> Daring Do and her friendly rival > by Red flame > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Honey temple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was quite a good day to go exploring, the famous explorer Daring Do happily seized this opportunity. She had recently heard of a rather unique temple and it peeked her curiosity. Supposedly it was made completely out of honey, it sounded odd but it may also have a unique treasure hidden in it. The tan pegasus walked along a dirt path in a jungle, she followed her map which told her this was the path to get to the Honey temple. Finally she made it out of the jungle, she was shocked once she laid eyes on the temple. It was a thirty foot tall cylandar shaped building with a stone stair case leading to a big doorway on the fifth floor. Four tall stone pillars were standing around the main building. However it wasn't how tall it was that was shocking, the whole building as well as the stairs were indeed covered in honey. "I'll need a shower after this." Daring joked. She fixed her hat then began to walk towards the giant stair case, she cautiously places a hoof on it. To her relief the honey on the stair case seems to be completely solid meaning it won't stick to her hooves. So with that she begins to walk up the staircase, once at the door she takes a deep breathe to calm her nerves and then heads in. The pony comes to a really big room the floor was fifty feet long same for the walls and ceiling. There were two doors one on the left wall and the other on the right wall. Across from the entrance at the very end were two staircases, one of these went down while the other went up. As she thinks of which way to go first her ears pick up a strange noise. She glances behind her but there was nothing there. "Relax Daring your just a bit jumpy." Daring thought. Little did she know there was indeed something behind her just a second ago, a shadowy figure clung to the wall as it watched her walk towards the middle of the room. She takes another look around and decides to check out the individual rooms first before going to another floor starting with the right room As she approaches the door leading to the right room, she suddenly starts to feel a bit sleepy. The pegasus looked up and saw a strange green mist falling on her. She tries to make out who is making it but her body quickly succumbs to the mist, she collapses onto her side as she drifts off to sleep the last thing she sees is four green hooves landing on the ground. to be continued. > Lucky Gambler > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly the brave adventure began to open her eyes finally waking up after being hit by that sleep spell. After they were fully open she quickly saw she was dangling above the ground, not only that but her jacket had been removed exposing her plump belly, it was naturally round which she was quite proud of. She looked up to see her front hooves had been covered in honey sticking them to the ceiling, her hat had been removed as well. The room she was in had several mounds of honey only a few spots on the floor were normal such as the spot she was hanging above. Her focus returned to straight ahead when she heard hoofsteps approach her. Once in full view she got a good glimpse of her captor, it was a dark green coated male pony with light blue eyes. This pony had a rather happy smile on his face. "Looks like the sleepy head's awake." The green pony chuckled. "Well at least your not someone else I know, any particluar reason you captured me?" Daring smirked. "I'll get to that, first let me assure you I'm not some evil villian, my name is Lucky Gambler." He smiled Daring could already tell he had no malicious intent in his eyes. So she knew the likelyhood that she's been placed in a death trap was slim to none at least with this Lucky. Still that did beg the question of why he wanted her restrained in the first place, although she felt herself quite relaxed and dare she say it even enjoying her situation, of course not being threatened to be killed certainly helped. "I'm a huge fan of your books, as such you inspired me to do become a treasure hunter myself. Which brings us to why I caught you, see I did my research and found out your adventures were real. Naturally I was happy about this and decided if I met you I would become a friendly rival to you." Lucky explained with much joy. "Ah now it's starting to make sense, but if you read my books you know it isn't easy to keep me tied up." Daring reminded with a playful smirk. "Oh I know, I looked through each book to see if you had any type of weakness I could exploit but keep you unharmed. Then I remembered something intresting in your Cove of Candles story." Lucky smirked. Hearing this made Daring start to sweat a bit with nervous excitment, she remembered when she was captured by Ahuizotl during that trip. The memory alone made her cute belly shiver a bit. It was starting to gel why her jacket was removed it would be so she was vulnerable to what Lucky had planned. "Your just lucky Ahuizotl isn't the brightest villian, even though you enjoyed it, it would still be an effective way to tire you out." Lucky explained. "Oh you would'nt." Daring Do smiled nervously. Lucky horn began to glow with green aura, this same green aura opened the top of his saddle bag. The captive hero watched nervously as two fluffy white feathers were held up, the tips of them were pointed straight at her belly which was covered in sweat by now. They slowly inch closer to it increasing the suspense, this made her belly tremble in place. Her body shivered once the two tips touched her belly. "It's also good for me, because I've wanted to do it since reading your first story." Lucky smirked. Slowly the two feathers began to brush up and down on the helpless tan belly. It quivered as Daring tried to hold it in for a bit, but it seemed Lucky was more than ready for when he got her in his grasp. The two feathers trace around her belly in a circle stroking every inch of the helpless skin. This made Daring finally burst into cute helpless laughter, her body thrashed side to side as those feathers attacked her. "You have no idea how happy I was when I found out you were ticklish." Lucky smiled. He listened to the helpless pony's adorable laughter as he wiggled those feathers around Daring's belly. He had such a happy smile on his face as he tortured his idol. After a few minutes he glanced at the belly button on Daring Do. With a mischievous grin he decided to slowly move the feathers to her button. "OHHOHOHOHOHOHOH NO NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHT THEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHRE!" Daring laughed. Though she said this it was clear she did'nt really mean it at all. The tone of her laughter was quite happy assuring Lucky that she was indeed having fun while being tickle tortured. That of course was his one fear that she would not enjoy it. Finally the two feathers dipped into her belly button, they swivled around in there the soft material brushing against the walls mercilessly. She arched her back forward as she began to let out adorable squeals of laughter "Oh you mean here?" Lucky teased. "YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHS PLEHEHEHEHEASE SPARE IT!" Daring laughed. "Nah I don't think I will." He wanted nothing more than to keep doing this to his hero, but he was here for a treasure and he needed to reveal the other part of this. So after a few more minutes he pulled the feathers out of the belly button, he watched as Daring's head hung down as the pony gasped for breathe. He could'nt help but stare at the tan belly as it rose and fell raidly finding the sight adorable. "Like Ahuizotl I use traps but their all tickle themed." Lucky explained. "Le-et me gue-ess I'm in one." Daring smirked as she panted. "Adorable and smart nice." This comment made Daring grow a big blush though it was'nt an embrassed blush. She had to admit this was such a refreshing change of pace and alot of fun to, this the first time that the pegasi was able to enjoy every bit of her adventure even the getting captured part. So after she got her breathe back she looked up at Lucky with a warm smile. "You know Lucky I think I can see us being friends and rivals." Daring smiled. Little did she realize the big reaction this would get. In an instant she felt Lucky's green hooves wrap around her belly in a rather tight hug. She did'nt mind she'd been squeezed harder than this so she just smiled away as the green pony happily squeezed her. "Heh sorry I have a strong grip." Lucky smiled. "I-I ca-an te-ell, it's-s ok." Daring squeaked playfully. Lucky's hooves finally pulled away from that belly allowing Daring to breathe normally again. He was happy and proud for this, more than wanting to tickle her he really wanted her to be his friend. He knows he'll tell her one day but he was pretty close to giving up for good lately, it was only by sheer luck that he spotted his hero back in the jungle. He decided not to dwell on those thoughts right now though not wanting to bring down the fun they were having. Instead Lucky pulled a black remote from out of his sadle bag, it had a red button on it. "Time for you to be subjected to my first tickle trap." Lucky smirked. "Bring it." Daring grinned back. With a happy smile on Lucky's face his green hoof pressed the red button, two panel's open up on the space under Daring's dangling body. Slowly two honey tentacles rose out from the pannel. Soon they were directly infront of the helpless tan belly. They wiggle teasingly as they inch dramitacly close to her belly. She reflexively pulls on the honey holding her forehooves as she has a wide nervous smile on her face. "We'll miss do I best be going, do enjoy the trap. Oh and don't worry once I exit the temple you'll be set free. Your stuff will be waiting for you out in the front of the temple." Lucky smiled. His smile grew into a wide smirk as the tentcles while not all the way at her belly were so close they were barely swiping across it. "YouHUHUHUHLL pay fOHOHOHR thHIHIHIHIHIHS!" Daring acted. "We'll see." Lucky smiled. With that the green pony raced off to find the treasure of the temple as finally the honey tentacles brushed mercilessly across the pegasi's helpless belly. Once again she was thrown into adorable laughter thrashing around in the air, she pulled on the honey again but her front hooves were firmly trapped in the goop, for the first time she was actually wondering whether she'd win and for once she greatly enjoyed that. to be continued. > Worthy rivals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poor Daring Do was in ticklish agony, those two honey tentacles wisp mercilessly along the helpless belly brushing against every inch of the senstive skin. Her body shook and swung a bit as she let out adorable laughter, once more she pulled on her forehooves, but they remained trapped in the honey, She could'nt even focus enough to think of a way to escape. "PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEASE NO MORE!" Daring begged. Her belly jiggled in place as those tentacles slithered around it, her eyes began to tear up from the intense torture. Slowly one of these began to slide toward her vulnerable button. Her eyes shot open once the tentacle dipped into it, the poor pegasi threw her head back as she let out cute squeals laughing helplessly. "NOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHRE!" Daring laughed. Through all of this she was enjoying it very much, but she did't want to make this an easy win for her new rival. After what felt like forever the tentacles pull away from her. She hangs limp by her forehooves as she gasps for breathe, though she was tired she needed to use this chance to escape. After a bit of thinking she realizes one way to get her hooves free. With a gulp she begins pulling her body up to the cluster of honey holding her forehooves and begins to chomp away at it. The tentacles had retracted into the ground, but she did'nt know when they'd come back so she needed to eat fast. Her body was sweating from the effort it desperately wanted to drop and hang. After two minutes though she finally ate enough of the honey to pull her forehooves out of it. She lands n the floor and quickly runs out of the room. Soon she's back in the main chamber once again, her body wobbled a bit from it's ordeal and her belly made a gurgling sound from having to eat the honey. "Whew he almo-ost had me there." Daring muttered weakly. It took a minute to recall the maps directions, she made her way to the staircase going up. It felt a bit strange not having her jacket or hat on, but she knew she could trust Lucky's word that her stuff was waiting outside. So the pony decided not to waste time going back for them. Finally she made it up to the second hall, it stretched on for at least three miles. A giant door was waiting for her at the end of the hall. It wasn't open so the adventurer guessed Lucky didn't know exactly where the Honey Scepter was. Still she decided to be cautious, she noticed a switch off to the right side of the door and flipped it. The doors swung open rather fast, once it was fully open Daring made her way into the new room. This room's walls were formed in a dome shape, the honey covering the walls and floor were completely solid. In the center of the room was a scepter covered in honey and Lucky standing in front of it. Lucky seemed oblivious to her presence and she decided this was her chance for some payback. With a smirk she quietly crept up behind him. However she could'nt see the smirk that was grown across Lucky's face. He silently moved his right hoof an inch over to a hidden button, he pressed it causing four pannels on the wall to the left to open up allowing four honey streams to shoot out towards Daring. They stick to her four hooves and pull her back to the wall. They have her sprawled on it in an x-position. Lucky walks up to her with a grin. "I had a feeling you might escape, so I set up an extra trap just in case." Lucky smirked. "It's official you actually have brains unlike Ahuizotl." Daring joked. "Oh so you were testing to see if I was smart, not a good thing to say when your restrained." Daring let's out a cute gulp knowing she's about to be tortured again. Four pannels open up on the floor infront of her. Four saws slowly come out of the pannels, however these are completely made of feathers so their completely harmless. They will however tickle quite a bit. "Well these should keep you occupied, I should'nt be too long." Lucky smirked. "Oh I swear I'll get you back." Daring grinned. The saws begin to spin slowly inching toward her belly. It shivers a bit as they advance on it. Finally the saws whirl in place on the defenseless skin sending her into cute hysterical laughter already. Those saws begin to move around on that belly making sure to torment every inch of it. Even though she's getting the daylights tickled out of her again, she still tries to keep her eyes on Lucky. Through watery eyes she could see Lucky pouring water from a bottle on the honey covered scepter. The honey encasing it began to dissolve and uncover the scepter. Her jaw would drop if she was'nt laughing her head off, it was such a simple solution and a plan formed into her head. "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHT'S WRONG LUCKY TOO SCARED TO TICKLE ME YOURSEHEHEHEHEHELF" Daring taunted. Lucky's ears twitch a bit as he turns to his captive with an amused smirked. If his hero was begging to be tickled by him personally who was he to argue with her. So he tapped his hoof on the ground making the saws retract back into the ground. He approached Daring watching the pony hang forward getting in some much needed air. Yet she still had a smile on her face. Finally he was infront of Daring. "Just remember you asked for it."Lucky smirked. "I-I ca-an ta-ake it." Daring smiled weakly. Of course what she really wanted was the water bottle currently sitting in Lucky's right vest pocket. Slowly her tail silently wrapped around the bottle all while wiggling her belly both to taunt and distract her captor. She just barely managed to get it before Lucky was ready for the attack. Lucky's front hooves were glowing green as they slowly touched on her belly. Finally the hooves began to scribble on it wiggling all over the poor skin. It seemed to tickle alot harder than even the saws, as evident by the poor pegasi's helpless screams of hysterical laughter. Her body thrashed side to side out of reflex, her bonds held firm however and so had no escape from the menacing hooves. One of these dug into her belly button scritching around the walls of it. Her back arched forwards as tears flood rapidly out of her eyes. Her hysterical laughter music to Lucky's ears. After thirty minutes of this Lucky finally pulls his hooves away from that belly. "That's what happens when you taunt me." Lucky smirked. Though her head hung down and her body was slumped forward as her belly heaved from her rapid panting. She never lost her grip on the bottle. Lucky headed back to the honey scepter none the wiser as Daring quickly poured the water over the honey trapping her hind hooves and gives a weak smirk. As Lucky moved to grab the scepter Daring suddenly swoops by picking it up and landing across from him with a victorious grin. He was in awe that Daring could still move like that despite all the tickling, it was one of the reasons he looked up to the brave pegasi. Though his rival was clearly exhausted Daring still refused to give up. So he happily watched as the adventurer took flight and flew towards the exit. Out in the front of the temple about five minutes later Daring waited for Lucky Gamble to come out, in the mean time she had recovered her jacket and hat placing both back on her. Finally she saw the green unicorn emerge coming down the steps toward her. She trots up to Lucky with a happy smile on her face. "You actually almost had me there." Daring admitted. "Oh yeah, but I should've expected you to distract me to grab the bottle." Lucky complimented. "I have to say this was alot of fun, your a nice rival to have as well as a friend." Both ponies shook hooves together, once that was done Lucky began to grow a cute blush on his face growing a nervous smile. It was clear he wanted to say something a bit odd, but Daring very much appreciated meeting Lucky, this was the first time she enjoyed every part of her journey including the getting captured part. "Go on say what's on your mind." Daring smiled. "Well from now on, whenever we're after the same object. How about the winner takes the loser as a tickle captive until they can escape?" Lucky expressed shyly. Daring put her hoof to her chin as she thought about this. It was a rather odd thought but not one she didn't find interesting. Finally she smiled deciding it was an exciting challenge. "Alright your on, so better bring your A game next time." Daring smirked. "Oh don't worry, you'll be laughing up a storm in my home soon enough." Lucky replied playfully. With that the green unicorn walked off on a dirt path a very content smile plastered on his face. Daring was curious to know more about her new friendly rival, but for now she would enjoy this to the fullest. Her thoughts were interrupted by a small pain to her right side. She saw it was a small dart. Her vision blurred a bit before she collapsed on the ground completely asleep. to be continued > The Tribe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly the brave adventuer's eyes began to open up, the first thing she noticed was that she was off the ground. She felt something wooden on her back, looking up a bit she sees a Y shaped staff in the ground. An end of the pole was locked into it, she felt rope around her chest pinning her front hooves to her sides as well as rope around her hind hooves. Her belly was facing toward the ground. She heard hoofsteps coming from her right, she glanced in that direction and saw a White unicorn with red stripes on his cheeks. "Finally awake sleepy head." The pony smiled. "What's going on here?" Daring asked. "First let me introduce myself, I am Veil leader of the tribe you now find yourself in." Daring do had noticed a couple tents from what she was able to see. It was obvious she was tied above a fire pit, but it was'nt lit. It was a hunch but she was guessing they did'nt want to kill her. If this turned out to be the case then the question became why did they capture her. Her thoughts were interrupted as Veil walked infront of her head. "This tribe is a tickle themed one, anypony who loves tickling is welcomed into it." Veil explained. "Oh now I'm starting to get it." Daring chuckled. "Smart as your books claim, yes we saw you as you entered the forest and so alot of the members here really wanted to tickle you." It seemed this was very true as six different colored ponies began to surround her, one red, one blue, one dark blue, a turquoise pony, a grey pony, and a brown one. Each one had a feather in their hoof. She smiled nervously and even began to sweat a bit, though the question of why she was above a fire pit still lingered in her mind. She at least was assured they would'nt hurt her. "So the rules here are simple. We keep you until you either manage to escape on your own, or you ask to be let go. Till then your a tickle toy for everpony in the tribe" Veil explained. "Sounds fun, I'm betting a failed escape will be punished right?" Daring guessed. "Oh yes, but we'll save that for later. These ponies want to start the fun already." Veil smirked. On cue the six ponies began to brush their feathers along her belly, this instantly got them adorable laughter from her. She squirmed under the soft tickly touch of the feathers pulling on the ropes holding her, they were firm and well tied. She felt those feathers swirl on the helpless skin getting ever inch of it. She felt two of these feathers began to move toward her belly button, her laughter slowly growing as they drew closer to it. Finally they dip into it and she instantly arched her back, a loud squeal escaped her mouth in addition to her laughter reaching hysterical levels as her poor button was being tortured. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOT THE BUTTOHOHOHOHOHOHON!" Daring begged out of reflex. "Oh how cute, the mighty Daring do is begging." One Pony teased. A blush appeared on her face from this, for a whole hour they were merciless to her belly and belly button. Four of those feathers moved in a circle around the button while the other two brushed the center inside of it. This left her a hysterical laughing mess shifting in the ropes from it all. Finally she felt those feathers leave her belly allowing her to take in deep breathes. She felt the pole she was on rotate until she was now facing the sky. "Now it's my turn, then we'll get to why your above that fire pit." Veil smirked. "Well g-give me-e your-r best shot." Daring do panted. "If you insist." Veil grinned. His horn began to glow white aura, the same white energy began forming two objects above Daring Do's vulnerable belly. They finally shape into two white arrows. Without warning these two begin to scribble fast along that belly. It was so much worse then the feathers as the tickly effect increased with each second that passed. Poor Daring was sent right back into hysterical laughter by them. Shaking in the ropes holding her. After a couple minutes a third arrow is manifested and inserts itself into her belly button, it scrubs around in there driving her mad. Her poor belly rippled in place while she belted out her adorable laughter, it got harder and louder with each second that passed. The sound was so sweet to hear to the tribe ponies. "HAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAVE MERCY!" Daring do laughed. "Sorry your just too cute to not tickle." Veil teased. The arrow in her button began to spin in it making her back arch up further. Her squeals became very high pitched while her laughter was beyond hysterical at this point. Her thrashing was more rapid, the ropes would'nt give her any leverage however they were too well tied. The poor pegasi just had to lay there and submit to it all. After two hours the arrows vanish and she went limp on the pole, her yellow belly pumped up and down from her adorable rapid panting. "So strong yet so cute at the same time." A pony teased. This gave another blush on her face, she saw three unicorns approach the pit and was curious as to what they were doing. One of the unicorns a black one with red stripes all over his body was at the end of the pole where her legs were bound. While the other two's horns began to glow. Suddenly she could start to feel her body heat up and grew a nervous look on her face. "Relax my dear, you are in no danger. The unicorns in our tribe can control the temperature of the fire they create, right now it's at 70 degrees perfectly safe for ponies. We like pretending to roast our captives, mainly just to see them sweat." The black red striped pony explained. Hearing this eased Daring do's mind letting out a quick sigh of relief, indeed it felt as hot as a hot tub would and it made her feel relaxed. She could feel sweat start to form on various spots of her body already. She shifted in the ropes a bit and let out a cute moan of relaxiation. This made her captors giggle. "So yooou'lll be rotatiiing me." Daring moaned. "Yes I am called Trickfire. First thing's first though" The black red stripped pony explained with a smirk. He poofs up an apple and hovers it above her mouth. Daring do smirked keeping it shut, however that was quickly met with two feathers brushing on her belly real quick from the two of the other ponies. This made her bark out laughter and Trickfire shoved the apple into her mouth without much trouble after. The feathers quickly left her and the fire soon had her completely relaxed again. "Mmph." Daring said She could finally feel the pole begin to slowly rotate her, sweat dripped along her body as it was now feeling every inch of the 70 degree heat. She gave a relaxed muffled moan. Her eyes drooped a bit from this rather nice treatment. While being rotated she took some time to collect her thoughts. She felt very happy with these tribe ponies, their love for her was very apparent and it made her content to be their captive for at least the rest of the day. Two if her escape attempt failed, she did'nt want to waste more than that though. After all she had a new rival to play with as well. As she was rotated she noticed a crowd of ponies staring at her belly, blushing she shifts a bit in the ropes to make it jiggle for them. This made them happy as she heard cheers and compliments about how cute she looked right now. Trickfire rotated her a bit faster which made her a little dizzy which she was sure was the unicorn's intent. Suddenly she felt two feathery rods prodding at her belly which made her belt out cute muffled laughter. Two pegasi held the rods torturing her poor belly, it seemed they were "Testing the meat" with these rods. One of them scrubbed down into her belly button making her arch her back getting a huge adorable squeal of laughter out of her. "Ah not ripe enough yet." One of the pegasi teased. "Four more hours should do." Veil smirked. Daring rolled her eyes at their playfull jokes and this earned her belly another prodding from the feather rods. It was really fun to be at the mercy of such tickle happy ponies. After four hours she get's "tested" again and they decide their "meat" was done. They untie her from the spit, they help the wobbly pegasi over to a Totem pole in the center of the villiage. "Ok lay down." Veil ordered. Daring laid down on her back, rope was wrapped around her hind hooves securing them together again. They attach the other end of the rope to a ring on the top of the totem pole. They then lift the tired explorer up off the ground turning her upside down. After she's about two inches off the ground, she laughs from quick pokes to her belly and then they leave her be for a bit. "You'll be hanging here for the rest of the day, anypony can come up to you and tickle you silly." Trickfire grinned. A little while later two fillies a light blue Unircorn and a gold pony came up to her eager to have some fun with her. Daring grew a weak smile on her face as the unicorn poofs up a box labled tickle tools. They both dig through it looking for their first tools to torture her with. The unicron pulls out two feathered claws rather energetically and the pony had a buffer in her hand. "Yay now we get to tickle the awesome Daring do!" The unicorn exclaimed. "You can go first then Lenny." The girl pony smiled. "Thanks so much Flelly!" "I bet you won't-t e-even ma-ake me-e gigg-gle." Daring smirked weakly. "Oh." With a big grin Lenny hovered the two feather claws over her yellow belly, then flip the switches on both of them causing them to begin scribbling around on that helpless belly. They scrubbed over every inch of it making sure to give the adventurer all she could handle, and it was working as huge laughter poured out of her body. "So what was that." Lenny sneered playfully. "I'M SOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHORRY I'M SOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!" Daring begged out of reflex. "I"ll bet you are, that's what happens when you put on a cute tough act here." Lenny taunted playfully. Flelly chuckled at her friend, Lenny was thrilled when they brought Daring do into the villiage two days ago. Everyone was fans of hers, but Lenny especially really admired her and it meant so much to be able to tickle his idol silly right now. After letting him go solo for a few minutes Felly added her buffer into the mix, it began spinning fast right on top of Daring do's belly button. This caused her back to arch forward which only pushed it further into the tools tormenting her. Her laughter rose to huge hysterical levels, her belly jiggled in place under those maddening tools. Lenny especially was making sure she felt everything he had. The two pinkie fingers managed to get under the buffer and into her button scrubbing the walls of it, this finally made tears begin to form in her eyes. "Yes Daring do is now in tickle induced tear mode!" Lenny shouted happily. "PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAVE MERCY!" Daring begged out of reflex. "No way this belly is too much fun for us to stop anytime soon." Flelly grinned. Daring do happily laughed away as the kids tortured her. Through all of what she's been subjected too, she feels a small tear in the ropes holding her. She could easily get free with that, though she wanted the kids to have their fun with her first. Which meant enduring their merciless tickling until 8 pm at night. At which point they were forced to stop only cause it was time to go to bed. This left her a sweating panting mess of a pony. Two kids watched her belly as it heaved rapidly from her fast breathing. "It's so cute, I can't wait to play with it tomorrow." Lenny smiled. "Ma-aybe y-you coul-ld show it-t some me-ercy." Daring said in a playful and weak tone. "Nah, infact because of that I'll tickle it extra hard tomorrow." "Hehe come on Lenny." Flelly smiled. As they walked Lenny kept watching Daring's belly, so she stayed as still as she could so the boy could stare at it until he was inside his home tent. Now alone Daring pulls her hind hooves in diffrent directions. This makes the tear in the ropes bigger and eventually rips them apart. She lands on her hooves though very wobbly from all the tickling. With her so worn out she had little chance of actually getting away. Still she could'nt help but want to see what methods they had to recapture her. Silently she began to make her way toward the forest, it surronded the entire tribe so she could pick any spot to start walking into. Going through the bushes, she accidently triggers a trip wire. Two ropes try to wrap around her, but she manages to duck before they get her. She kept on her way, however she soon slumped against a tree due to her exhaustion, the wood she leaned on moved into the tree and five sleep darts shot at her. Reacting quickly she managed to just barely sidestep out of their way. However one of her hindhooves steps on a branch, at first it seemed nothing was happening. However her nose began to itch all of a sudden, she began sneezing uncontrollably. They were too rapid for her to try and decude what it was, however a few chuckles she heard in the bushes nearby answered her question. "Agree to get on your knees with your front hooves up and we'll stop the sneeze scent spell." Veil's voice explained. "oacho ok you win just make this a-a-achoo stop." Daring surrendered. Veil and Trickfire emerge from the bushes. Veil's white magic held a small jar labled sneeze scent, he opens the top and the scent removed itself from Daring do's nose. Panting she got down on her knees with her front hooves above her head. Trickfire walks behind her holding rope while Veil goes infront of her. "You were so close too, I'm surprised you were able to move so quickly despite being so worn out." Veil expressed happily. "if-f I su-ucuumbed too ex-xhaustion eas-sily Ahuizotal woul-ld've kille-ed me a-along time ago." Daring chuckled weakly. Trickfire pulled her front hooves down behind her back tying them together. He helps their captive stand up on her hind legs and begin walking back to the tribe with her. A quick poke to her belly from Veil's tail earned a quick laugh from her as well as a warning that she would be getting it much worse when they got back, and that excited her greatly. To be continued. > Promise to return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tribe members were all gathered around the center of their camp, they watched as Daring was being subjected to her punishment for trying to escape. She was strapped in an x-position on a wooden table, set above her belly was a cylandar shaped decive with giant cotton swabs covering the top. She had to dodge them as they jab at her belly, for if they connected they would torment her and not stop for six hours. Her poor body twisted as she struggled to avoid those swabs, the sight made her look really adorable to the other ponies watching her. At first when she was strapped to the table it was slow, but it was almost lunch time now and the swabs were jabbing at quick speeds. The effort was wearing her out, they'll connect to her soon enough. For now the yellow belly danced side to side sweating from having to dodge each swab. The ponies teased her about her dancing for them which made her blush. "How long can the great Daring prolong her fate." Veil taunted. "I could dodge these all day." Daring boasted playfully. "Well as much fun as that would be, we can see your wearing down." Trickfire smirked. Finally she just couldn't keep up the effort anymore, her body laid back on the table as a cotton swab finally connects to her belly. It began whirling fast on the poor skin, cute laughter erupting from her as a result of it. The other swabs soon followed jabbing and whirling fast into the now tired mare. Her body shook in her bindings. She could hear the teasing and cheering as she was finally being subjected to the machine. One of the cotton swabs shot straight into her poor belly button, the soft material brushed along the walls and center forcing huge squeals to come out of Daring Do's mouth. Her laughter shot up into hysterical levels as well, her eyes shot open wide as her head thrashed side to side and her eyes don't seem to want to close. "PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHASE TURN IT OOOOHOHOHHOHOHOHOFF!" Daring begged out of reflex. "Poor Daring do has succumbed to the machine and is now in ticklish agony." Trickfire teased playfully. Her blush got bigger as her poor belly was constantly assaulted by all of the swabs. Though she was being tickled out of her mind she was enjoying herself a whole bunch and was content with letting them have one more day with her. Her thoughts were interrupted as the machine seem to speed up even more. Her laughter roared out of her while she thrashed helplessly on the table. For the whole time they watched as the machine tortured their captive, the tribe was happy that she was being such a good sport about this. The two foals from yesterday also eagerly stared at Daring. Lenny especially adored this sight and only wished he was the one doing it personally. During this a couple ponies were dragging a giant cooking pot next to the throne. Finally after seven hours the machine finally turned off, leaving an exhuasted limp pegasi on that table. Her belly rose and fell adorably fast as she panted rapidly from all of that. Lenny and Flelly finally came up to her with five slices of pizza for her to eat. They climb up on the table and take a seat on her belly making her gasp a bit. It growled a bit from the smell of the pizza "Oh this is so much fun." Lenny cheered. "S-sure is-s, y-you guys are all very fun." Daring smiled weakly. Lenny placed the first piece above her mouth and she began chomping away at it. She finally noticed the cooking pot, she guessed this would be like when they "roasted" her and it was mainly to relax her. It took a couple minutes but she finally finished all the slices. So now the ponies could move on to the fun they had planned. Later at night a big fire is lit in the center of the camp and the whole tribe was out dancing or just having fun. Daring Do was dangling above the black pot, rope tied around her chest pinning her arms to her sides and an apple in her mouth. She basically just hung there until a pony decided to come play with her. Whether she get's tickled or lowered into the pot was up to whoever approached her and they could do it as long as they wanted. The whole thing was exhausting but enjoyable all the same. "I think you need another dip." Flelly taunted playfully. Flelly approached the dangling pegasi with a big smirk on her face. Daring smirked back at her as the filly walked up to the lever that would lower the captive down into the pot, it was filled with 70 degree water so it was completely safe for Daring. She pulls on the lever and the rope starts descending slowly lowering Daring do inch by inch into the pot. The filly smiled as she watched Daring do squirm from the suspense of it. Finally she is placed on the pot and instantly let's out a relaxed muffled moan from the feel of the nice warm water. Her body just collapsed onto the water so her neck and legs were covered by it. She shifts in a slow manner as her eyes droop from this. Sweat already forming around her body. Flelly climbed up on a platform that was set up so a pony could watch her in the pot. It was giant square and wooden, it was above the left of the cauldron. The captive pegasi looked up at Flelly with a weak smile and wiggled her belly for the pony. After two hours she is pulled out of the culdron dangling limp in a very relaxed state. The platform could be moved so it's infront of her, this was how non unicorns could tickle her. Flelly moved the platform infront of her and then jumped off. She gives a smirk to Daring do pointing her hoof at Lenny, the unicorn was eagerly walking toward her with a backpack full of tickle tools. "There's no escape from him this time." Flelly teased. "Mmph." Daring smiled weakly. Lenny climbed up onto the wood platform and then placed the pack down on it. He digs into it with his magic, pulling out three feather sticks hovering them in the air infront of Daring's belly. They were barely touching it which made it shiver and wiggle, the kid knew how to draw out the suspense that's for sure. He pulls out the apple for a second to hear Daring's wit. "With this party going on, I can play with you all I want." Lenny smirked. "Y-yeah it-t'll almo-ost be too-o boring." Daring smirked playfully. "Oh you asked for it." Lenny puts the apple back in her mouth then the sticks begin to brush up and down along her helplesss belly. The poor pegasi screamed in muffled laughter the second they touched. They swished fast on her poor skin making sure to torment every inch of it. Her body swayed a bit as she thrashed in the ropes holding her. One of those sticks begain to move toward her belly button, she could only squirm as it advanced. Once in it the feather stick brushed around the walls mercilessly making sure nothing was spared from it's wrath. Her body arched forward as well from it letting out squeals adding to her muffled laughter. Her belly jumped in place as it was tormented. "Yes tickle the helpless explorer." Lenny teased. He happily brushed away on his idol's sweat spots forcing that huge laughter out of Daring do, it sounded so nice and he wanted to keep it going for a good while this time. Until the party ended there was no stopping him and he knew Daring could take a long tickle session no problem. The sticks all picked up their pace which made Daring do's laughter grow louder and harder. Finally the sticks pull away, but this brief break would'nt last long so Daring took in as much breathe as she could. She only had a few seconds before a light blue aura began surrounding Lenny's horn, it seemed her tickler was charging up some kind of spell and it would be intense for her. Slowly the tip of Lenny's horn formed a light blue sphere on the tip of it. "I call this one the Belly Zapper." Lenny smirked. "Mmph." Daring gulped cutely. Finally a long thing light blue beam shot right into her belly which brought her muffled laughter right back only she was already in hysterics. Her whole body thrashed side to side under the intense beam making sure to torture her sensitive skin. Her belly jiggled in place rippling a bit from it all. Suddenly it got much worse for she felt like the beam was splitting off into two, one stayed at her belly while the other slowly moved into her belly button. Once it dipped down into her poor button the pegasi's eyes shot wide open and seemed to be stuck like that now her head rolling side to side, her huge hysterical muffled laughter roared out of her body for it all. Now she saw that Belly Zapper was'nt just a cute name, she certainly felt why he called it that. This spell seemed specifically made just for it. The party went on for a good couple of hours and Daring's laughter roared throughout the tribe for the remainder of it, all of the ponies there felt happy and cheered as Daring was mercilessly tickled. The explorer herself was equally joyfull. There wasn't a doubt in her mind what she wanted to do for them now. Early the next morning Daring had asked to be let go, now untied she stood at the front of the Tribe with everyone there to say goodbye to her. Veil, Trickfire, Lenny, and Flelly were at the front. She was still a bit worn out but she had a happy smile on her face all the same. She turned to them knowing what she'll say will make them very happy. "Alr-right guy-ys, I pr-romise I'll come back to this tr-ribe, and any-y time I do you can capt-ture me the seco-ond I e-enter the ca-amp." Daring do offered with a smile. This made their grins even wider, Lenny could'nt contain himself and pounced Daring onto his back in a hug. The yellow pegasi chuckled hugging him back "That's very kind of you Daring do, we'll be glad to take you up on that." Veil smiled. "Yes thank you so much." Trickfire added happily. Lenny had his tail brush a bit on Daring do's belly which made her laugh cutely. After that last tickle Lenny got off of her and stood back up. Her jacket and hat were back on her body. With a wave of her forehoof she heads off toward the forest, before they untied her. She was informed of a treasure hidden in a shrine at a lake close to this place. Knowing Lucky will have figured it out she was eager to set off on her next tickly adventure. to be continued. > Late to the Game Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The brave adventurer trotted along the dirt path that lead to Misty Lake home of the shrine that had been pointed out to her. It's been six hours since she left the tribe, there was at least an hour left of the trip. As she walked she could start to see some webbing in the trees. The deeper she went the denser the webbing got. It didn't take a genius to understand that she was walking into a spider's territory. "Oh this is a nice change." Daring do thought confidently. She noticed webbing on the ground scattered along it at various spots. She carefully walked onward making sure to avoid touching the spots with her hooves. After five minutes of walking she came upon a saddle bag, it was a blue color with Lucky Gambler's cutie mark on it. She grew concerned now and glanced upward scanning the area. Sure enough she spotted a bunch of interlocking spider webs, the area covered twenty feet starting at this point. Muffled laughter could be heard up there, she followed the source with her eyes to a pony sized cocoon among the webbing. Feeling relieved at knowing he was ok, she smirked and she took flight up to it. Carefully and silently tearing the web around the head to reveal Lucky's. Now his laughter was going out normally. "Shush will you, otherwise you'll attract attention. "Daring do smirked. "CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAN'T REHEHEHEHEHEHALLY HELP IT" Lucky laughed. Inside of this cocoon several web strands had formed into brushes, they scrubbed up and down on the skin to extract all of the laughter he could muster. Three of these also moved along the walls and center of his little belly button. His body shifted helplessly inside of the cocoon unable to escape the torment. Luckily this session was almost over for him. After two more minutes the web brushes stop and retract back into the silk. Leaving the unicorn gasping heavily. "You have GOT to tell me how this happened." Daring do chuckled. "O-oh if it'll amuse you sure." Lucky giggled weakly. He began explainning the situation, after leaving the Honey Temple he decided to get a head start on Daring do and came here. However a very energtic spider found him and caught him. After tickling him silly he was spun into a cocoon and had been in it the whole time. The whole thing was really funny to Daring do. "Fang's a sweet spider, but also very clingy too. "Lucky sighed happily. "Well I guess I can give you a hOOF!" Daring suddenly shrieked. Webbing suddenly attached to her hind hooves and yanked her toward a Giant spider with a blue color and a green star on the back. Once close enough the web was secured to one right above the spider making Daring do dangle upside down right in front of the smirking spider. She couldn't help but smile nervously as she stared at who she guessed was Fang. "Oh Lucky was right, you are pretty cute." Fang grinned. This made her go wide eyed trying to glance back at Lucky to give him a slightly irrated but playful look. "I have'nt been able to escape her, So I made a deal with her. She could keep me until you came and then you'd be traded for me." Lucky smirked mischviously. "Oh quite the smart plan there, you better hope she cocoons me good and tight." Daring do declared confidently. "If you insist little one, but first we need to get you exhuasted." Fang taunted playfully. First she had one of her legs suddenly shoot out towards the cocoon holding lucky and cut through it freeing the green unicorn. He lands on the ground with his hooves and slautes Daring do before trotting off toward the lake confident that he's won this round. The spider was unexpected but helped him set up a perfect trap for his idol and friend. With that done Fang turned her attention back to her new captive, showing that her legs were capable of bending like tentacles to make the pegasus nervous. It worked too as the belly shivered from being so close to these. Finally they begin sliding around it getting huge laughter from it's owner once again. Her body thrashed side to side adorably fast infront of the captor. "Aww does this tickle little pegasus?" Fang teased playfully. "YEEHHEHEEHEHEHEHEHHEHEEHS, OHOHOHOHOHOHO NO TIHIHIHIHIHICKLING" Daring do begged out of reflex. Her body writhed to the sides while her belly felt the legs slither along it making sure to force all the laughter out of her that they could get. Another of these began to invade right in her belly button, this got her eyes to shoot wide open and she began squealing hard while her laughter increased in volume. Sounding very adorable to Fang. Fang's eyes glow blue and webbing began to form into four fingers pointing at the belly. They helped the attack scribbling up and down against the yellow belly without mercy, the poor pony's laughter grew louder and harder from the added web fingers. "PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEASE NNOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO NO MOHOHOHOHORE!" Daring do begged adorably. "I've just started though." Fang teased happily. The poor pegasus writhed adorably in place while she was subjected to this torment. The belly jiggled around from the legs and fingers scribbling against her, another finger dips into the button swishing around in the walls and center. This got her to squeal hard adding to her hysterical laughter has her back arched forward. Lucky was quite certain Daring do was'nt getting out of that one, so he was in a rush to get to the shrine. So he could be the first winner of their new little bet. He skidded to a halt when he reached the lake, and quickly understood with a nervous chuckle things were'nt going to be that easy. A forty foot tall black octopus was seen in front of the small platform the shrine was on sleeping peacefully. On the shrine's pedestal was a blue sphere. "Ok, I can do this." Lucky gulped cutely. Silently walking over to the first stone stump that lead over to the platform, there were three more of these and the last was behind the octopus head. He breathed in and then took the first leap. Making it onto the stump, he then proceeded to the next two, but the landing made debri fall off the stump. Which woke up the octopus as he made his leap. In seconds four black tentacles grab his green hooves and hold him up infront of the black octopus's face in an x-position. Obviously smirking at the latest catch that was in it's grip. One tentacle pokes the belly which get's a very cute giggle out of him. "Oh you are ticklish, good I'm going to have fun." She smirked. "Heh uhm would you believe me if I said I was just taking a swim?" Lucky smiled nervously. "No, but not a bad attempt. I'm Wave." She grinned. Two of the black tentacles slowly slithered over to the green belly, to draw out the suspense and it worked as the green belly twitched from the agonizingly slow approach, making Lucky even writhe a bit which just looked so adorable to his captive. Finally they make contact and begin brushing fast against the skin of the belly. This got poor Lucky to let out really hard laughter making him pull on the tentacles helplessly out of reflex. The unicorn's belly shook under the touch of them, he tried to use magic but quickly found that impossible. So he trembled rapidly in place as he was tormented. "I think you got this now, but I can block unicorn magic." Wave smirked. Hours go by for both captives, poor Daring do was having her belly licked by Fang's tounge. It slurped fast against the skin of it, getting really hard shrieks from the poor pegasus while her laughter was forced out of her. Her eyes were stuck wide open now from the intensity. The tip of the tounge found it's way into her belly button for the fifth time making her squeal hard. Finally it pulled away leaving her gapsing heavily as she took in air. Her yellow belly pumping up and down adorably slow from the big breathing. "Alright now it's time for your cocoon." Fang grinned. "A-at l-least I w-won't be e-eaten." Daring do joked tiredly. "Of course not, how could I hurt a pony so cute?" Fang began to spin Daring do fast while also shooting webbing onto her body. She groaned from the spinning, feeling the soft silk cover more and more of her body. It felt rather good to her and warm, infact it seemed to effect her mind a bit. As if it was subtly convincing it and the rest of her body to not want to leave the cocoon. Soon all but her mouth was wrapped up. "Y-you don't mess ar-round." Daring do moaned cutely "Nope, that feeling is a trance like state. It makes your mind command your body to not want to leave the cocoon. No matter how much the rest of your brain wants to try. You can still try and talk your away out like Lucky did, only I'm quite satisfied with my catch and I think you've talked enough for awhile." Fang smirked. "W-well I k-know m-most pe-eople love my tmmmmmmmph." Daring do was cut off. Her mouth was covered up by webbing and now she was left alone inside of the comfortable webbing, she felt the spider's body cling onto her cocoon feeling those legs around it. She then began to feel a vibration through the web, and it made her tired. She wanted to resist it but her mind compelled her not to. Her eyes droop and soon she drifts off to sleep, soundly and completely defeated. To be continued. > Late to the Game Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was almost night now, the sky was dark and Lucky wasn't having any luck getting free. The Ocotpus happily slurped her toung along her captive's green belly. Squeals of loud laughter escaped Lucky, the pony's twisting looked very cute to watch. Her eyes were locked on the sensitive tickle spot. "Mmm maybe just one more hour, then I'll go to sleep." Wave grinned. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOT ANOTHEHEHEHEHER HOUR!" Lucky pleaded cutely. "Hmm your right, two more hours." Lucky blushed as that tounge kept sliding along the skin, the tip scrubbing along at a rapid speed. He wasn't sure how to get out of this one, but knew that Daring Do wouldn't be able to get away from that spider. Which means he doesn't have a decoy this time. He shrieked helplessly while laughing his head off. "You'll just love my next trick" Wave teased happily. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO I CAHHAHAHN'T TAKE MOHOHOHOHRE!" Lucky begged adorably. Wave's eyes glowed brightly in a blue aura, two puddles of water began to ripple on either side of the captive. Rising up and shaping into two stars, they attach to Lucky's green belly next to the button, and the water began to funnel fast across it's points. Making it so much worse on Lucky who's laughter finally reached hysterical levels, sounding adorably frantic as well. The waves the water stars were making on itself moved off them and began sweeping across Lucky's entire belly, the button included. His poor body twisted and trembled from the intensity, his eyes stuck wide open unable to close them as he laughed up a storm. Through his adorable squirming though, he noted that his tail wasn't wrapped up. "I'M BEHEHEHEHEHEHEGGING PLEEHEHEHEHEHASE MEHEHEHEHEHEHERCY!" Lucky pleaded happily. After two hours the water stars finally vanished from his belly and Wave pulled her tounge away. His body dropped forward instantly, his head hanging down and his eyes half drooped while he took in huge breathes, his belly pumping in a cute slow way. "Alright nappy time, don't worry though you'll still be tuckered out when you wake up." Wave grinned. "Heh, y-you certainly know h-how to c-cover yo-our basis." Lucky chuckled weakly. "Thank you, I just want to play with my cute catch longer than a day." Lucky sighed in playful defeat, at least that's what he made it seem like, he quietly pulled up his tail to touch his back. While Wave brought two tentacles to his forehead a black aura glowed from them and then went into his body. He yawned cutely as he began to feel drowsy. "O-ooooh t-that p-packs a p-punch." Lucky chuckled weakly. "Nighty night." Wave smiled. Wave closed her eyes and her body went down into the water till only the top of her head was visible. Taking the chance, he managed to cast a special luck spell on himself. His tail tip glowed green and it shot into his body. It was the only way out of this, but regardless his eyes began to close as he succumbed to the sleep spell. Four hours later Wave's eyes would begin to open up again, waking back up right before midnight. He had a grin of pride as he felt the tentacles grip was loose just as he had hoped for. He pulls on his front hooves and they manage to slip out of their restraints. "W-whew heh yep s-she c-could c-cover all of her ba-asis, e-except for the fact I c-could still use magic on myself." Lucky chuckled weakly. He flipped out of Wave's grip and landed onto the stone platform next to his former captor. He sighed in relief before jumping across to the shrine's platform. He picked up the blue sphere from it's pedestal and chuckled happily. Not only did he have a really rare treasure, but this meant victory for his and Daring's little competition. "Thank you Oxygen Sphere, now I can play with my idol all I want." Lucky grinned weakly. The cocoon hanging in the forest began to shift as the pony inside began to wake up, all she could see was white. The silk was feeling very nice against her skin though. It was actually pretty hard to stay awake, as she twisted a bit she trigged her prison's security. Two silk rings formed right in her belly button, and began to spin rapidly inside them making her shriek hard as muffled laughter came out of her. She noticed that Fang was no longer clinging to her at least as she couldn't feel the spider's weight. Her wrapped body swayed a bit from squirming. The silk rings soft white touch and speed made it so intense. Constantly scrubbing against the walls of her button from it's spinning. "S-so h-hard to think. Y-yep I've l-lost this round." Daring thought to herself. As if to confirm these thoughts, she felt the cocoon start to lower to the ground. It was five minutes before the webbing was torn in half making the rings finally stop. She finally dropped out of her prison landing on her back panting heavily, the belly heaving adorably slow. The face of Lucky came into view. "O-ok ok y-you w-won. I'm a-all y-yours." Daring do smiled weakly. "So glad to hear it Daring. Don't worry, you'll have a belly full of laughs." Lucky grinned. "Heh e-expected a-as much." Lucky walks over to Daring's right side, then plants a hoof right on her belly making her let out a cute gasp. The unicorn presses on her belly a bit making her groan from the hoof. Her body trembled a bit from the pressure, yet she didn't mind it. She was honestly very curious as to what Lucky's home would be. To be continued.