• Published 11th Sep 2016
  • 296 Views, 0 Comments

The Machine Factory - BlazingLight

Taylor and Elena go into the work force of The Machine Factory and try to find the truth behind it's closed doors.

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The Outside

Tsaingein stops the van by a forest. "We're here." He says. I was glad that the ride was over. I was starting to develop a headache. I got out of the van and then I looked around me. "Huh? Why is the sky so yellowish?" Upi taps my shoulder and I turn to her. "Apparently, the factory that you escaped made such bad machines that the air started to get polluted and it also made that drug you were under spread by air and that's why we're helping you, because we need your help! I have a friend who is sad and needs our help too. That's why we stopped at the edge of the forest because that's where she lives."

Upi grabs my hand and then she drags me to the cottage that she was talking about and calls out. "Fluttershy! We're back!" Then she lets go of my hand and then a person with pale yellow skin and long, curvy pink hair comes out and runs to us. "Upi!" she says and they both hug each other. "I was so worried. I tried calling you yesterday, but you never answered and I went to your house and you still didn't answer and-"

Tsaingein interrupts and says, "We both got a phone call from a friend that needed our help about the pollution going on." Fluttershy looks at Tsaingein and looks at me. She then gets behind Upi and then shivers. "Is... She okay?" Tsaingein says, "She's a shy person. She's scared meeting others at times. She mostly comes out to her friends, but since she doesn't know you, she acts like this. Don't take it too personally." I try and approach Fluttershy and give her a handshake. "Hi. My name is Taylor. You're Fluttershy, right?" She turns a little bit away from me and then grabs my hand, and I shake it lightly.

"I-I'm F-Fluttershy..." she says, nervously. I calmly smile and let go of her hand. "It's okay. Upi and Tsaingein both helped me get here. So you can trust me. They both say that I'm supposed to do something about this pollution." Fluttershy looks directly in my eyes and then stops hiding and says, "I have an idea! Maybe my friend Twilight could help us out! She knows what to do at a time like this. She's the smartest person I know in Ponyville." I smile at her. "Thank you Fluttershy."

Upi and Tsaingein both get in the van and leave. Upi opens the window and calls out to us, "Good luck Taylor!" And then they're gone. "You're name is Taylor? That's an odd name for a boy." I look at her and then she yelps, hiding behind her long hair. "I-I mean... I-It seems fitting for you..." I smile. "It's okay. I was named after my mother, because my dad was a little weird like that."

Fluttershy then heads off and I follow her into town. "Where are we going?" I ask her. "We're going to see Twilight. You know, that person that I was telling you about. She'll definitely help us with this." I smile. I had high hopes for this plan to work. I just didn't want to be attacked out of nowhere and then get forced to die in some slow way.

Soon enough, we get to a tree. "Umm, Fluttershy? Why are we at this tree? This doesn't make sense..." She looks at me. "Oh, this is the library. It's called Golden Oaks. It's supposed to be like this. Twilight lives in here because she likes to read a lot and study on the magic of friendship." She then opens the door and there are four people talking to each other. There was a purple person with long purple hair and a pink streak in her hair, an orange person with a long yellow pony tail, much like Upi's, a pale white person with darker purple hair than the purple person's and a pink colored one with very puffy, curly, pink hair. They all turned to look at us.

"Taylor, I would like you to meet Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight, the one I told you about." She points to the orange person, then the white one, pink and then the purple one. They all glare at me, like they hate me. "Umm... Why are they looking at me like that?" I look at Fluttershy to see if she could answer, but she just looks back at me and shrugs. I look back at Twilight and the rest, and wait. I take a note at the horns posted on their heads. "Umm... Hello? My name's-" I start off, but then Rarity's horn starts glowing and then my mouth is suddenly shut.

Fluttershy then gasps and tells her to stop. "Why would we stop, darling? Rainbow Dash put a high bounty on whoever turns him in." The rest nod in confirmation. Twilight's horn then glows and some rope and duct tape floats towards me. The duct tape is then taped around my mouth so I could be quiet. I try and reach for it, but then Rarity's horn glows brighter and then my hands are flung behind my back and I just stand there waiting.

"Trust me, sugarcube," Applejack says. "This is for your own good." Twilight then wraps the rope around my hands and ties it very tightly. Applejack then runs up to me and then kicks her feet into my face and I fall down to the ground hard. The last thing I heard before going unconscious was a high pitched laughter, which I assumed was Pinkie's, since I haven't heard her voice yet.

"G-Girls! Why would you do that?" Fluttershy says. Her legs are shivering, scared of her friends. Twilight picks me up and drags me away to another room. Applejack then approaches Fluttershy. "Ah' should thank you, sugarcube. I'm sure that you had nice intentions to return the traitor." The group then leaves the tree and Fluttershy stays, not knowing what to do after that scene.

Twilight returns and puts her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you did the right thing. Besides, we're just going to give the bounty money to Applejack's family anyways." Twilight then leaves the house, gets in her car and drives off. Fluttershy just stands there and looks around for anything that could be a lead to a secret door or anything.


I woke up to a cold, stone room with a single window at the top. I could see the factory from here. I try and get up, but I'm too tired to stand. "Man... what's going on? Why is everything just hell?" I could swear that I heard something falling down and breaking. Or at least making a lot of noise. I turn back to the window and think. "I'm not going to give up this fight." I smile at myself. "I know I can make a change here." I could spot a purple car suddenly driving towards the factory. I squint my eyes and lean in a bit closer. "Twilight..." Judging Twilight, she's off to go turn in that bounty that Rarity was talking about.

The door in front of me then opens and Fluttershy stands there. "Taylor!" I turn and look at her with a smile on her face. "I was so worried! I didn't know that they were going to do that to you! I thought they were going to help us!" Fluttershy then hides behind her hair and holds her hands in front of her face, no noticing that I'm chained to the wall behind me.

"Y-You're not going to hurt me...?" she asks nervously, yet quiet. "I can't. I'm chained to this wall." I give a little chuckle. "I'm not mad at you either. I've had worse, to be honest." I give her a small smile. "We'll fix this. You can trust me. I'm sure that I'll help your little town and the rest of this world." She looks around and tries to tug on the chains. "Fluttershy, calm down." I try and tug myself. "These need a key to get off." She shakes her head at me. "No, there's got to be an easier way." She then grabs the chain's end on the wall to one of my arms, and then pulls as hard as she can. The brick holding me back then falls off and then breaks.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting that to happen." I then turn around as best as I can and then I try and do the same to my other arm. The brick falls and breaks just like the last one. "These must be old bricks." Fluttershy and I then pull on the legs of my chains. We had to pick up the bricks and make them fall since they were on the ground.

Once I got the links broken, I ran out the door and went to go look for a key somewhere in the library. "Help me look for a key, so that I can get these stupid chains off." I say to Fluttershy. She nods her head and then goes up some stairs. I stay downstairs and just look behind all of the books in the shelves. After a while, I ended up with no luck.

Fluttershy runs down the stairs calling out my name. "Taylor! I think i found the key to your chains!" She then holds out a key and then inserts the key into the hole and turns, the chain coming off successfully. I smiled. "Great job Fluttershy! We should hurry though. I saw Twilight leave to the factory. No doubt that she's telling Rainbow Dash about that bounty."

"That's terrible... I don't want you to go back there. I want you safe with me..." She looks down after taking off my chains. I hold her chin and make her look at me. "But I have to go back. There's someone there I can't leave behind." I look deeply into Fluttershy's eyes. She nods her head nervously, and I let go of her chin. "How are we going to get back to the factory if I can't fly up there?" I look at her to see if she knew any answer. "We should head to Tsaingein and Upi. They're the only one's left I know that can drive a car." I start to head out of the room as Fluttershy follows me outside the library house.

"Where do they live? And what else can they do that could help me get my friend back?" I start running. Fluttershy flies ahead of me and replies, "I know Tsaingein is a wizard with computers. I do remember he was the one who helped make computers a reality for us. Why do you ask?" She looks behind me and I nod back in reply. "That's perfect. That might be enough to get this whole plan working together."

"What plan?" she asks. I keep myself silent until we arrive at their house. I knock lightly and wait. "I'll tell you the plan once we get them to agree to help me. You can go now." I pet her head lightly. "You've done enough to help me today. You can trust that I'll make it through this okay." I stop petting and she flies away. The door in front of me opens and it's Upi. "Hey Upi. i need your brother's help. It's important."

Upi opens the door and invites me inside. "Would you like anything to drink while you're here?" I shake my head. "I won't have enough time for light chatter. We need to do this fast. I have a plan to get rid of the factory once and for all." I sit down on the couch and look at Upi. "Did you say, 'once and for all'?" said a gruff pony. I turned to the voice and it was Tsaingein standing by the doorway to the kitchen.

"Yes. I think I know what we need to do. Fluttershy told me that you helped invent computers, so you're technically a wizard with them." I stand up and approach him. "I know that you two don't like the factory as much as I do. But there's someone in there that I need to get back on our side, and only I can do that. And I know that you can help me." Tsaingein crosses his arms. "I don't know... Going back to that factory is almost like a suicide mission. Besides, I should know. I heard that there was a bounty on your head for your return. Either dead or alive."

I grab his shoulder. "There's a serum that's been controlling everyone since the factory started to mass produce their merchandise. I believe that this serum is also made by machine. Maybe if we find a way to stop control of the machine, we could have everyone for the factory go against Rainbow Dash and hopefully we'll have enough time to destroy the factory. And then the world would be saved."

Tsaingein and Upi both look at me with jaws dropped. "That... might work." Tsaingein says. "Alright. I'll help you. Upi can be a lookout." Upi gets up and stands behind me. "I never told anyone this, but I'm also and escapee. I left on the first day and no one even noticed."

We get ourselves inside the van. Tsaingein gathers all of his computer stuff for his hacking part of the mission. Upi just gets on her old factory uniform. "This old thing hasn't been out for a year now." I examine her in her new clothes and shudder. There was a hole in front of both her knees. Her shirt looked like it lost a battle with a lawnmower and survived.

"Everyone ready?" Tsaingein calls from the drivers seat. I look down at myself and think about what might happen while I'm back in that factory. "I'm a little nervous about this... How are we going to sneak back inside without getting killed?" I said to myself as we were getting inside the van. Upi taps my shoulder and says, "Lucky for you, I remember the schedule of the times of the factory. It doesn't run 24/7. It does have a time it stops operating so that the workers could get some sleep. I was only there for a few days, I was able to remember the timing of everything. And the guards usually patrol around the building to make sure that everyone's asleep and not out trying to learn anything they shouldn't."

I gulp at that statement. "So you're saying to get inside during the night? But it's still the afternoon!" I point to the sun out of the window of the van. Judging by the distance of the sun is from the ground, it might be around 3:00.

"I know that. But the thing is, we can't get in from the outside during the night because there's another security measure that's only active at night. It's how me and Tsaingein were able to pick you up when you escaped. They weren't active at the time."

"What is this security measure that they use?" I ask Upi. She turns around and hands me a pistol. "You know how to use one of these?" I hold the pistol in my hands and stare at it. "Only in a video game... But I can still try." Upi gives me a slight smile. "They have turrets all around the building at night. They also have guards patrolling the air so that no vehicles could enter without permission. So we have to sneak in NOW. I do know of a secret passage that might help."

After we were done talking, there was a car that passes us as we were heading to the factory. I looked at the car and gasp. "We need to hurry Tsaingein! That was Twilight! She's trying to get me killed." I point out the window so that Upi could look as well. "Don't worry buddy. I got this truck re-painted to look like an ordinary delivery truck for the factory. And the window's tinted. They can't see what's inside."

I breathe a sigh of relief. If they could see me and Upi, they would have probably shot both of us down and that'll be the end of that story. "I just hope that Elena's okay..." Upi pats my shoulder. "I'm sure she'll be fine. She's under the serum's spell, right?" I nod back in reply. "Then once my brother destroys the machine from inside, then you can snap her out of it. Hopefully this all goes as planned."

"I hope so too." I look out the window and watch as Twilight's car disappears in the distance. "I just don't want to die..."