• Published 11th Sep 2016
  • 296 Views, 0 Comments

The Machine Factory - BlazingLight

Taylor and Elena go into the work force of The Machine Factory and try to find the truth behind it's closed doors.

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The Escapee

I was tired. I headed to the second floor to go to bed. I couldn't even tell what time it was and I didn't feel like heading to Rainbow Dash's office to find out. Once I got inside my room, I just plopped down and instantly fell asleep. I couldn't take anymore walking. Or cheering. There was just so much going on in one day, I just wanted to sleep.

I had another dream. I was by a room somewhere in the factory, it was outside The Archives. I went inside and way in the back I found a file that had information of me and Elena. About how we got here and what happened to us, why we're here. I was then found by a guard that usually works on the second floor. They said that they know what I'm doing and that if I wanted to find a way out, I have to listen to them.

The morning was the same as usual. Work, then a sandwich, some light reading and then the afternoon rolled by. I sighed. Maybe I should check out the Archives in my dream. I wonder if it that file even exists.

I got to the Archives. I checked both sides. Rainbow Dash wasn't anywhere nearby. I took a deep breath, then opened the door slowly. I was nervous. I was hoping that whatever was on that file was something good. Any good reason why I was here. Why I have to stay in this factory for the rest of my life. I wanted to know badly. I decided that if I didn't want to be caught, I should close the door. As I was walking there, I heard Rainbow Dash walking by. I panicked. I had to get whatever that file was and get out, but I should just close the door. Hoping that she wouldn't hear me. I slowly closed the door and waited.

"Just so you know, we need to ready that serum again. Elena's could be wearing out anytime soon and we need to try and make a stronger one for Taylor. He might find out what we're doing here and go prowling around for clues why we're doing this. I don't want him to know what's really going on. I still want to rule Equestria with this factory and I can't have him ruining everything like last time..."

Rule Equestria? Serum? What is she talking about? Maybe if I try and find that file, maybe there's some answers. I found it in a little folder in the 'E' section. The folder said "Experimental" and had only two files. One for me and Elena. What they said was that we were drugged, but I wasn't affected by the serum that Rainbow Dash was talking about. What this serum was supposed to do was that it made us oblivious to the bad things that are apparently going on around this factory and to prevent us from learning the true meaning of the factory's rebirth. I assumed it was talking about when Rainbow Dash said, "And I can't have him ruining everything like last time..."

Suddenly, the door opened and there was a guard standing there, just staring at me. I turned towards him and waited, knowing that my dream is falling into place, and that he'll just help me. He approaches me and I try and calm down a bit. He looks me in the eye and says, "You want out, don't you?" I nod in reply. He looks at the files in my hand. "You should follow me. Give those files to me. You can trust me. I know what's going on here too and I don't want to be a part of it either." I slowly give him the files and look him in the eyes. "What are you going to do to me?"

He doesn't answer me and he waves me to leave the room. I do as he says and walk out the room. He then starts running towards the stairs down and I run after him. I don't bother trying to ask why we're doing this, because doing so would attract more attention at us. People around us are already staring at us. I don't have the time to think about it, so I just keep running with him.

We eventually reach a stop at a dead end. I look around for a clue to an exit. Then the guy was feeling the wall looking for something. "What are you doing?" I ask him. He looks at me. "Quick, feel the wall for something hollow and then push on it! We don't have much time!" He then points to the people starting to head in our direction. I start doing as he says and then an alarm sounds and then I finally push the hollow part of the wall.

A few seconds later, the wall started opening and then Rainbow Dash enters the dead end, with Elena by her side. I take a quick glance at Elena and notice that she's all dead eyed and holding a gun at me and the guard. Rainbow Dash yells, "Stop it, you two! You have no clue what you're doing!" I look at the guard, then back at Elena. "Elena, wake up! You're not you!" Then the door opened fully. The guard says to me, "Whatever happens, just go through this door and don't dare turn back. Trust me, you'll be fine! Just jump out and someone will help you get down to the ground safely."

I look towards Elena once more, shocked. Rainbow Dash points at us. "You better not go through that door or else you'll regret it!" Suddenly, a lot more guards appear behind Rainbow Dash with just spears and points them at us. I take a small step back. "Elena! Come back to me!" She just looks at me with her grey, lifeless eyes. The guard yells at me, "Just go!" He then throws me the files of me and Elena. I catch them.

I then turn around to run, but I take a small look back behind me. Rainbow Dash points at me, then Elena takes a shot at me. But the guard jumps in the direction of the shot and falls to the ground bleeding out. Then the guards behind Rainbow Dash then start to chase me. The last thing I saw was that the door closed behind me, and I heard Rainbow Dash say to them, "Don't! There's no way we will find him. I'll get my friends to deal with him. They'll know what to do."

Once I got outside, I saw two people standing by a van wearing the guard outfits waiting. The one on the left was pink and had a blue pigtail coming from behind her head. The guy on the left was a grey, tall guy with a green bowl cut and smoking a cigarette as well. The girl looks at me and my clothes, and he jaw drops. "I don't believe it..." The guy next to her does the same and stares. "The guy managed to pull it off. Where is he?" I look down at my hands and back at the door. "He's still back there... but I don't think he'll be joining us..."

They both look down at the ground. "He's gone..." I said to them. "I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything about it..." They open up the back of the van. "Just get in. He said that we're going to get whoever he said would get out. So we're here to help you." I smile a little and then I do as they say and get inside the van. The girl sits across from me and hands me some clothes. "Here. Put these on. Don't worry about if I look or not." I turn around and do as she says.

"By the way, what's your name?" The guy, who started driving asks. I sat down once I finished getting the new clothes on and I showed him the file. He read it and sighed. "So you were under the drug as well. I see." The girl grabs the file out of my hand and then reads it. "Taylor huh? Isn't that usually a girl's name?"

"My dad wanted me to be named after my mother. There's really not much else to it. What are your names?" The girl hands me the file back and then she says, "I'm Upi and he's Tsaingein. We're brother and sister. Our last name is Eq. We're friends of that guy that told us to help you." She smiles and then decides to sit next to me and hugs me. "I'm sure that we'll find someone that can help you around town." I try and look out the window to see where we're going, but Upi tells me instead. "We're going to Ponyville. It's a friendly town. And there's a lot of people too. You'll be able to make at least a friend a day in that town!" She then giggles and looks out the window.

A friend, huh? At this point, a friend that'll help me wouldn't sound so bad. I needed some people to trust. Like that guard that protected me from Elena, and Upi and Tsaingein. They both seem like nice people. I needed people like them around me. I haven't had a friend for a long time during high school. Until I met Elena when she had her first day at my school. I was a junior at the time, so it was nice to meet her. She was so cheery and gleeful all the time. And now we're stuck like enemies for god knows how long. All I could think about was how I was going to get out of this situation and live a normal life again.