• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 2,606 Views, 22 Comments

Vernacular Torture - Broken Dreams

Twilight is restrained, unable to fight back the horrible words that Rainbow Dash is telling her.

  • ...

Chapter One

It was dark, not much could be seen in the pitch-blackness. Twilight Sparkle sighed, she felt her restraints on her arms and legs. She could not move even a smidgen of freedom for herself. She could only breath in the scent of sawdust and stone. Panic would run down on her soul, she breathed hectically at being so helpless. Screaming at the fact that there was no possible way to escape. Whoever did this to her, whatever was causing this insanity had total control.

Twilight Sparkle groaned as she called out for help. Not even a peep from the restraint on her mouth. There could only be a sorrow that grew to what enevitable end she would find. Not even the magical energy she was used to would flow from her horn. Her magic completely sealed from it’s power. Then, a sudden sound of hoofsteps coming from somewhere. Twilight started crying at what was in store.

Suddenly, a powerful light blinded Twilight, she could barely see as much as before. Her eyes adjusted to the pain inducing beam. Then, she saw her captor and was flabbergasted with what facial expression she could muster. It was Rainbow Dash, smirking like an evil child, watching her victim with a superiority to the once great unicorn. She had a wooden chair and sat on it with a book on her lap.

Rainbow opened the book and started reading out loud to her.

“Yo, my Zigga, Dis izt da Gnarliest Dung-in ins da hole Casle” she said with a slur.

Twilight screamed in agony at what she heard. Trying to shake the restraints free from such a heinous disrespect to the Equestrian language. How could Rainbow bring such a horrifying torture to her own friend. It could have been anything else, waterboarding, lashing, and even could have been horn grinding. But, no, she had to use that stupid, dumb, vernacular.

The very utterance of these crimes is against everything Twilight stood for.

Sparkle continued shaking, doing everything she could to free herself, but to no avail would it work to her favor. Rainbow watched her captive, amused by Twilight’s hatred for a mere few words. She turned the page on the book and smiled a big grin. Twilight’s shaking turned into desperate pushes for any chance to rid herself of this. The restraints had no sign of giving up, and Rainbow began to speak.

“I noes, rite? Iz soo cul, dat u canz evens ci da Moony ins da light outsidies.”

Twilight turned rabid from the mere utterance of those words. Her eyes went white and she became thunderous in her force. She slammed against the chair she sat on, she would scream like a wild animal. Grunted, before tiring down from exhaustion, her body fell limp from so much exertion. Then, she could only do one thing, cry like a desperate mother who had lost her foal. Every decency had been destroyed from her and nothing could keep the sad Twilight from pouring tears of pain from her eye sockets.

“I’m sorry Twilight, but this is for your own good” said Rainbow Dash with a worrisome gaze, though still smiling from the whole ridiculousness of it. “Though, I don’t seem to understand what is the big deal.”

Twilight whispered something from the muzzle she wore. With Twilight seemingly defeated from the inside, Rainbow closed the book and went up to her. She removed the restraint on her mouth to hear what she had to say. She whispered something more, to which Rainbow neared her head to hear.

I hate those bucking words

With that uttered, Twilight lunged her full body against Rainbow Dash. With that she was able to grasp the book that Rainbow Dash carried. She crawled back away from Twilight, unable to process what she just saw. Twilight started ripping the book to shreds like a starving wolf shredding it’s defeated prey. Pages flew all over the place and the book cover became pieces to the angered unicorn. Rainbow Dash stood up and quickly sealed the muzzle against her before she could do anything.

“Wow, Twilight, you really are screwed about slang, huh” Rainbow Dash scratched her head at the sight of her insane friend. “Now it totally makes sense why Princess Celestia had to restrain you like this…”

Rainbow went and sat down on her wooden chair. There, she took a deep breath and watched her crazed friend stare at her with hateful eyes.

“Wim Wam Wazzle, Wuz gud broseph?”

Twilight shook weakly, unable to fight back anymore.

“You do realize that when the Zebrican Ambassadors came to the Castle and they started using slang, the embarrassment that Celestia felt when you turned into a rabid psycho was pretty bad to be honest.”

Twilight looked away, realizing that leaping on one of the ambassadors and giving him the eye in a crazed fashion wasn’t a good way to start relations between two countries. She couldn’t help it though, that atrocious and backwards dialect would hurt anypony.

“Now, I’m going to say it again, Twilight”

She cleared her throat to make her next choice of words as understandable as possible.

“Wud u take’em 2 da bar?”


Princess Celestia stood on her throne, watching and waiting for things to be returned to normal. It was enough how difficult to establish a friendly atmosphere with the Zebricans. It surely wasn’t an easy feat after what happened, but they were understanding in the end. If only it could get rid of the fact that Twilight went and turned rabid in that moment and nearly threatened an ambassador. Hopefully, Rainbow Dash would have fixed this problem as quickly as possible.

The door to the throne room screeched open, and Rainbow emerged. She bowed to the Princess while a downtrodden Twilight Sparkle followed.

“I’d like to say that she has made a full recovery from this little mental quirk” she said. Twilight walked forward and raised her head from the ground. She watched her mentor and sighed.

“I’m sorry Princess, I don’t know what came over me” said Twilight as sincere as possible. “But, now I’m better and hopefully won’t ever do such a thing again.”

Celestia looked at her pupil and studied any remnants of the Twilight that emerged from before. She saw nothing out of the ordinary and smiled at the healing had succeeded.

“Gud jerb Randboo, u didja a grate thang” Celestia said.

Twilight didn’t even flinch from the words uttered and stood patiently.

“Very well, Twilight, you are dismissed, I hope we won’t find any more things like that again, alright?”

Twilight bowed and nodded her head, she would make sure nothing like this would happen again.

“I’ll see you again later, you are dismissed then.”

Twilight and Rainbow left the throne room and continued down the hallway.

“See Twilight, it isn’t so bad? Not everything has to be perfect like you need them to be, now I need to go do some much needed weather work, I’ll see you around.”

Rainbow raised her wings and flew off, leaving Twilight alone in the front yard of Canterlot Castle. She walked down the path, a tree suddenly was sliced magically in half as she walked.

“Ah, that feels better…”

Comments ( 22 )

I liked this.
I actually did, it was a quick, fun read.

I feel Twilight's pain...

If anyone introduces Twilight to Fresh!Sans we will have a problem.

Twi Lite gut rekt m8.

I r8 dis storie den outta den.

That ending, so perfect.

Well dat was pretty funky, especially tha ending. I wonder why Twilight don't give a fuck bout it so much, is cuz her big-ass booty strives ta bo so grammatically erect all tha time, biatch? Any way I wouldn't wnat ta be near Twi when her ass is relievin stress.

I no rite m8 ?

Twi Lites been keepin da brane fokken anal-o-meter to 11 bro !

If it was me, I would go more than rabid psycho on the ambassador.
Cool idea.

“Gud jerb Randboo, u didja a grate thang” Celestia said.

Pfffhahahahaha :rainbowlaugh:

i felt my braincells die a little at the so-called slang in this story...doesn't stop it from being amusing though

Poor Twilight, what she really needs is to view slang as another language. Then it doesn't have the same effect. Reminds me of this actually...

That story was painful. I will now go read another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, followed by another story, until I forget this story.

how did i get here?

thumbs up.

Is it wrong that the bdsm elements of this story turned me on a little bit?
If so, I don't want to be right.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash doesn't get the Z-word pass, and also that as a scholar Twilight would respect and appreciate pidgin and patois, in this case what seems to be your bastardized version of whatever the zebra version of Ebonics is.

Found this story though a link in the comment section of this story:

TPonies Being Slowly Eviscerated to Death in a Big Rusty Meat Grinder
Rainbow Dash writes her first novella. It's a very serious book about serious topics. She asks her friends to proofread. This should go well.
shortskirtsandexplosions · 3.6k words  ·  529  26 · 5.9k views

Provided by yours truly! :moustache:

I'm certainly glad I found this, through the same comment section. Both stories got a chuckle out of me.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash doesn't get the Z-word pass, and also that as a scholar Twilight would respect and appreciate pidgin and patois, in this case what seems to be your bastardized version of whatever the zebra version of Ebonics is.

I'm not sure what 'Ebonics' is, but Rainbow Dash is using a really blatant variety of black vernacular English used mostly in urban areas, typically among urban African-American people. It does seem a little odd that zebra ambassadors from a country meant to represent Africa would use it, but they might have been joking around.

As for Twilight, it's well-established that she often panics at the unfamiliar and does not enjoy error and the informal. She's a scholar, of course, but she often shows the 'my way or the highway' kind of neatness that many scholars do in demanding order and formality, something that a dialect isn't. (Not to mention, there's a lot of humorous fanon that shows her freaking out in many meme-y ways about AJ and her countryisms.) She isn't degrading the zebra in any serious way and the story approaches everything from the point of comedy over Twilight overreacting, not a dramatic story about species prejudice, which Twilight doesn't have - just an exaggerated reaction to something unfamiliar in the form of a dialect.

What can I say?..
Amusing :rainbowkiss:!
Still. After what I've learnt of the art of writing successful books...
Well, both "show", and "tell" are tools, and you've misused them. More "show", less "tell" -- that's what they say.

Ha! I saw this comment like a week ago and I'm currently watching airplane and had no idea that it was the source of this clip! I had to immediately come and make this comment

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