• Published 17th Mar 2016
  • 455 Views, 19 Comments

A Wizards Path - mari tech

A wizard is taken from his homeland named al'gathoria and is thrown in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Back from Gone

Nikolai sat in his hospital bed, the bed he got was meant for a griffin. Twilight was hugging Nikolai closely. As Nikolai was getting up, he spotted the fortitude potion. He picked it up and examined it, only 1/8th was left.

"Nurse, catch." Nikolai threw the potion to Redheart.

Redheart caught the potion.

"What's this for?"

"Pain and Damage relief, also restores a small amount of mana."

Redheart drank the last of it, she got up out of the chair and seemed to be in no pain.

"That's... that's one effective drink."

"Thanks, and sorry for draining both of you by accident."

"It's okay, i forgive you. I just need some patient info."

"Of course."

"I just need to know if you have any other injuries that i may not know of."

"I broke my leg on my way here and my ribs are broken from timber wolves."

"I'll get some medicine ready to help with that."

Nurse Redheart went out of the room and went to get Nikolai's medication.

"Anything i missed Twilight." Nikolai looked down at Twilight on his lap.

"No, not really."


The nurse came back in with several syringes. Nikolai was not fazed.

"Okay, i have the medicine ready, are you afraid of needles?"



Nikolai took off his ring of defense momentarily. Redheart injected the medicine into Nikolai's arm. Nikolai put on his ring.

"Alright, it will take a bit before it starts working, so just relax for now. I need to check on other patients."

Redheart left the room, only Nikolai and Twilight remain. Twilight looked up at Nikolai.

"You going to be okay?"

"I hope so, i'm going to need a place to live."

"You can live in my house if you want."

"Would you be okay with it?"

"Of course, I still owe you. You saved my life."

"I guess it's a plan then."

Twilight hugged Nikolai, and Nikolai hugged back. Nurse Redheart came in.

"When you are done i need you to fill some papers out, then you are discharged."

Redheart placed some papers on the table next to his bed. Nikolai looked over and saw his robes and the round glass bottle. He set Twilight on the bed and put on his wizard robes. He took out his wand, it has a few small scorch marks, but it was strong. It is impossible to break a wand. He put his wand in the wand holster inside his jacket. He still needed a shirt, but he has other priorities. Nikolai filled out the papers and gave them to Redheart at the front desk, she quickly flipped through them.

"Everything looks good, you are free to go. Hope i don't have to see you here again."

Nikolai went out of the hospital and took a good meditative breath. Nikolai smelled something off in the air. It smelled like stressed mana. He quickly looked around and saw a purple unicorn with bright white fur and 3 diamonds as a cutie mark. She was out in the plains getting attack by the timber wolves that followed Nikolai and Twilight. Twilight was about to say something but was cut off when Nikolai ran out to her.

Nikolai reached the unicorn and the timber wolves. The unicorn was on the ground using stress magic, not a good idea. The timber wolves pinned her to the ground, and they were about to eat her whole. Nikolai took out his wand and cast a combination of earth and chaos. A wave of earth raced towards the timber wolves and knocked them out of the unicorns range. The timber wolves got back up and were hit by a volley of icicles. The beast's body splintered and were demolished. The unicorn got up and ran towards ponyville until she saw Twilight.


"I didn't save you, he did." Twilight pointed to Nikolai who gave her a little wave.

The unicorn passed out at the sight of Nikolai.

"Rarity was always a drama queen."

"Seems like it."

Twilight had a little laugh, Twilight picked her up in her magic and went to rarity's boutique. Nikolai followed along. He quickly changed rings. As Twilight was taking Nikolai and rarity to her boutique, she noticed no pony was panicking at Nikolai's presence.

"Hey Nikolai, shouldn't they be panicking?"

"No, i put on a shadow walking ring, only you can see me."

"That's useful."

Twilight brought rarity back in her boutique and set her on her bed. Twilight left a note on the door. 'hope you feel better - Twilight.' Nikolai and Twilight went to her house, Nikolai took off his shadow walking ring and replaced it with his defense ring. Twilight showed Nikolai his room. Twilight left to run to the store leaving Nikolai to his antics. He started by placing his items on a table and sorting them out, scrolls, rings and necklaces, potion stuff, and misc. He set up his alchemy on a different table and placed his rings, necklaces, and scrolls in a cabinet. He looked his wand over, he saw that it had little cracks in it, this worried Nikolai. He has never seen a cracked wand before. He shrugged and put it in his holster. He went to his alchemy station and worked on a a new potion. He added a blood red mushroom, rainbow oak leaves, a very small and white crystal, and some tea leaves. he put his mixture through the alembic station, after it was done being heated and destilled, he poured it into the round bottle, capped it, and shook it violently. the mixture went from blood red, to a pure white. Nikolai put his potion into his robes. Twilight came back from the store.

"Hey Nikolai, i'm back. Twilight gave Nikolai a small bottle, it was unlabeled and it made Nikolai worried.

"What is this stuff?"

"It's just apple ale, thought you might like it."

Nikolai looked down at the bottle, he knew that young wizards shouldn't drink, but then again, he isn't anywhere near the college. Nikolai uncapped the ale and gave it a sip. It tasted strong. Nikolai recapped it and set it on his night stand.

"Did you like it?"

"I like it, it's really strong."

"Really? that's the lightest drink we have."

"It may be something to do with the fact that you are heavier and have a higher drink tolerance."


Nikolai sat on his bed and looked at the floor.

"You alright Nikolai?"

"Not really, I probably won't see my home ever again, and I won't get to be back in my college to continue my studies."

"Don't say that, there must be a way to send you home."

There was a knock at the door, Twilight went down and opened the door to the local mare-pony.

"Letter for Twilight Sparkle." The pony was grey with a blond mane and tail, she had bubbles as a cutie mark.

"Thanks Ditzy." Twilight took the letter and opened it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle

As you may have known, you have come in contact with a creature you never knew existed. This being is a species that create chaos and destruction, they kill each other for resource and dominance. Be careful, this being might attack you, I also want you to bring this creature to Canterlot for judgement. I must judge this creatures resolve. if he is to fail, he will be executed, if he is to pass, he will live. Please bring him to Canterlot at once.


"Oh... crap."

Author's Note:

End on another chapter. Next chapter will be a long one. A lot will happen next chapter. Thanks for sticking around.