• Published 28th Mar 2016
  • 937 Views, 12 Comments

Daring Do and her friendly rival - Red flame

Daring has a new rival, but for the first time this one isn't evil

  • ...

Promise to return

The tribe members were all gathered around the center of their camp, they watched as Daring was being subjected to her punishment for trying to escape. She was strapped in an x-position on a wooden table, set above her belly was a cylandar shaped decive with giant cotton swabs covering the top. She had to dodge them as they jab at her belly, for if they connected they would torment her and not stop for six hours. Her poor body twisted as she struggled to avoid those swabs, the sight made her look really adorable to the other ponies watching her.

At first when she was strapped to the table it was slow, but it was almost lunch time now and the swabs were jabbing at quick speeds. The effort was wearing her out, they'll connect to her soon enough. For now the yellow belly danced side to side sweating from having to dodge each swab. The ponies teased her about her dancing for them which made her blush.

"How long can the great Daring prolong her fate." Veil taunted.

"I could dodge these all day." Daring boasted playfully.

"Well as much fun as that would be, we can see your wearing down." Trickfire smirked.

Finally she just couldn't keep up the effort anymore, her body laid back on the table as a cotton swab finally connects to her belly. It began whirling fast on the poor skin, cute laughter erupting from her as a result of it. The other swabs soon followed jabbing and whirling fast into the now tired mare. Her body shook in her bindings. She could hear the teasing and cheering as she was finally being subjected to the machine.

One of the cotton swabs shot straight into her poor belly button, the soft material brushed along the walls and center forcing huge squeals to come out of Daring Do's mouth. Her laughter shot up into hysterical levels as well, her eyes shot open wide as her head thrashed side to side and her eyes don't seem to want to close.


"Poor Daring do has succumbed to the machine and is now in ticklish agony." Trickfire teased playfully.

Her blush got bigger as her poor belly was constantly assaulted by all of the swabs. Though she was being tickled out of her mind she was enjoying herself a whole bunch and was content with letting them have one more day with her. Her thoughts were interrupted as the machine seem to speed up even more. Her laughter roared out of her while she thrashed helplessly on the table.

For the whole time they watched as the machine tortured their captive, the tribe was happy that she was being such a good sport about this. The two foals from yesterday also eagerly stared at Daring. Lenny especially adored this sight and only wished he was the one doing it personally. During this a couple ponies were dragging a giant cooking pot next to the throne.

Finally after seven hours the machine finally turned off, leaving an exhuasted limp pegasi on that table. Her belly rose and fell adorably fast as she panted rapidly from all of that. Lenny and Flelly finally came up to her with five slices of pizza for her to eat. They climb up on the table and take a seat on her belly making her gasp a bit. It growled a bit from the smell of the pizza

"Oh this is so much fun." Lenny cheered.

"S-sure is-s, y-you guys are all very fun." Daring smiled weakly.

Lenny placed the first piece above her mouth and she began chomping away at it. She finally noticed the cooking pot, she guessed this would be like when they "roasted" her and it was mainly to relax her. It took a couple minutes but she finally finished all the slices. So now the ponies could move on to the fun they had planned.

Later at night a big fire is lit in the center of the camp and the whole tribe was out dancing or just having fun. Daring Do was dangling above the black pot, rope tied around her chest pinning her arms to her sides and an apple in her mouth. She basically just hung there until a pony decided to come play with her. Whether she get's tickled or lowered into the pot was up to whoever approached her and they could do it as long as they wanted. The whole thing was exhausting but enjoyable all the same.

"I think you need another dip." Flelly taunted playfully.

Flelly approached the dangling pegasi with a big smirk on her face. Daring smirked back at her as the filly walked up to the lever that would lower the captive down into the pot, it was filled with 70 degree water so it was completely safe for Daring. She pulls on the lever and the rope starts descending slowly lowering Daring do inch by inch into the pot. The filly smiled as she watched Daring do squirm from the suspense of it.

Finally she is placed on the pot and instantly let's out a relaxed muffled moan from the feel of the nice warm water. Her body just collapsed onto the water so her neck and legs were covered by it. She shifts in a slow manner as her eyes droop from this. Sweat already forming around her body. Flelly climbed up on a platform that was set up so a pony could watch her in the pot. It was giant square and wooden, it was above the left of the cauldron. The captive pegasi looked up at Flelly with a weak smile and wiggled her belly for the pony.

After two hours she is pulled out of the culdron dangling limp in a very relaxed state. The platform could be moved so it's infront of her, this was how non unicorns could tickle her. Flelly moved the platform infront of her and then jumped off. She gives a smirk to Daring do pointing her hoof at Lenny, the unicorn was eagerly walking toward her with a backpack full of tickle tools.

"There's no escape from him this time." Flelly teased.

"Mmph." Daring smiled weakly.

Lenny climbed up onto the wood platform and then placed the pack down on it. He digs into it with his magic, pulling out three feather sticks hovering them in the air infront of Daring's belly. They were barely touching it which made it shiver and wiggle, the kid knew how to draw out the suspense that's for sure. He pulls out the apple for a second to hear Daring's wit.

"With this party going on, I can play with you all I want." Lenny smirked.

"Y-yeah it-t'll almo-ost be too-o boring." Daring smirked playfully.

"Oh you asked for it."

Lenny puts the apple back in her mouth then the sticks begin to brush up and down along her helplesss belly. The poor pegasi screamed in muffled laughter the second they touched. They swished fast on her poor skin making sure to torment every inch of it. Her body swayed a bit as she thrashed in the ropes holding her.

One of those sticks begain to move toward her belly button, she could only squirm as it advanced. Once in it the feather stick brushed around the walls mercilessly making sure nothing was spared from it's wrath. Her body arched forward as well from it letting out squeals adding to her muffled laughter. Her belly jumped in place as it was tormented.

"Yes tickle the helpless explorer." Lenny teased.

He happily brushed away on his idol's sweat spots forcing that huge laughter out of Daring do, it sounded so nice and he wanted to keep it going for a good while this time. Until the party ended there was no stopping him and he knew Daring could take a long tickle session no problem. The sticks all picked up their pace which made Daring do's laughter grow louder and harder.

Finally the sticks pull away, but this brief break would'nt last long so Daring took in as much breathe as she could. She only had a few seconds before a light blue aura began surrounding Lenny's horn, it seemed her tickler was charging up some kind of spell and it would be intense for her. Slowly the tip of Lenny's horn formed a light blue sphere on the tip of it.

"I call this one the Belly Zapper." Lenny smirked.

"Mmph." Daring gulped cutely.

Finally a long thing light blue beam shot right into her belly which brought her muffled laughter right back only she was already in hysterics. Her whole body thrashed side to side under the intense beam making sure to torture her sensitive skin. Her belly jiggled in place rippling a bit from it all. Suddenly it got much worse for she felt like the beam was splitting off into two, one stayed at her belly while the other slowly moved into her belly button.

Once it dipped down into her poor button the pegasi's eyes shot wide open and seemed to be stuck like that now her head rolling side to side, her huge hysterical muffled laughter roared out of her body for it all. Now she saw that Belly Zapper was'nt just a cute name, she certainly felt why he called it that. This spell seemed specifically made just for it.

The party went on for a good couple of hours and Daring's laughter roared throughout the tribe for the remainder of it, all of the ponies there felt happy and cheered as Daring was mercilessly tickled. The explorer herself was equally joyfull. There wasn't a doubt in her mind what she wanted to do for them now.

Early the next morning Daring had asked to be let go, now untied she stood at the front of the Tribe with everyone there to say goodbye to her. Veil, Trickfire, Lenny, and Flelly were at the front. She was still a bit worn out but she had a happy smile on her face all the same. She turned to them knowing what she'll say will make them very happy.

"Alr-right guy-ys, I pr-romise I'll come back to this tr-ribe, and any-y time I do you can capt-ture me the seco-ond I e-enter the ca-amp." Daring do offered with a smile.

This made their grins even wider, Lenny could'nt contain himself and pounced Daring onto his back in a hug. The yellow pegasi chuckled hugging him back

"That's very kind of you Daring do, we'll be glad to take you up on that." Veil smiled.

"Yes thank you so much." Trickfire added happily.

Lenny had his tail brush a bit on Daring do's belly which made her laugh cutely. After that last tickle Lenny got off of her and stood back up. Her jacket and hat were back on her body. With a wave of her forehoof she heads off toward the forest, before they untied her. She was informed of a treasure hidden in a shrine at a lake close to this place. Knowing Lucky will have figured it out she was eager to set off on her next tickly adventure.

to be continued.

Author's Note:

Yes she will come back to the tribe but much later. Hope you enjoy it.