• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 492 Views, 11 Comments

The Foalympians - KidatHeart5

Based on George O’Connor’s “The Olympians” and various Greek myths. In this alternate universe, the Mane Six become guardians of Equestria and create a council of 14 to protect the nation.

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Cadance, the Princess of Love

Author's Note:

This chapter is based on the Pygmalion myth.

It had been so long since Cadance ruled the Crystal Empire. It was at least a couple of decades ago when Tirek invaded Equestria and threw her and the royal sisters into Tartarus. The alicorns hardly aged during their imprisonment until they returned after Tirek’s defeat. Cadance knew she had to fit back in, but nothing was the same anymore. She sensed the greatest change of all was the absence of the Crystal Heart. Without the ancient relic, the Crystal Empire couldn’t spread love and goodness across Equestria. Luckily, it was found and returned to its rightful place.

Just as she had before she was imprisoned, she ruled with wisdom and compassion for her subjects. And now that she was a part of Twilight’s council, she had to be on call sometimes. Whenever the Foalympians needed her, she left her top guardsponies to keep the peace. Whether on-call or not, Cadance used her gift of love to help ponies. And it was on one special occasion that she used her powers to bring true love to life…

Twilight was sorting through her books and putting them on the shelves. When she pulled one book from the pile…

“Yaah! Oh, girls, I didn’t even know you were there.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were leaning against the books in the pile, virtually out of Twilight’s view until she had grabbed the book that hid their faces.

Sweetie Belle apologized, “Sorry, Twilight.”

Scootaloo said, “We’re bored!”

Apple Bloom said, “Yeah, we wanna do somethin’!”

Twilight said as she shelved the book, “Girls, I know you’re anxious to get your cutie marks, but I don’t think you’re old enough to be Foalympians. Besides, you’re Cadance’s attendants whenever we get together.”

Scoots asked in confusion, “’Attendants’?”

AB said, “Yeah, I thought we were her helpers.”

SB clarified, “Um…that’s basically what attendants are.”

Twilight said, “Well, here’s a thought: why don’t you get Ponyville ready for Cadance’s visit tomorrow?”

SB cheered, “Yeah!”

Scoots smiled, “Great idea!”

AB said, “Maybe we’ll get our cutie marks in welcoming parties! Let’s go!”

As the CMC ran out of the library, Twilight said, “Good luck!”

The CMC inspected every booth and decoration. All seemed to pass with flying colors.

Apple Bloom said, “Well, we checked everything and it looks like we’re all ready for Cadance’s visit.”

Sweetie Belle said, “She’s going to love this!”

Scoots agreed, “Totally!” Just then, something caught her eye and she stared at the object of her attention.

SB said as she waved her hoof in front of Scoots’ dazed face, “Scootaloo? Hello? Scootaloo? You home?”

The orange Pegasus pointed to something in front of her and said, “There…”

The other two girls looked in the direction Scootaloo was facing and became amazed as well. They uttered, “Whoa…”

In a pen beside a tent, a pig was sculpting figures from mud and clay. The girls couldn’t believe that they were seeing this. They walked up to the edge of the pen and looked on with amazement.

Apple Bloom remarked about the statues, “Look at all those statues!”

Sweetie Belle said, “They’re so pretty!”

Scootaloo said, “Totally awesome!”

The pig turned to them and said, “Thank you.”

The CMC yelped and fell backwards in shock.

The pig, who had white sclera surrounding his black irises, leaned over the fence and said, “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! I guess it’s not every day you meet a talking pig.”

AB chuckled nervously, “Yeah. All the pigs on the farm never talked…much.”

SB pointed out, “You’re the first one.”

The pig sighed, “And probably the only one. I haven’t seen anyone else of my kind. Besides my master Teddie Safari, I’m lonely here. It would be nice to have a companion or two.”

Scoots said, “Well, I’m not sure what a ‘companion’ is, but we can be your friends.”

Sweetie Belle clarified, “Uh, Scootaloo? I’m sure that’s what ‘companion’ means.”

The Pegasus asked her friend, “What are you, a dictionary?”

The pig said, “Well, I’m sure being friends with you is very nice. Oh! I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Pigmalion.”

Apple Bloom said, “Nice to meet ya, Pigmalion! I’m Apple Bloom.”

The unicorn said, “Sweetie Belle.”

Scoots said, “Scootaloo.”

Pigmalion chuckled, “Nice to meet all of you, girls.”

SB asked, “So what are you making, Pigmalion?”

Pigmalion proudly showed off his work-in-progress as he said, “My dream girl. I haven’t seen any female pigs like me, so I thought I’d create one that looked like me, only a girl.” He sighed lovingly at his statue and continued, “What I’d give for her to be alive, so we could live happily ever after and create a new race of talking pigs together.”

Just then, a female voice shouted out, “Pigmalion!”

The pig gasped, “I’ve got to go. Teddie’s calling me. See you at the stage show tomorrow!” He then ran inside the tent.

Pinkie Pie had generously given the CMC ice cream cones while they sat at a bench. The fillies were thinking about their new friend Pigmalion.

Sweetie sighed, “Poor guy’s so lonely without any pigs to talk to.”

AB said, “Yeah, and the only pigs around here besides him don’t talk.”

Scoots said, “Maybe we should ask Teddie where Pigmalion came from.”

When they asked Teddie, she shook her head and said, “I don’t think there are any talking pigs other than Pigmalion. He was just wandering in the woods far from here and he just spoke to me, literally. It’s nice that he has some friends in ya, but he makes a killer profit putting on shows and making sculptures. Tell ya what? If ya can find another talking pig, I’ll let Pigmalion go with it. Do we have a deal?”

The CMC nodded, “Yes, ma’am!”

The fillies then went to Fluttershy’s cottage and told her everything about Pigmalion. They asked her to help them find another talking pig. The pale, light grayish gold Pegasus quietly said, “Another one? Oh, goodness. I think Pigmalion’s the only one. I don’t remember seeing or even reading about talking pigs. Maybe you should ask Twilight.”

When the CMC consulted Twilight about the matter, she was intrigued that such a creature existed. She searched through every book she could find on magical creatures, but to no avail. She said, “I’m sorry, girls, but there’s no record of talking pigs in any of the books.”

SB asked, “But what about girl talking pigs?”

The alicorn said, “I don’t think you’re going to find them either.”

AB thought for a moment and then cried in realization, “Wait a minute! Pigmalion said that he wanted his statue to come to life! It’s a girl pig, so it would be perfect for him!”

Twilight rubbed her hoof against her chin and said, “Hmm…An animation spell to make simple objects move? I suppose that could work on Pigmalion’s statue. Let me just find it and memorize it so I can cast it.”

SB smiled, “Great! Then they’ll have little talking piglets and live happily ever after!”

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks when she heard that. She said to the CMC awkwardly, “Piglets? You never said anything about piglets. You see, the only way for Pigmalion to have piglets is if his partner is alive, not a walking statue. I think I’m at a dead end with making a statue living, not just moving. I’m sorry, girls, but there’s no spell that’ll make an object come to life.”

The CMC hung their heads in disappointment as Scoots said, “We understand. Thanks anyway.” The fillies then walked out of the library in dismay.

The next day, everypony in Ponyville anticipated the arrival of Princess Cadance. Many waited at the train station to welcome her. Some, even the CMC, held out banners.

AB asked her friends, “Do ya think she’s gonna like this here banner?”

Scoots said confidently, “Of course she will. We’re her attendants!”

A filly next to them scoffed. She was Diamond Tiara, one of the most popular ponies in school. She often had Silver Spoon by her side and teased ponies with no cutie marks.

DT said, “I think Princess Cadance made a mistake picking you three. You have no cutie marks! We, on the other hand, have our cutie marks, not to mention our social standing…”

As the rich filly continued about the reasons why she and Silver Spoon should’ve been picked, SB said to her friends, “I think she’s jealous.”

AB and Scoots rolled their eyes because they already knew that. Scoots said sarcastically, “You think?”

Suddenly, a crystal train tooted down the tracks. When it pulled the brakes, everypony had to cover their ears. The train quickly came to a stop in front of the station. A fanfare blasted before the door opened and two guards came out. A red carpet rolled out and light shined behind Cadance as she walked out of the door.

Cadance bowed before Twilight, who was in attendance, and said, “Your Highness.”

Twilight, unsure what to do, bowed and said, “Your Highness.”

When Cadance rose, she chuckled, “I’m just teasing, Twilight. We’re friends. We don’t have to be so formal.”

She nodded towards the guards and they stepped back onto the train. When the crystalline locomotive chugged away, Cadance greeted the crowd of ponies with open arms. When she was starting to go into Ponyville, the CMC caught up with her.

Cadance smiled, “Hello, girls. Anything new happened in Ponyville?”

Apple Bloom nodded, “Eeyup!”

Scootaloo explained, “We made friends with a talking pig!”

Cadance stopped and asked in a surprised tone, “Wait. Did you say ‘talking pig’?”

Sweetie Belle said, “Yep! He makes pretty sculptures and puts on shows!” She then sighed, “But he’s lonely.”

Cadance asked, “Lonely? Why?”

AB explained, “Because he’s the only talking pig in the world.”

Scoots said, “Believe us, we talked to Twilight and Fluttershy. They know a lot about books and animals, so we thought we’d ask. They tried to find something, but with no luck.”

Cadance said, “I’m sorry your search didn’t turn out well. But at least your friend has you three to care about him. May I see him?”

AB smiled, “Sure! This way!”

When the foursome walked up to Pigmalion’s pen, SB told the pig, “Hi, Pigmalion! This is Princess Cadance. Cadance, this is Pigmalion.”

Pigmalion bowed before the princess and said, “It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness.”

Cadance bowed her head in respect and said, “A pleasure to meet you too, Pigmalion.” When she looked at the sculptures he made, she remarked, “Oh, my! Those are wonderful works of art! You created all of them?”

The pig nodded, “Yes, Princess. I’m very artistic. It’s helped Teddie rake in the money. She’s my master, by the way.”

“Your master? That’s horrible!”

“Not really. She’s mostly nice to me.”

“Still, no one should keep you as a pet. You are a living, talking being and you deserve to be as free as the ponies in Equestria.”

AB said, “Well, Teddie did say that the only way she’ll let Pigmalion go is if we find another talking pig like him.”

Cadance asked, “Oh? And what might happen then?”

SB said, “They’ll live happily ever after!”

Scoots said dejectedly, “Yeah, but Pigmalion’s the only one. And we can’t make his statue become another pig.”

Pigmalion said in a surprised tone, “What? You wanted to bring my statue to life…for me?”

Cadance asked, “Wait, statue?”

“Oh, yes!” Pigmalion then brought forth his girl pig sculpture. “This is my statue. It’s basically a girl version of me. I created her so I wouldn’t feel so lonely anymore. I want to meet someone like her and live happily ever after with her.” As he talked, he gazed lovingly at his statue.

Cadance knew Pigmalion was in love with his statue. She saw all the signs. But if there wasn’t another pig like Pigmalion in the world, then how…? She then got a brilliant idea. She was gifted in love magic, so maybe…

Cadance told the pig and the CMC, “You know, I think I have an idea.”

Teddie started the show and a crowd of ponies drew near the stage. She told them, “Fillies and gentlecolts, thank ya for being here today! I promise that this show will be extraordinary beyond compare! Friends, may I give ya…Pigmalion!”

Pigmalion then walked forth from the curtains and bowed before the crowd. After they cheered, the pig performed his acts. When he was finished, the ponies stomped their hooves in applause.

Teddie then said to the crowds, “All right, everypony! This is where ya give a challenge for Pigmalion. Pick one thing for him to do and if he accepts, he’ll follow it through to the end.”

A voice spoke, “I have a challenge for Pigmalion.”

Everypony turned in shock to see Princess Cadance climb the stairs to the stage.

Teddie took off her hat and said, “Why, princess! It’s an honor for ya to be here today! So what didya have in mind for Pigmalion?”

Cadance said after she got on the stage, “Nothing too difficult. I just need him to kiss one of his statues.”

The ponies gasped, thinking that the princess was going to humiliate him onstage. But surprisingly, Pigmalion was calm about it.

Cadance continued, “If the statue comes to life, you have to let Pigmalion go.”

Teddie said, “Kiss a statue to life?” She then scoffed sarcastically, “Yeah, sure. Why not? Go for it, Pigmalion.”

The alicorn warned her, “Don’t underestimate the power of love.” She then whispered to Pigmalion, “Do it for love, Pigmalion.”

After she gave him a kiss on the cheek, Pigmalion brought out the statue of his dream girl. He thought of every bit of love he felt for it and kissed it on the lips. Not long after Pigmalion planted the kiss, a light emanated from the statue and the clay and mud broke off. Where his statue once was, a female pig now stood! Everypony but Cadance gasped at the sight, but the princess was relieved that the plan worked.

Teddie breathed, “I…I don’t believe it…”

Pigmalion embraced his sweetheart and said, “Oh, this is the happiest day of my life!”

His dream girl said, “Mine, too! I’m alive and I love you!”

“I love you, too!”

The ponies applauded when the pigs kissed.

Teddie sighed sadly, “Well, a deal’s a deal. I suppose I’ll let them go now.”

Pigmalion told her, “Now, wait a minute. I think we’re good where we’re at. Besides, we might not find somepony who cares as much as you do.”

Teddie gushed, “Awww…”

Cadance asked the girl pig, “So, what’s your name going to be?”

The pig giggled, “I think I better let Pigmalion do the choosing. After all, he created me.”

Pigmalion contemplated, “Now, let’s see. How about Miss Piggy?”

Apple Bloom clarified, “Um…I’m sure that name’s already taken.”

The artist pig said, “Hmm…How about Piglatea?”

His sweetheart said, “Piglatea. I love it!”

Teddie said, “Welcome to the world, Piglatea! You’ll fit right in!”

The crowd then erupted in applause.

Comments ( 1 )

A pig making statues named Pigmalion? I should have seen it coming the moment I read the words "Pygmalion" in the author's notes, but I didn't. :facehoof:

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