• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 317 Views, 2 Comments

Pirate's Life for Scoots - Trinket334

Captured by the clutches of a clockwork army, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon must take the path of pirating to make their way back home to Equestria. But much awaits for them, including...the truth.

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Chapter 1: Captured!

The REAL story begins in what appears to be a prison cell, where a lone filly sleeps peacefully...wait PRISON CELL?

"mmm Rainbow Dash.." the little filly mumbled in her sleep. Probably dreaming about her favorite idol. "..is there no stopping your levels of coolness..?" she let out a mere snore as she blissfully sail through dreamland, sounds of cannon blasts and yells and shouts were heard from the outside. "you're so..awesome" she mumbles when suddenly,


Flinching awake, the little pony rose up from her slumber in shock and surprise. Arising from her slumber, she looked at her surroundings only to see she's not in her warm cozy bed, but instead in the cold damp floor of her cell. And hey, she's in the company of the skeleton of the past cell propriortor.

"Huh? This isn't my bed! Although it explains why I couldn't sleep. But where am I?" the filly first reacted. She crept up and looked through her cell in search of any familiar faces. Fortunately, across from her cell slept a grey coated filly with glasses and a shining silver mane. Immediately she knew who she was.

"Silver Spoon?" the orange pegasus asked herself. She then looked to see if anyone else was present. Unfortunately, only she and the silver coated filly present in the room. Her attention then went back to the silver pony and she attempted to get her attention.

"Pssst...Silver Spoon"she tried to reach her, but she only slept peacefully. "Silver Spoon..." no cigar, she's still out like a light. Only one more way to get her attention.


"Huh?! what?!" finally she woke up, just as confused as ever once she looked at her surroundings. "Scootaloo?" the silver filly asked in confusion. "Where are we?" she asked in a hint of panic.

"One thing's for sure, I don't think we're in Equestria anymore," she inquired.

"But where ARE we?!" Silver demanded now in panic. But the moment Scootaloo opened her muzzle,


"GET DOWN SHE'S GOING TO BLOW!" came a completely different voice. This voice was clearly a man's voice, but it sounds rather scratchy to say the least.

BOOM! another blast was fired, almost rocking the place.

"I'm starting to come to the conclusion that we're in a pirate ship." Scootaloo inquired.

"It's one of these prisoners! Check the ones down there, monkey!" commanded the same voice.

"Oh, I'm on it!" came another voice, only the voice was a rather distinct accent than the other voice. A sound of footsteps were suddenly heard heading towards the location the two girls were in.

As the footsteps have gotten closer and closer, the two were met with two...peculiar figures. One was a round bald creature with a red coat, traditional pirate garb, skull painted tricone, eye-patch, and hook. The man wears black pants and boots, and most of his shirt was blocked by his shaggy white beard.

The other creature seems to be on the filly's length. His apparel would remind Scootaloo of what a tactical officer from the Wonderbolts would wear. One thing about the other man's appearance is that compared to his round friend, he's much more HAIRIER than him.

"Are THEY ze prisoners we are looking for?" the small hairy man said in the rather distinct accent the ponies heard before.

"Hard to say..." the bearded man said as he walked to Scootaloo's cell. "Ye got a name, girl?"

"Who wants to know?" the orange filly asked in suspicion.

"Call it intuition, my friend. But don't ye worry. We're here to get ya outta here." the bearded man says smugly.

She was suspicious at first, but hesitantly she gives the pirate her name. "Scootaloo"

"It matches ze name, Captan! I told you, she's the one!" the monkey exclaimed.

"Pardon me for interrupting, but...who are you two?" Silver Spoon interrupted.

"I guess we didn't introduce ourselves huh?" the bearded man says sheepishly as he began to introduce himself. "The names Boochbeard, lass! And this be me first mate, Mr. Gandry"

"And as my captain said before, we have come to break you out of this accursed prison" Gandry continued.

"OK um a pleasure to meet you, Boochbeard and Mr. Gandry. But uh..." Silver Spoon started as her bewilderment turned into rage. "WHY ARE WE IN PRISON IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" she screeched as interestingly enough, she was so enraged that her teeth grew sharp as a shark's.

"Ah, that is not our question to answer. So uh, don't take your anger on us, take it on the Armada!" Boochbeard shook in terror.

"The Armada?" Scootaloo intervened in curiosity.

"Aye the Armada." Boochbeard answered. "They be a whole army of clockwork soldiers bent on the destruction of the Spiral. They have something BIG planned, and you're the main thorn on their side. Must be the reason why they captured you"

"That's stupid," she stated bluntly. "How am I in the way of their plan?"

"And why am I here?" Silver Spoon interjected.

"We'll explain later! Right now, our top priority is getting you out of that confounded bring. There's pirating to be done!" Boochbeard cried out as he raised his sword.

"Whoa, whoa WHOA there, Beardy!" Silver Spoon hissed. "There is absolutely NO WAY I'm going out of my way to become a ragtag pirate sailing with a band of misfits! If you will be ever so kind as to release me, I will make it worth your while. But ONLY if you escort me home." she replied as if she was royalty.

"She's new to this redemption stuff." Scootaloo said nervously as she shed a tear of sweat.

"Uh...Missy, I hate ta break it to you, but wherever your home is, you're MILES away from it." Boochbeard replied in concern. The silver filly was taken aback from what the pirate just said. "I beg your pardon?" Silver Spoon replied.

"Well...it's like zis" Gandry started explaining. "You ponies come from Equestria, yes? Well, little did you know, zere are worlds OUTSIDE of Equestria, to which zey make up ze Spiral. As we speak, you are sailing across the skyways of OUR homeworld, Skull Island. In short, you are far FAR away from Equestria."

"Isn't there a way back? Equestria's our home!" Scootaloo asks in concern that she may never return home.

"Two ways to go through the worlds of the Spiral." Boochbeard says as the two sigh in relief. "1: You could go through the easy way and find a Spiral Door. However, each world requires a key...and we don't have any."

The two sighed again. "What's the second way?" Scootaloo asked in hope.

"Do what we do and sail through ze Stormgates in hope you'll find the one leading to Equestria," Gandry explained. "But in order to do zat you need a Windstone. Zey are crystals that can allow ANY ship to go through ze Stormgates, depending on the color Windstone."

"Great..." Silver Spoon replied dismissively. "So, do you have those Windstones so we can sail back home?"

The two pirates looked at the silver filly in annoy. "Ya HONESTLY think life is all that simple do ye?" Boochbeard said to her in agitation.

"If you're rich, of course" the silver filly interjected.

"Excuse her, she's under influence of a certain airhead back in my homeworld" Scoots apologized bitterly. "But they're redeeming don't worry."

"knowing them, it'll be a long road to redemption," Gandry quipped.

"You have no idea."

"WELL ANYWAY," Boochbeard interjected just when Silver Spoon was about to say something back.

"Bottom line, if you two want to sail back to Equestria, you'll need a ship. An old colleague of mine will give you one, but I sincerely doubt you'll earn it goody-goody style. In order to find your way back home, you'll have to fight all who gets in your way, including the Armada. What do ya say? Think you'll handle the life of a pirate?"

Scootaloo's mind is racing as fast as Dash's flying. To get home, she'll have to be a pirate? There was no other option. I want to go home, but I don't want to go so far as to become a pirate? But...it's the only way to find my way back. Oh, what do I do?

"Well Scoots?" Boochbeard says awaiting his answer. It was a tough decision, but her mind was set. She knew what to do.

"This is my ONLY way to get home?" she asked.

"Unless either of you already HAS a Spiral key?" Gandry interjected.

"Alright, fine. If it means finding my way back." she sighed in defeat as the two pirates cheered.

"HAR HAR SPLENDID! Ye won't regret this venture, girls," Boochbeard reassured. "Now then let's get the both of you out of those confounded brig. There's piratin' to be done!" he said as he pulled the lever nearby...one problem

It's not pulling.