• Published 17th Mar 2016
  • 461 Views, 8 Comments

My New Life - SwirmTESwirm

My life is absolute hell, so I'm doing something about it. Even if I wind up in another world. With ponies, and dragons, and magic, and...

  • ...

Where Are we going?

Rumbling, and the occasional jolt. A train. I think.
I slowly opened my eyes, I was in a bed, well, sort of just a bench. My head was spinning, and my vision was blurry. I figured out after a few moments that I was in a train car. But alone. No one in there except for me. Not a sound except for the clicking of the wheels going over the tracks. It was dark inside. The only light being a candle next to the door on the side farthest from me. There were only a couple benches and windows. But other than that, not very spectacular. My leg didn't hurt quite as much, but it wasn't my leg that I was worried about. I had a terrible headache. And the walls seemed to be wavy. Everything was flexing and moving, but only slightly. Man, what did I eat? Just the thought of food made my stomach growl. I hadn't had anything to eat for 36 hours. At least, 36 hours that I knew of. I tried to sit up, but my head was still spinning.

"Oh god.... Everything's moving..."

Something was wrong. I couldn't get my eyes to focus well, was this from hunger? Dehydration? Both? I lied back down, but onto my side so I could see the door at the far end. I was hoping my eyes would begin to see properly, but everything was still waving around and moving. I shut my eyes and re-opened them. Everything was normal? What? Was all the movement a trick? A hallucination? I sat up and no longer felt dizzy.

"What the hell was that about?" I rubbed my eyes, nothing changed again. I sat perfectly still, I felt that I was being watched. I tried to shake the feeling, but couldn't. I decided that I had had enough. I stood up slowly, and walked across the car to the door. I grabbed the handle, but froze. It felt like something would happen if I opened it. I kicked my fears out of my head and pulled on the door, locked tight. I banged on it a few times, solid as a damn rock. So I let go, and walked back to the bench and sat down. All I could do was wait.

But wait for what? This train could be taking me anywhere!

Just then it occurred to me that I had to get out of there as quickly as possible. I had no clue where I was being taken. I stood up again and ran back to the door. I grabbed and handle and pulled hard, nothing... I backed up and rammed my shoulder into it. All it did was make a loud banging noise and nothing else.

"OW! Okay lets not try that again!" This door wasn't just locked, it was sealed. I took another look around. "Ok, maybe a window will be less rock hard than that damn door." I walked over to the window above the seat I woke up on. I tried the latch first, stuck tight. Then curiosity got the better of me, I went around the car trying every single window, all stuck. I had about 2 to go when I heard the door to the car in front of mine being opened.

I whipped my head around and heard the lock being undone. As a last stand effort, I threw my shoulder into one of the windows, nothing, not even a damn crack. "Okay! now I'm screwed!" Then the door opened. I saw a butter yellow pony with a pink mane standing there staring at me. My first thought was to hide, but I knew it was too late for that. Second, was to charge her , which I was just about to do, before she spoke in a concerned tone.

"Oh my, are you ok? I heard thuds coming from in here." Whoh, wait a sec, she was concerned? It didn't take a genius to know that these ponies must not exactly like humans, but here is one showing concern for me. But, being the way I am, I replied with a snarky comment.

"No.... I'm fine, just trying to escape from you crazy ponies who locked me in a train car that must be made out of the most durable damn materials I've ever seen." I took a step back, hoping to provoke a response so I could get past her...somehow...

She looked at me with sad eyes. "Oh I'm sorry about this, um, It's just that, humans arn't trusted very much here, lots of ponies think they're violent monsters."

"Yeah, I noticed..."

"Well, there have been humans here in Equestria occasionally, but they all have to be taken to see princess Celestia first." My face went white, a princess?! If the citizens hate me this much already then God only knows how a princess would react to me.

"I can't go see a princess! What will she do to me?"

"Oh! Nothing, she just wants to find out if you are a threat or not, I know it sounds a bit over he top, but she doesn't trust humans." That made sense, but at the same time, I felt singled out, I was just a kid. What could I do to be a threat? Most of these ponies were taller than me by a foot and a half.

"When will we get there?" I asked shakily, I was still very nervous about havering to meet a princess, especially one that I knew wouldn't like me very much. She gave a soft smile.

"We will arrive in Camterlot in about 10 minutes, don't worry, I'll make sure no one hurts you." I was awestruck, why did this one care about me? Apparently I'm one of the worst things that could arrive in "Equestria", and this one could care less.

"Why do you care? Why don't you hate me like the other ponies I've seen?" She seemed shocked at my question.

"Because I don't think that all humans are bad, they can't all be bad." This made me feel a little better, maybe some of these ponies weren't so bad after all...

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long, again, school. One more week and I WILL be uploading for frequently .

Comments ( 2 )





If you spend all this time and energy on crying (:rainbowlaugh:) of course you'd have trouble lifting barley.

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