• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 5,220 Views, 336 Comments

Soldiers of Fortune - SOG AVENGER 225

Two mercs and their dog end up in equestria after one of them finds a strange scroll. Follow them on their quest as they face up against an enemy they've never faced before. As well as being faced with love, new friends, and family.

Comments ( 58 )

It's been a long while since you updated I am excited about this story now I have to reread the story so I know what's going on with it

The logo is the Punisher and will have some scenes from the show but the x over will come.

At the moment my wifi is acting up so it's going to be hard.

It's okay still good story either way

No Johnny's a completely different person.

That sound like Rainbow Six Siege, and a little Resident Evil Bio Weapon Super Soldier type of stuff.

Yes! Been far to long since we got an update and got to say I’m enjoying dragon Johnny here. Wonder when he turns back to human wrath will split from him and turn into this dragon form. Looking forward to seeing how dragons know and view humans, and if the whole concept of humans slaying dragons will be involved which I think it will.

i do not like. i love it

Whoa, I didn't get the second half of the chapter to edit, there's a couple mistakes. Were you rushing it or did you just get caught up in the story?

The part after the rough draft you sent me.

I think i might have got caught up in it.

That happens, our brain goes faster than our hands can keep up sometimes. No problem, we can just spell and grammar check it and repost it whenever you feel like it.

Awesome chapter, hope the next 1 is soon

I'm working on it right now, 600 words so far because I had to start over again.

No rush, take your time

Meant to fav but forgot long ago. Back know


Easy buddy, I'm going through some tough times and writing ain't easy.

It’s alright but hey everyone likes stories can’t blame them for that.

Will this be updated soon?

Hopefully soon, sorry for the long wait.

Hey as long this is till going and gets updated sooner or later its fine

6,252 words in but remember I have no editor most of the time so I have to check the spelling myself a lot.

Understood and hey can’t rush genius or art

Keep up the good work

Writing this from my phone, I'm trying but my laptop need to be sent in for repairs and I can't find the time to send it in, chapter 18 is 6,850 words in but still needs more before I can post it.


Take your time. Hope it will be finished in April, probably?

There's no telling but I'm not going to cancel the story cause I'm having too much fun with it but writing original chapters with it is really challenging plus there's another story I have on the back burner that I want to get out there.

Also on a side note I got the new battery for my laptop but I'm going to send both the battery and laptop out on Tuesday so it will take a few weeks to be good as new but until then I'll try and push the chapter out if I can.

Yeah still trying to balance out work and the story.


Okay, its just that last time. You said you are almost done with the next chapter. And after that, nothing?! And I thought you got Writer's Block or something?

You still working on the story ?

Yes I actually still am but I'm meeting a lot of problems, one major one being writers block and the minor ones being computer or wifi problems and a few health issues such as a cold, allergies or a few really bad head aches. I'm actually looking for some help on the story and chapters but don't know who to ask.


Your still there?

Yeah, but I ran out of creative juice for this story so I'm starting a new story till I get the juices flowing ffor this little gem again. I posted a blog about it.


When will that be? And what's the story about?

It's going to be out soon, hopefully I can get it out earlier than expected. It's a post-apocalyptic story that I'm placing in the State of Decay universe.


Oh! One of those Zombie Apocalypse Games?

Yes. Just until I get my mojo back.


Is the zombies coming from Equestria, or sadly from Earth ( That somehow got to Equestria that way? )?

No no, the M6 get transported to earth during a whole zed apocalypse thing and have to team up with a small group of survivors that have been surviving the whole ordeal for almost two years. PM me for more details.


No PM is necessary. I understand by now. The last thing is when does the MLP Timeline take place, which Season and all.

Well Starlight is working with the princesses to help get them back so I would say maybe a few months into season 6.

Can’t wait for more!

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