• Published 17th Jan 2016
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Pirate's Life for Scoots - Trinket334

Captured by the clutches of a clockwork army, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon must take the path of pirating to make their way back home to Equestria. But much awaits for them, including...the truth.

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Scootaloo's Family Tree

Chapter 3: Scootaloo's Family

They have finally escaped from the Armada as they see the Erebus sinking down the sky. That's right, the sky. On the deck of Boochbeard's ship, Silver Spoon and Subodai watched as Scootaloo is mastering the basics of steering a ship, while Gandry is treating his captain's wounds.

"That's navigation in a nutshell, Scoots! You're a natural!" Boochbeard encouraged as his wounds were finally healing.

"And you said you don't know how to steer a ship," Gandry quipped.

"I guess steering the ship is almost the same as steering my scooter, in a nutshell." Scootaloo says in realization.

"Uh-huh, yeah Scoots is a natural at sailing a ship, yeah."Silver Spoon says dismissively. "So um now that all of that is over, please explain WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" she yelled resisting the urge the punch their heads in.

"Oh yeah," Scoots says in realization. "Well for starters, I like the name Firewaker,"

"IS THAT THE ONLY THING YOU THINK ABOUT AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!" Silver Spoon cried out in agitation, as her shark teeth grew back, yes.

"Let me finish, Silver." the helmspony said calmly. "I like the name Firewaker, but the question is WHY did Deacon call me that?"

"I guess Cheerilee never told ya huh?" Boochbeard said as the filly looked at him in confusion.

"What does Ms. Cheerilee have to do with this?" she asked the pirate. Gandry looked at Boochbeard and shook his head, as if it was time for something...a truth?

"I think it's time you've learn the truth, Scootaloo" Gandry looked at her in understanding.

"We know yer parents, Scoots. In fact we know yer whole family." Boochbeard said getting the little filly's attention. This was a topic she's never expected to meet with.

"M-my family?" she shook in shock as she listened intently. Boochbeard nodded in agreement as he began to explain.

"Truth be told, Scoots, you're family is with a long line of pirates, a family tree even! And even now, they're still roamin' the skies. They call themselves the Skywaker Pirates, ponies from Equestria who had enough of the Armada's rule and decide to band together and revolt against them."

"You mean like a revolution?" Silver Spoon asked as she also listened intently.

"Aye, a revolution. This was one of the biggest revolutions that made a great impact to the Spiral, next to the Polarian Wars. The one who started it all was yer mother, Scoots, Stormwaker Thunderblitz, a powerful bringer of storms."

"So my mom's the leader of the crew," Scootaloo repeated in understanding. "What's my other family like?"

"All yer family have unique powers. The layout of your family is like this: First yer mother, then yer brother, Windwaker Rumble, who comes from yer grandmother's side of the family."

"Rumble? That colt with the filly snout?" Silver Spoon asked in curiosity.

"I never knew! No one saw him ever since his brother was coming down with the Featherflu," Scootaloo remarked as Gandry shushed the two.

"Then came yer grandmother, Waterwaker Ocean Breeze, then yer grandpa, Earthwaker Terra."

"You still never answered my question," Scootaloo reminded. "What does Ms. Cheerilee have to do with all of this?"

"Because, Scoots, Cheerilee and her brother, Ravenscar are the kids of Earthwaker Terra."

yep, another hit of shock went into Scootaloo.

"Let me get this straight. Rumble and Cheerilee are my cousins?" she tried to hear them right.

"Aye, that's right." Boochbeard continued. "Sad to say, the reason why you haven't seen yer brother, Rumble in quite some time, is because he's been caught and taken to Fort Elena."

"Oh no, captured?" Scootaloo said in concern.

"Aye, Sad to say. He was one of the few of the crew that got captured and sentenced to life in prison, only thing is, it happened all so recently,"

"A few?"

"Let's just say, the Armada were taken by surprise after they witnessed the Skywaker's powers. Long ago, they prepared as many ships as they can and assaulted their ship, The Majestic, and took in the remaining crew, putting the revolution to a stalemate.

"What about my mom?" Scootaloo asked in concern.

It was then that Boochbeard looked at her and mourn, and Gandry took off his hat in mourn. It can only mean one thing.

"Oh..." she definitely got the picture.

"Wait a minute?" Silver Spoon realized one thing. "This whole time you talked about Scoots' mom, but where was her dad in all of this?"

"Hey yeah, what about my dad?"

"I'd be honest with you, no one knows yer old man. I heard from Thunderblitz back then that he just left her, he never came back ever since."

"So he could be fine?"

"I can't say for sure. But continuing, the only person who got away from the Armada's clutches, was Lightwaker Cheerilee and Darkwaker Ravenscar, but he's not worth their time."

"Why not?"

"Because Ravenscar didn't even care about the revolution back then. Even now he doesn't care. The only thing he cares about is plunderin and pillagin like the pirate he is. Meanwhile Cheerilee sailed back to Equestria and shrouded anything regarding the revolution or the Skywaker Pirates, so the Armada wouldn't catch on. I suppose that's when she retired as a teacher and I suppose that's why you know her as Ms. Cheerilee."

"She could've at least told me SOMETHING, leaving out the cousin part kinda seemed WRONG don't ya think?" Scootaloo pointed out in frustration.

"Don't ye worry. I bet she was waitin' for the right time ta tell ye. Knowin' her she will. She's the kindest pony we've met" Boochbeard replied in assurance.

"So to get things straight, Cheerilee is a pirate, Rumble is captured, and the revolution will only end is if all the Skywaker Pirates are dead by the Armada's hand?"

"Afraid so. Luckily, me and ze captain came in time before ze clockworks sailed off with you." Scootaloo was looking off to the distance, so much was in her head.

"All this time," she whispered. "I always wondered where my mom and dad were. I always looked up to Rainbow Dash as my sister, but...now...I actually have a lead on my family.

"That doesn't mean zis Rainbow Dash isn't your sister" Gandry declined.

"Aye, your family isn't only the blood you share. It's the bonds you make, a-hand trust me, knowing ye already, you'll make one heck of a bond with yer crewmates."

"A pirate is nothing without its loyal crew." Subodai remark.

"Ain't that the truth," Boochbeard nodded agreeing. Suddenly,

"LAND HO!" Gandry said pointing at a big island with a skull in view.

"Welcome to Skull Island, girls, Subodai," Boochbeard said calmly.

"Before we go, captain, you must remember, Skull Island is a pirate cesspool. If you wish to fight, you must fight for your life. Are you ready?" Subodai warned his little captain. The filly thought about his offer. If she wants to find her family, she has to become a pirate. Simple enough, her answer is,

"Sure am, Subodai." she said determinedly before turning to the two pirates. "Just tell us where to start and we'll be right on it."

"You'll start with Captain Avery in Skull Island. He's an old friend of mine. If anyone can help ya start yer journey, he can.

"Great, so that just leaves..." Scootaloo said as she and everyone else turned to a certain silver filly, awaiting for her answer.

"What?" she asked blissfully unaware of what's going on.

"You wanna go back to Equestria don't you?"

"More than ever!"

"Then answer me this: do you have what it takes to serve under the command of a pirate?"

Silver Spoon looks at the group hesitantly. There are pros and cons of becoming a pirate, many many cons. Will she take that chance? Her answer is,

"Oh, fine, if it means finding the way back home." she sighed in defeat. Then, it hit her. "But what about those two?" she said pointing at Boochbeard and Gandry.

"You two are coming, right?" Scootaloo asked looking at the two in worry.

"Sorry girls, we cant. We have our own adventures after all," Boochbeard said apologeticly


"Don't you worry, we'll cross paths again. For now, zis is goodbye!" Gandry said as the three walked off the ship via boardwalk as they reached the island. but not before Scootaloo gave the bearded captain a hug.

"Thanks, guys, for telling me about my family." she said to him.

"Aye. I'm sure you'll find them," Boochbeard said hugging her. "All right all right, we gotta go, Scoots!" he said as he pushed her off as he took to the helm.

"MONKEY, WEIGH ANCHOR, CAST THE SAILS, WE'RE OFF!" he commanded as he Scoots walked the boardwalk and watched the two sail away.

"Farewell, girls!" Gandry waved.

"Good luck and good hunting!" Boochbeard waved as the ship left the shore. On the island, Silver Spoon and Subodai waved goodbye as Scoots only looked at the ship as it sailed further and further off the shore.

"Thanks for everything, guys" she thought...as she snapped back to reality and on to their objective.

"Alright, so let's find this Captain Avery!" she said as Subodai started to lead the way.

"I know the way, follow me." he said as he took the lead and walked further into shore with the two fillies following him, as the journey begins!

Author's Note:

Scootaloo: A very convoluted family tree you've gotta admit, it'll all make sense soon. For now, disclaimers! Pirate's Life for Scoots is a non-profit parody fanfic about ME! on an adventure to find my way back home and MANY more. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Pirate101 are owned and officiated by Hasbro Studios and Kingsisle Enrtertainment, NOT by mingler45567. Enjoy!