• Published 25th Jan 2016
  • 7,176 Views, 115 Comments

Goodbye Gift - Harmony Pie

Twilight was surprised when a straight-maned Pinkie Pie showed up at her door on a cold, winter night. The pink earth pony had brought her a gift, but the meaning behind it went much further than a simple present.

  • ...

Thank you?

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this story! Feedback is encouraged!:pinkiehappy:

The fire burned bright, with almost as many colors as Celestia's mane. The embers flickered at the hearth and iridescent flames licked the charred logs. A lavender alicorn sighed contently. She shifted in her pile of warm blankets. They, and the fire's heat, kept the cold at bay.

She could see outside her window a storm beginning with chilling flurries, the wind's whistling a low hum to her ears.

Twilight, with a a glow of fuchsia, snuggled into her nest and turned the page of the thick book in front of her. It was titled: Harry Trotter, and was a personal favorite of hers. Hermioneigh actually reminded Twilight of herself. Smiling, she took a gentle sip from her china mug, relishing the sweet warmth of the hot cocoa.

There certainly isn’t any better way to spend a late evening, when the world is at war in a winter glory, the mare mused to herself, her inner poet arousing. Friendship was just as important, but sometimes the princess just had to get away from it all, and have some alone time.

Her eyes wandered to the bright flames, dancing like tiny ponies in the hearth. She was filled again with that foalish awe, as she always had been when watching the fire. So... pretty. As she watched, her eyelids began to feel heavy, and the wind faded to a dull roar.

Yawning, Twilight closed the book with a soft thud. What were the other girls doing? she thought, running a hoof through her bedraggled mane. Maybe they were sitting by the fire too, listening to stories, reading books, laughing, and spending time with their family.

Spike was away at Rarity's, 'on a mission for fashion', so to speak. Or, really, on a shopping trip. The beautiful white unicorn had begrudgingly allowed the smitten drake to stay at her place after their spree, and give Twilight some peace and quiet.

Perhaps it was too peaceful. Maybe... maybe she could just take a nap. After all, she had no duties left to attend to. The warmth of the fire against her chest was perfect, the crackling a lulling tune, and her spot of light in the darkness; a sanctuary.

Twilight allowed herself to push the book away, and curled up beneath her blankets to let the flames warm her face. The storm brewed, but she ignored it, her ears flopping over her eyes in relaxation. The mare tucked her forelegs beneath her, and buried her muzzle in the carpet.

What a wonderful night.


Knock knock

Twilight jerked awake, her heart pounding in sleep-induced panic. Her blankets tumbled off her body into a heap on the carpet. She opened her eyes to a chilling cold and darkness, the fire long since died out. Gone was the golden, blissful feeling of peace, replaced by unease.

How she hated the dark. Every since she was a young filly, though she would never admit it to her friends, Twilight had feared the dark and the unknown. What good would it do not knowing everything? As a learner, the mare had somehow still clung onto it through the years.

"Come on now, Twilight, you're being ridiculous," she chastised herself, shaking her head. The princess stood up, unsteadily. Shadows stretched along the walls, the long empty hallways dark and foreboding. She shivered in fear and numbness, despite herself, and rubbed her legs. It was getting way too late to not be asleep in bed, under the warm covers.

Twilight, stepped along the cold tiles of the floor, mumbling to herself. The woozy mare stumbled to her darkened crystal staircase, when the sound came again.

Knock knock.

Twilight flinched, scrambling back around to the door. Oh, she had almost forgotten the thing that had awakened her in the first place! The mare crept to the door, her pulse pounding in her ears. Stop it, she thought furiously, reaching the door. Whoever was there surely had a good reason, right? She unlatched the door with fumblingly hooves, and creaked it open an inch.

The princess was greeted with the chilling cold of the storm, and pink fur on her outdoor steps. Twilight gasped, and threw open the door, welcoming in a whoosh of wind, and an attack of hail and snow. What the—?

Pinkie Pie stood on her stairs, a red nosed, shivering, solemn and straight-haired mare. Straight mane? That could only mean one thing.... Twilight, with a cry of worry, grasped the older mare around the withers and pulled her inside with the haste only a friend could manage. She slammed the door shut, and huddled the pony into an awkward hug.

"Pinkie? What are you doing here?" Twilight stepped toward the fireplace, tucking Pinkie's mane behind her hair to see her cyan eyes. Pinkie seemed to struggle against her shivering fits, as her curtain of dark pink hair fell back over her muzzle. Twilight noticed with a flicker of alarm, that small threads of grey were woven into her mane.

Without waiting for an answer, the princess ignited her horn. "Oh, you must be freezing, Pinkie! Now, please, just hold still for me for a second. This'll only take a moment." The warm glow encased the pink pony, and wavered in its light. When Twilight released her spell, Pinkie Pie had returned to her normal color, and a smile attempted to cross her face.

"Thank you," she whispered, so melancholy that it startled Twilight.

"I don't know what you up and did to learn that, but that feels so much better," Pinkie sighed, her shivers having stopped completely, and her nose no longer red. She reached out a hoof, and held it to Twilight's chest.

"No problem, Pinks," Twilight answered slowly, but worry still creased her brow. This was so...strange. The alicorn rubbed her hoof along the ground, nervously glancing up at Pinkie's desolate expression.

Then Twilight cleared her throat."But, why are you here so late, during a blizzard, of all things?" Twilight asked, tilting her head towards outside. Poor girl.

The older mare flinched, an twisted grimace on her muzzle, and her ears falling flat. "You see, I could see you through the window, and I'm super duper sorry for waking you, but I just—the door was locked." Her sentence hung, unfinished. Pinkie shifted her gaze to the floor.

The princess narrowed her eyes slightly in confusion. "It's fine, really. But you didn't answer my question, exactly."

Twilight's eyes widened when Pinkie looked like she was holding back tears. "Oh no, it's okay, Pinkie. Just... just take your time, okay?" she quickly sat back besides the fire, and lit her horn to allow some light. Pinkie's features seemed hollow in the shadows, but she did not sit down.

Sighing, the older mare pushed back her mane so that Twilight got a glimpse of a couple wrinkles, just below her eyes. How long had those been there?

"Twi," she began, her high-pitched tone much lower than usual. "I have brought you a gift."

Twilight stared at her friend with a look of bewildered upon her face, and titled an ear up. "A gift?" she asked, softer than she had intended. It wasn't her birthday, or even a holiday.

Pinkie Pie nodded ever so slightly, and her cheeks tinted with a darker shade. "I've been meaning to give you it for a while, but I had this feeling that tonight would be the night. I guess it has to do with my Pinkie Sense, 'cause it just gave me shudders and woozy sensations until I came here."

The older mare pulled Twilight up to her hooves, so that she was face to face with the princess. Twilight swallowed hard. Was she always a foot taller than Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie gave a sad smile. "I-I, I can't give it to you right this very moment, though," she said quietly, her eyes watery in the weak light. Her ears fell back against her dark curtain of hair.

Twilight felt her stomach clench up at the pony's expression. No, please don't cry, Pinkie. You-you mean the world to me. The princess gasped, as if the unspoken words had passed her lips, and grasped the mare's hooves. As sappy as that sounded in her head, it was true. Pinkie had been the first pony to welcome her to Ponyville, and her antics had made Twilight smile.

Pinkie had made her laugh in the worst of times, and stuck by her side as her best friend, even through princess-hood.

If it was important to Pinkie, than it was important to her, too.

"Why?" she whispered, brushing her navy bangs out of her eyes.

Pinkie inhaled sharply, and looked down at the smooth floor. "Twilight," she began. "How old am I?"

The lavender alicorn furrowed her brow, and opened her mouth. Where had that come from?
"You're sixty-seven, of course," she replied, without a moment's hesitation.

Pinkie's lips pressed into a straight line.










Twilight hesitated for just a heartbeat. "… twenty—sixty-five." Not twenty-five, sixty-fix, she reminded herself.

Pinkie Pie sighed heavily. Her hair fell further over her eyes, reminding Twilight of Marble. "Do you have little foals?"

Twilight stepped back, wincing. "No, I don't. I-I just haven't met the right pony, that's all, Pinkie." An embarrassed blush blossomed on her cheeks.

"Twilight, I have foals, Gem and Pearl, as you know. So do all the other girls, of course. But, Twilight... where are your foals?"

The princess bit her lip, and stomped her hoof lightly on the floor in a feeling she couldn't describe. Pinkie held up a hoof.

"No, please Twilight, I'm not trying to make you upset! Just listen, it's really important. Please." Pinkie pleaded, placing a hoof a Twilight's shoulder. The alicorn remained silent, her mouth clamped shut.

"Where are your grey hairs? Your weakening strength, as your pass through the fragile parts of life? Where are you wrinkles, your kids, your dreams? Twilight, where are you?" Pinkie Pie rubbed her cyan eyes.

"You're leaving us behind."

Twilight cried out with a whimper, and ducked her head. Oh, I knew it! Pinkie would never be like this unless...

The alicorn looked up, shaking. "What are you talking about, Pinkie? Maybe-maybe we can just chat, and you can get back to smiling? Would that be okay?" Twilight's smile was painful.

Pinkie Pie sniffed. "You know what I'm talking about, and I'm sorry. But I had to come, had to see you tonight, Twilight," she said, her ears pressing down. "I had to say goodbye."

The princess bent down on her knee, and but down on her lip to stop the tears from flowing. Bile rose up in her throat.

"You may think that you're getting older, as the years pass. But to everyone around you, you're staying the same, Twilight. You aren't growing older with your best friends, your family.

"I don't know if you noticed, but the girls see it. Fluttershy has to sneak up to Rainbow Dash's cloud house just to lay there are cry with her oldest friend. Applejack and Rarity won't stop working every day, just to keep their minds off the hardest thing. You."

Pinkie Pie reached behind her mane and pulled out a small box that she clasped in her hooves.

"I don't know exactly what Princess Celestia was thinking. Maybe she didn't want to lose her top, most beloved student. Maybe she knew it would be the best in the end. But Twilight, I know you're strong. You're amazing, you're stronger than I'll ever be. You will be a great ruler when the time comes."

She lowered the box onto the small table besides the couch. Twilight's heart pounded.

"I'm sorry about this. About everything. Everything's changing, Princess. Remember when you were a young purple unicorn, here to make friends? You did. You made one of the best friends in the world, and one certain pink mare couldn't be happier.

"I love you, Twilight, as a close friend. I want to see you laugh with joy, and smile whenever you think of me. Do not mourn, move on and stay standing."

Pinkie Pie moved closer, and embraced Twilight in the most bittersweet hug in the world. "Please, do it for me."

She placed the little gift into Twilight's arms, and hugged her tighter. "You will be powerful, you will be amazing, as always. But until that day comes, I will be there for you. To help you be the best, to make you smile that bright smile of yours."

Twilight squeaked, salty tears mixing in to her friend's fur.

"But, for now, I had to give you something before that time comes. A thing to remember me by."

Twilight's hoof squished the box a little tighter. "P-Pinkie,"she stuttered, shivering.

"I won't be there in the future to celebrate all those birthdays you'll have. But every year I want you to open this present again, and know that Pinkie Pie is yelling 'happy birthday' and firing a party cannon from up above at you."

Pinkie Pie finally released her hug. "Twilight," she said. "You will be strong. I will be strong. We all will. But, right now, I wanted to say goodbye when I have the chance." The party pony dug her face into the alicorn's chest.

"You are the bestest friend I have ever had, and it has been a joy seeing you happy. Stay that way, for me please."

The older mare stepped back, and touched the door handle. She pulled open the door, her hair waving in the wind, and turned to look over her shoulder at Twilight.

"Goodbye, Twilight." The door swung shut with a thud, and Twilight's magic spluttered out. Her mind was whirling from the abrupt visit.

The princess sunk to the floor in a heap, and sucked in a breath. Shadows closed around, and the darkness welcomed her back in. "Pinkie," she whispered, unfurling her wings. How long had she been like that, secretly keeping it in? Whenever Twilight had gone by, her smile had seemed real enough, but was it all a mask?

Twilight stood up shakily, and crawled across the floor to the table beside the couch. On it rested the small, plain box. She lit up her horn for a dull glow. With trembling hooves, Twilight picked the box up, and broke the seal quickly. A goodbye gift. Laying about a bed of thin velvet, her eyes fell on the present; a rock.

The rock was cut meticulously into the shape of a heart, and woven through the hole at the top was a piece of string. Twilight brought a hoof up to her mouth to stifle her cries, and took out the rock. It was a necklace, that was clear.

To a stranger, or merely an acquaintance, Pinkie's necklace would have seemed childish, an ugly craft. But in Twilight's eyes, it was beautiful. She noticed the little specks of pink that danced in the light, how thin and carefully cut the rock was in a perfect heart.

She pressed it against her cheek, already wet with tears. "Pinkie...I miss you already," she murmured.

With a spark of curiosity, Twilight flipped over the stone. She was greeted with a tiny hatch in the back. She flipped it open on it's hinge, and a small piece of paper tumbled out to the floor. With a pounding heart, Twilight opened it and found delicate words, written in a black ink.

Twilight, I'm sorry. But I need you to be happy. I love you like the sister I never had, and will miss you too. I don't have much time left, but I will be overjoyed to have spent them with you. You are amazing, and kind, and will do many great things later on. I am proud of you, Twilight. Stay strong. Smile. Make the Magic of Friendship carry on. And if theres one thing you remember about me, it's that I want you to laugh, not cry.

Twilight nearly dropped the stone, she was shaking so bad. "Okay, Pinkie, I will." She gently placed the paper back in it's hatch.

She stumbled over to the mirror that leaned against her wall. Her legs wouldn't support her from the deep pit that used to be her stomach, so she pulled herself up.

The alicorn faced her reflection, choking on sobs. She saw a young, smiling purple unicorn, who just happened to wings upon her back. Then she blinked.

A tall alicorn with a heavy expression, eyes ringed red, regal wings splayed by her side. A princess. An immortal god.

Twilight brought her hoof up and smashed it against the glass, crying out in bottled up rage, at everything.

Why did this have to happen to her? She had known it all along, from the very first day, forty years prior, but had pushed it away. Celestia had done it, why couldn't she? Twilight had focused on the present, her wonderful friends!

But it was all coming back. Twilight glanced up at the mirror again, and moaned. She levitated the necklace around her neck, and tied it tight. It was perfect.

The Princess traced her hoof along the little cracks of the mirror, staring back at a million jagged faces. Yet, Pinkie wasn't gone, and the other girls weren't either.

"You mean the world to me, Pinkie," she whispered, clasping the necklace tightly. She rubbed away her tears, and stared back at the mirror.

I want you to laugh, not cry

The mare in the mirror cracked a smile. The mare in the mirror's mouth opened to giggles, and then laughter. The mare in the mirror grinned, and stood tall.

And inside, Twilight wept.

Comments ( 115 )

I hope this is an improvement from "Earth Magic" :pinkiehappy:

This is a major improvement....it had me in tears....good job!:pinkiesad2:

This was great. Well done

6868585 this is more of a spiritual successor.

When's part 3?

whats a spiritual sucessor?

And about Earth magic, I'm not sure yet, it could be a couple more days...I'm not feeling that motivated yet:derpytongue2:

This.. is amazing. I love it ^-^ Absolutely love it. It's so beautiful, and so sad. I love stories like that.
I give this a Muffin Rating of... Ten out of ten muffins! :derpytongue2:

.....Cries very very softly....


You continue to impress me with the quality of your story telling, and the grammar is much improved :twilightsmile:
If I could manage to write so imaginatively and prolifically, I would be much happier as a writer.

why? why did you have to make me cri ;-;

Not bad, not bad. You set a decent enough atmosphere, and I'm not even made about your Hermioneigh pun when I feel like I should be. For the most part, Twilight seemed in character.

I feel like there were a lot of unasked and unanswered questions, though. I'll let other people list some of them as they see fit, which I hope they do. But the one that really grabbed me is this: I'm not entirely sure that setting the timeline only two decades ahead really justifies the immortality angst on Pinkie Pie's part.

Not really feeling the need for an AU tag either. It's not like any of the story can be disproven by canon or anything. Unless at some point each pony's age is explicitly mentioned; all we know for certain is that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash is 21.

And I gotta admit, Pinkie just showing up, dropping a farewell gift in Twilight's lap, and then leaving without too much more really doesn't squeeze my emotional testes without a good deal more context. That, and Pinkie pretty much says exactly the same thing four or five different ways. A lengthier and less-repetitive, less one-sided conversation—perhaps a flashback or two in the mix somewhere—I think could have helped establish why Pinkie is just so suddenly sad about the situation. While the gift was nice enough, it still doesn't feel like it had tremendous weight behind it. I mean, she's only 47 in the story, but she's talking and acting like she's going to drop dead any minute. Is she terminally ill or something?

Even with all that, a nice, good bit of writing. I think you definitely have it in you to do better though. Now, I'll list some general minor things you could improve on below. These (and the story critique) aside, I'm remarkably impressed with your skill at such a tender (and hopefully malleable) age.

Sentence structure is a little repetitive at times. Take the first paragraph as a perfect example:

The fire burned bright, with almost as many colors as Celestia's mane. The embers flickered at the hearth, and iridescent flames licked the charred logs. A lavender alicorn sighed contently, and shifted in her pile of warm blankets.

Clause, comma, clause.
Clause, comma, clause.
Clause, comma, clause.
Vary it up a bit, or your writing will become stale to read. :duck:

•A bit of excess comma abuse; there are many sentences where they simply aren't necessary. I'll provide some (but far from all) examples:

A lavender alicorn sighed contently, and shifted in her pile of warm blankets.

Friendship was just as important, but sometimes the princess just had to get away from it all, and have some alone time.

The mare tucked her forelegs beneath her, and buried her muzzle in the carpet.

•You describe ponies as "the alicorn," "the princess," or "the older mare" quite a few more times than is necessary; "the princess" appears 11 times, while "the older mare" appears 5 times. This is called Burly Detective Syndrome but is better known in the MLP fandom as Lavender Unicorn Syndrome. I don't believe you have to hammer these descriptions home as hard as you have. Usually, you only need to describe a character once in any particular fashion, especially if we already know what they look like—this is fanfiction after all. Usually I would say not to describe any character in any particular way unless their appearance / other descriptor was vital to the story, but I can't tell you off for that too much because age is a key theme here. Even so, tone it down a bit. :unsuresweetie:

•Length-wise, your ellipsis use (ellipses plural) is a bit inconsistent. An ellipsis is three periods which when joined together, imply a pause or a skip. Of course you know that, but what you may not be aware of is that, in general fiction at least, ellipses should not contain more than three periods. Depending on who you talk to, some people punctuate their ellipsis with its own period, but this tends to only be applicable in formal writing. I see some ellipses here where you have four or even more. More periods does not equal a longer pause.

Another point is that you need to decide on how you present them; either they all have no space following them and so connect to the next word, or they all have a space following them, keeping the next word separate. Pick a style and stick with it; mixing them up is just messy.

To expand on this: depending on which writing program you use, it will automatically convert three periods to an ellipsis, becoming a completely separate punctuation mark. Contrary to popular belief, three periods do not technically equate to an ellipsis. Look at these for example – ... … – now see what happens when you highlight one compared to the other. :ajsmug:
As a matter of fact, I can point out where you've done this, even—probably completely unawares.

Just...just take your time, okay?


•Two issues here:

But Twilight...where are you kids?

But, Twilight (Comma needed for direct address—always place a comma before someone's name or title if they are being directly spoken to)

But Twilight...where are you kids?

where are your kids? (Simple typo)

There are more smaller (but less distracting) issues too, but I just mentioned the main ones that jumped out at me.

I'll keep an eye on you. You have potential. Definitely look at investing in a good editor though. I know quite a few personally; I have some showcased on my profile if you want to take a peek. You can only go up. :twilightsmile:

Better than Earth Magic, in the sense that it was actually interesting and I managed to finish this.

This doesn't need an AU tag. The characters do seem a little young to be posing these sorts of questions, though,

thanks for your feedback. I'll up the ages:pinkiehappy:

thank you so much for responding, I'll keep it in mind:twilightsmile:

but how can I see the spoilers?:rainbowhuh:

6871298 Simply hover your mouse over spoilers to reveal the truth.

I think the adjusted ages work much better. Many people think of 40s as still being late middle age, and the popular perception of 'old' starts at 50. That, and it's more believable for a fifty-year-old to be on their deathbed.

ooh, thats why! I'm on a IPad! is there anyway to see it without a mouse?

6871315 I honestly wouldn't know. Perhaps if one were to tap the word with a very small stylus, or the tip of a pencil, it might register touch without obstructing one's view as a thumb would.

But there is no readily available means by which to disable spoilers site-wide, as far as I am aware.

I know that on my smartphone all I have to do is tap the spoiler and it goes away until I tap the screen again.
Dunno if Apple products work the same though.

Found a few little typos along the way, but this was a great ride of the imagination - as well as a great outpouring of emotions and feels. Nicely done. :3

The feels! :fluttercry:

This is probably the first story that's ever made me cry. It was very nicely written, and perfectly portrays the emotions of the characters.

Great job!

Why must you break my heart like this? In all seriousness, this was a really nice story.

That's a wonderful story :3
I cried because it was sad and happy :raritycry:
Have a favorite and a like.

I still haven't found a story to make me cry, but this one has come the closest out of all the ones I've read. Just... Right in the feels.

Well, it's written well enough, at least technically, and the imagery is pretty good. However, I just feel like this story isn't quite there, so to speak.

I suppose, full disclaimer, I dislike "immortal alicorn Twilight" as a headcanon and I really hate the whole "mourning your immortality" thing. That might make me bias, but I'll try to be objective.

There are two main things I don't like, though. First, I don't really read Pinkie into this. Not even as an old mare do I think Pinkie would talk like this. She's so dark and brooding and her language, minus the phrase "super duper," doesn't sound like her at all. The other is just the basic oddity of one of Twi's friends randomly showing up at her door and going "Hey, Twilight! All your friends are gonna die someday and I wanted you to feel sad about it on Hearth's Warming." I could imagine this coming up as a dark turn of a conversation, but the timing is just odd, and the weird thing is that Twilight seems so oblivious to it. To hear her go "Twenty-- no, sixty-five!" was really weird (not just because holy crap, Twilight was FORTY-FIVE in episode 1?! [And why does she keep calling Pinkie "the older mare" when she's got a decade on her?!]).

Realistically, I can imagine this conversation occurring with Applejack, who might feel the need to just lay some blunt truth on Twilight. But if it has to be Pinkie, I could see this happening after a party where everyone has gone home quite early, as befitting their age, but Pinkie indulges Twilight who has lots of youthful energy, and then Pinkie reminds Twilight about all this. She'd still need to sound a bit more like herself, though.

Anyway, I didn't hate this and I'm not going to thumb it down or anything. It's not bad, but it would have benefited from a couple changes.

good hurt or bad hurt?

6878836 Like I lost a friend.

Very well done. I hope you keep writing :twilightsmile:

can I get to 100 likies?!

It's just weird seeing Twilight as the oldest one of the group, and by half a decade, at that. I've almost always read her in the role of the youngest.

6884704 oh no, sorry! shes not, the other ages are supposed to be 60 too

Well why not have twilight give up her Alicornhood so she can become Mortal and stay with her friends until they do pass on, this way she can meet up with her friends and family in the afterlife, after all her brother is mortal while Cadance is Immortal and from what I've seen in the sneak peek of season 6 so will Shining and Cadance baby, a Alicorn Foal.

well, she is a princess. and even if she wanted to, shes not quite there yet

6885413 Well she could go to the Tree of Harmony and plead to the tree to take her Alicornhood away from her, after all the Elements are connected to the Tree and since the Elements were what blasted Twilight in the first place then the Tree should be able to undo what the elements did to Twilight.

The thought of losing my best friends truly haunts me, if I were immortal, I would do anything to give up. Sorry to bring religion into this, but I want to be able to join my friends in heaven upon death not be left alone.

It's a great story and all, but it's ruined for me due to a link I found a while back.

what do you mean? what link?

6900748 I would rather not post it, but it canonically ruins the story.

6900882 I'll dig it up. It doesn't have much to do with the story, but it does ruin it for me. This is not your fault in any way, and the story is still amazing. Here: https://twitter.com/mmeghanmccarthy/status/323513777427468288 (<-most people don't click)

oh, what? no, the whole story is based around that idea. There are tons of stories about immortal twilight; its not my idea. And, yeah, it wouldn't be cannon, i guess. Thank you for showing me though!

I am freaking heartless

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