• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 986 Views, 2 Comments

One Summer at Band Camp... - Twilicorn

A sadfic about Twist at Band Camp.

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One Summer at Band Camp

Twist Files

The following messages were found around Ponyville and Sky Mirror Lake, arranged in order by date.


Dated June First
Dear Mom,

I made it to camp no problem! The counselors are super nice, and the other fillies I share my room with are nice too! Everyone else has musical cutiemarks, but that just makes me super special, right? I miss you already, but I'll see you in eight days!

Thanks for packing me those candy canes by the way! You know they're my favorite.


Dated June First
Dear Twist,

I'm glad everypony's so nice! I miss you too, and customers keep asking where their favorite candy filly is! I'll see you soon though, and then Pinkie said she'd throw a "Welcome Back From Band Camp" party. What a silly mare. Either way, it's nice of her, so we'll appreciate it. Did you find any other secret gifts?

Lots of love,
Sweet Treat


Dated June Second
Dear Mom,

Today there was an earthquake, but it was pretty small. Did you guys feel it too? We're pretty far from Ponyville, so if you did it must've been pretty big! I found the other gift-a new trumpet case! Our classes started today, and I'm the only trumpet, which makes me the best trumpet there. The counselors seem kind of worried, but I'm not sure why. I was told that I shouldn't try to make candy with the iron; oh well. Maybe I'll use the microwave!

Love you,

Dated June Second
Dear Twist,

I felt the earthquake too, but everything is fine. Some of our candy canes broke, and the taffy got Twisted into knots, but other than that, the store's fine. I'm so proud! If only your father could see you, I'm sure he'd be cheering for you. Be strong, and remember-if I'm not there to talk to, Candy is.

Lots of love,
Sweet Treat


Dated June Third
Dear Mom,

I hope this finds you. One of the mountains was a volcano, and it started erupting. Everyone was running around, trying to find instruments and stuff until the counselors loaded us up in carriages and we started driving like the wind, using magic. It's really hot, and I'm kind of scared. I'm comforting all the others though, because Candy told me to. He always had a good heart. Be careful.

I miss you,

Dated June Third

I'm fine. Stay safe-where are you going? I'm helping out others too, keep being nice. I hope I'll see you soon, and remember-Candy's a good friend.

Lots of love,
Sweet Treat


Dated June Fourth
Dear Mom,

We arrived in Trottingham, which is much farther away. The lava is supposed to be headed towards Canterlot, so you should be safe. The counselors say we'll be home in about a week, if everything stays according to plan. Keep helping ponies mom, but be careful too. I need you.


Dated June Fourth

I've started helping rebuild-most of the town is ashes. The Elements of Harmony are helping too, trying to calm everyone down. You always looked up to the baker, Pinkie Pie? She says she misses you, and hopes she can still throw a party for you.

Sweet Treat


Dated June Fifth

The counselors say the lava changed course to Ponyville. I hope you got out okay-please reply quickly. Candy and I are scared. I love you so much.


No reply was found.


Dated June Sixth
Mom, are you okay? I need you! Please reply so I know you're okay!


Dated June Sixth
Dear Twist,

Yes, I am fine for now. I made it to the outskirts of Ponyville with the Elements of Harmony and a few other ponies. We're headed towards Canterlot, and we've almost made it. Stay strong, you and Candy. Stay strong. Remember, just as much as you need me, I need you.

With all my love,
Sweet Treat


Dated June Seventh
Dear Mommy,

I'm so glad you're okay. Candy's little stripes were shaking, and he was losing some of his fur. It smells terrible, but I'm still okay, if not a little smoky. The counselors say we might have to wait a little longer to come home, but I don't want to. Please, be safe. Another big earthquake happened, I hope you're still safe and made it to Canterlot.


Dated June Seventh
Had some ash on it, was buried
Dear Twist,

I don't know if this'll find you. You're in charge of the candy shop now, and I know you'll be perfect at running it. You're my big girl after all. I might survive this, but I'm not sure. Please, just remember I always loved you.

With all my heart,
Sweet Treat


Dated June Eighth
Mommy, you are okay, right? You can't be gone! I need you! You can't die, you're like the Princesses! You're my mommy! Please reply, so I know you're okay. Please?


No reply was found


Dated June Ninth
Half the page was burnt off, but no message was destroyed

The lava is coming, but I'm not scared. I just hope I can see you again, if you're up in heaven. Candy's going to come with me, she promised. The counselors all ran away, I don't know where too. I'll try to run, because I know you want me to, but if I don't make it, know I love you.

All my heart,

No reply was found


Princess Celestia looked out of her window, her enhanced vision making the work below clear. Many ponies were being led to relief tents, while others were being carried to graveyards. Though she couldn't see it, she knew two ponies, a mare and a filly, were being buried back in Ponyville, next to another grave-the grave of their father and husband. And she knew that the mare and filly were being buried in a large white tomb, with a gravestone reading a hoofpicked selection by Celestia herself.

Everyone in life needs a hoof to help them.
When two ponies hold out the hoof, others jump to take it.
With the perfect Twist on life, you can make the perfect
Sweet Treat.

Comments ( 2 )

lolwut. what caused this apocalypse. who was in charge.

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