish our little mission. I had to keep moving forward, no matter what. As long as I know that my friends will make it out of this alive and well.

Upi turns her head to look behind her for a second and saw the determination on my face. She gave a light smirk and kept going forward. "Just remember, if anything goes wrong, it's all our faults. We all need to work together on this. Teams got to stick together."

I nodded to her small spiel. And she's right. If anything goes wrong, it's all our faults. But inside, I feel that it'll be just my fault the whole time. I was the one that got these two to help out. If only I had the ability to do this all myself, then I wouldn't have to put anyone else in danger.

We all kept going through the tunnel that led into the factory. Luckily, we managed to get inside without any trouble. The bad thing is, we weren't alone when we got out of the tunnel. We ended up at a door in a small corridor and we could hear someone on the other side yelling at someone.

I got ahead of Upi and put my ear onto the entrance of the room and listened closely. I could hear two people on the other side talking to each other. One of the voices was muffled, so I couldn't manage to hear their voice. But the other voice I know was Rainbow Dash saying, "Why did you help him?". I assumed that she was talking about me.

"Why did you help him?" Rainbow Dash said to the pony for the second time, after the muffled voice didn't answer. This time, they answered and said something about not liking it here.

"Then why didn't you leave then? Since you hated it here so much?"

"Because I didn't want to lose my life... at least not yet..."

"You certainly will if you don't answer my questions! So why did you think of trying to escape now?"

"I knew what was going to happen, so I decided to get HIM to escape instead... I'd rather have him go then let you take any more lives like you did before!"

"I keep telling you to forget about that! We're not about that life anymore! We're here to make Equestria a more simple life!"

"What you're doing is polluting the world! Your machines are killing more than what you're making!"

"So you know what our goal is then?"

"Yes. I know what you're trying to do here. And I know he won't allow that either. Nor will my friends from the outside. I know that they'll come to rescue me."

"If it comes to that, I will make sure that they will suffer through their execution."

That was the last thing I heard before Rainbow Dash, assuming that, she left the room. The muffled voice inside then made a small sigh and said quietly, but I managed to hear him say, "I just know that they're here."

I turned my head to Upi and Tsaingein and nodded, telling them that I'm going to open the door. "Who's there?" I said once popped my head inside. "Huh?" the muffled voice said, turning to me. I noticed that he had a blindfold on, a gag in his mouth and tied to a chair. I opened the door more fully so that Upi and Tsaingein could get in and then I helped him get untied from the chair. Upi getting his gag out and Tsaingein getting the blindfold off.

"Upi? Tsaingein? You're here?" the person in the chair got up and stared at them both. "I can't believe it! You're here to rescue me!" Upi pointed at me and she said, "Actually, we're here to fix things so that HE can get his friend back." The person that was sitting turned and saw me. "It's you! You came back as well I see. I'm surprised that you're still in one piece. How did you do that?"

Upi smiled brightly. "I knew of a secret passage that I'm sure that none of the guards here know!" I nodded in confirmation. "It's true." I pointed to the door that we left open. "We should probably close it so that none of the guards will see once anyone gets back."

"I'm glad... I was worried that I was going to die. I just knew that Rainbow Dash was beginning to go crazy again. Like last time..." He looked down and made a gloomy face. "It's no trouble. I have a plan that will fix things. Trust me." He nodded and smiled. "By the way, my name is Kaitsuo. It's nice to be escape buddies." He smiled and laughed at his line. "Same." I reply back.

I go to close the door that we came in and made sure that it wouldn't make too much noise. Upi opened the door to see if there were any guards around. "I'll do whatever I can do to help." Kaitsuo said proudly. "I do owe you for helping me out anyways." I smiled. "Since that me and Tasingein both have two different jobs, we both still need a lookout. Upi can be with Tsaingein, and you can be with me."

"Oh, I can't believe that I forgot to give you this." Kaitsuo reached behind him to grab two walkie talkies from his pocket. "We can use this to tell each other if anything goes wrong." Kaitsuo turned and handed one to Tsaingein and changed the channel to one not used by the guards. "The guards use channel 3 to talk to each other. We're going to be using channel 1. Got it?"

"Got it." Me, Upi and Tsaingein said in unison. "Let's move." I said, walking to the door and opening it slowly. Upi grabs me by the shoulder and yanks me back inside. "We can't go out now. We'll have too many people roaming the factory. You'll be caught or possibly shot on the spot."

"She's right, you know." Kaitsuo sat back down in his chair. "But there is one way to get around the factory with a little less risk."

Upi stands up tall and proud and says, "Since everyone still needs to sleep before it's time to work, only the guards will be roaming around, but not just the normal guards." Kaitsuo interrupts. "There are actually two different guard shifts. Right now, they have the day guards up and around. Once the time for the day to end, the night guards wake up and take over. And there's even less people in that shift."

Upi does a cute little pose. "You can thank me later." She points to me and smiles. Tsaingein sits down and Upi sits next to him. I decided that now should be a time to talk with them.

"Tsaingein, did you ever work here with your sister did?" I looked at him and cocked my head to the side a little. "Not exactly. But I did work here before."

"What do you mean? This factory's supposed to be new. And I never saw you around here." Kaitsuo said, leaning forward in his chair.

"That's why I said, 'not exactly' This factory wasn't always about making machines, you know."

"It wasn't?"

"No. This place was meant to make rainbows before."

"Why did it change?" I asked him.

"Because there was a big controversy going on about the factory that was leaked to the public from one of it's own workers."

"So there was a big secret that they were trying to hide?"

"Right. I even knew what it was. The man who leaked it was found and was never seen again." He makes a little look of sadness. "Sort of..."

"What do you mean, 'sort of'?" Upi held his arm, Kaitsuo picking up his chair and moving closer to him.

"I saw him get murdered..."

"What did they do to him?"

"The way they make their rainbows."

"How do they make their rainbows?"

"They put him onto a table, raise it high above a big grinder. Then they have this needle attached to a big metal-like arm, and stuck it in his stomach. Then the needle drained his blood dry out of his body. Finally, he turned gray and all of his colors were transferred into a machine that held the colors of the rainbow. And when they were done with his body, they dropped it into the grinder, and shredded his body apart."

Upi covers her mouth and held her breath. "Th-That's horrible..." I sat down next to Kaitsuo and looked at every one's face. I took a note of their looks, that all had one word to describe their emotions. Despair. "What made them change to machines and taking over 'Equestria' by pollution?"

"First, I need to explain how they managed to keep making rainbows. They take the kids that fail the flight tests. But one group managed to escape and released this secret to the public and that was the end of the Rainbow Factory. A few years later, they now undergo a different name. The Machine Factory."

"That's the factory that we're in right now." Kaitsuo pointed out the obvious.

"What about the parent's of those children? What did the factory say about their kids ending up being murdered?"

Tsaingein looked at me with even bigger despair than before. It's almost big enough to see. "I have no clue..."

"Well, we shouldn't be thinking about the past now. We're going to finish Rainbow Dash's quest for power and blood lust. We'll make sure of it." I turn to Kaitsuo, who was looking down in his cupped hands. "I do have one small question before we do this." He looks at me and asks. "What is it?"

"What happened to you when I escaped?"

"Well, they first patched me up because that's the only nice thing Rainbow Dash can really do. Then they put me here and you kinda know the rest."

"I see. Well, what are we going to do now?" I look at everyone else. I saw Tsaingein with his head down and Upi on his lap. It looks like they fell asleep. Kaitsuo and I shrugged, so I sat by the wall and Kaitsuo slept in the chair. I did have to give it to him, managing to sleep on that small chair. Not many people can sleep on that without falling. I sigh to myself. "Night everyone. When we wake up, we'll finish this." I smiled and fell asleep.

Once the announcement for everyone to go to sleep went on, we all shot straight up. "It's time." Upi said. I walked up to the rest of my group and smiled. "Let's move." I was ready for anything that was going to happen. "Remember, we're going to be using channel 1. The guards in the place are going to use channel 3. Don't talk into them on that channel or else we'll have the guards on us."

"Right!" The others said in unison. I proceeded to open the door and looked both ways. Nothing was coming our direction. "Let's go. Upi, you lead the way. You know about this factory's secrets. You take your brother to the control room where he'll start hacking and try to stop the machine. I'll be at the machine to protect it in case. That's where you come in Kaitsuo. I need you to lead me to that machine." They all nod in agreement with my plan and Upi leaves, going to the control room. I turn my walkie talkie to channel 1. "Let's go Kaitsuo. We got to do this right." Kaitsuo then walked the opposite way of Upi and I followed him.

Kaitsuo was really good at navigating the place. Even though he can't fly, he's really good at getting to high places easily. The machine was on a secret floor that can only be accessed by guards and anybody who was smart enough to know where to look. Eventually we reached a room that didn't even have a name on it, but Kiatsuo said that the machine controlling the serum was behind that door. I turned on the walkie talkie and spoke into it. "Upi, me and Kaitsuo are at the machine's room. Are you at the control room yet?"

"Copy that." She did a giggle after saying that. "Yeah, we're at the control room. We're trying to find a way to unlock the door for you now. Be back in a few minutes." I clicked the talk button and changed the channel to 3 to listen to any guards coming our direction. So far, nothing was a threat just yet.

"Report." One guard said into the radio. "The prisoner is missing. He's escaped and he must be somewhere in this factory. Keep an eye out everyone." I look at Kaitsuo. "You have any weapon on you?" He reached behind him and pulled out a fine pistol and cocked it. "I've had this since I was promoted. Never lost it and I never will."

I turned the channel back to 1 and spoke into it. "Guys, we need you to hurry up. We just got a report that they found Kaitsuo missing."

"Yeah, we got that part. We're almost done..." Tsaingein spoke a distance away from the speaker. "Done!" And the door clicked open and we went inside, and then closed. "We're starting to hack the machine now. Don't worry about the guards." I make a small look. "Remember Upi, you're Tsaingein's lookout. So if you see a guard, you make sure that he doesn't get caught."

"Don't worry Taylor. I got a trick that will work." I gulp at that statement. I just had a feeling that she'll screw up on accident. I turn the channel back to 3 to listen to the guards patrolling reports. Nothing interesting was happening. No one came up to the door me and Kaitsuo came through, and then the machine started to power down a little. I channel back to Upi and ask, and stop once I hear a familiar voice speak suddenly. I put a finger to my lips to tell Kaitsuo to be quiet.

"Hello Upi." I recognized that voice to be Rainbow Dash. "Why are you guarding the control room door?"

"I have a technician inside."

"Why are you standing guard then? It's just a technician. We have plenty of them to spare."

"In case the prisoner came by so that I can catch him."

"Good idea. We should hire more people like you. What's wrong in the control room?"

"I heard reports about the plumbing. So he told me that he was going to fix it."

"Got it. Keep up the good work." The last thing I heard was Rainbow Dash's footsteps walking away. I breathe a sigh of relief and wait until it gets quiet. "Upi?"

"Yeah Taylor?" I heard a door open and then close. I assumed she went back inside with her brother. "The machine powered down. What should we do now?"

I heard Tsaingein's voice speak. "You'll find a tube that's filled with a green liquid. Take it out and smash it." Kaitsuo then does as he says, and the glass breaks loudly and the liquid flows around the floor at our feet. "Now all we need to do is wait." I smile brightly. That was actually an easy mission. "I'm glad we managed to fix this. But there's still something I need to do." I clench my fists. "I still have to find my friend Elena."

Suddenly the door opened and a shot rang out by my head and I dive to the floor. "Guys?" Tsaingein said into the radio speaker. "What's going on?!" Then another shot rang out and breaks the walkie talkie that I dropped. And then a gun pointed straight to my head. I look behind the gun and see Elena standing before me, her lifeless eyes staring down at me. "E-Elena? Are you alright?"

Rainbow Dash laughs evilly behind her. "I gave her an injected dose of the serum we made. We still have plenty more to come by, you know. You should have thought a little bit deeper into this little plan of your's Taylor."

"I should have known that you helped Kaitsuo escape that little room we had for him." Rainbow Dash steps in front of me and motions Elena to move back and wait. "You of all people should know better that it's safer to just admit defeat and turn yourself in." She raised her foot and kicked me in the face and breaking a tooth off. I manage another look at her face. "You'll never get away with this..."

"Oh, don't you worry." Rainbow Dash smiled and raised her foot, poised to slam it down on my head. "I already have." I close my eyes and wait for the impact. All I hear after that was a loud grunting sound and a loud slam. Like if someone tackled another person into a wall of metal.

I get up and realize that that's what happened. What I saw was an unconscious Rainbow Dash into the dented serum machine and bleeding from all around her body. I look at Elena, and her eyes were staring at Rainbow Dash in shock. I get up and hold her, shaking her. "Elena! Snap out of it! You don't know what you're doing here! It's all a lie! There's no point in being here!"

Suddenly, the life in her eyes came back and she dropped the gun, looking around. I smile, hugging her. "Oh my goodness..." She said, resting her head on my shoulder. Upi and Tsaingein helped get Rainbow Dash out of the machine and Kaitsuo inspected the damage. "It'll take some time for the machine to be fixed. But we need to break it some more to make sure that it will buy us more time to tell Princess Celestia about this."

"I-I think I could help..." I turn to the door and smile, seeing a familiar pink haired girl standing there. "Fluttershy! I'm so glad you came to help."

"I had to come... My friends were coming to find you, and I followed them. They didn't know that I'm not going to work with them. We can go to Celestia to help get you and your friend back home once this world is back to normal."

We all turn our attention to the machine and start tearing away at whatever we could, and used that to break it more. Once we thought we've done enough damage, we all rushed out to the exit Kiatsuo showed me. Luckily, with us smashing the machine, everyone seemed to wake up and no one stopped us from leaving, since they all realized what was really going on. They decided to get out of there as much as I did when I started working here.

"I guess that's the end of this story, right?" I turn to look at Fluttershy, who was standing with her friends. The nicer versions of them, that WON'T be attacking me any time soon. Twilight, the purple haired girl approached me and said, "I sent a letter to Princess Celestia about what has been going on here. I even told her that you're a human from another world, and that she'll help you and your friend to get back home."

I smile at Twilight and thank her. We get outside and Upi gets me and Elena inside the van, with Tsaingein driving again. "Let's get you home, you kids." He smiles at us and drives us to a town in the mountains. Apparently the town is called Canterlot and that's where I'm to meet Princess Celestia and head back home. I smile at Elena and gave her a hug, and then Upi hugs me and Elena even harder. "I'm glad that this nightmare is all over."

Once we get inside Princess Celestia's throne room, I look around at how big it is inside. "This is some castle. I like it here." I kept walking until I was face to face with Princess Celestia. I smile and stand there, not quite knowing what I'm supposed to do when meeting royalty here. I just give her a nice wave of my hand and she just smiles at me. "I believe that you are Taylor. The human Twilight told me about, yes?"

"Yes, your majesty." I lightly bowed, assuming that was the polite thing to do. She gave me a nice chuckle. "It's alright, my friend. You can address me as Celestia." She approached me. "I would love to hear all about your story if you have the time. Since you have stopped Rainbow Dash, you even helped clear the pollution for me and my sister." She points out the window to Ponyville and I watch as how the yellow-brown sky starts to clear out and turn into a nice beautiful blue color, like it always should be.

"I just did what I believed was the right thing." I smiled at her. "And of course, I wouldn't mind telling you everything." I sat down on my knees because I thought I'd just relax a little.

I spent an entire hour talking to her, telling her everything about how the factory was, how they were taking over with some type of serum that makes people think against the bad things. She nods. "That might explain how there were a lot of criminals doing a lot of bad things going on." I then explained how some of the people here were immune to the serum. "So we all teamed up to destroy the machine and help make everyone see what was really going on."

"Well, I'm glad that you've helped me and my subjects. I'm quite impressed, actually. I never thought that I'd manage to meet such a kind human that would go out of his way to help those not of their kind." She gave me a nice smile, and bowed. Her long flowing hair getting in front of her face seemed kinda funny.

"I guess it's time I should help you and your friend back home." She then gave a wave of her hand and summoned a portal. Elena got up and jumped through. I followed her slowly, and stood at the edge. I turned back to everyone that helped me and said, "Thank you... for everything guys." I smiled, waved goodbye and went through the portal. The last thing I was was smiles upon everyone's face, with them waving back and saying goodbye. And that was the end of my little adventure in Equestia.

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