• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 2,234 Views, 22 Comments

A Purpose - MrSuicide

Ponyville fillies discuss June 17's "special occasion"

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Chapter 2 : Scootaloo :

Chapter 2 : Scootaloo :

“The lucky filly that gets to go first is…Scootaloo!”

The light brilliant gamboges Pegasus pony stood up and trotted to the front of the classroom.

She would have started her portion by now if she didn’t meet some resistance within the audience…though, she wasn’t quite surprised by it at all…

In fact, she kind of expected a reaction since she didn’t have a parent and knew that a pony would openly point that out.

Not to her surprise, it was Diamond Tiara, with the support of Silver Spoon, whom interrupted her.

Once again, Diamond Tiara had to speak about her non-existent parents, or a lack of a family in that overall matter. But seriously, why does she have to consistently blame her for being an orphan? Was it a crime to not have a family in Ponyville?

Did she really look that lonely to every pony?

She ignored Diamond Tiara’s rants and looked around the classroom that wasn’t directly at said pony.

Noticing this, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started to openly taunt her. Cheerilee and several parents tried to stop them, but to no avail.

They even proceeded to call her a chicken, a “nickname” that stuck on to her as long as she could have remembered.

She didn’t exactly know the start of it, but she had a good idea as to why she was called it. The chicken “nickname” was usually targeted to her wings and the fact that she was a Pegasus pony. Every pony understood that every Pegasus pony can fly, but when it came to her, she was, more or less, a laughingstock due to her inability to do so.

She had been trying over the course of time, being able to lift only half of her small body off the ground, but it just wouldn’t stop the taunts she would receive after failing each time she had attempted to fly. Heck, she couldn’t even stop them from stalking her so she could properly train herself.

However, not all ponies were like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Ponies like Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and even her role model, Rainbow Dash, had attempted to assist her and even had to outright defend her whenever it was necessary.

She was forever grateful of her friends’ assistance, but she still found that the overwhelming amount of contempt seemed to wash away the hope that her friends had gave her. No matter how hard she continued to try and struggle, the extreme amount of negativity weighed her down.

Even now, the thoughts that pinned her as the ugly ducking of her Pegasus group still plagued her like a disease that still lingered within her…

That she wasn’t able to travel to Cloudsdale without another Pegasus, namely Rainbow Dash, to support her.

Or that she heavily relies on Rainbow Dash, going so far to idolize her. But what exactly can she have done differently? She had no family members, thus, having no other choice, but to look up to Rainbow Dash as a surrogate mother of sorts. Was that truly bad?

She hung her head low and silently started to weep, not being able to take the abuse any longer.

She heard two small laughs from the audience. She didn’t even need to guess that they were from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon themselves.

She heard her teacher, Cheerilee, trying to calm her, telling her that she shouldn’t let those two ponies get to her, that one day; she’ll be able to fly.

She appreciated it, but the damage was done and they knew it.

She trotted towards the door, head still hung low, hoping to escape from the cause of her current problem, but something blocked her way.

No…it wasn’t something that blocked her way, but it was some pony that did. She slightly lifted up her head, moving her sight from the floor to the pony’s hooves. She found that the pony’s hooves were light blue and that the pony was a mare.

She almost rose up her head to meet with the pony’s eye sight, believing it to be Rainbow Dash, but she didn’t. It was too good to be true after all, seeing that said pony should be busy moving rain clouds towards Ponyville for tomorrow’s forecast.

“What’s the matter squirt? Don’t have enough dignity to raise your head to my eye level?”

She gasped.

She quickly raised her head to see if her ears were deceiving her. Gladly, they weren’t.

It was Rainbow Dash.

Said pony was staring down on her small figure in small amusement.

Even though she was glad that her idol was in front of her, she didn’t quite understand why Rainbow Dash was here when her job as a weather patrol demanded she be else where away from indoors.

Before she openly questioned her, Diamond Tiara had to, once again, interrupt her.

From her point of view, Diamond Tiara seemed like she was questioning her idol for abandoning her job and the purpose as to why she was at the schoolhouse.

Her idol, in return, answered that her job shouldn’t take too long to assemble and that it was still too early in the day to do so, meaning that she still had plenty of time before the day had even ended. She also stated that she was here for Scootaloo, surprising her and the class.

But why her?

Sure, she thought of her as a surrogate mother, but it didn’t seem like Rainbow Dash had the same “idea” as she did in the pervious times they had spent together. So what compelled Rainbow Dash to specifically seek her out?

She just stood there, her thoughts leaking out of her like a fountain overdosed with too much water in it.

The next thing she knew, she saw her idol facing towards the audience that she was suppose to address if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon haven’t interrupted her.

“I quickly came over to announce that starting today, Scootaloo is my daughter.”

She couldn’t believe it. She had a family now? All these years mocked for not having one was finally paid off on this very day?

She wanted to buck herself to see if it was true, but personally seeing Rainbow Dash stating it herself was enough for her to not to.

“Big whoop. It isn’t truly special because you adopted a chic…”

Before Diamond Tiara even finished her sentence, Rainbow Dash, her mother, flew over to where she sat and dangerously looked at the filly, hooves ready to be put in to action.

“What was that? I dare you finish your sentence.”

When Diamond Tiara didn’t squeak a sound, Rainbow Dash trotted back towards to where her daughter still stood.

But why did she adopt her?

Curious to know why, she asked her mother the question.

“Well, I just saw too much that resembled me when I was a filly.

Even though I could fly, I was the unusual one at Cloudsdale, having a rainbow mane and tail. Every pony had one color for their mane and tail while I didn’t so in that sense, I related to you in that we had strange characteristics about ourselves. You, not being able to fly while I looked like a clown.

Sure, I may look awesome now, but it took a lot of work to be the way I currently am.

To see you fall numerous times, while trying so hard to fly made my heart, mind and soul suffer. I didn’t want to see you experience your filly days as horrible as you currently are, mocked for being what?

An orphan who had no legitimate family? The orphan that no pony wanted to adopt? A flightless Pegasus pony?

After so long spending time with each other, helping you try to fly, I simply had enough. Something had to change so I thought to myself, why not?

And so, I went to the orphanage to fill out the papers and now, you are my daughter and I’m quite proud to call you so.”

She was simply speechless, her mouth opened to the point that it would go through the floor.

“So what?”

It came from Diamond Tiara.

“She’s still a chicken in my eyes. Ain’t that right Silver Spoon?”

The darker cornflower bluish gray pony next to Apple Bloom slowly nodded her head.

“At least my daughter didn’t have a freaking lame cutie mark like you. I mean really? A freaking tiara? What a special talent you have little one.”

At this point, Filthy Rich who was sitting beside his daughter was dangerously angry at his daughter and politely giving apologetic looks towards the new family. He quickly trotted out of the classroom, grabbing Diamond Tiara with him, heading straight home and giving his daughter a much need punishment…

After much awkwardness…Rainbow Dash decided to speak…

“Oh, today’s Father’s Day right?”

She simply nodded at the question that her mother had asked her, not truly knowing what she was playing at.

“Well, let me introduce to you, your new father then! Come over here honey!”

A very pale cornflower blue pony trotted in to the schoolhouse, revealing Soarin’, one of the Wonderbolts.

“Nice to meet you Scootaloo!

Though, it might be quite mind boggling for you and that personally, you don’t know me as much, but I promise you that we’ll fit right in if you give us the chance to be your parents. I guarantee it.”

And how could she even decline?

Her presentation went rather very well after Soarin’ introduced himself and his plans for the future as her father.

He plans to start assisting his wife with helping his daughter to fly once this class was over. Maybe have her experience the feeling of flight on one of their backs? Whatever happens, he planned to not fail his daughter as her father. Never again will they mock his little sweetheart.

As for Scootaloo herself, this day just got 20% better.