• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 317 Views, 2 Comments

Pirate's Life for Scoots - Trinket334

Captured by the clutches of a clockwork army, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon must take the path of pirating to make their way back home to Equestria. But much awaits for them, including...the truth.

  • ...

Into the Skull Cave

Previously on Pirate's Life for Scoots:

"Good work, pirate." Livsey said appearing to the group. "During yer little diversion, I found this note. Listen to this:"

"Our buyer won't be here for a while. I'll be in the temple. If the buyer arrives, bring him to me. The temple entrance is in the Skull Cave ~Fin"

"So, Fin's in there?" Silver Spoon said as everyone turned to the Skull Cave.

"Yes. There's no turning back now, captain. Into the cave." Subodai said.

"Maybe Shepard's in there. You guys check inside the cave, I gotta report back to Smollet." Livsey said running back to Smollet.

"Whelp, you heard the horse. Into the cave! Let's get Fin!" Scootaloo said as she and her crew ran in the Skull Cave, awaiting for the danger that they will soon face.

Chapter 6: Into the Skull Cave
After defending Skull Island from the Troggy bombardment in the jungles of Skull Mountain, Scootaloo and her crew's search for the Jade Amulet has led them into the depts Skull Cave to continue their search for Fin. As they traversed through the cave, they found another path.

"Over here, captain! behind the waterfall!" Bonnie Anne yelled finding the path. "Looks like we'll have top cut our way through.

"Leave that to me." Subodai said as he cut the vines down like it was nothing, revealing the next room.

"Well that was easy." Bonnie quipped. "Alright, let's press on." as they entered the next room. Upon the next room, a big gaping wall on the sides.

"We can use that wall as a path back to the fort." Subodai implied, as they entered the next room.


They continued on, breaking through the stone door, and pressed through the temple corridor. When they entered the temple, they noticed that the entire place is flooded and swarming with crocodile creatures.

"Geez, what's with all the water? I know Cutthroats are barbarians and all, but they should AT LEASTunderstand the means of proper plumber" Silver Spoon complained.

"You've been hanging around Rarity, too much, you know?" Scootaloo grumbled.

"Would you blame me? She makes fantastic tea!"

"Careful, girls! This cave is filled with Crocogators." Bonnie Anne warned.

"If you keep to the walls, you will not be noticed." Subodai warned.

"Noted." Scootaloo said as she and the crew kept to the walls to avoid any Crocogator confrontation. After sneaking past both Crocogators AND Cutthroats, our heroes found a path leading on to a big room. The door over there must lead to where Fin is. Only problem is,

"The water's too steep here, captain. We'll never make it." said Bonnie in concern.

"Well, we've got to find some way over there. Fin could be over there." Scootaloo said anxious.

"He must not escape." Subodai growled.

"You there, over here!" came a completely different voice. The band look and saw the voice coming from a dog pirate hiding in the corner.

"Sargent Shepard?" Scootaloo asked the dog.

"Aye that's me, what's it to ya?" Shepard hissed.

"Yer pal Livsey sent us in here to find Fin, we may think he's somewhere in Skull Cave" Bonnie explained to which Shepard sighed in relief.

"Livsey sent ye? Good. After me and Livsey split up, I made my way here, watchin' and listenin'. You were right on looking here, lass. Fin's across the way in his throne room. But, the girl's right, you'll never make it through these rough waters. The only way you'll make it to Fin is to drain this place."

"How did this place get flooded anyway? Did Fin do this?" Silver Spoon asked.

"It ain't him that did this." Shepard said bluntly. "You can thank those blasted Troggies for this. They love their water, so they took refuge here in Skull Cave and flooded it."

"Then, just like you said, we'll just have to drain this place. But how?" Scootaloo said in perplex.

"There's a shrine at the end of the tunnels. Go to the shrine, and press the three keystones on the three statues. Once you press them, the water will be flushed, and the whole place will be drained." Shepard explained.

"But knowing those ridiculous Troggs, they will not leave their shrine unguarded." Subodai retorted.

"Right you are, lad. Hoards of those buggers are holed up in there, but we'll get to that later. Right now, you'll need to get INTO the shrine first, it's locked up tight. I overheard the Cutthroats talking, one of them has the key.

"Then, we can give those Cutthroats a proper...uh..what was it again?" Scootaloo asked sarcastically.

"Welcome?" Bonnie answered, but not the right answer.

"Beating. Let's give those Cutthroats a rightful beating." Scootaloo said as she galloped to where the Cutthroats were.

"The heck was that about?" Silver Spoon asked looking at her captain in confusion.


After a very suspenseful(tedious) search for the key to the shrine, our heroes have found it. It was then that they braved the rest of the tunnel and found a huge door at the end of the hall.

"It's the only door in the cave. Pretty clear that it's the shrine. So, let's get in there." Scootaloo said determinedly. Nodding their heads, they placed the key in the hole and unlocked the chamber door.

The moment they entered the shrine, they were all welcomed by Troggies.

"Eep, Oop, Oop, Aaah!" yelled the chief.

"I grow tired of these fools." Subodai sighed. "To the keystones, now!"

While he held off the Troggies, Bonnie, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon scattered the shrine to press the keystones on the temple statuses. Though of course, they need to fight Troggies on the way.

Scootaloo took to the center rout to the statue in the back of the room. She was just about to press the keystone on the statue, but...

"AHHHH!" the Troggie Chief yelled as casted a spell and projected magical energy towards Scootaloo, but she successfully blocked the upcoming attack giving Subodai the perfect opportunity to beat the Troggy down.

"You're good with that timing!" she complimented the horse barbarian

"Always aim to please, Captain." Subodai smiled as he pressed the keystone. Scootaloo looked to see the pillar in the middle of the room began to sink down.

"Ahh, so that's how the temple will drain. I get it!" Scootaloo yelled in realization.

It was at that moment the pillar lowered again. Someone must of pressed the keystone. It was Silver Spoon. She pressed the left keystones.

And finally after a struggle with the Troggies, Bonnie pressed the final keystone lowering the drain plug to the very bottom. Soon enough, the entire room has been COMPLETELY drained of water, and if possible, the entire temple as well.

"Eep, opp, ep, op!" the Troggy leader yelled as he then...jumped down the drain, as well as the...other Troggies? Leaving the crew bottled with confusion.

"Th-they just jumped down the hole." Bonnie Anne insinuated sweat dropping showing her confusion.

"Troggies are mysterious creatures..." Subodai muttered.

"Alright, we've gotten the cave drained, let's head back to Shepard." Bonnie Anne said as everyone regained from their confusion, and exited the now drained shrine.


"Well, I'll be, you did it! The water's passable now! I know I should report back to Smollet, but first I'm headin' with you. Fin and I have some unfinished business to attend to." Shepard said as the group returned back to the dog in question, seeing the entrance passable and the water blocking the way disappeared.

"So does that mean you'll join my crew?!" Scootaloo looked at the pirate gleaming with hope. Shepard put her question into thought and Scootaloo looked at him hoping his answer was yes. Unfortunately his answer was...

"Nah, I think I'll pass." Shepard said casually.

"DAWW!" Scootaloo said falling to the ground face down. It seems she wanted him to be apart of the crew so much. Her comrades only looked at her in disapproval, and shook their heads in unison.

"Our captain everybody..." Silver Spoon grimaced shedding a tear of sweat from behind her head. As the strange behavior of their captain concluded, Subodai dragged her as everyone prepared for the worst and journeyed into the cave throne room.

Once they've met with the inside of the throne room, they've noticed their feet drenched with water. It seems the temple didn't drain out the throne room. They've also met with all but darkness, all except one ominous green object glowing in the center of the room.

"That must be the amulet." Scootaloo said regaining composure and back on her feet.

"So you're the one who's been taking down my men, huh? Real wimps to think they would be beaten by a little pony," came a dark voice. The group looked around and noticed in front of them came more Cutthroats. However, one of them looked different from the rest: This Cutthroat was a rather greenish color compared to the Cutthroats' blue color. had tattoos all over his arms and back. The Cutthroat was wearing a jet black T-shirt and black buckles and straps and metal braces on his arms. He also wears dark grey trousers and black boots for his flippers. The crew couldn't make out the Cutthroat's eyes because of his black shady goggles covering them.

"Are you Fin?" Silver Spoon asked the shady Cutthroat.

"Names Fin Dorsal. And you made three mistakes, pirates." Fin said coldly. "first, you took the job. Second, you didn't even bring an army. And last? Don't fight me in the dark. The dark is where I shine." Fin then readied his weapons which consist on two chakrams and he then motioned his men to charge.

"Hold yer ground, pirate, Cutthroats are bullies and cowards, leave them to us. Beat their leader and the rest will turn tail. So get Fin!" Shepard said as he charged into battle and fought back against most of the Cutthroats. Silver Spoon stayed behind for safety, and Subodai and Bonnie Anne charged into battle while their captain charged straight to Fin.

With her blade at hand, she was locked on into battle: her rapier vs Fin's chakrams. The two captains were in a deadly fight of blades, one of them would try to swing while the other would block. Unfortunately for Scoots, it isn't easy keeping up with Fin's speed. She parried the blow of Fin's attacks, but he would only flail his arms ferociously to land a hit.

"Don't think you'll win this, pirate. Just give up and I'll go easy on you," Fin says as the two locked their blades together.

"Get real, Fin. I won't give up so easily." Scootaloo said as she released herself from the lock, and landed a small blow from her blade on Fin's snout. Grunting in pain, Fin shooked it off and countered her hit with a cut on the cheek as well.

"Toughé," Scootaloo muttered as the battle continued.

Silver Spoon's P. O. V.

Meanwhile with Silver Spoon, she was watching the whole fight erupt throughout all of the throne room. Either Scootaloo was battling Fin or the others fighting off against the Cutthroats. She was wondering what can she do?

"This is seriously bogus. Everyone's fighting and I can't even do anything." she sighed. "I don't have a sword, or gun, or nothing. What if I'm not so useful in the group?"

suddenly a bright green glowed was reflected on the silver filly's glasses. She looked up and spotted the Jade Amulet just in the center of the battle.

"That's it!" she whispered as her eyes are now locked on to the Jade Amulet. Maybe she could take the Jade Amulet without anyone noticing. Looking around hoping no one was looking, she tip-toed quietly to the pedestal keeping the Jade Amulet while everyone was fighting. Carefully she tried to take it without making anyone hearing her, though it would I would highly doubt anyone would hear her throughout the clattering of blades and the gunshots of Anne's muskets. Unfortunately in just inches away from the amulet...

"HEY! THAT PONY IS TAKIN' THE AMULET!" One of the Cutthroats said. The room suddenly turned quiet and everyone's eyes were on the lone filly. Suddenly the unexpected happened; all the Cutthroats except Fin charged at the silver filly in an attempt to get the amulet. Soon enough they were all leaping up at her.

"GAHHHHHHH!" The scared stiff silver filly cried out, closing her eyes embracing for impact...it didn't come. In fact, she opened her and noticed that almost all the Cutthroats were on the floor, unconscious. Some that weren't were far injured to go any further.

"Are you OK?" A voice called out. Silver Spoon looked up and noticed Subodai holding his hand out. This is a first... Someone's actually standing up to me, not even Diamond Tiara would do anything for me...Should I be grateful?

"Y-yes I'm fine, thank you." Silver Spoon says as she took Subodai's hand and picked herself up.

"We can't get the Jade Amulet. Not with all of these Cutthroats around. Just stay here and wait until Fin is taken care of." Subodai warned, to which she shook her head in understanding.

"Someone...saved me?"

Scootaloo's P. O. V.

Meanwhile the small little captain was STILL holding her own out again's Fin. The two panted in exhaustion, both her and Fin.

"You're *pants* good, for a little girl." Fin said completely out of breath from their little struggle.

"You're *pants* not too bad, yourself, for a dumb Cutthroat." Scootaloo retorted out of breath as well.

"But don't think I'm finished yet. I have just one other trick to show you. It's time you learn the true meaning of the word, danger." Fin growled as suddenly the unthinkable happened. Fin...suddenly sank? He sank and sank down the shallow water IN FOOT LENGTH MIND YOU. Scootaloo scanned the area looking for Fin, it was as if he left the battle.

"Pirate, whatever you do don't move!" Shepard warned.

"He just sank in the water, what am I supposed to do?!" Scootaloo retorted in shock.

"Just, don't move, OK?! It's one of Fin's special attacks! You should know yer shark history, one chomp and you'll lose yer frontal lobe!" Shepard warned as everyone took caution and stayed in their position. It was dangerously quiet in the Throne Room. Fin wasn't in sight and even the Cutthroats chuckled darkly knowing what will happen next. after a short period of time...a tune played. A dangerous and menacing strings of an orchestra played out of nowhere.

"I-i-is that...?" Bonnie Anne said in worry.

"No. It can't be!" Subodai growled.

"It's begun..." Shepard hissed.

"What? What's begun!? WHERE'S THAT MUSIC COMING FROM?! WHAT'S GOING ON!" Silver Spoon yelled in concern. It was then that the menacing music rapidly increased in fortissimo. Suddenly popping out of the water was a shark fin, creeping dangerously nearing Scootaloo who only watched as these events unfold.

"PIRATE, GET OUT OF THERE!" Shepard yelled gaining Scootaloo's attention. "I don't think you realize what's happening, but the music that's playing; it's Fin's favorite tune: it's a 4/4 string ostinato in D minor! Every sailor knows that it means death!" he explained.

"Ya mind explaining it in a language I can actually understand?!" Scootaloo retorted.

"IT MEANS FIN'S COMIN' RIGHT FOR YA, CAPTAIN! GET OUTTA THERE AN QUICK!" Bonnie Anne yelled, but it was too late. The moment she took a step away, giant chompers emerged from the waters just right in front of the filly.

"Time to say goodnight, little girl," Fin said darkly as the music increased in fortissimo once again, rapidly and rapidly until;

"SCOOTALOO!" Silver Spoon yelled out in fear

"CUTTHROAT CHOMP!" he called out as he suddenly, the chompers suddenly reacted and SNAP! It snapped close with the poor young filly still in range. I can only assume the filly met her early and unsatisfying demise.

"CAPTAIN!" Bonnie Anne yelled. No response, it seems sh-

"GRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Fin suddenly yelled felling pain completely out of nowhere. It was then that he opened up and covered up his mouth in sheer pain, as if a burning sensation met his mouth, out of nowhere. The pirates looked at the Cutthroat in pain, in confusion. It was at that moment that Fin and the other pirates looked down in shock and saw Scootaloo; cowering in fear, but she was OK. She opened her eyes and found out that not only was she OK, but her coat in a brighter color, and her mane flowing in an orange flame;

"W-what?" one of the Cutthroats said in confusion.

"But how? No one could survive Fin's Cutthroat Chomp," another said.

"But take a look at the pirate, i-it's almost as if..." the third one continued,

"Almost as if she's on fire..." a fourth one concluded. "Except...she's not, she's...she's"

"I am fire..." Scootaloo whispered in understanding. Her face of shock was suddenly replaced with a mischievous grin; it seems she has the upper hand at that battle, this time. Maybe it'll be enough to take on Fin.

"You're good at escaping death, I applaud you, Pirate. But now I hope you realize you're in a full disadvantage here. You're maybe made of fire now, but water's my turf, pirate, you're nothing more than a sitting duck in my pond. Try to dodge this! WATER PULSE!" Fin yelled as he suddenly sprayed a power stream of water directly at Scootaloo.

"BOILING MIRROR!" Scootaloo yelled as the stream of water Fin shot to her suddenly stopped in front of her, like some sort of fire shield. The water suddenly started boiling and it suddenly reflected back to the Cutthroat pirate, scalding him in hot water in a direct hit.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Fin screamed at the sheer pain of the water burning through his fins. It seems this little filly has some tricks in her hooves.

"A direct hit!" Shepard cheered.

"But...how can she suddenly control fire?" Bonnie Anne asked.

"It must be why she was called Firewaker," Subodai said gaining their attention. "I know not of why he said it, but that name was introduced by Deacon, back when we were captured by him." Subodai said, reflecting on what Deacon said before.

"Impressive, it seems I underestimated you, young pirate" Deacon Spoke up. "It seems a friend of mine is right, you WILL be a thorn in our plot. Not matter. Your 'friends' won't be there to save you next time; you will regret making an enemy of the Armada. Enjoy your freedom...while it lasts."

"I look forward in beating you next time!" Scootaloo challenged the clockwork to which he gave out a chuckle.

"I look forward for that day, Firewaker."

"The name 'Firewaker' must be apart of the powers she posess within. At a sudden shock, her powers must of awakened at the last minute. It must be controlling fire." Subodai hypothesized.

"SO WHAT?!" Fin interrupted glaring at the horse barbarian. "So what if she can control fire? It won't be enough to stop me!"

"Then let's try this." Scootaloo said glaring at Fin preparing for another attack; at that moment, her hoof was suddenly engulfed in flames. Glaring at Fin, she suddenly charged up at him and just when she was directly in front of him, she leaped up with her flaming hoof at the ready.

"FIRE HOOF!" she yelled.

POW! a direct hit in the snout from Scootaloo to Fin. The impact was so powerful that Fin was sent flying to the walls of the cave, creating a massive crater to it. Everyone turned to the crater, only to find that once the smoke cleared Fin was unconscious. Soon enough, Shepard pointed his blade towards the remaining Cutthroats. Seeing their captain down, the only thing they can do was drop their weapons.

"P-p-p-parley?" one of the Cutthroats squeaked.

"The amulet is ours, boys." Shepard said glaring at the Cutthroats. They all then fled the field and left the tomb leaving the crew with the unconscious Fin. "I don't know what all that was about, captain, but you're quite handy in a fight."

"Sooooooooo does that mean you'll join the crew?" Scootaloo asked anxiously.

"Nah..." Shepard said as Scootaloo once again dropped to the ground in distraught, as the crew looked at her in disapproval. "I gotta report back to Smollet, anyway. You all should bring the Jade Amulet back to Avery."

"Right. Now let's go." Subodai said grabbing the amulet and making his way out of the cave.

"So who's carrying her, this time?" Silver Spoon asked.

"I've done my part, you do yours." Bonnie Anne said leaving the cave as well. Silver Spoon followed her, trying to carry her fallen captain, leaving only Fin alone. By the time everybody was gone, Fin started to regain consciousness.

"Ughh...that pirate, this will be her first victory, but what she doesn't realize is that she's made her first enemy," he groaned standing back up. Suddenly, the Cutthroat heard sounds of water splashing around, meaning someone is coming. Fin looked only to see a four legged equine figure wearing a white robe.

"You again?" Fin asked looking at the figure. "Sorry, but I don't have the amulet anymore. You've been outbid."

"What happened?" the figure said in a monotonous tone.

"Got my ass-handed by that dammed pirate. This is your fault, you know. You never told me she can control fire! Do you know what this means for you?" Fin said yelling at his buyer.

"Yes. Her powers are slowly awakening." the figure said, chuckling grimly.

Author's Note:

This one was a bit late and I apologize for it, I have allot on my plate, knowing that school is almost over, y'know how it is. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, and I'll be back on the saddle, remember that.

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