• Published 17th Mar 2016
  • 454 Views, 19 Comments

A Wizards Path - mari tech

A wizard is taken from his homeland named al'gathoria and is thrown in Equestria.

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Chapter 6: The Great Escape

Nikolai took the knife out of his arm, twirled the blade, aimed, and threw the knife at chrysalis. The knife stuck itself in her side. She lie on the ground howling in pain. She keeled over on the ground. A pool of green blood grew outward from her. Nikolai ran to Twilight and untied her. Twilight fell to the ground after being untied. She appeared to have passed out from major blood loss. Nikolai picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. As he was leaving camp, he spotted a portable alchemy kit and a few bottles, he took the kit and the bottles and put them in his pocket inside the robe.

"Don't worry Twilight, i will get you help."

Twilight didn't respond.

Nikolai walked off into a direction, he eventually found the camp he got kidnapped from. he went inside, Put Twilight on her bed and took the kit and bottles, and put them on the table outside. The kit contained a pestle and mortar, assorted boiling machines, assorted mushrooms, leaves, woods, and metals. the bottles were different shapes from round, square, and triangle. Nikolai got a bottle and placed it on the table. He took the mortar and pestle and ground up red mushrooms, green leaves, and yellow leaves. he took the materials and dumped them in the round bottle. he added some hot water with magic, corked the bottle, and shook and swirled it. The potion he made turned blood red with a small tinge of green. Nikolai threw in some iron shavings and the potion of fortitude is complete. He estimated that this potion could go for $100. He put the potion next to Twilight's bed. Nikolai sat on his makeshift bed. He decided if the curse is gone after severely damaging Chrysalis. After a bit of meditation he found that the curse is broken. Nikolai went over to Twilight and lightly shook her, she stirred awake.

"Hey, Twilight, i have good news."

"Ehhh, yeah?"

"The curse is broken."

"That's great, can i sleep now?"

"In a sec, but first drink this potion." Nikolai handed her his potion.

Twilight was suspicious of it, but she drank it anyway. She drank 1/4th of the potion and set it down. Twilight had a sudden burst of energy, Her bleeding stopped seconds after drinking the potion. Twilight sat up and looked at Nikolai, she seemed to blush.

"Thank you, Nikolai."

"No problem. That burst of energy won't last. I'll work on some more potions while you are asleep."

Twilight went back to sleep while Nikolai went out and made some more potions. He made a potion of stamina with gold shavings, yellow leaves, blue mushrooms, and a sliver of redwood, he mixed them with hot water. He put the potion in the triangle bottle, it glowed yellow. Next he was going to make a potion of light, He combined red mushrooms, blue leaves, green leaves, and a shaving of silver. He put them in the square bottle and put cold water in. Nikolai shook it lightly. He placed the bottles on the table for use later. Nikolai sat in the chair, and thought for a while. After a bit, he went to sleep.

Nikolai woke up and saw Twilight sitting at the table with the fortitude potion. The potion was half full. Twilight looked happy and concerned. Nikolai went over to Twilight. Twilight looked away.

"Twilight, whats wrong?"

"About what happened back there, with Chrysalis cutting the heart in my stomach..." Twilight blushed a bit.

"Twilight, if you like me that way, i'm fine with that."

Twilight blushed more. "I'm sorry. I just..."

Nikolai picked Twilight up into a hug. "It's okay Twilight."

The forest was still dark, Nikolai's internal clock told him it's day. He took the potion kit and the potions, picked up twilight and carried her in a hug. Nikolai took out the light potion, and shook it hard. The glow illuminated the area around him. Nikolai took a swig of the stamina potion while walking towards Ponyville with a direction spell, to make sure not to loose the right path. He noticed that Timberwolves were stalking them just outside of the potions glow. they stayed just outside the glow of the potion. Nikolai kept hearing sounds around him, making him more and more paranoid. He got sick of it and put twilight up against a tree and drew his wand, Nikolai shot balls of light around the forest, the timer wolves backed away. Nikolai picked up Twilight and walked back on his path. Nikolai took off his ring of life and switched it to a ring of defense. Twilight was getting restless. Nikolai put against a tree and sat down with her.

"Hey Twilight, are you alright?"

"Yeah, i have a question though. What was that thing you did to that changeling, when you put your hand on his head and left the mark?"

"I guess you should know, I am a mana leech. i can drain the mana of another being, and I can look into a creatures soul."

"That sounds amazing." Twilight tried to sit up, Nikolai caught her and lied her back against the tree.

"Don't make movements like that, you are still injured."

"So are you."

"Yeah, but i'm tougher."

Twilight didn't say anything. Nikolai picked her back up and continued. The clearing shone through the horizon. Nikolai could see the plains. His glow potion just fizzed out, the bottle was empty, ready for a new potion. Nikolai tucked it away. Nikolai started a sprint and got into the clearing. It was a massive plains. Nikolai sighed and moved on carrying Twilight. Nikolai took another swig of the stamina potion and made Twilight drink more of the fortitude potion, he decided that she should have the last of it even though he was in pain. Over the hill he saw a small village, homes made of stone, wood, and hay. they looked older than the style of houses he is used to. Nikolai saw a bigger building that looked to be made of concrete with a red cross, that seems to be the hospital Twilight was talking about. Nikolai trudge forth, Twilight stopped him.

"What's wrong Twilight?"

"The ponies will be scared of you, i'll go get the medics."

"Here take both of them." Nikolai gave her the fortitude and stamina potion. Twilight took a small sip of the stamina potion. Twilight went off to the hospital, Nikolai lied in the grass.

Twilight went into Ponyville, she kept to the side streets and went to the hospital. The hospital doors open and Twilight saw nurse Redheart.

"Hello princess twilight... what happened you look cut up?"

"That's what happened, chrysalis, changelings. I'm lucky I was with another. He's hurt and needs help."

"I'll ring up the field medics. just tell me where he is."

"He's at the plains right outside ponyville."

"Okay, they will be there."

Nurse Redheart called the field medics, Twilight went back to Nikolai, he was laying in the grass.

"Hey Twilight, are the medics coming?"

"Yeah they should be here in a sec."

Nikolai waited a couple minutes for the medics to arrive. The medics are more than a little surprised about Nikolai. The medics go to Twilight, Nikolai couldn't focus on the conversation and blacked out.

"Don't worry, he won't hurt you. He saved me from being killed."

"If that's what you say princess."

"Hey he blacked out." One of the medics started to work on healing magic. The other set up field vital monitors. The medic put the blood pressure wrap on Nikolai, and took his temperature. The medics picked up Nikolai in their magic and got him to the hospital, Twilight was concerned. The medics brought Nikolai in the back and up to the 3rd floor for extreme injuries. The medics put Twilight and Nikolai in the same room. Besides, Twilight would've requested it. Twilight put the last of the fortitude potion on the table next to Nikolai. Nurse Redheart came in.

"So Twilight, this is the creature that saved you?"

"Yes, I owe him."

"Okay, you need to fill me in on what happened."

Twilight talked to nurse Redheart about the past events, Redheart listen closely, not wanting to miss any details. When Twilight got to chrysalis cutting her and Nikolai making her cut him instead to activate his enchanted ring, Redheart was amazed that the creature took the damage instead of letting Twilight get hurt. Redheart went to Nikolai and took off his robe, she saw that he was extremely fit and strong. The cuts along his chest, arms, legs, and neck were thick and bleeding heavily. She put sterilized bandages around the wounds. Redheart tried to draw some blood for a blood test to see his blood type. As she put the needle in his arm, she got extremely weak and fell on the ground. Twilight went to Redheart.

"Oh my gosh, Redheart are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine. I'm just feeling drained."

Redheart tried to use her magic to pick up the needle, but she couldn't.

"What happened to my magic?"

Twilight thought about what happened. She remembered.

"Nikolai is a mana leach, i guess in this state, he has no control on who he drains."

Twilight saw some of Nikolai's wounds heal over. The drain must healed him. Twilight came up with a idea. She picked up the needle and went to draw blood, she gently brushed Nikolai and fell to the ground completely drained. Nikolai's wounds healed over, he still had scars but at least he wasn't bleeding out. Twilight took the health potion and poured it into a cup. She made Nikolai drink it. Twilight had what little was left. Some of Twilight's wounds healed, she looked at her stomach, she still had the heart cut in her. Twilight blushed a bit at the thought of Nikolai. Redheart got up and sat down at a chair to regain her mana. Redheart was more than a little pissed at what Twilight just did. Nikolai started to wake up. Twilight was excited.

Nikolai woke up to Twilight beside his bed and a white pony with bubblegum hair in a chair, looking like she was in pain. Nikolai felt refreshed, he felt that his mana pool was filled. Nikolai thought for a sec before realizing that he accidentally drained both of them. Twilight jumped up and into Nikolai's arms.

"I'm happy to see you too."

Twilight gave Nikolai a good hug and put her head in his chest.

Author's Note:

And thus, another one is done. We are still going strong. And a new ship Twilight x Nikolai cause why the hell not.