• Member Since 1st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen February 8th


I'm Canadian!


He resigned a while ago. But he's back, taunting me with things I'm sure I don't want: fame, luxury, glamor. I don't want to be the Countess anymore. But if that really is true, why can't I stop looking at somepony in his spit and image? Why can't I stop looking at her?

Cover art by katze-des-grauens.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Very nice, very nice indeed.

Nice book 8/10

Wonderful, as always.

Hm, a good story for a nice and rare pairing. You explored Coloratura's internal issues nicely, and Rarity helping her through this and explaining her view was pretty good, as well. Might need some cuddles, but that's just me being picky (and a sucker for crack pairings.)

I liked this. I've been waiting for more stories exploring RaraRarara and it's great to see one from a skilled writer such as yourself. Coloratura's conflict feels very real and understandable to me. Most of us like the finer things in life, after all. Rarity is just the pony to help her understand that it's okay to want and like those things without tramping on others or being a snob. Feels like a good foundation to either a relationship or a friendship, to me.

Oh, you don't even know how much I love cuddles. I'm shipping trash, so I love writing about it, and I was resisting the urge to do it here. Unfortunately, stream-of-consciousness–style fics don't really lend themselves well to describing cuddles, so I had to refrain. Disappointing, I know. :fluttercry:

And speaking of crackfics, I actually think I'm the first to ship this pair. There's a handful of RaraJack, but no RaraRarara yet. Lift the anchor and start the engines; I'm launching this ship! :raritystarry:

I don't know about you, but that "Oh, if we're all done here, I'd love to go back to the trailer and rest" felt a little bit too genuine to me. :unsuresweetie: And it is possible to see this story as very close friendshipping. Unfortunately, I think I described too many of Coloratura's internal feelings for it to be construed as that for long. I did not go that conservative when writing this story. :raritywink:

Why does Rara need to learn Rarity's name by overhearing Sweetie Belle talk to her? She addressed Rarity by name in the episode itself, a few seconds after Svengallop's final exit.

I'm afraid I'm not really hearing Rarity in this, especially towards the climax. I can accept that the points she makes might be points Rarity would want to make to Coloratura, but I can't imagine Rarity saying them in this way. The phrasing is too abstract, objective, and intellectual to be hers -- I can't believe in a Rarity who can turn her drama queen mannerisms completely off when talking about something personally important to her, and instead sound like an elder mentor in perfect balance with herself.

Because I'd imagine that Rara sees thousands of ponies on some days, and lots of them give her their names that never stick. And because I forgot about that part. :ajbemused:

I see what you mean about Rarity acting too mature, and it did cross my mind that she was acting that way. Thing is, Rarity is the most mature of the mane 6, and she's demonstrated her penchant to go into lecture mode about things that she's passionate about, as demonstrated in the episode. And then, by the fact that she's a socialite, Rarity is a good actor, and she's fairly empathetic. I wouldn't put it past her to read situations and act accordingly to best benefit her audience, and Coloratura clearly needs confidence here.

"To put fame first is to lose yourself to the whims of others. To step on your friends where it may benefit your status. To look out for nopony but yourself. That's not what I want, and I don't think that's what you want, either. A desire for beauty is none of those things, and it's completely healthy."

Then I reread this, and all that goes out the window because even I can't quite see Rarity saying that. Maybe a Rarity 5-10 years older, but still.

So, uh, thank you for bringing that to my attention, and thanks for reading. Now I need to go over my stories in progress again and reassess whether I ever did this in any of them. :applejackunsure:

6845221 Yes! Sail that ship! Make the pretty ponies hug and kiss!

This does put a fine point on an issue popping up again and again over the course of the series:

Applejack says she wants Coloratura to be herself—all fine and good. But this is the same Applejack who herself has demonstrated that she can be judgemental when ponies are part of a different culture or different traditions than her own. And that leaves you wondering if she might confuse "be yourself" with "be like I am".

Compare that to Rarity, who did learn some hard lessons about not denying your roots while also living the kind of live that you want.

Well, it's not as if any of our favorite ponies are perfect. Applejack tried to help her friend as best she could, and then it was Rarity's turn. They just have very different ideas of what kind of help she needs.

6852626 that's a great argument. I think a certain hyppogriff should talk about this in an upcoming video *Wink Wink*

A very interesting idea. It's quite long, but rather heartfelt, liked.

FINALLY, Finally, finally got to this. Been sitting on the pile far too long.

It was a good read, certainly. As was pointed out, Rara should pick up on Sweetie and Rarity in the diner sooner, especially since they address each other by name. The rest works well, I feel. A more mature Rarity hiding beneath the theatrics and histrionics is something I've seen before and it's well done here.

Anyway, a good read. Hope all is well with you and whatever project you're working on now.

The things you never know you needed until you got them....

Yeah, it's not going to be easy to adjust to a lifestyle change like that.

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