• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 2,235 Views, 22 Comments

A Purpose - MrSuicide

Ponyville fillies discuss June 17's "special occasion"

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Chapter 5 : Dinky Hooves :

Chapter 5 : Dinky Hooves :

Hearing the last three ponies talk made her heart melt, her eyes consumed by the glorious white power that is the tissue and that she can honestly relate to them.

Like Scootaloo to an extent, she didn’t exactly know her father. Her mother had been promising her that she’ll see him one day, but it seemed like an infinite amount of days had past by her.

Like Apple Bloom to an extent, she somewhat understood what her father had done for his family, but most of it was in the dark.

Like Sweetie Belle, the seat next to her was vacant.

When it came to her turn to present, she trotted slowly, watching the careful stares that her fellow classmates and parents gave her.

She carried with her what appeared to be a piece of paper to the naked eye, but since her mother helped her with the presentation, it meant more then just that. This “piece of paper” carried the thoughts of both her mother and herself, of their desire to meet with him once more…

She stood in attention, taking in the eyes of her audience.

Truth be told, she was kind of glad that Filthy Rich had taken Diamond Tiara back home because if she had caused an outburst similar to when Scootaloo stood at this spot, she didn’t think she could hold herself back.

The will to opening express displeasure of her and especially her mother would not be easily tolerated. She had more than enough ponies who despised her mother already…she really didn’t need another pony.

Unlike her Mother’s Day speech that she gave to her mother in class, she had a piece of paper that she could base her presentation off of.

“I don’t quite know who my father is…” she started.

“But, my mother said that he’ll be back someday to rejoin our little family and have muffins together…

I didn’t personally know him, hoof to hoof, but with the help of my mother, she helped cleared things up.

Apparently, he was the one who got my mother in to loving muffins and I don’t disapprove of it. I grew used to eating the muffins that my mother worked so hard to bake for me.

Overall, he was a great chef, had a great personally, but the only problem he had was that he was a mute.

I know every pony would wonder how my mother communicated with my father, but it turned out easier than expected.

In preparation of his inevitable return, I learned hoof language. It may sound silly to all of you, but that was the only way I could communicate with my father.

Mock me all you want, but don’t target my father. He already went through lots of despair and I’ll be honored to soak some in his place.

I never met my father, but I feel like I’m already part of him. Armed with his language and ideal food item, I feel like we were always together…

If he were to appear right now, at this very place, I’ll never let him go again. I’ll savor the times we are together to make up for the times lost when I was a foul. I’ll forever treasure them as long as he would treasure it…knowing that he loves me and graces me with his bright smile. He might be able to teach me some unicorn magic too!

And to the ponies who are against him being my father, buck off!

Why must they judge him for the minority of negatives he has?

If I had any say in the matter, I’ll ask them to come at me bro.”

Just then, she was tackled to the ground.

She only saw that the pony had a brown coat, but she didn’t see the pony’s face.

When she managed to free herself from the bigger pony’s weight, she carefully looked at its face and quickly identified the pony as her father.

She gasped.

How could this have happened?

She heard giggling behind the door so she decided to check, only to find her mother in her mailmare suit behind it.

“Surprise my muffin” she said.

She couldn’t believe it. That inevitable day was this day?

She felt a rush of emotions, ranging from extreme happiness to slight sadness, that were fighting for control, but in the end, all she could ever done was to feel happy that she had her Unicorn father once more.

Are you surprised my daughter?

She immediately went into hoof language; every pony in the room other than Derpy knew what they were talking about.

The presentation ended with her and her father walking out the door, presuming to get muffins she had long to eat with her father and mother.

Comments ( 3 )

I am truly loving this storyline by the minute as I find it truly an amazing tale about fathers and families. :ajsmug:

You have done a great job in spotlighting these fillies and their unique bonds. :yay:

...is that the doctor? Doctor Whooves, to be exact.:trixieshiftright:

929570 no because the doctor is an earth pony while dinky's father is a unicorn and a mute while the doctor can speak in the show

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