• Published 17th Mar 2016
  • 454 Views, 19 Comments

A Wizards Path - mari tech

A wizard is taken from his homeland named al'gathoria and is thrown in Equestria.

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Chapter 3: Magic, the Spice of Life

"So, Nikolai, what kind of magic do you study in?" twilight said questioningly.

"Personally, I study mostly in Cryomancy, but my mentor made me study all 7 basic elements of magic."

"7? i thought there are only 4, fire, water, earth, air."

"True, those are 4 of them, the other 3 are, order, chaos, and spirit. All three of those elements combine with the other 4 basic ones, like chaos and fire, or water and spirit. These 3 elements form sub-parts of the 4 regular elements, forming almost every magic possible, every single spell you think of is made of their respective 4 basic, and 3 sub-magics."

"I'm- i'm not sure what to say, to think there are 3 sub elements and that they combine with the 4 basic elements. This is something i will have to put in a note to my mentor. Also... what is Cryomancy?"

"Cryomancy is the magic of all things ice, cold, or freezing."

"That sounds amazing, maybe you could teach me someday?"

"Sure, I can do that."

Twilight stopped suddenly in the middle of the forest, she appeared to be on high alert, Nikolai knew this behavior from his village horses. Something is stalking them. Suddenly a huge, heavy, and gray rock came barreling out of the forest and stuck Nikolai in his chest, his ribs made a shattering sound and he was on the forest floor stunned from the attack and the pain, timber wolves pounced out of the thick forest and blocked the way to Ponyville. Twilight took a defensive stance, her horn lit up with a dark purple aura and she put up a fair powered shield around herself and Nikolai. Nikolai got up from the floor and held his left hand to his chest like it was going to fall out. Nikolai doubled over in pain as he raised his wand towards the sky.

His wand glowed a cool cyan and shot a ice blue beam towards the sky, extending upwards miles above the forest canopy. After using his emergency signal, he fell on his face from mana exhaustion and pain, leaving Twilight to defend herself and her new freind.

"Nikolai, what did you do?" Twilight looked over her shoulder at the collapsed human.

"Okay, okay, okay. Don't panic Twilight" Twilight shot magic purple beams at the wolves, the wolves dodged seamlessly.

"Nikolai, please get up, i need your help!" Nikolai heard her words and looked up at her.

"Remember what i said before, the 7 elements make up all the magic you can think of, the only limit is your imagination." He said this and he looked back down, recovering from exhaustion.

"NO, I NEED YOU TO HELP..... me. Wait, the only limit is my imagination." Twilight thought for a couple seconds before casting a spell she came up with, in her head she combined earth and chaos to cause a small earthquake around her, Twilight tried to limit the intensity but lost control causing splits in the ground, the splits caused trees to fall around them, the trees fell on the timber wolves. Oh the irony.

Twilight heard Nikolai speak behind her. "Great job."

Author's Note:

And so ends another chapter. I was unable to create more of this earlier due to a sickness that rendered me unable to do anything. thanks for sticking with me.