• Published 17th Mar 2016
  • 454 Views, 19 Comments

A Wizards Path - mari tech

A wizard is taken from his homeland named al'gathoria and is thrown in Equestria.

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Chapter 1: Unusual Circumstances

The forest was thick with redwood trees, dotted with small, unusual rocks, and filled with dangerous beasts. The trees where so thick that it was impossible to see the sun, this made the forest of al’gathoria dangerous from the beasts of darkness. As Nikolai Sanders ran through the forest, he was being pursued by dark beasts called talghier wolves. dangerous , smart, and efficient beasts. The wolves had the darkest black fur, the brightest green-yellow eyes with slits like a cats. Nikolai ran through the forest at a blinding speed, aided by a haste spell he cast a while ago. Unfortunately it was running out and Nikolai slowed down to a snail’s pace before he started to continue running. The beasts had almost caught up to him, Nikolai pulled a small wand made of willow wood with dust made from a unicorn’s horn in a notch at the bottom fueling the wands magic. Nikolai put up a ice wall behind him and heard a loud bang behind him before the ice shattered with 3 wolves with damaged faces gave chase. Nikolai didn’t look in front of him and smacked face first into a tree. This is no ordinary redwood. It’s feels different. It looks like it’s made of crystal with crystal branches, the branches extended out and it seems to have slots in the branches like something is supposed to go inside it.

Nikolai waved his wand at the earth beneath him and pushed it up far enough so that he can climb the tree. Nikolai sat in the tree and watched in awe as the beasts can’t get in the area of this strange tree. As if it was repelling them. Nikolai jumped from tree onto the earth platform and lowered it down. Nikolai stood back to look at the tree that saved his life. It was the most beautiful tree he has ever seen. Nikolai thought to take a scan to put in his notes for his mentor to take a look at it. Nikolai raised his wand and pointed it at the tree.

As he raised the wand towards the tree, the tree’s branches started to glow and emit a light blue light. All of a sudden all of the tree’s branches shot some kind of energy that connected to the tip of the wand. Nikolai could not pull his wand away as the tree started to eat it away, after the wand was gone Nikolai started to be eaten away, chunk by chunk. It didn’t hurt, but it felt weird. Nikolai was in for a wild ride as he was eaten away into nothingness. He felt as if he was in two places at once, half in the air, half on the ground. He made the realization that he was being teleported and stopped fighting the tree and let it happen. Next thing he knew he was in the air plummeting to the ground. He tensed up and couldn’t breath from fear and promptly passed out.

Author's Note:

Many more to come, this is my second story i'm working on. Have fun reading.