• Published 13th Mar 2016
  • 894 Views, 42 Comments

The Mask One Wears - OroKinAu

Caramel deals with keeping his desires secret in a world where it is not accepted or tolerated. But that is easier said than done.

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Comments ( 10 )

I enjoyed this story, kinda wish Brass had karma bit her in the ass more though. I thought it would be Luna who would be in this with Fluttershy, but I was wrong. Keep up the good work :twilightsmile:

Pity about Brass but it's nobody's fault that her life was ruined permanently. And I am happy about reunion of Caramel and Ginger.
That 8 dislikes of the story I think were given by some narrow-minded people who can't see through moral and prejudice. I can't say I am supportive of pedophiles but if you, like gays, were just born that way it can't be treated or forced to be normal. Of cource there is a parent's side who actually wouldn't want to see their little daughters with some adult mens.
All this topic is hard and discussive, in fact. But if someone after reading this has a doubt, remember that Nihil verum est, omnia licita (Nothing is true, everything is permitted)

Comment posted by Mix-up deleted Apr 18th, 2016

I understand your criticism, but can you please edit it in a way that does not reveal the ending? If not I will be forced to delete it to prevent spoilers.

I want to hear what you think, but not in a way that spoils it for those who have not read it yet.

I even explicitly said so at the end of the chapter:

Please don't spoil the ending in your comments. I would greatly appreciate it.

This was beautiful... I salute you, author, you have done an incredible job.

That was a good story I enjoyed it so much. The story was so intresting to me I am not pedophile but intrested in all king of philia's. Maybe I can better understand those people's after reading this story. AND ALL HEIL FOR TRUE LOVE
(sorry for bad grammar I learn decennary German )

I did not expect that. Fluttershy? She's the last person you'd expect.

THIS IS AWESOME!! It's rare to find a good story like this every now and again. For some reason, the only foalcon stories that I ever see are just clops, rapes, rape-clops, or romance between fillies (which I like, but not on a 'THIS IS AWESOME!!' level).

While I don't agree with some of the ideas explored here and found the writing to be a bit awkward in place, stilted in others, full of grammatical issues and more inclined to tell the audience how the character's feeling instead of showing or giving us some type of hint that we can put into context and relate to, I must say the story thoroughly held my interest.

Some of the final lines to the narrative are quite unsettling, and to go along with your request I won't reveal them, but I will say I thought that particular part of that dynamic would be glossed over and I am quite glad it wasn't.

As for the way the fillies are written it's hit/miss. The way you wrote for the teenager is more believable, albeit quite twisted. The fillies are quite emotional when confronted with this feeling, and while I won't dismiss the idea that a someone so young can fall in love with someone who is much older and that emotion can very well be love, it's unlikely they're going to be so crafty, manipulative, or talk about things like cheating and convince their prospective partners. It all feels just a little too calculating, but I get that you might've been trying to suggest throughout that Snaps could be more emotionally mature than the average filly.

There are little themes and threads you might've added to the story to show us how Sassaflash and Carmel interact but aren't on the same wavelength and have completely different perspectives about the relationship -- let's say she's talking about wanting a filly when they're settled and Carmel's getting more and more uncomfortable with the idea, so she assumes he wants no foals or wants a colt. That's the type of stuff that can cause an argument or at least a little resentment. What I took from that part of the story (unless she's over-compensating by having a lot of sex with him) is Sass believed her relationship with Carmel was perfect. Why not have something nagging underneath it all that she can't quite put her hoof on and gives additional context to her more explosive actions later on as things get more heated?

I don't know you personally and can't comment what particular feelings inspired this story, but I can say what I took from it -- wouldn't it be awesome if there was a place for the people who society rejects that wouldn't harm a fly? That's one of the themes throughout the story that I kind of liked. Carmel's not a bad guy here, but he's not entirely without blame -- he's forced to make some tough decisions and not look back, with young fillies he's become attached to and hurt as a result... but he keeps on trying to find happiness at the expense of a developing filly's heart. The message everyone suffers in an unorthodox relationship others don't understand and feel compelled to dismantle is bleak as all get out, and that came across quite well, but they're kids... and Carmel knew the risk in getting involved with them. He just chose to take a chance, which is something some people do. In his place I'd picture myself hanging from a tree, eviscerated and mutilated, leaving that young thing behind to so much suffering... couldn't do it. Wouldn't start it.

Great story. Liked and Fav'd :eeyup:

This story is interesting, and its message isn't ENTIRELY untrue (a lot of the psychological trauma statutory rape victims go through really is caused by society itself), but it's so one-sided that it's hard to consider it a real examination of an actual issue. The story basically acts like it's perfectly possible and normal for kids under 10 to form legitimate romantic bonds that can last for decades. In truth it's rare for a romance between two teenagers to last more than a few years due to lack of experience in dealing with people in that manner, to claim 8-year-olds can reliably do it is just being irrationally idealistic. And in this case it goes the extra mile in having an 8-year-old make the decision to flat-out leave her parents forever. I don't care how annoyed she is with the way her parents treat her, no 8-year-old is choosing anybody over their parents unless they're actually abusive, and even then it's a toss-up.

Also am I the only one who thought it was weird that Twilight cited "Due Process" in the final chapter when Celestia had already publicly declared that due process no longer applies to foalophiles? As far as I can tell what the mob was doing was totally legal under Celestia's martial-law. And that's ignoring the fact that having Brass name her abuser at a totally public meeting was probably one of the worst ideas in history. There's a reason the police would never, ever, do this, and it's because the person named would be instantly torn apart by the crowd. Why would this even occur to Twilight to do? What did she think would happen as a result of it? I understand dramatic effect but this defies all logic.

I think I'm just not going to rate this fic one way or the other. It was an interesting attempt to get into the psychology of a pedophile, but it was so one-sided about the issue as a whole that it's hard to take it too seriously. It was almost like a fairy tale, actually, with love overcoming adversity, and if you look at it that way it's not bad. But as an examination of the actual real-world issues and concerns portrayed, it just misses too many points to take it seriously.

First, I want to say, I must have got my mask from the bargain bin, cause my friends constantly tell me I give off a "creepy pedo vibe".

Second, MELODRAMA. This story has it. A lot of it. Too much of it. I don't know whether to up vote for writing such a touchy subject that I can relate to, or to down vote for having written it so poorly. So, no vote from me.

And to other readers, while the Authors views on how hateful anti-pedo people can be are a bit over the top, they aren't entirely inaccurate. Kids really are coached by lawyers on what exactly to say, and sometimes certain rights are taken away during cases. (Though the rights being taken away are really only when it's repeat offenders with violent historys.)

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