> The Mask One Wears > by OroKinAu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "But my child is a good child, I don't understand..." said a middle-aged mother with complete shock. "I'm sorry ma'am, but I am required by law to break doctor-patient confidentiality and tell you personally this news." explained the psychologist. "But my child is not a monster!" the mother said exacerbated. "He would never do such a thing!" "Well, better safe than sorry ma'am, besides, I will call the authorities as soon as I get back to my office, as I am also required by law to do so, so that they can keep an eye on your son, just in case." she explained as she gathered her things and walked out the door. The mother was devastated. "MY SON IS NOT A MONSTER!" she yelled. "YOUR SON IS A FOALOPHILE MISS TOFFEE!" she yelled back. The room went silent for a brief moment. "In my training, that's as close to a monster one could be, my recommendation is that he gets locked away in a mental health facility away from foals." she explained. "Because there is no cure and there is no way of knowing if he can control himself, I'm sorry for the news but it's too late to save him." she then turned around and walked out the door. Miss Toffee closed the door and immediately broke down in tears from the news. "Where have I gone wrong..." she bawled to herself. Little did the mother knew, but her own son was listening in from the stairs. He looked down at himself in shame, guilty for ruining everything. Maybe he did deserve to be locked away... The following day, the psychologist returned with two unicorns guards to take Miss Toffee's son to her office so that he can get registered into the database. She knocked on the door. "Ma'am, this is Dr. Stroop, I have come to escort your son to my office." she announced, but there was no answer. "You looking for Toffee?" asked a neighbor that walked by. "Yes, we are." said Stroop. "Oh, they moved away last night with all their things, very unexpected." he explained. "WHAT?!" she exclaimed. She immediately ordered the two guards to breakdown the door, the three ran inside the house only to find it completely empty, anything that wasn't attached to the floor was gone. "No..." Stroop looked around with frustration. "...damn it!" "So what now Dr. Stroop?" asked a guard. "Keep a track of all sexually based offenses, he may be a good son, but one of these days, he's going to screw-up and hurt a filly," she explained. "And when that day comes...I'll be there to personally lock him up at Canterlot Asylum." she snarled with determination. This would not be the first time Miss Toffee's son, Caramel, had to move to a different town. The second time occurred after his high school graduation, despite not having an attraction to mares his age, he managed to get a date to the prom. Much to the surprise of his classmates who saw him as a loner and possible homosexual due to him taking classes aimed at mares, like home-economics, and never showing any interested in females. But no one knew that he does have an attraction to females, just not the kind that society will ever approve of, and he wanted it to be kept that way, but in the end he managed to get a date to prom and was relieved, because for the first time in a long time, he felt normal for once. The prom itself went great, he and his date had a fun and romantic time together, they even received some votes for prom King and Queen, but ultimately came in fourth place. But the real problem came after the prom, when he and his date decided to book a motel room for the night so they can consummate their date, his attempt and being normal. Caramel ran into the motel bathroom in shame and frustration. "DAMN IT!" exclaimed. He looked down at his non-existent erection, "Why won't you work!" he yelled. He sat in front of the door and began to cry tears of frustration. "How can I be normal if it won't rise at the sight of a beautiful mare such as her!" he asked himself. She was indeed a beautiful mare, but his mind started to wander back to an equally beautiful filly he babysat for a home-economics assignment. That seven year old filly was stunning, he sometimes fantasied romantically sweeping her off her feet and granting the filly's desire of marrying her. He quickly began to feel something different, and looked down to see that his stallionhood was out of sheath and fully erected, much to his horror. "You got to be kidding me!" He was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. "Mel, you okay in there?" asked his date from outside. "Oh, I'm fine..." he nervously lied. "...I think it was just classic performance anxiety, that's all." he sweated bullets. "In that case, we could try again, especially since I'm still horny." she explained. "Again?" he was stunned. "Please?" she asked politely. Caramel sighed, it was at that moment that he accepted who he was and that he can not be physically attracted to mares his age as much as he is to fillies. "I'll be right out..." "OH SWEET CELESTIA THAT WAS AMAZING!" yelled Caramel's date as she collapsed on the bed with pure bliss on her face. Caramel followed suit with a mixture of happiness and shame on his face. Happy that he proved himself to be quite the sex god, but shamed that he could only be one while pretending that he was doing it with a filly instead. She cuddled up to Caramel and laid her head on his chest. "Good night my love, thanks for salvaging this date for us..." was all she said before she passed out asleep. Caramel just stared at the ceiling with shame and horror. After taking a long cold shower, he got dressed, kissed his sleeping date on the forehead and walked out the door. "I'm sorry, but you deserve a normal stallion, not a filly-loving freak like me..." he sighed with guilt as he walked away, leaving his date behind. Caramel skipped town and swore to never come back, least he encounters her again, he soon found a new town and a quickly got a job as a live-in apprentice to a horseshoe maker and seller. But what he did not realize, but trouble would soon manifest itself again. One day, Caramel was hammering and shaping red hot metal into a new order of shoes when a carriage drove up to the workshop. The stallion took off his goggles and safety equipment to greet the potential new customer. Soon, a mare disembarked from the carriage. "Can I help you ma'am?" he asked. "Is your boss Mr. Farrier around?" the middle aged mare asked. She looked like she did not want to be here. "He's inside, why do you ask?" questioned Caramel. A filly quickly ran out of the carriage. "Daddy!" it happily exclaimed as she ran inside. "It's his visitation week." dryly answered the mare. Caramel was in complete awe at the filly, she was beautiful and perfect, long flowing brown mane, tan fur, an equally long tail, a red bandanna around her pretty neck and no cutie mark. Everything about that filly caused the stallion's stomach to fill up with proverbial butterflies with every step and smile she made. "What are YOU doing here?!" Caramel was suddenly snapped out of his hypnotic state from the voice of his boss talking to the mare. What Mr. Farrier failed to tell his apprentice was that he was recently divorced with a daughter, apparently, his ex-wife caught Mr. Farrier in bed with a young prostitute and the ex-wife immediately won custody with their daughter visiting Mr. Farrier once a month for a week. Caramel quickly tuned out the couple's fighting and walked inside to grab a cold drink of water from the ice box in order to snap himself back into focus, and possibly some cider to keep his mind distracted from the filly that will be living in the house for the next seven days. As he walked inside he saw the filly sitting on the kitchen table eating a banana. "Hi, I'm Brass, what's your name?" asked the cute filly. The stallion's heart skipped a beat from the sheer adorableness, which made her even more alluring. He struggled to form the right words. "CARAMEL!" yelled Mr. Farrier outside. The stallion shook his head to focus himself and looked out the window. "Yes boss?" "Watch Brass for me while I take care of her mother and finish these orders!" he instructed. "But sir-" "JUST DO IT DAMN IT!" he yelled at his apprentice. It sounded like Caramel had no say in the matter. The stallion just sighed with reluctance. The next few days were pretty uneventful, Caramel made sure of that, every time he needed to touch Brass, he was very careful in restricting himself to spots that were socially acceptable to touch. He has so far put up with a lot of tea parties and make-overs during the last few days, but he most grateful that he kept himself under control, although sometimes that meant excusing himself to the bathroom to rub off some excess tension. "Hey Caramel, let's have a royal ball!" squealed the filly with excitement as she landed on a napping Caramel. "It'll be so much fun!" The stallion groggily woke up to see Brass on top of him, her face up against his, this intimidated the stallion who had the need to just grab her and kiss her, but he kept cool. "Royal ball?" he nervously asked. "Please?" she begged. "Daddy is too busy to be my date, so you'll have to do." she smiled. "D-date?!" he nervously stuttered, that made his mind flood with thoughts of romance and passion. "Please?!" she begged as she placed her face up against his. The stallion felt like he was about to mentally break, if he does not get out of this position soon, he would do something he would forever regret. "Okay...I'll be your date!" he spontaneously agreed. Brass squealed with excitement. "You're the best, thanks!" she immediately jumped off of him. "I'll see you at six dressed in your best!" she ran off to her room. The stallion sighed with relief only to come across upon a new problem under the bed sheets; his erection was back in full force. He rolled his eyes at his stallionhood before he trotted off to the attached bathroom of his bedroom. The sound of his erection slapping against his belly could be heard during the walk to the bathroom. As he locked the bathroom door, he noticed something peculiar on the sink; a red bandanna. He quickly knew that belonged to Brass. "I guess she forgot it when she used this bathroom yesterday." he said to himself. Suddenly, he felt compelled to study this item closely, he gently picked it up, put it against his snout and took a deep smell in. The smell of the filly's hair and body wash quickly overwhelmed his nostrils, and a shiver went down his spine, he felt like the smell was intoxicating him. "Mmm...Brass..." he moaned, this caused his cock to twitch with anticipation. He quickly found himself on the floor, rubbing the red bandanna against his molted erection his sex drive and imagination ran wild as he pictured the filly sucking on his throbbing dick. "Mmm...very good for an eight year old..." he moaned, his eyes closed shut to better appreciate the fantasy running in his head. "You like cock you naughty little filly you...I thought so." he talked as he was having a conversation with Brass. His erection twitched more as he felt his orgasm build up. "Oh Brass..." he loudly moaned as he rubbed himself faster. He suddenly felt his cum explode out of his stallionhood as it sprayed all over his torso. He felt pure bliss envelop him, he felt like he was in a perfect world as the pleasure centers in his mind went wild. After about a minute, his feeling of ecstasy subsided as his rational mind took over, and the realization of what he has done dawned on him. "Oh no..." he stuttered with complete horror. He looked down to not only see himself covered in cum, but also the filly's red bandanna. "No..." he quickly jumped into the shower and set the water on cold. "What have I done?!" he exclaimed as the cold water immediately hit his body. Tears rolled down his cheeks in shame. He sat down on the shower floor and curled up into a ball, trying and failing to not cry. "I just want to be normal damn it..." His mind thought back to how it all started, how as a teen aged colt he and his friends would sneak into adult movie theaters and steal adult magazines that adults threw away. How he would always find it odd that his friends would talk about adult mares non-stop and how much they love them. Caramel would find that concept strange because he never got any physical or emotional feelings for adult mares, he never even had feelings for his middle school teacher, who according to his old friends, was a former Playcolt playmate of the year before she became a teacher. No, it was not until Caramel saw several fillies playing around in the town fountain that he finally knew what falling in love felt like, how he would imagine going up to an attractive filly, sweep her off her feet and live happily ever after. He was about 14 when he learned what being physically attracted truly meant. This baffled him greatly, wondering why he felt this way exclusively around fillies younger than him, but quickly thought that since there are some colts who are attracted to other colts, then maybe he was just experiencing the exact same thing, only it is with young fillies. He would be severely mistaken, when, during a sex-ed lecture, he learned that Equestria does not and shall never treat all orientations equally. How ponies who claim to be attracted to feral animals, objects, or foals are actually deviants who foolishly believe that those are orientations. Any orientation that involves attraction to a thing that cannot give consent is an abomination. Coltcuddlers and Fillyfoolers are given exception because at least they are attracted to things that can give full consent. The lecture then went on to say that foalophiles are especially heinous because they take advantage of a fillies innocence to have their way with them and completely ruin their lives. It was the first time Caramel would feel shame for who he is. One day while shifting through the garbage for new editions of adult magazines, he came across one that immediately peaked his interest, a magazine titled "Hard Candy" and on the cover was filly in a suggestive if not sexual pose. The stallion's heart raced as feelings of lust enveloped him. "So this is what my friends feel when they see a mare..." he muttered to himself, he felt like he now truly understood why his friends loved adult magazines so much. The opened the magazine to see even more deprived things, more explicit photos of various fillies who wore masks and/or placed black tape over their cutie marks if they have one to hide their identities. There was also photos of fillies performing sexual acts on grown stallions and/or each other. His mind was disgusted, but his sexual urges applauded what it is witnessing. Caramel took the magazine home with him and that night, he learned that his friends were correct in how amazing masturbation really was. Once a month, for the next five months, Caramel would walk by the same alleyway dumpster to find the next one month old issue of "Hard Candy", the slowly began to recognize the regulars within its pages, how it features fillies as young as five and as old as fifteen. The most prominent of the fillies was, according to her minimal profile, a seven year old named "O" who wanted to move on to the adult entertainment industry once she is of legal age and saw this as practice for the big time. According to what Caramel saw among the magazine pages, she's extremely talented in the love making arts. Five months after coming across his first issue of the magazine, Caramel walked up to the alleyway dumpster only to see a line of police carriages in front of the neighboring apartment building. The young colt quickly hid behind the alleyway and looked out to see several guards drag out a stallion. "I DID NOTHING WRONG! I NEVER TOUCHED A FILLY!" protested the unlucky stallion. "Sure, keep believing that you sick fuck!" said a guard before throwing him into a paddy-wagon. "It's sick fucks like you that make me disgusted and angry!" the guard growled while several other officers were hauling out several stacks of what Caramel assumed was foal pornography magazines. "Possessing that many magazines will put you away for a very long time sir, and even if you do survive jail, which I doubt since prisoners don't take too kindly to filly-diddlers, you'll be subject to forced castration as part of your release requirements." "Castration?!" Caramel exclaimed to himself. "For possessing magazines?!" his heart sank with fear and shame. He quickly ran back home and grabbed all the illegal magazines he had. He quickly ran into the woods and burned them to get rid of the evidence, for the first time, he truly felt like he was some kind of monster, the kind ponies take sick pleasure is seeing get rapped by serial killers in jail and then get castrated all because they are in love with something they must never fall in love with. The colt started to get the idea that it was maybe best to just end it all so he wouldn't suffer this inevitable fate and put his mother through unwanted grief. It was in that very day that he cut himself for the first, and thankfully, only time. If his mother had not discovered him dying of blood loss, he would be dead. His mother forced him to see Dr. Stroop so she can figure out why her only child would try to kill himself, Caramel thought that the psychologist would help him, but instead he learned that they can not be trusted either, no one can be trusted. The moment they suspect you are filly-fooler, they'll turn on you and lynch you. It's how the world works, and he was just unlucky enough to be born in it. Caramel scrubbed the red bandanna clean and walk into Brass' room to give it back. The door cracked open and from outside, he could see the filly styling her mane, she was already in her fancy dress. The sight warmed his heart, he sometimes pictured having a wife as young as her who would dress up for him and love him unconditionally. He just sighed knowing that it will never happen. He knocked on the door to get her attention. "Oh? Caramel?" asked the filly as she put everything down. "You're early silly." she giggled. "I just wanted to give you this back, you left it in my bathroom." Caramel said as he gave the filly her bandanna back. "Oh thank you so much!" she happily took it. The brief contact soothed his heart briefly. She folded it neatly and placed it in her desk drawer. "You truly are a prince, you will make one mare happy someday." she complimented. "I sometimes wish it would be you that I would make happy." he hoped in his mind, knowing society will not allow it. "Yeah...someday..." "What's wrong?" Brass sensed something was wrong. "Is there something the matter Mel?" Caramel looked into the filly's puppy dog eyes, there was no way he could dodge the question with that face. "I really like this mare, but society says I cannot..." "Society can't stand in the way of true love." she reassuringly placed a hoof on his. The stallion blushed from the touched. "I believe if two souls were meant to be together, then they should be together." she said with conviction as she reassuringly looked into the stallion's eyes. "True love conquers all." Caramel was stunned. "Why do you believe in that...?" Brass quickly blushed a dark shade of red, without a word she quickly placed her lips against the stallion's. Caramel was stunned, but happily went along with it, her lips felt like a drug, delicious and addicting. The two continued their deep kiss, both felt like it was the right thing to do. Brass soon ended the kiss and gave the stallion a tight hug. "You are so much better than all the other colts I know, you actually do treat me as a princess." she admitted as she buried her head into his chest. "I do really love you Mel." Caramel was touched, he wanted to cry tears of joy, for one moment he felt like he truly met his soulmate. "And I do really love you too Brass." he admitted. He hugged her and rubbed her mane, the filly gave a moan of happiness in response. Brass then broke the hug and slowly lead the stallion over to her bed. "Cuddle with me..." was all she said, the stallion nodded in response as they got on the bed and began to spoon each other. Caramel was naturally the big spoon. While they spooned, the stallion's hoof began to run along the fillies body, getting more bolder with each touch, slowly making its way down between her hind legs. The filly did nothing to stop it, her slight moans actually encouraging him. Soon, the stallion briefly rubbed her fillyhood, she let out a gasp. Caramel, shocked, reflexively took away his hoof and placed it where it should be, to himself. "Wait!" exclaimed Brass. "If you love me, you can keep going." she pleaded. "If you truly love me don't stop..." she continued. Caramel looked at her pleading eyes and just quietly nodded in agreement. He slowly snaked his hoof down between her hind legs and resumed rubbing her young flower. Brass began panting and moaning from the touch, she felt loved. Caramel continued rubbing, for the first time feeling genuine love, no longer having to pretend to be something he is not. He continued going, feeling her slit get wetter with each rub. "It's weird...yet amazing..." she panted as sweat began to mat her fur. "Just don't fight it, just go along with it." he whispered in her ear before he gently nibbled it. He focused his attention on her small clit, causing the filly to shiver more with pleasure. "I feel something building..." she moaned, her body shook even more from this new feeling of being rubbed in her forbidden place. Caramel quickly gave Brass a deep kiss on the lips as the wave of Brass' first orgasm hit her pretty hard. She moaned loudly into his mouth before she broke the kiss to breathe. "Oh wow...pretty stars..." she panted with exhaustion. She was in complete awe. The next day was Brass' final day before she had to go back to her mother's place for the next three weeks. Caramel took it upon himself plan out his first genuinely romantic date, no longer does he have to lie about himself and worry about keeping a secret, he could finally be himself. For the first part of the date, both Caramel and Brass were at the local park looking at the clouds in the sky. "Ooh!" exclaimed the filly. "The one looks like a whale!" she pointed at a cloud. "Oh, I see it now." responded Caramel. He saw another cloud. "That one looks like horseshoes." he pointed. "Just like your cutie mark." she giggled. Suddenly, her stomach growled, she blushed with embarrassment. "Hungry I am guessing?" her coltfriend chuckled, he crawled over to her and climbed on top. Brass just nodded with a smile. "You know it Mel." she smiled. "I know how to quiet it down." he said with a smirk. He quickly went down to her stomach and blew raspberries on it, causing the filly to writhe around with laughter. "That tickles Mel!" she laughed hysterically as the stallion continued. He soon stopped so he can appreciate how beautiful she is and how lucky he was to have her. "What?" asked Brass with concern before she was silenced by a gentle kiss on the lips. "I love you Brass." he said as he then nuzzled her. "Me too." agreed the filly. Caramel then laid on the grass allowing Brass to climb on his back. "Where to M'lady?" asked the stallion who pretended to the fillies driver. Brass sat on his back as she briefly thought about where to eat. "Hmmm, how about Pizza Planet!?" she asked with excitement. "Pizza Planet it is." he happily agreed before he rode off in full gallop out of the park. Caramel threw a skee ball down the lane of the machine and perfectly went through the 100 points hole. The machine went wild as the score board read out a perfect score of 1,000 points. "YAY MEL!" happily cheered Brass as a flood of tickets flew out of the game. "Skee Ball is the only arcade game I am remotely good at." chuckled the stallion as he collected the massive pile of tickets from the floor. "Ready to exchange these?" he asked. Brass happily nodded and lead her date to the prize counter. "All of these tickets for the biggest stuffed animal you have." asked the filly to the attendant as Caramel placed the enormous pile on the counter. "No way I am counting that, so here you go." said the attendant with a squeaky voice and bad acme as he gave Brass a massive stuffed animal that was modeled after an Ursa Major. "That's very kind of your brother for helping you get that prize." mused the attendant as his voice cracked. "Oh, that's not my brother," clarified Brass. "he's my coltfriend." she admitted as she nuzzled Caramel. The squeaky voiced attendant gave the couple a suspicious look. Caramel began to sweat bullets. "Oh, well look at the time, we should probably go." he nervously chuckled before he grabbed Brass and the stuffed Ursa Major and ran out of the building. "I wish I had a marefriend." sighed the attendant. Caramel and Brass returned home to see Brass' father Mr. Farrier on the couch reading the newspaper. The headline on the newspaper quickly caught Caramel's attention: "Prominent Foal Pornographic Magazine Shutdown After Police Raid" The stallions heart sank, that was the magazine he read over three years ago. "Finally these sick monsters got what had it coming to them, damn perverts." muttered Mr. Farrier to himself. "May they castrate them without anesthetic." Brass suddenly jumped on her father's lap. "Look what Mel won for me at Pizza Planet!" she bragged as she showed off her giant stuffed animal. Her father looked at it impressed. "Why, how nice of him, did you tell him thank you?" the father asked. "Of course daddy." she giggled. "Good," he smiled. "now go upstairs and get ready for bed, I'll read you a bedtime story." he offered. Brass nodded and ran up the stairs. "Okay daddy," she turned to Caramel. "Night Mel." she said before she ran up the stairs. "I hope to Celestia that no one takes advantage of her like these 'Hard Candy' fucks did to all those fillies." he muttered. Caramel suddenly felt the room temperature rise, nervous sweat matted his fur. "I know, right." he played along. "I swear, if I ever catch a pervert fiddling my daughter, or as so much as looking at at her funny, I will grab his balls and twist them clear off!" he growled with anger. "And then buck the literal shit out of them!" The other stallion could tell that his boss' rage was boiling and a blood vessel about to burst. Caramel nervously smiled and slowly took a step back. He then turned to Caramel. "I hope you won't do the same Mel, because I have been trusting you with my daughter this past week you know, I don't want you to take advantage of that trust." he warned with seriousness. "I would never do such a thing." he nervously lied in response. Mr. Farrier took a deep long look into his apprentice's eyes for honesty, Caramel tried his best to not break eye contact. "I do believe you Mel." he backed away and went upstairs. "Thanks for taking care of my little Brass when I was swamped with work, you are a life saver." he complimented with a wink before he walked up the stairs. The apprentice gave a big sigh of relief. "That was too close..." he said to himself. "But sooner or later, he will discover our dirty little secret, and bye bye testicles." Caramel knew that his first genuine relationship cannot last, there was just too much outside pressure to make it viable. He was worried about being caught, being sent to jail, being forced to undergo castration, physical or chemical, and being forced into a list that basically operates as a hit list for vigilantes and lynch mobs. He would not allow Brass to witness that. In the middle of the night, Caramel sneaked into Brass' room and walked in. He saw Brass sleeping in bed, bathed in the moonlight of outside. She looked so innocent and pure in her sleep, and that is what attracted him to her in the first place, she was perfect. The stallion sat by her bed, watching her, for about half an hour before he leaned over and kissed her on her lips on last time. Apart from a small moan, she did not stir. Caramel sadly got up and walked out the door, he did not leave behind any parting gifts or any evidence of his stay in the house, he wanted to be quickly forgotten for everyone's sake. He looked back into the room one last time too taking the view of a sleeping Brass and then quietly walked away. He went out the front door and from then on, never looked back. He hoped that the next town he visits would be a little more tolerant, although he knew the chances of that are extremely slim. He continued down the road, saddle bags packed with all of his belongings, with only the moonlight to light his path. TO BE CONTINUED... > II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville... Six years later... An alarm clock rang loudly to signal its owner that the new day has begun, only to be swiftly smashed by a hoof. The stallion on the bed groggily got up, gave a big stretch and walked over to the nearby window of his bedroom. He pulled apart the curtains to reveal a bright sunny summer day in Ponyville. He happily opened the window and smelled the relaxing warm summer air. "Today will be a great day" he said to himself as usual. He went over to his journal to remind himself of what errands he needed to do for the day and opened it to the current date, only to be met by large bold words that read: FIRST ANNIVERSARY DINNER TONIGHT!!! Below that sentence was a small phrase that read: Don't forget the ring. "Has it been a year already?" he mused to himself, proud that he managed to make a relationship last this long. "I sure bet Sassaflash is excited for tonight." he continued before he walked into his bathroom to prepare for the long and important day ahead. Caramel had been living in Ponyville for six years at this point, he started his own shoe business and even worked as a hired hoof during harvest season, and just a year ago, he started dating a local pegasus mare named Sassaflash. Despite dating for a whole year, Caramel has yet to develop any genuine romantic or physical feelings for the mare, he only agreed to relationship when Sass confessed her feelings for him and Caramel used that as an excuse to finally say that he has a marefriend like normal, non-foalophile ponies do. Normal. That concept still unfortunately alluded Caramel. For years he had tried to find ways to cure his attraction to fillies, but it has been extremely difficult to do. He had to rely on himself and no one else to take care of his situation, he could not trust anyone to help, no one could ever be trusted. A foalophile can never rely on anyone but himself. The now 24 year old stallion just grew to ignore his urges and to avoid foals whenever possible. But he has found a new outlet for his urges: erotic fiction involving fillies. In Equestria, writing, publishing and possessing sexually explicit literature and art involving fictional foals is not illegal, but most stores and libraries almost always refuse to sell them unless they do really well in the best seller lists. Golden Oaks Library was no exception. Head librarian Twilight Sparkle was never comfortable in having these types of books in her library so she instead sells them along with other books that are no longer borrowed as often during the twice monthly Ponyville market day for cheap. Caramel would usually buy those books, along with a random selection of others to keep up appearances, and claim he was going to use them as fuel to power the furnaces. No pony has yet to suspect anything. After a breakfast of a blueberry bagel and tea, Caramel was ready to tackle the day. His first order of business was to pick up the engagement ring from the jewelry store. He was extremely proud of himself for finally living a normal life. "Here you go Mr. Caramel, a nice engagement ring with your special somepony's birthstone." said the jeweler as he gave Caramel the box that had the ring inside. "Thank you so much, she will love this very much." nodded the young stallion with a smile. "May your marriage last sonny." he complimented before he walked to the back to resume his work. The brown maned stallion happily placed the box inside one of his saddle bags before he walked out. Out of all the places Caramel has been, Ponyville was by far the most friendly and inviting places he has been in, no one was nosy, ponies respected and tolerated each other's lifestyles and everyone was genuinely nice to each other. But that does not mean that it is tolerant with foalophila, in fact, it is as disgusted by it as any other town in Equestria. He briefly considered moving to another place that's more open to stallion-filly relationships, but he found that being against foalophila was one of the very few things that each nation had in common. He has heard that some remote places in Saddle Arabia still practice stallion-filly marriages, but they are mostly arranged, not love, marriages and no one consummates them until the filly is at the age of consent. Also, you have to be strict follower of the Saddle Arabian state religion before they'll even consider someone a citizen. He then thought about moving to the Griffin Empire where pederasty was commonly practiced, but he later learned that pederasty actually almost exclusively meant male adults who are surrogate fathers, teachers and lovers to male cubs. Male adults with female cubs is almost unheard of and considered odd. Furthermore, pederasty has never been actively practiced in centuries. "Oh there you are Mr. Caramel, I need to talk to you!" said a voice that interrupted the stallion's thoughts. Caramel turned around to see Miss Cheerilee walk up to him. "About what?" he was suspicious, elementary school teachers intimidated him, he was afraid that they could sniff out a foalophile on body language alone. "As you know from last week's town hall meeting, I have started a vocational summer program for my students where they can job shadow at certain businesses for the whole summer." explained Cheerilee. "And this has to do with me because?" asked the stallion extremely uncomfortable. "Your shoe making business has been randomly selected by the mayor to be one of the four to participate." she cheerfully announced. The stallion's heart sank from sheer terror, the thought of being around foals all summer scared him, what if he messes up and lets a hoof slip? What if they end up scared and tell on him to their parents? "Uh...is there anyway I can skip out?" he asked to the teacher. "Yes, but your millage rate will go up by one percent as penalty if you do skip out." she answered matter-of-factually. "D'oh!" he grunted. One of the last things he wanted was an increase on his taxes, shoe making is difficult to make a profit off of due to lack of returning customers because shoes can last for years. Caramel sighed. "When do they start?" "The first Monday in May and will last until the last Friday in August." answered the teacher. "That's three days from now." "Then I better start getting everything ready for their arrival then." he cautiously nodded. "See you Monday Miss Cheerilee." he turned around and trotted back to his house and business. "It can't be that bad, shoe making is male dominated profession, I'm sure all of the foals that sighed up are colts, thank Celestia I am not attracted to them at all." he thought to himself, unwittingly pushing his luck. He walked through the front door and closed it shut behind him. He let out a loud scream of frustration from inside the house. That evening, Caramel, dressed in a tuxedo, knocked on Sassaflash's door, he quickly checked his tuxedo pocket to see if he remembered to bring the ring along. "Just a minute!" said the mare from inside. After about a minute, the pagasus mare dressed in a fancy night gown walked out the door and happily wrapped her forelegs around her date's neck with sultry eyes. "Can't believe it has been a year already hun." she smiled. The stallion smiled back. "I know, how time sure flies." he mused. "Ready to go?" The mare gave a quick kiss on the lips before they began their walk to the restaurant. Caramel took that as a 'yes'. Along the way to the restaurant, Caramel and Sassaflash came across the sight of two filly twins playing and splashing in the town fountain, having fun. "How cute." mused Sass. To Caramel however, the scene was not only cute, but alluring as well, the view of two soaked fillies was like a drug to him, his eyes felt like they were glued, the brief view of their perfect fillyhoods awakened the very urges he spent years trying to suppress. He was compelled to just walk over to those two fillies and show them an even better time. Dark thoughts entered his mind. "Mel, let's go, we're going to be late!" exclaimed a Sassaflash who yanked the stallion away, thankfully snapping him out of his deep thought. He longingly took one last look at the fountain before he placed his focus where it should belong; his marefriend. The couple soon arrived at the most romantic restaurant in town: Chateu d'amour. After a successfully romantic dinner, the maitre d' took away their dinner plates and left to grab the couple their bill. "The food was amazing Mel, thank you so much for this." thanked the mare who was impressed by how the date went. "Happy one year anniversary." she smiled. "I hope we can make this last." "We can." smirked Caramel as he got out of his chair and got down on his knees. "Mel?" asked a stunned Sassaflash. "Sass, you make me the most happiest stallion in the world and I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you." he took out the engagement ring. "So, would you mind if I married you?" he smiled with hope. He truly loved her despite the lack of physical attraction, but he did not care because marrying her, a mare within his acceptable age range, was his biggest goal in life. "Of course I won't mind silly." smiled the mare as she grabbed the stallion into a deep kiss. The entire restaurant broke out in applause. For a brief moment Caramel felt like a normal member of society. He did not care if he was only using her to cover up his true urges, because that is the sacrifice that must be made to live a normal and peaceful life. Next thing Caramel knew, he and Sassaflash stumbled into his marefriend's bedroom, heavily making-out with each other and struggling to take off their formal clothes. "I love you Mel." panted the mare as she briefly caught her breath. They both fell to the bed as the continued their heavy kissing and petting. Normally, Caramel would try to avoid sex when possible, usually only saying yes for every three times Sassaflash asks because he knew that the only way he could have sex with her is by thinking about fillies; tonight was no exception. Caramel began to think about the twin fillies at the fountain he saw earlier in the evening and right on cue, his erection made itself known. Sassaflash quickly got on top and began to put her oral skills in practice. Caramel looked down to see his date bobbing her head up and down his shaft, he then closed his eyes and began to let his imagination run wild, picturing the twin fillies licking and sucking his throbbing cock at the same time, making adorable faces while at it. "Fuck me Mel." moaned the pegasus who inadvertently interrupted her coltfriend's fantasy. The stallion quickly snapped out of it to see her marefriend showing off her winking marehood in all of its teardrop shaped glory. For some reason his mind was never interested in adult vaginas, but he has come up with an easy fix to that. He started to let his imagination run wild. He immediately mounted Sassaflash as his thick shaft slowly penetrated the mare. The mare gasped and moaned, Caramel heard it as filly's gasp and moan. He pictured that he was on top, rubbing his cock against the filly's vagina while said filly licked her twin sister who sat on her face. He never realized how hot a threesome with two fillies could be. He went faster and deeper with his thrusts letting his urges take control. "OH YES FUCK ME HARDER MEL, YOU'RE SO FUCKING GOOD AT IT!" screamed the mare who always loved having sex with Caramel, he was a generous sex god compared to all the previous coltfriends she had in the life. Caramel grunted in response he felt his orgasm build up. "Where you want my cum?" he said through clenched teeth as closed eyes. "All over my cutie mark...mark me as yours..." she panted, begging. Caramel quickly pulled out, rubbed his shaft a few more times, picturing in his mind doing the same thing to the twin fillies before depositing his load all over the pegasus mare's rump and cutie mark. "There we go..." he panted before he went to lay down on the bed. Sassaflash was in complete awe, panting heavily. "I give that a perfect 10 out of 10." she announced. "But I'll give you extra credit if you lick me until I cum." she smirked. "Oh?" chuckled Caramel. "Then come on over and take a seat." he pointed to his face. Good thing licking pussy does not require him using his imagination since it does not require keeping his cock erect. Sassaflash happily did as told as sat on her coltfriend's face. Screams of pleasure echoed across the neighborhood. "KEEP IT DOWN YOU FUCKING HAMSTERS! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" yelled one neighbor who was tired of the noise. "I'm walking on sunshine, woah oh~" sang Caramel the next morning as he forged a piece of iron into a new shoe. He felt like he was on top of the world, his life was finally going the way society said it should go. He couldn't be happier. He soon heard the chimes of a potential customer at the barn door. He quickly put everything away and trotted to the entrance to his shop. "Can I help you?" he asked, only to be met by a filly scout in full uniform standing before him. He stopped dead in his tracks, its bad enough that there is a filly, but the uniform makes it worse. "Hello mister, my name is Ginger Snaps, a Brownie for Filly Scout troop #604, and I was wondering if you will be interested in helping me earn my shoe making badge." the filly introduced herself. She wore a brown vest and sash with a white shirt and brown cap. She looked absolutely stunning. "Uh..." his mind had trouble processing what she just said, he was too distracted by the uniform to fully get what was said. "Mister?" He quickly snapped out of his daze and got himself focused again. "Oh, uh, are you sure?" he asked with concern. "Since you're a brownie I assume you are seven to nine years old around there am I correct?" he asked only to see the filly silently nod in agreement. "For legal reasons I am not allowed to teach minors, too dangerous." he made-up an excuse to get out of dealing with her. He hoped the filly wasn't too smart to notice. "That's a lie mister!" exclaimed Ginger. "According to local laws and the Filly Scout code, Scouts are fully exempt from such laws as long as it is an approved badge activity and overseen by a trained adult!" she pointed out. He was caught in the lie. "Besides, aren't you that stallion that always volunteers in the food hut at our annual jamborees?" he did indeed look familiar to the filly. Once again he was caught, he just could never resist the chance of at least coming in contact with a filly scout and always volunteers whenever possible. He blamed the uniforms for making him weak for temptation. "Maybe..." he nervously answered. "And serve as lifeguard during our swimming competitions?" she asked again. "Damn it!" he screamed in his head, he could not take it anymore. "All right, all right, all right, I will gladly help you earn your badge." he exclaimed with defeat. "Yay! Thanks!" she said with excitement. "I'll start Monday, see you then." she trotted away, Caramel managed to get a good look at her young slit. He was doomed. "Wait...Monday is when those other foals will start their vocational training..." the fact quickly dawned on him. He proceeded to bang his head repeatedly against a wooden column to get the bad thoughts out of his. "Surely I am being tested..." Monday, the day of judgement. The first thing Caramel noticed when he woke up as his throbbing morning tent. He just sighed and began masturbating right then and there because that will at least quiet down his sex drive for most of the day. "Today is going to be a long day." sighed the stallion to himself as he rubbed himself. After a quick breakfast, Caramel walked out to his shop located in the large barn attached to his house and got his station all set up for the demonstration he planned to do. As he waited, drinking his tea, Cheerilee, three fillies and Ginger Snaps happily trotted in. Caramel just screamed in his head. "Here you go Mr. Caramel, just three students sighed up for this, sorry if it is lower than you expected." apologized the teacher. "I was actually expecting more colts to sign up Miss Cheerilee since this is a male dominated profession and all." explained Caramel, who really hated how the situation was unfolding. "Actually, all the colts signed up to participate in a sports camp sponsored by the Wonderbolts." she sheepishly explained. "So all the colts that did sign up pulled out at the last minute to do that instead." "Traitors, leaving me vulnerable." he complained in his head. He looked at the three fillies plus Ginger Snaps who each had adorable smiles on their faces. "Anyways, they're our responsibility now, good luck, I have a train to Las Pegasus to catch." before Caramel could protest, Cheerilee shot out of the shop like a rocket. He was now on his own. He turned his attention back on the fillies, he already know the one with a large pink bow on her mane is Apple Bloom since he has met her a few times while working at Sweet Apple Acres. The third one was the filly scout Ginger Snaps, still in her adorable uniform, and the fourth was who he assumed was Silver Spoon because of her grey coat and big blue rimmed glasses. The second pink filly to his left was a complete mystery. "And you are?" "My name is Lily Longsocks, I have a pet hedgehog and-" "Yeah, that's nice, I only asked for a name." he interrupted, he really did not want to be here, but he has no other choice. The morning was spent showing the four fillies around the shop and explaining each of the tools he uses to turn pieces of metal into wearable shoes. "Any questions?" he asked. The four looked at each other before they each shook their heads. "Good, you have an hour off for lunch, see you then." he then happily walked back to his house. "Can we eat with ya?" asked Apple Bloom, curious. The question caused the stallion to stop in his tracks. "Why?" he said without turning around. "It's no fun seeing ya eat alone." explained the yellow coated filly. "Ah think it's best that the five of us eat together as a show of solidarity." The other three fillies silently agreed to the proposal. Caramel knew that once a filly has an idea to do something, it is almost pointless to change their mind. "Fine...you all can come in." he sighed before walking inside. The four fillies smiled and walked in after him. The stallion made each of the four a sandwich and served them. "Here you go, a dandelion sandwich, enjoy." he said. "Thank you Mr. Caramel." chanted the four in unison before they dug in. "Anyways, I'll be doing some house cleaning, so please stay in the kitchen and living room, unless you have to go use the bathroom." he explained. "You each got it?" The just nodded while chewing their food, a scene that caused his heart to skip a beat from the sheer cuteness. He quickly turned around and trotted up the stairs. "So," began Ginger. "why did you girls sign up for this class?" she asked, curious. "I wanted to work at a local caballerian restaurant called 'Escupimos en tu Comida', but it got shut down because an expose revealed that they loved to spit on customer's food, especially those who refuse to learn the language." explained Silver Spoon. "And this happened to be my second choice." "I signed up because I wanted to prove to others that I can be just as strong as the colts, I'm tired of always being underestimated, my pet hedgehog understands what I am feeling." explained Lily. "Ah signed up because Mr. Caramel is one of my brother's best friends and ah thought ah should help him like he would my family every harvest season." stated Apple Bloom. "How is Mr. Caramel like?" wondered Ginger. "He's a pretty nice stallion, but he's always such a nervous wreak around me, he's always so tense for some reason." said Apple Bloom. "I'm sure he must be nice since he always volunteers at the Filly Scout's annual jamboree at Rainbow Falls." explained the scout. "He once even volunteered to do our laundry when the troop's washing machine was temporarily broken, I still don't know why though." Ginger Snaps was suddenly intrigued by the stallion who loves to help around town, but is extremely tense and shut off from the world. After a day of more lecture, it was time for the fillies to get home before it gets dark. Apple Bloom, Lily and Silver each went their separate ways, while Ginger Snaps stuck around for a little while to help clean up the shop. "You are free to go now Ginger." said Caramel. "Almost done." said the filly scout. "A good filly scout never leaves a mess behind." she explained as she bent over to put some shoes away in the lower shelves. Caramel could not help but stare at her rump, he was in complete awe. "Oh damn, it's so perfect, so pure, I so really want to put my snout in it and hope it smells like filly scout cookies, WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?! I can't touch it, must not touch it, it's wrong" debated the stallion in his mind. "But why does it feel so damn right-" "All cleaned up Mr. Caramel." announced Ginger who interrupted the stallion's thoughts. Caramel shook his head to focus. "Oh, okay, be safe." he said with eagerness to have her gone before he did something he would regret. Ginger was slightly worried for the stallion but she had no time to probe any further. She gave a salute and happily trotted out of the shop. Caramel just stared longingly at her rump as it disappeared in the distance. He sighed. He really wanted to chase after her and ask her out on a romantic date, spend time with her, treat her like a princess, and make sweet tender love to her. In his opinion, fillies would make the best marefriends, they are honest with what they like and want, they love you unconditionally and they love to be spoiled. He really loves spoiling the one he loves. Grown mares however seem like they are holding back with what they want, they don't take personal responsibility with their actions, there always have to be condition attached to everything and they don't want to be spoiled that often because they want to feel like equals. Grown mares are too world weary and jaded from his observations and from dating Sassaflash. Fillies, are wide eyed, innocent and hopeful of everything, something he truly likes. It's more than just sex with him, but genuine love. "Society will never award me with genuine love..." he sighed. He especially felt horrible for using Sassaflash, but society would rather have him pursuit a fake relationship with someone his age than a genuine relationship with a filly and so it shall be. "I don't care what everyone says, I love you so much Mel, I really do." cried a filly who held Caramel tightly. "So what if I am a bit too young, love conquers all!" "I really love you too, but I have to leave, before the town drives me out." explained the stallion who held on to the filly. "It's not fair!" tears flowed down her cheeks as she buried her head into his chest. "It's not fair..." "It never is Snaps." he whispered into her ear to comfort her. "Then make love to me one last time." she whispered back. Caramel soon found himself slowly easing the filly down his shaft, she let out a loud gasp of pleasure. She slowly but surely got as far as she could go. "Full..." she moaned. The stallion then began to gradually move her hips, her juices dripped down on him with every movement. "There we go...just go slow...I love it slow..." They both kissed each other passionately, moaning into each other's mouths. "Oh Mel~" she moaned feeling loved. He began to gain speed as she became used to the feeling. Soon they found themselves in a new position, the filly on her side as Caramel thrust from behind and rubbed her young clit simultaneously. "Just let it happen...let it build..." he whispered in her ear seductively before he nibbled it. The filly gave out a loud moan. "Oh sweet Celestia I want to marry you, right here, right now." she gasped from her ear being nibbled. Her juices dripped down to the ground as the stallion continued to pound her from behind. "Faster please!" she demanded. The stallion obliged, he went faster as he nipped at her neck. "I want that too," he panted. "live happily ever after." he moaned. He began to feel his endurance falter, he couldn't hold back. "I don't care where you leave it, just hold me tight and don't let go." she moaned as her eyes went to the back of her head. "Oh, Snaps!" he exclaimed as his cock slipped out of her virgin slit and sprayed its seed all over the filly and ground. "Good work..." panted the filly, proud of her coltfriend yet exhausted. The couple kissed each other deeply as they enjoyed the afterglow what they just did. An alarm suddenly rang, snapping the stallion awake from his dream. He shot up and looked around to see he was back in his room, the best dream he ever had was just that; a dream. That fact frustrated him. He looked down to see a large and sticky mess on his bed. A wet dream. Frustrated, Caramel just angrily grabbed his alarm clock and chucked it at the wall, breaking it and silencing it for good. "DAMN IT!" he screamed with anger. He jumped out of bed and began to angrily trash his room. "THIS IS NOT FUCKING FAIR, I DESERVE LOVE AS WELL!" he screamed to himself. "WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO BE HAPPY?!" he was pissed off at the world as he smashed a nearby mirror. He collapsed down on the floor, completely dejected and exhausted from the outburst. His mind then thought back to Brass, the first marefriend he genuinely loved. Sometimes he wondered what she was up to, she would be fourteen or fifteen by now, already in high school. Sometimes he hoped that he did not screw-up her life like many ponies warned would happen in such relationships, but he mostly wondered how she reacted to his unexpected departure. But it is too late to undo what happened, there is no use dwelling on the past. "I'm so sorry Brass..." he whispered to himself. He just stared up at the ceiling and began to sob that he would never have such a romantic and tender moment as long as he is what he is. And he wants to fix that badly. To be continued... > III > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay girls, what is the first thing you do before you place a shoe on a pony's hoof?" asked Caramel to his four filly students. Ginger, Lily and Silver Spoon looked at each other since they were unsure of the answer, while Apple Bloom waved her forehoof in the air. "Oooh! Oooh!" she shouted. The stallion sighed. "Yes Apple Bloom?" he asked. "Ya clean it?" she answered, slightly unsure. "And what else?" The filly with the pink bow drew a blank. Luckily Ginger decided to finally chime in. "You file the hoof clean." she answered. "That's correct." Caramel was impressed. "You clean and file the hoof before you even consider placing the shoe on the hoof." he explained. "That's why every good shoe making shop has hoof filers on hoof." he pointed to a box full of hoof filers at the makeshift waiting area of the shop. "The spa also has a box of hoof filers like that." explained Silver Spoon. "You must give great pedicures." she teased. The stallion just blushed with embarrassment. "Anyways..." he looked at the clock on his shop wall. "...it's time for you girls to get going home, I'll see you all once again Monday, have a nice weekend." he said eagerly, he preferred that they leave his sight as soon as possible. "Thank you Mr. Caramel." said all four fillies in unison, they bowed before they all trotted out of the shop. Much to the stallion's relief. He was thankful that another day has past without a hoof slipping and touching something he shouldn't. He went over to his work station to clean up after the fillies only to see Ginger's filly scout cap on a nearby anvil. He looked at it with curiosity and closely inspected it. "Must have forgotten it." he said to himself. He picked it up and looked at it closely. Thoughts flooded his mind since it is not often he encounters an item that belonged to a filly this close. He took the cap and quickly placed it against his snout and took a deep breath in. The smell of mane and body wash entered his nose and his brain lit up like it was taking drugs. He gave a loud moan in response as his body shook with pleasure. "Mr. Caramel?" interrupted the voice. "Ahhh!" he gave a girlish scream as he quickly placed the cap back where he found it and turned around, he immediately pretended that nothing strange or perverted happened. He looked to see Ginger Snaps herself standing before him, looking at him strangely. "Uh...have you seen my cap?" she asked. Caramel quickly threw the cap at her and it hit her in the face. "There it is...thanks" she said as she placed the cap back to where it belonged; on top of her head. "No problem," he nervously smiled. "see you Monday." he waved. The filly looked down to see something unexpected. "Uh...Mr. Caramel?" pointed out Ginger. "Yes? What's wrong?" he sweated bullets. "Your thing is sticking out." the filly scout blushed, she tried to contain her giggling from such a sight. "What?!" he exclaimed, he bent down to see his stallionhood fully erect below him. "It's not what it looks-" he looked up to see the filly was gone, no trace of her left behind. "-like..." After several repetitions of Equestria's national anthem, Caramel walked through the Everfree Forest, determined to find a way to stop his sexual desire for fillies, there was only one pony he could turn to in extremely desperate times, and that is the Zebafrican priestess Zecora. Even if she told on him to the authorities, it was doubtful that she has the credibility to be taken seriously, plus a fellow outsider would probably feel sorry enough for him to not do so. He soon reached the clearing where Zecora's tree house was located in and immediately saw the zebra balancing precariously on top of a bo staff. It appeared like she was in deep meditation. The stallion looked around to see a set of wind chimes hanging from a nearby tree along with a sign that read; 'If you gain to seek my full attention; then please ring the chimes with full contention'. Caramel took his hoof and swatted the chimes repeatedly, which caused the zebra to open her eyes to see if it was either a visitor or a strong wind. "So you have returned to seek my help again, is this about the urges you retain?" she asked as she jumped off the staff and did a full flip before she stuck the landing on all four hooves. "I know it has been three years but I still, remember what it is that made you ill." "Yes, and you turned me away because you said there was no cure for my problem." explained Caramel, a bit annoyed by the earlier rejection. "I disagree you silly little colt, you got scared of me and then you just jolt." explained the zebra matter-of-factly. "You thought I'd judge you horribly because, of your sexual tastes that are very faux-pas." "Well, how can I know to trust you to keep such information?" he said bemused. "Trust me my dear colt you are not the first, you are not the only one who is cursed." explained Zecora. "Several others in Ponyville have told, me of their liking to foals uncontrolled." she grabbed her staff and began to twirl it. "But I'd never tell for I don't really care, in my tribe liking foals is not so rare." "What?" Caramel raised an eyebrow. "All kinds of love are treated equally, if you can fight for it vehemently." explained the zebra as she continued to use her bow as if she fought an imaginary foe. "This tradition serves as a cornerstone, of my tribe's greatest story ever known." she then stabbed the staff on the forest floor and sat down, she began to close her eyes. Caramel was curious, he had a feeling that Zecora was going to tell a story, so he let her. A long time ago, in my old village Lived a stallion by the name of Zulu He was barely three hundred moons privileged And he was just a warrior anew One day he fell in love with a filly She was barely ninety moons old back then But fell in love for each other quite silly And they first made love in a nearby glen But the filly was the daughter of the Village chief who a great warrior Who once defeated the strong Siddhartha And never lost a fight nor courtier Wanting to prove his love for the daughter Zulu challenged the chief to a battle They'd fight until blood runs like red water If Zulu lost he would become chattel For three days they would fight during daylight Neither one stood down or got cut at all The chief became impressed with Zulu's plight And then purposely cut himself with gall The chief felt that Zulu would be worthy To have his daughter's young hoof in marriage He can happily have her with no worry As long as Zulu made her feel cherished Years later, Zulu became the new chief And founded a bloodline that's our motif "So," began Caramel. "does your entire village speak in rhyming iambic pentameter, or is it just you?" he asked skeptically. Zecora gave the stallion an annoyed look before she promptly smacked Caramel in the head hard with her staff. "OW!" yelled the stallion who rubbed his head in pain. "I was just asking a question everyone asks you damn zigger!" he yelled. He was suddenly pinned to a nearby tree by the neck by Zecora and her staff. "What did you just call me?!" she snarled with anger. "Did you just speak normally?!" he exclaimed trying to breathe, with a slight look of surprise. Zecora suddenly realized what he meant and quickly let the stallion go with a blush of embarrassment. She took a deep breath to center herself again and channel the anger out of her. "I am sorry for my outburst my colt, but hearing that word makes me want to jolt." she apologized, she then walked inside her home. "I have the cure that you desperately seek, but a side effect is that you'll be meek." she explained. She then walked back out with a bottle of pink liquid. "Drink this and your attraction to fillies, will end but you'll be weak like Achilles." "What do you mean?" Zecora just sighed with annoyance. "It means that your sexual drive will stop, and your sexual desires will drop." she explained as best as she could. "Not just for fillies but also every, pony because you'll be in reverie." she continued. "You will soon become an asexual, emotionless zombie perpetual." "What?!" he shouted with disbelief. "That's no different than the chemical castration foalophiles go through when caught!" he was shocked. "I don't want that!" "Well I guess you have two options ahead, fight for it or become sexually dead." stated the zebra matter-of-factly. Caramel just sighed. He really wanted to no longer have feelings for fillies, to be cured and normal, but not like this. He heard tales of how ponies subjected to the treatment became emotionally unstable along with their physical health. How medical experts are also against it but refuse to say anything least they appear to be "soft" on foalophila and rape. How it just makes the pony worse, with many committing suicide from their unstable emotional state. But no one cares, no cares if a foalophile dies because that's one less monster in the world. "Then I guess I'll fight for it." the stallion just turned around and walked away. "Thanks for trying though." he said before he was gone. Zecora breathe a sigh of relief and quickly looked around to make sure she was alone again. "What a dumbass." she muttered to herself before she climbed her staff and restarted her meditation. "Oh Cloud Kicker, this is so amazing, I am marrying the best stallion I have ever known!" squealed Sassaflash to her friend was they got facials at the Ponyville spa. "I want our wedding day to be as special and romantic as possible!" "Hopefully your honeymoon will not take place at our house." warned Cloud Kicker to her friend and roommate. "I have heard enough of your screaming to last a lifetime." "It's not my fault he is a sex god." she defended to her friend. "Look Sass, do you even know him that well?" asked a skeptical Cloud Kicker. "What do you mean?" she responded with confusion. "Like, has he ever talked about his past, or met his parents, or anything that he did before he showed up in Ponyville?" the roommate asked. "I know every time I asked him questions about his past before coming to Ponyville he immediately dodges it or gives me a vague answer." "Oh Kicker, you worry too much." she giggled. "It's almost like you think he could be a serial killer or something." "I just don't want you to be jilted is all Sass..." she then thought about. "...and that I think he could possibly be a serial killer." "Oh please Kicker, Caramel is too big of a nervous wimp to ever be a serial killer." she laughed the thought away. "Besides, he's a friend to all living creatures and foals." she praised him. "He wouldn't dare hurt a living creature or pony." "Just looking out for you is all Sass..." she sighed. Kicker did not want her best friend to be hurt, but she is still weary of Caramel. Something about him seemed off to her. Caramel was out in the town market and he could not help but think about something Zecora said to him. "Several others in Ponyville have told, me of their liking to foals uncontrolled.. There are 1,046 ponies in Ponyville, according to the latest statistics Caramel once looked up, about 1% of the entire 35 million population of Equestria is classified as being a foalophile or admit to being one, there could be a lot more closeted out there. Which according to his math, means that there should be about 10 foalophiles in Ponyville alone, including himself. But it is obvious that no one will be willing to admit that, sure it would be nice for Caramel to find someone to relate to, but in this social climate that would never happen. As he walked down the market place he once again came across Twilight Sparkle's book stand, ran by Spike in her place, but this time he saw a yellow coated pink maned pegasus buy almost all the books from the 'unwanted' literature section. Caramel was curious as he quietly watched. The yellow mare loaded all the books up into a small wagon and trotted away. Once the coast was clear, Caramel walked up to the stand. "Is there any new unwanted books I can buy Spike?" he asked. "The previous customer bought almost all of them, all I have left is three sickening romance novels, 'Atlas Shrugged' and '50 Shades Of Hay'." pointed out Spike at the five remaining books in the section. Caramel sighed. No literature involving fillies this time. "I'll get the door stopper of a book instead, should provide me with burnable material for a long while." he gave the dragon his money. "That'll be 11฿ please." said Spike as he struggled to put the book in one of Caramel's saddlebags. The stallion's back nearly strained from the weight but managed to hold on long enough to receive his change from the baby dragon. At his house, Caramel laid on his couch, ice pack on his lower back. He gave a sigh of relief. "Damn that was indeed a door stopper." he looked over to see his copy of 'Atlas Shrugged' propped up against the front door. He then heard the sound of someone knocking on the front door. "Ugh." he groaned as he slowly got off the couch, being careful to not strain his back. He made his way to the door and opened it to reveal the last thing he wanted to see. "Ginger Snaps?!" "Oh hey Mr. Caramel." she greeted with a smile, still in her Brownie scout uniform. "What brings you here?" the stallion was a bit shocked. "I just wanted to apologize for staring at your...thing." she felt bad for her invasion of privacy. She then broke eye contact and looked at the ground. "No, there's no need." said the shoe maker. "I should have taken better control of myself." Ginger Snaps looked back up confused. "I still feel somewhat responsible." she admitted. "So is this why you came here to see me?" he wondered. He had a feeling deep down that there was something more. "Actually," she began. "my parents are away on a business trip for the weekend and I was wondering if I can stay with you for the weekend." she asked, her tail waggled with excitement. Caramel found it adorable. He felt like he could not say no to her. "Uh...I don't know..." he said before he caught a glimpse of the filly scout making a puppy dog look on her face. That broke him. "Okay...okay...you can stay..." he said with great reluctance. Only to be met by a loud squeal. "Oh thank you Mr. Caramel!" she said with excitement. She grabbed the stallion and gave her a tight hug. "I promise you will not regret this!" That's what Caramel secretly hopped for in his head. Ginger Snaps soon unpacked her things and settled down in the first floor guest room. Being a filly scout, she only packed her essentials, two pairs of her uniform, a bag of travel sized toiletries and her journal. She was excited to start her weekend with the stallion who is helping her earn her shoe making badge. A knock came from the bedroom door. The filly looked to see Caramel who stood at the doorway. "Dinner is ready Snaps, you done unpacking?" he asked. "Of course Mr. Caramel, I always make sure to travel as light as possible." she explained, proud of her skills as a filly scout. She then did the filly scout salute, much to Caramel's shock and awe who found the gesture adorable and alluring to him. "Well," he gulped. "food is getting cold, let's go." he said in a rush, he wanted the day to go by as quick as possible so the chances of touching the filly in a place he shouldn't would remain small. "Oh my way." she marched out of the room and happily went down to the kitchen to eat her dinner. Soon it was night and while the filly was in the bathroom bathing, Caramel distracted himself by bringing the uniform she wore all day into her bedroom to be put away. He swore that he would never enter that bathroom unless it was a severe emergency. He was afraid he would not be able to control himself if he were to see the filly bathing, with her wet mane, her soapy fur, the water droplets dripping off her small perfect frame. Caramel shook his head with annoyance from the thoughts, he hated having them, but he could not help it. He walked into the room and sat the uniform down on the bed, but something quickly caught his eye; her journal. His thoughts quickly wandered to what has she wrote about him, especially after the incident from this morning. "No, I can't." he muttered to himself. "That'll be an invasion of privacy..." but the thought nagged him. "...but what if she wrote that I am some kind of creepy pervert or something...that could be bad news for me especially if she tells her parents..." he suddenly found himself absent mindlessly picking up the journal. "I'll just read what she wrote about me...and that's all." he reassured himself. He turned to the most recent entry. Dear journal, Tonight I get to stay over at Mr. Caramel's place! This is so exciting! I get to spend more time with him and get to know him better! But guess what I saw today! Today I saw Mr. Caramel's thingy fully out and big, just like how male animals have them when about to mate, thank you biology badge, anyways, I found it to be amazing and you know what else journal? He got it from sniffing my cap! He thinks I did not see that, but I have been trained to be stealthy in my training for approaching wild animals. He really does like me! That dreamy stallion really likes me! Why else would he sniff my cap?! I have always found him to be quite cute, but I was always afraid to ask him because I never knew if he likes me, but now I do! Maybe I should confess to him tonight! Anyways, bath time journal, see you later! P.S. Caramel, if you are reading this, I am standing right behind you. <3 The stallion's heart sank from reading that line as feelings of dread hit him hard. He nervously placed the journal down and slowly turned around to see Ginger Snaps herself, mane wet and in a bathrobe. She had a big smirk on her face. Caramel nervously chuckled. "So...how was your bath?" he asked with a nervous smile. "I knew you couldn't resist, that's why I left it out on purpose." she pointed out with a smile. "Clever girl..." he mused. "I always had a crush on you since you saved my friend from drowning last year, I was very impressed by your bravery." she explained. "My crush on you is what made me beg my scout master to let me earn a shoe making badge as well." she continued. "While cleaning, I would bend over to show my winker, and then this morning, I left my hat behind on purpose, just to test to see if you like me back." she admitted. "All of this was on purpose?!" he was stunned. Ginger Snaps smirked as she took off her bathrobe. "So I am going to ask this one time, and one time only, and please be honest, because if you say 'no' I will leave you alone and pretend this never happened." she stated. "But if you say 'yes', then we'll see how it goes." she continued. "So what's your answer Mr. Caramel?" Caramel had no idea what to say. "But I have a fiance..." "Doesn't seem to make a difference for you." she pointed out. The stallion's heart pounded, if he said 'no', then he'll lose out on having a genuine relationship, but if he said 'yes', he could screw everything up. He took a deep breath and walked up to the filly. "So what's your answer?" she asked. "Yes, I do like Ginger Snaps, but it is wrong for me to..." he sighed with shame. "...it bothers me that I can't have the thing I love..." "So what if it is wrong, it also means I can't have the thing I love as well." admitted the young filly. This caused the stallion to listen closely. "I'm also tired of being told who I can fall in love with okay, I have always had a crush on older stallion, they're not as gross and dumb as colts my age." she said with sadness. Caramel placed his hoof under the filly's chin to make her look at him, he smiled at her. "I really would love to be with you, but there's just so much out there against us." he stated with sadness in his voice. "What would happen if we get caught?" "We can just keep our relationship secret, then once I turn sixteen, we can be open about it." she proposed. "That's eight years away, what about Sassaflash?!" he exclaimed. "Do you really love her, or are you just using her to make yourself look good?" the filly asked bluntly. He looked down with shame. "I just want to be normal..." "There's no such thing as normal Caramel." explained the filly scout. "As long as you are not hurting anypony, you can be whatever you want." They both stared at each other for a moment trying to absorb the situation before their faces met together in a tender kiss, they both felt that they were doing the right thing. The stallion and the filly soon found themselves on the bed, both on their side kissing each other deeply. Both moaned with passion as the stallion's rod made itself known. He blushed from embarrassment from the sudden display. The filly just giggled. "No need to hide it, I know it means you love me." she reassured. She resumed the kissing but this time climbed up on top and sat down on his throbbing cock. "Just like a pillow..." she shivered as she began to rub her young fillyhood against the erection. Both began to moan loudly. Caramel could not believe how quickly this escalated, then again, it also escalated fast with Brass. He actually felt happy with himself, it has been over six years since he felt love this genuine, he missed that feeling greatly. He felt the young filly quicken her pace, her juices dripping all over his stallionhood and stomach. "You're doing...great...feels great..." he groaned. "Better than a pillow..." Snaps panted as she continued. "...I feel it coming..." "Me too..." grunted Caramel as his cock began to twitch under her. He began to imagine he and himself having a romantic picnic together in a picturesque meadow, frolicking around in the flowers, and playing around in the sand at a tropical beach. These thought brought tears of joy into the stallion's eyes, he always wanted to experience the things he read in romance novels while being himself, not lying and with the filly she loves. These romantic thought brought him over the edge. "OH SNAPS!" he moaned loudly as cum sprayed out of his flared head and landed all over his chest. "Good job Mr. Caramel." she complimented, exhausted. "Thanks," the stallion smiled with happiness. "now let me finish you off." he said as he gently pushed Ginger Snaps off of him and on to the bed. He spread open her hind legs and slowly drove his snout into her slit. The smell reminded him of filly scout cookies and he happily began to lap her up. "Oh yes..." she hissed. Her body began to shiver and she grabbed hold of the bed sheets. This was a new feeling for the filly, she never knew being licked down there felt so good. "Mel..." she moaned. "...it feels so good..." Caramel continued to lick and paid special attention to her virgin clit. That caused the filly's body to squirm. "MEL! IT'S COMING!" she yelled. Caramel had hold her hind legs down so he could finish her properly. But the filly felt like it was too much, her back began to arch. "MEL, IT'S TOO MUCH-AHHH!" she screamed as her orgasm hit her unexpectedly and hard. She practically squired all over the stallion's face from that. "Oh wow..." she gasped, wide eyed from the pleasure. The shoe maker crawled up to the filly scout and cuddled up to her. "Feel tired..." she breathe heavily. "Rest Snaps, you earned it." he whispered in his ear. "Okay Mel...love y-" she passed out asleep before she had a chance to complete the sentence. He smiled. "Love you too." he kissed the top of her head, held her close to him and fell asleep. There was one thing he was sure of, he will fight for this and never surrender. But new questions flooded his mind, most importantly, how to keep this a secret from everyone, especially Sassaflash. He hoped he made the right choice. At night, a train sped through the dark landscape, the red eye train just an hour to its next station; Ponyville. Inside a sleeper car, a teenage filly looked out the window. She had a short spiky mane, a studded collar and a studded bracelet on her left foreleg. She has waited for years to make this journey, and has searched for years, but her journey was almost complete. Suddenly, the door opened and a leather jacket wearing stallion with sunglasses walked in, who fought with a conductor. "The bar is closed sir, now sit down!" he ordered the passenger. "You closed five minutes early, I deserved a last call!" he argued. "You either cooperate, or we'll be forced to abandon you by the tracks and you walk yourself to Ponyville." warned the conducted. "Your choice." The stallion just gave the conductor a dirty look but said nothing, he sat down across from the teenage filly as the satisfied conductor slammed the door shut. "Hardass" the leather clad stallion mumbled to himself. He looked across from him to see the filly. "So, where are your parents?" he smirked. "They're dead to me." she answered bluntly. "Then what brought you on board this train?" he asked. "You are very nosy aren't you?" she said with attitude. "I do love a mare with attitude," he flirted. "so how old are you so I can keep things legal?" She gave the stallion a disgusted look. "I am fourteen years old sir, so take a number, get in line and I'll see you in about two years." she snarled. "Oh darn, and here I thought I was going to get laid tonight, just my luck." he joked before spread himself out on the row of seats in front of the filly. "By the way, I'm Neon Lights, famous DJ, what's yours?" he asked with curiosity. "Brass, my name is Brass, I am just a filly who is reuniting with an old love in Ponyville." she answered. The train went through a dark tunnel, the last tunnel before it reached Ponyville. To Be Continued... > IV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A brad new sunny day dawned as sunlight slowly crept inside the house. Caramel slowly stirred awake from the sunlight that hit his face, only to feel something heavy on his chest. He looked down to see the filly Ginger Snaps curled up on top of him, her head rested on his chest. She also began to stir. Her eyes slowly opened to reveal a beautiful shade of bright green underneath. The stallion smiled at the sight. "Hey there cutie." he smirked in awe. The filly rubbed her eyes awake and gave a cute yawn. "I haven't sleep this good in a long time." she confessed. She then gave the stallion a peck on the kiss. "Thank you." "Anything for you." he smiled back. Is this what true love feels like? Is this what genuine couples do the morning after? There was just so much that Caramel missed out on, he was for that very moment, happy. Later, Caramel turned on the shower and made sure the water was warm yet bearable. The couple quickly jumped in and began to clean up their sticky bodies. The shower went innocently despite a long conversation about the finer points in sex. Suddenly, the front doorbell rang interrupting the couple. "I'll get it." said the stallion as he walked out and began to dry himself up. He trotted up to the front door and opened it. "Hello?" he asked only to be met by a teenage filly at the door. He never saw this filly before, but she felt familiar to him. "Oh Caramel, it's really you!" she exclaimed with a smile. "I have been looking for you for all these years!" she suddenly enveloped him into a hug. He was slightly stunned at first, but quickly began to realize who this filly was after he inadvertently sniffed her mane. "Brass?!" he said stunned with confusion. He broke the hug to get a better look at her. She was a teenager now, her mane short, no longer long and gone was the cute red bandanna, replaced by a black studded collar. "Is that really you?" "I know I have grown up a bit, but it is me Mel, I have finally found you!" she confirmed. The smile was still the same, but her eyes looked aged and weary. "What brings you here then?" he was not expecting seeing her again. He preferred that she forget that they were ever a couple or that he molested her six years ago. This did not feel right to him. "I ran away from home to be with you Mel." she explained. Before Brass could explain any further, Ginger walked up Caramel. "Mel, the water heater stopped working." she said, her mane and fur still wet. Brass suddenly felt betrayed. All those years looking for Caramel only for him to move on and find a new filly fool around with. "I'll fix that soon, kind of busy with a visitor." Caramel explained to the filly scout. "Get yourself dried off and wait for me in the bathroom." he instructed. Ginger nodded and walked away. Brass' hopes for a happy day was shattered. "Brass, you okay?" asked the stallion with concern. The filly shook her head to focus herself. "Oh, I am fine, just zoned out for a bit." she smiled. "Mind if I come inside?" "Oh, sure go ahead." he motioned Brass inside and into the living room. "I'll be right up, I need to check on the water heater first." he announced before he trotted to the back of the house. Just as he left, Ginger walked down in her filly scout uniform and saw the teenage filly in the living room. She curiously walked up to her. "So, what's your name?" she asked in a friendly manner. "Mine's is Ginger Snaps." she greeted. Brass looked on, she analyzed the filly to understand how Caramel ended up with her. She began to feel the first signs of jealously build within her, but she kept her calm demeanor. "My name is Brass, so how long have you known Mel?" she asked. "I think about a week now." the filly guessed. "And you?" "Oh, he was my coltfriend six years ago, before he abandoned me." she bluntly answered. "What?" Ginger asked with confusion. Before Brass could clarify and tell her more about her time Caramel, said stallion trotted in. "Hey Ginger, mind going to the hardware store and grab the repair pony to fix the water heater?" he asked. "Oh?" Ginger looked at Caramel oddly from being asked such a request. But she shrugged her shoulders and did as told anyways. "Okay, I'll be right back." she nodded. She gave the stallion a quick hug before she walked out the front door. "So how are things going?" asked Caramel as he sat across from the teenage filly. "But first I want to apologize for abandoning you all those years ago and-" "I'm not mad that you ran away Mel." interrupted Brass. She looked sad and distant. "I'm mad that you weren't there to protect me!" she admitted. "What?" the stallion was stunned. "After you ran away," she began. "my mother started dating this new pony, unfortunately, he was a controlling disciplinarian bastard who would beat me and my mom constantly for every little infraction." the memories still vivid. "While my real father became a lazy drunk bum who lost his shoe making license because he was drunk on the job and nearly burned down his home!" she grew more and more frustrated. "Every night I would beg and pray to the night sky that you would return to save me so we can be happily in love again...but that never happened..." "I didn't know-" "Because you were too busy worried about yourself and what others think of you that you never once thought about the consequences!" Brass snapped. "You never once considered how your actions affect those who care about you!" "I was only trying to protect you!" Caramel defended. "Oh really?" she snarled. "Then you did a crap job of it!" she continued. "You now, I finally now see you for who you truly are; a damn dirty coward!" "So you want me to risk getting caught and being thrown in jail and having you forced into pretending to be a victim!" Mel snarled back. "That's what they do Brass, they force fillies to thinking that they were victims of rape, even if the relationship was consensual." "Do you actually believe the world is out to get you?!" "It always had the moment I got these feelings!" Brass just gave Caramel a disgusted look. "I thought you were the best stallion in the world, but now I see you're no different than the rest." she got up to leave. The stallion quickly regretted what he said. "Wait, I apologize-" "I WISH I HAD NEVER MET YOU!" she yelled as tears flowed down her cheeks. Caramel just stood there frozen. "You're nothing but a coward who treats fillies like toys that can be discarded!" "No I don't-" "What happens when Ginger comes of age Mel, what will happen?" she asked rhetorically. "Will you lose sexual interest in her and move on to another filly that catches your eye? Will you?!" "I...love her..." he stuttered trying to answer her. "For now Mel, for now, but just wait." she turned to leave, but Caramel tried to grab her. Brass responded with a swift slap to his face. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" she yelled hysterically. A cut formed on his cheek as he stood still from the shock. Brass just angrily walked out the door without saying another word. Caramel just looked down at the floor with shame. "It seems no matter what I do, they always find an excuse to hate me." he mumbled to himself. Several minutes later, Ginger returned with the repair pony. As the repair pony worked, Caramel and Ginger ate breakfast together. "You okay Mel?" asked the concerned filly. He had been usually quiet since Brass left unexpectedly. "I'm fine Snaps." he lied as he ate his blueberry bagel. "Mel, we're lovers now, I want honesty." begged the filly scout. "For how long?" asked Caramel. "What do you mean?" "What if I stop being attracted to you as you get older?" he asked her. "You don't know." "Mel..." Ginger was stunned. "It just kills me okay!" he angrily pounded on the table as a tear flowed down his cheek. "It just kills me that I can never embrace my true self, it kills me that my love for you will only be temporary." he quickly got up and walked out the back. "I'll be going on a walk to clear my head, be back soon." he sighed as he left. Ginger looked on with worry but knew it was best to give him sometime alone. Brass was pissed off to say the least. She angrily made her way to her motel room next door to the Ponyville train station. As he walked through the town square, she saw Mayor Mare and her secretary place a large red pillar box just outside of Town Hall. Everyone else around her also looked. "Okay citizens of Ponyville, the comment box is open for the next 24 hours until the start of tomorrow's town meeting, so if any of you have any questions, comments or concerns that you feel must be brought up during tomorrow's meeting, don't be afraid to leave a comment inside." announced the mayor. "See you tomorrow at sunset." she and her secretary walked back inside. It wasn't long before a a mischievous smile formed on Brass' face. "Hurt me, and I'll hurt you back." she mumbled to herself while laughing evilly at the thought. Caramel was going to pay for hurting her, and he will never forget it. "But I guess that doesn't mean I can't fuck with him while I do so." a new idea formed in her mind. The teenage mare walked over to Golden Oaks library and walked inside, she saw a baby dragon manning the reading room bookshelves. "Uh, hello?" she tried to catch the dragon's attention. Spike turned around to see a new customer. "Oh hello, welcome to Golden Oaks Library, what can I do you for?" the dragon asked. He decided to take care of the customer since Twilight was locked in her basement doing random experiments. She mare looked around the room. "Hmmm, do you have any potions books?" she asked. "Preferably the most comprehensive and unabridged you have?" she asked. "Getting a jump on your entrance exams I am guessing." said a very impressed Spike. "Oh, yes." lied Brass, successfully. "Potions is my weakest subject in school and I need the best reference books on it I could find." Spike looked around to check that Twilight was not within eye or ear shot. "Now normally we don't lend out the reference books in our collection," he whispered. "but seeing as though entrance exam season is coming up, I think I can make an exception." he winked before he rushed up to the reference book section. He then quickly came back down with a large tome entitled 'University Level Potions Guide'. "Here you go ma'am." he gave it too her. "I'm sure Twilight wouldn't mind lending out reference books for those who need it." "Thank you." Brass nodded as she took the book. "When do I have to return it?" "Keep it for as long as you need it to study." assured Spike. "Excellent." she grinned evilly. Sassaflash eagerly walked into a local bridal shop. She was in awe of all the fancy wedding dresses on display, being worn by ponyquins. She squealed with girlish excitement. "This is awesome!" At the same time, Caramel walked by the shop and saw his adult marefriend inside being measured for a dress by a sales pony. He decided to walk inside hoping that being with Sass will help him forget his meeting with Brass and his outburst in front of Ginger Snaps. He trotted inside, the bell rang alerting the employees of his presence, but he continued on to the pegasus that he will marry. "Oh hey Caramel," she smiled. "what are you doing here?" she could not move due to the fact she was being measured. "Just on a walk when I saw you here." he made the best smile he could while his mind was still hectic with many thoughts. "Looking for dresses already?" "I guess I got a bit too eager." blushed Sassaflash sheepishly. "Okay, I got all your measurements, now let's take you to the changing room to try on some dresses." the sales pony instructed. "Yes ma'am, let's do it." the mare eagerly followed the sales pony to the changing rooms. "Be right back Mel." she gave a reassuring wink to her fiance before she left. Caramel just kept up his smile up until his fiance was out of eyesight. His face fell and he immediately plopped down on the floor. He gave a loud sad sigh of disappointment and guilt. This marriage is a scam He looked around the store at all the wedding dresses they had on display, but one quickly caught his eye; a filly sized wedding dress, and one that looked like it would fit Ginger Snaps perfectly. He looked at it with awe as his mind once again wandered from him. "Do you, Caramel, take Ginger Snaps to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked Mayor Mare who precised over the impromptu ceremony from her desk. "I Do." smiled Caramel at his bride. "And do you, Ginger Snaps, take Caramel to be your lawfully wedded husband?" asked the Mayor once again. The filly giggled excitedly. "Of course I do." "Then according to the recent ruling by your highnesses Princesses Celestia and Luna, I now declare you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." she instructed. Just as the stallion and filly were about to kiss and the Mayor was about to stamp the marriage license, a brick crashed thru the window and bludgeoned the Mayor in the head. She fell on her desk, blood seeping out of her wound and staining the marriage papers. The couple looked on in horror and Ginger let out a loud scream of terror. "Oh, no, they're here..." muttered Caramel with dread. The sounds of a riot was heard from outside along with the sounds of crowd trying to breakdown the office door. They were trapped. "What are they going to do with us?!" asked a scared filly who held on to Caramel tightly. "Can't they see that I really do love you?!" "They'll never understand our love, that's the problem, I am so sorry for this." he said with shame as he held her close, he quickly leaned in and kissed the filly deeply, just as the crowd broke-in and rushed at them. The angry mob tore the couple apart and roughly dragged Caramel outside, some even kicked, punched and spat at him. "Let's hang him from the tree like all the others!" yelled a pony. Just outside Town Hall, a tall dead tree stood, the countless bodily remains of other lynched ponies in various stages of decay still hung by the neck. Terror flowed through Caramel as he saw the tree and a sign that read 'Hang all perverts here.' attached to the trunk. After being beaten up several more times, he suddenly felt a rope get wrapped around his neck. "Pull!" yelled another pony as the rope began to tighten. He began to choke as he felt himself get lifted off the ground. He struggled wildly but could not escape. "I'll do the honors." yelled a familiar voice. With his fading eyesight, Caramel saw Sassaflash evilly grinning at the sight, holding a sickle. "You don't need testicles where you are going you sick fuck!" maniacally laughed the mare as she swung the sickle at his hanging testicles. Caramel braced himself. "NO!!!!" he yelled loudly. "NO!" Caramel continued to yell as the store employees and customers looked at him oddly. He kicked over the ponyquin that wore the filly sized bridal gown. "Mel?" asked a concerned Sassaflash who ran out of the changing room. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" he yelled with terror as he sprinted out of the store. Sassaflash flew after her fiance. "Mel, what's wrong?!" she yelled after him. She followed him outside and to the back of the store, only to see him curled up against the back wall, bawling his eyes out. "Mel?" "I can't do this anymore..." he cried, he hid his face away from the mare. "...I can't..." "Can't what?" she tried to understand what was going on. "I can't go through this sham, I just can't..." he tried his best to explain without going into too much detail. "Sham? What do you mean?" the mare was more concerned. "The Caramel you know is just a lie, a dumb lie I made up to be more normal." he confessed, he still refused eye contact. "A lie I made up because I was in denial about my attraction to you..." "You don't love me?!" she said offended and stunned. Caramel sighed. Maybe it was best to come clean, hopefully she would understand him and help him cope with his condition. "I do love you, a lot, just..." he tried to find the best words he could use to break it to her as gently as possible. "...I'm not IN love with you." he emphasized. "What?!" she couldn't quite get the gist. Caramel gave a frustrated sigh. "I love you in every way except in the sexual sense!" he spat out. The mare was stunned. "So you mean to tell me that you are..." "Yes." he nodded, assuming that she was coming on to the truth. "That you are a closeted..." "Yes..." "Homosexual." "Yes...WHAT?!" he froze in utter shock. "You were using me to hide your homosexuality weren't you?" she asked. "I'm not-" before the stallion could say anymore, he quickly realized that a new positive situation came up. "uh...I mean...yes, yes, I have been using you to hide my homosexuality...I am very sorry I used you and lied to you after all this time." he lied, but convincingly. "I just couldn't except that fact that I am exclusively sexually attracted to stallion, so I used you to keep me in denial...it's wrong, I know." He expected and braced for an earful or a smack to the face, but was instead met by a tight caring hug. He was confused. "Why didn't you say so sooner you poor thing." she comforted. "I would never judge you or treat you differently for being a stallion lover." Caramel was slightly confused but went along with it. He hugged her back. "I completely understand if you want to call this whole marriage off." "Call the marriage off?!" she broke the hug. "Are you kidding? We can still get married, anything to help you stay in the closet, and don't worry you are free to have as many secret affairs with random stallions as you want, I will not get in the way of your sexuality at all." she explained with an assuring smile. "That is...great to know..." Caramel said bemused. "Your secret is safe with me." she nodded. "Uh...I think I'll go back home now..." he nervously said, slightly uncomfortable with Sassaflash's enthusiasm with the whole thing. "We'll talk more later..." he gave her a kick hug before he quickly trotted away home. "It does explain a lot about him though." mused the mare to herself, still clueless to the real truth. At a press conference in Canterlot, Princess Celestia walked in to a room filled with reporters demanding answers and bright camera flashes. The crowd continued to go crazy until Celestia banged the gavel on her podium to quiet everyone down. "One at a time my subjects, one at a time." the princess instructed. "I know all of you have heard about the recent revelations of my recently deceased financial officer being involved in a possible foalophile ring, but rest assured, me and my sister have started an investigation into this matter." she reported, the reporters quickly fought each other to grab the princess' attention. "Uh..." she nervously looked on. "the mare with the red mane and impressive right hook." she pointed. "Your highness," the mare began. "how pervasive is this possible foalophile ring?" she asked. "We have reason to believe that it involves many members of Canterlot's elite." answered Celestia sincerily. Soon, another fight broke out and the princess was forced to choose another reporter to hear a question from. "The stallion doing a sleeper hold on Mr. Hanson." she pointed. The reporter dropped Mr. Hanson down before he asked his question. "As you know, there is a small fringe group of ponies called 'Filly Lovers Anonymous of Canterlot', or FLAC, that feel like this investigation will infringe on their civil liberties and rights to express themselves, what is your opinion on that?" Celestia rolled her eyes. "For the last time, any pony that harms the physical and psychological well being of a foal does not, and will not, deserve civil liberties and rights, I may have promulgated a charter dictating universal pony rights, but the well being of a foal outweighs the rights listed in the charter each and every time." the topic sickened Celestia. "So if any of you encounter a member of FLAC, tell them that not every orientation is the same, and to give up and get mental health." she warned ominously. "And to those who are part of the Canterlot elite and are a part of this foalophile ring, I suggest you surrender now before I personally hunt you all down." she sternly warned. "I'm done taking questions." she walked out of the press room as the reported stampeded over to news room to inform their superiors. "Ginger! I am home!" announced the stallion as he walked in, only to be met by a note on the living room coffee table. Dear Mel, Went on a nature hike with my friend Boysen Berry, I'll be back early tomorrow morning, I hope you do get better I am truly worried for you. Love, Ginger xoxox Caramel read the note a placed it down, he gave a sad sigh. "I shouldn't have snapped at her..." he muttered. "No kidding." said a new voice. Caramel jumped around startled only to see Brass before him with a smirk on her face. "What are you doing back?" asked the stallion suspiciously. Brass' smirk grew bigger as she slowly and seductively walked up to the stallion. Caramel backed himself up against the wall until he could not go any further. Brass grinned before she kissed the stallion on the lips. The kiss immediately sent the stallion down memory lane, her kiss was still exactly the same as it was six years ago. He let the kiss get increasingly passionate, addicted to the happy memories he had of this teenage mare. He wanted to relive that all over again so he broke the kiss and nibbled at her ear. The mare just gave a moan from the sensation from one of her sensitive areas. "Oh Mel..." she moaned. Suddenly, the stallion grabbed the mare and pinned her up against the wall and gave a shallow growl. "What do you want?" he asked suspiciously. He could smell her body wash, it reminded him of the bandanna she used to wore, but with a slightly different smell, but it was still enough to intoxicate him. Before he could let her answer, he dove in and nibbled the base of her neck as he took in a whiff of her short mane. "Make me a mare...fuck me please." she moaned. Her scent drove the stallion wild as his erection made its presence known. The nibbles slowly turned into biting and she moaned even louder only for him to give a savage growl in return. The growl sent shivers down her back. "Do what you want to this prey." she gasped with pleasure. She was suddenly shoved down to the floor and Caramel quickly stood over her. Brass got a good luck at the stallion's impressive erection, she began to grow wet with anticipation and what he'll do next. He immediately began to sniff her entire body, taking in her scent long the way, he slowly but surely went down her body until he smelled something strong and extremely intoxicating; her dripping and winking cunt. He dove his snout in and began to lap her up. The stallion happily did his oral service, lapping up her sweet yet slightly metallic taste and smell. He felt like he was experience euphoria. Up and down, left to right and flicking her clit his tongue went. "Oh fuck Mel, I miss your magic touch!" she moaned loudly as her body started shake from the increasing pleasure. "Oh fuck me for real Mel, I waited six years for you to fuck me for real." she begged as his tongue work caused her to go wild. "OH MEL!!" Caramel immediately stopped. Brass, confused, looked up to see Caramel's face up against hers. He growled at her like an animal about to pounce. "I'll show you REAL fucking." he grunted as he thrust inside the mare without warning or stopping. Brass gave a loud gasp from the sudden penetration. He began to move his hips and start to thrust in and out of her. "Oh Celestia your cock feels so amazing!" she panted. Her eyes rolled back as loud moans escaped her mouth. Her inner walls started to slowly contract around Caramel's cock. "I can't believe you only fuck fillies with it!" she blurted out, she was experiencing too much pleasure to bother filtering her words. Caramel just bit her neck in response. Brass gasped and moaned with a mix of pain and pleasure. "MARK ME DAMN IT!" she taunted. Caramel growled in response as he bit harder, she could feel her skin start to break and some blood to seep out. He thrust faster like a savage beast. His cock filling her up nicely. All of these sensations drove the mare wild. "I'm so close Mel!" she moaned as her orgasm drew ever closer. Caramel suddenly stopped biting her, some blood could be seen on his lips, and also quickly pulled out and placed his twitching and throbbing cock over her, he immediately shot his cum all over the mare's face, chest and mane as if he was marking her as his own. She felt more and more of the cream accumulate on her as it appeared like it would not stop coming out. Brass was in awe at how much came out, she did not expect that. "Prey marked." was all Caramel grunted as his dick stopped shooting out its seed. He slowly walked away from her, making his way out of the living room, only to immediately collapse just four steps later down on the floor from exhaustion. The sounds of soft snores emanated from him. Brass tried to get up, but her hind legs kept collapsing beneath her. Her face, mane and chest was a sticky mess and some blood was seeping from the severe bite mark on the base of her neck. "That...worked better...than I thought..." she panted, completely exhausted. She crawled herself over to the stallion and cuddled up to him before she fell asleep. To Be Continued... > V > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At a townhouse in Canterlot, shortly before dawn, a stallion happily slept on his bed spooning a filly and held her close to him. Everything was peaceful in the room until the door was kicked up with a loud crash and a group of a dozen guards rushed in. "Hooves up criminal scum!" yelled a guard as the stallion and filly suddenly woke up and looked at them with terror. The guards grabbed the stallion by the tail and dragged him out of the room. "Leave my husband alone!" screamed with filly with anger as she tried to chase after them, only to be grabbed by a another guard. "Let me go you big brute!" "You're safe now little filly, he won't hurt you or manipulate you any longer." assured the guard. "I LOVE HIM!" she yelled, as she knew it was pointless to escape the guard's hold. They dragged the stallion out to the police van parked outside the townhouse and threw him inside. "You've been a thorn on our side for years Mr. Set, about damn time the Princess did something to stop." smirked one of the guards before slamming the van doors shut. Nearby, a mare in her forties with glasses looked on in silence. Brass whacked herself against an anvil one last before she was satisfied that she was properly battered. It hurt like Tartarus, but it was going to be worth it in her mind. But she felt like she needed to do one last thing to make her beaten appearance more convincing to compliment her self-inflicted bruises and cuts, along with a bite mark on her neck. She looked around Caramel's shoe making shop to see something that would give her inspiration. She turned on the furnace and held a metal horseshoe over the flames inside. Once she saw it was glowing brightly from the intense heat, she picked up the shoe with a handle and placed said handle on top of the anvil she used to hit herself against earlier. She made sure the hot shoe was suspended over the side for better contact. Brass took a wooden stick and bit down on as she slowly walked her rump over to the red hot shoe. Muffled screams emanated from the shop. Caramel groggily woke up from the living room floor with a pounding headache. "Ugh, I feel like I got run over by a carriage." he muttered with annoyance as he balanced himself on all fours. "What happened?" he looked around to see he was by himself, the last thing he could remember was seeing Brass in his home. He scanned his surroundings to see empty bottles of hard apple cider littered on the coffee table. "Knowing me, I must have been extremely pissed off to get drunk." he theorized. He grabbed a garbage bag from the kitchen and began to clean up. After the living room was emptied of all the empty bottles, he went upstairs to take a long warm shower to distract himself from the hangover. He turned on the water, made sure it was warm for his liking, and walked in, letting the water run down his body. "Mel!" yelled a young voice. "I'm home!" Caramel knew it was his marefriend Ginger. "I'm in the shower!" he yelled as he leaned out of the shower. "The door is unlocked!" A minute later, Ginger Snaps happily walked into the bathroom. "Mind if I join you?" she asked. Her coat and hair matted in dirt and sweat from her hike. "I really need a good shower right about now." she giggled. Caramel let her in and stepped aside for her to properly clean herself. Ginger happily stood under the falling water, while her coltfriend began to shampoo her mane. The filly let out a happy moan from the lathering of her mane. "So, any plans for next weekend?" asked Caramel as she continued to lather the filly's mane. "Apart from job shadowing you? Not much, just spend time with my parents." she explained. "I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday." Caramel sighed with shame as he rinsed the filly's mane. "I'm just worried about the long term, it's really hard to when you feel like you'll be sent to jail at any day." he explained. Ginger turned around and just gave him a deep kiss on the lips. Caramel suddenly felt relaxed again before she broke the kiss to speak. "Everything will be okay Mel, I promise." she assured. "Once I turn sixteen we can run away together and elope." The stallion smirked. "Sounds like a plan." he said before he dove in for another kiss, this time more passionately. The filly gladly went along with the kiss as it slowly turned into a full blown make-out session. Water still rained on them as the stallion pushed the filly up against the shower wall. The scout continued to kiss him but out of the corner of her eye she could see Caramel's erection make itself known. The filly broke the kiss once again to speak. "Let me try to return the favor." she proposed. "What do you mean?" Caramel was intrigued. "You licked my winker, so now let me lick your stick." she clarified. She pointed at his erection and the stallion looked down to see that it was indeed engorged. He blushed with embarrassment. "I guess I really do love you." he mused. Ginger help Caramel sit down against the shower wall to gain full access to his throbbing member. She carefully analyzed it as she saw it twitch with anticipation. She slowly got close to it and gave a lick along the entire shaft. The stallion moaned slightly, which gave her to cue to keep going. She opened her mouth and enveloped his flared head. Caramel shivered in response from the sensation. The filly slowly made her way lower down the shaft, gradually letting more of it inside her mouth, she began to bob her head in rhythm. "Oh Snaps..." loudly moaned Caramel. The filly continued her oral treatment, sucking and licking the head and top head of his shaft. "So good..." For Caramel, the filly's mouth felt amazing, her tongue licking everywhere, the occasional sensation of her teeth gently rubbing along his member and the sucking felt wonderful. He soon felt the tip of his dick hit the back of the filly's throat. He a brief moment, he was worried that she might gag, but to his surprise, she took it even deeper to the point where she could practically reach the base. "Oh Ginger, that's too good!" he hissed. She quickly let his shaft out of her mouth, the member completely soaked in saliva, to catch her breath. She coughed. "I'm fine." she gasped. "Just lost my breath, give me a moment." she explained as she breathed deeply and centered herself. "You went far..." he was stunned yet impressed. "I was born without a gag reflex." she explained as if it was not a big deal. "It runs through the family." once she was certain she had her breath back, she resumed her oral service. Caramel started to squirm as the good sensations became too much. He felt his balls tighten and his cock twitch in her mouth. "Oh Snaps, I'm about to cum!" he screamed. He unconsciously thrust himself into her mouth as he sprayed his load into her. Despite being briefly caught off guard, Ginger happily swallowed every last drop. "Salty yet sweet, not bad." she commented with a smirk. Caramel saw stars. "Step one; ware body wash spiked with love potion, check." "Step two; have it appear like he beat and raped me, check." Brass when through her mental checklist. "And finally step three, win an award for best acting." she muttered with a smirk. She hid behind a bush as she waited for a random pony to walk past. She suddenly heard hoofsteps along the path and quickly got into character. Blossomforth happily galloped along the path until she suddenly saw a pony jump out of the bushes in front of her. "OH MY GOODNESS!" she screamed with fright. She looked on to see a teenage filly on the ground, beaten and bruised badly. "Are you okay there?!" she walked up to her with concern. "Help me..." begged Brass in pain. "...I've been held captive...all day..." she gasped her body trembling. "Don't worry my little filly, Blossomforth will take you to the emergency room." she assured Brass. "I demand a lawyer!" demanded the stallion while in questioning. The guard just ignored him. "I said I demand a lawyer!" he asked again. "You're getting squat Mr. Set." responded the guard with contempt. "Princess Celestia has just suspended your writ of habeus corpus, which in Equestrian legalese, means that we can do whatever we want to you, from holding you indefinitely, to denying your right to an attorney." he laughed. "What about my wife?" he asked the guard with concern. "Oh, so that filly you've been sexually abusing is your wife now, is that what you sickos call it now?" the guard taunted. "Like I would ever tell you." From behind the two-way mirror, the chief guard looked on with contempt from the scene, until the door opened. He looked over to see a middle aged mare with glasses walk in. "Ah, about time you got here Dr. Stroop." commented the guard. "So glad you can come by here on such short notice." "Just so I can make it clear, I am not doing this for you or your department." Stroop clarified. "I am doing this for my former patient." she looked through the window to see the stallion dejected and angry. "I haven't seen him in nearly ten years." "Well, in these ten years, he joined the FLAC, and quickly rose up the ranks to become a high ranking member of it's politburo. He's an active member and organizer of the 'filly-love' movement and even 'married' a six year old filly orphan about three years ago." he explained to the psychologist. "How's the filly?" she asked. "Extremely brainwashed, still under the delusion that he loves her and cares for her and what not." "That's the thing about foalophiles," she began. "they actually believe they are doing the right thing when they are actually doing harm." she looked on with a mixture of contempt and pity for the stallion being held. "So when did Celestia suspended the wit of habeus corpus?" "Just before sunset, and applying only to suspected FLAC members." explained the chief. "You know she's desperate to get something done when she has to stoop that low in order to do it, but with these sickos, I am glad she did." "I would like to do my psychological assessment on him now if you don't mind." requested the mare. "Sure, go ahead, would you like a guard to be with you in the room?" "Sir, I have done psychological assessments on serial killers and cannibals without a guard present, I think I can handle a single scrawny foalophile." she stated with annoyance. "Have you found any good candidates that need our help?" asked a voice. "I did find one, but he still hasn't accepted who he is." explained a timid voice. "I sense he already did..." "But I have some news about him." "And that is?" "I was at the hospital picking up some medicines when I saw a teenage filly be rushed in, she was badly hurt and his name came up as a possible suspect." the voice explained. "They're planning on confronting him at tonight's town meeting where they'll also talk about a possible foalophile ring in Ponyville, what if we get exposed?" "I want you at the meeting, and if things start to get heated, I want you to do whatever you can to get him out of there, without drawing attention to yourself, understood?" "I..I understand...but should we tell him about Emberville?" "Not yet, he needs to accept himself for who he is before we tell him...but I do know he would never hurt a filly like that, his heart is too pure." "The village has been demanding a new shoemaker for a long time." "I know, but until he accepts that he's a foalophile, there's nothing else we can do." Caramel happily went outside to grab the Sunday newspaper. He picked it up with his mouth and walked back inside with a smile. Inside, Ginger was in the kitchen, cooking an omelette. "Where do you keep the pepper?" she asked as she looked through the kitchen cupboards. "The shakers are next to the ice box." he pointed out as he sat down to read the front page. He unfolded the paper and his heart immediately sank upon reading the headline. Celestia suspends writs of habeus corpus for suspected foalophiles "Mel? You okay?" asked the filly with concern, she saw her coltfriend's face fall with dread. "She can't do this..." he mumbled, as a pink slip fell out from the pages of the newspaper. Ginger picked it up and read it. "There's an emergency town meeting tonight Mel," she stated. "apparently, it's going to be about the possibly of a foalophile ring being based in Ponyville." she explained. "I heard." he sighed and turned to the filly. "I just never thought this day would come, and I worry you'll get caught up in the hysteria." "Mel, I promise I will never betray you in anyway, I truly love you too much and you are not a monster like those others." she reassured. Caramel just smiled and grabbed the filly into a hug. He needed to calm his nerves and hugging is the only way he knows how. "I'm scared Snaps..." he whispered into her ear with worry. "I know..." she whispered back. "Okay Mr. Set, now I just want you to fill out this questionnaire and my psychological evaluation will be complete." instructed Dr. Stroop. "And I do suggest you read the written instructions on it VERY carefully and read between the lines." she stated ominously. Set looked down at his paper to see a written message written between the lines of the questions. "If you want to see your filly again and be with her in peace, please check the '1' box for every non-prime numbered question, and a '5' for every prime numbered question." The stallion was confused. "What is this?" he asked. "To help assess your mental competence. Whether you should be sent to jail or...somewhere else." she placed emphasis on the last part. Mr. Set still looked confused, but if that place allows him to be with his filly wife, he would do it. He very carefully followed her instructions written on the paper. Suddenly the door opened and a skinny stallion with horn rimmed glasses ran in. "Dr. Stroop, I have some important news!" "It better be important enough for you to interrupt my assessment Dex." she stated with annoyance. "I'll be right back Mr. Set." she said before she left the room to talk privately with her secretary. They took a spot in the hallway. "So what is it Dex?" "A filly has been found beaten and raped in Ponyville and I think you should come down there to help her." he explained. "And what does this have to do with me? I am kind of busy helping the authorities here." she said with annoyance. "Does the name Caramel ring a bell?" Dex blurted out. "Caramel?" she thought hard before a realization dawned on her. The colt that ran away from her almost a decade ago, before she changed her opinion on how to handle foalophiles. "My gosh..." she said stunned. "...we must get to him before the inevitable lynch mob does!" "I already booked you train tickets to get there, express." Dex gave her the tickets. "I'll stay here to help with Mr. Set." "Thank you Dex, you're a life saver." she complimented before she ran off to the train station. She hoped she wouldn't get there too late. That evening, the majority of the adults in Ponyville got ready to attend the town meeting. Caramel was one of them as he finished his dinner with Ginger. Most of the day was spent playing games and cuddling with the filly, and also the daily upkeep of his shop. He was extremely nervous for this town meeting though, hearing others talk about foalophilia intimidated him because it was always the same; hateful rhetoric. It made him feel like he didn't deserve to live. "Just be strong for me Mel." pleaded Ginger just as he was about to leave. "Everything will be okay." Caramel looked at the filly. "I will try to be strong for you, I probably will not like what I would hear." "That's because they are ignorant and closed minded." explained the filly. "They don't understand that love transcends all." "Or maybe they are the opposite." he mumbled. He turned to leave but was suddenly grabbed by the filly and brought into a kiss. They kissed each other for a minute before the stallion reluctantly ended it. "I have to go now." he said anxiously before he nervously walked away towards town hall. Ginger looked on with worry. Almost every adult citizen of Ponyville gathered in town hall and took their seats. Caramel sat down in the back as usual in case he ever needed to make a quick exist, but quickly noticed guards posted at every possible exist and entrance. This unnerved him plenty. He quietly sat down, taking care to not draw attention to himself. As he sat down a voice spoke to him. "Excuse me, mind if I sit next to you?" asked a timid voice. Caramel looked to see that the voice belong to Fluttershy. "Oh hey, uh, why of course you can sit next to me." he smiled politely, he made room for the pegasus and she sat down next to him. Shortly afterwards, Sassaflash flew in and sat next to Caramel as well. "Oh hey hun, glad I found a seat next to you." she smiled. Caramel smiled back, but still felt uneasy. On the stage, two guards stood at both ends of it, the stallion was suspicious by the unusually high amount of security. Soon Mayor Mare walked to the stage and took her place behind the podium. "Good evening my fellow citizens, today's meeting has been called upon Princess Celestia herself, so to help explain you all the situation more, I bring up Twilight Sparkle to the podium." she stated before she let the lavender unicorn to take over. "Thank you Mayor Mare," she nearly organized her notes before she began. "This morning, Princess Celestia has ordered that all towns across Equestria hold meetings like this to discuss about an extremely serious issue that has scandalized the Canterlot elite; a large-scale foalophile ring." she explained. "Now, I am about to go into some detail, so if you can not handle such a sensitive topic, you are free to leave." Caramel wanted to take the chance to bolt out of there, but was too worried about rousing the suspicions of Sassaflash. He then began to notice some of the guards start to glare at him, either that or he started to become paranoid. Nervous sweat flowed down his brow. "Okay, now I can explain how this ring works." began Twilight, completely unaware. "This ring involves several high ranking members of the elite, where they would gather with some foals at a random member's home and partake in hedonistic orgies with them. Many of the foals involved are either family relatives to the adults, or orphans." explained Twilight. "And according to our estimates, 90% of the adults involved are stallions while 80% of the victims are fillies." she pointed out through various charts and graphs that she inexplicably produced. "But what does this have to do with us?!" asked Carrot Top. "From what I hear this is only a Canterlot problem." "We have reason to believe that this more than just a Canterlot problem Miss Top." clarified Twilight. "We have reason to believe that there are a few members from Ponyville also involved." Everyone gave a collective gasp. "Wait...aren't those Filly-love activists involved in this, it sounds like they could and should be involved." stated Lily Valley. "We have so far failed to find any evidence linking the FLAC with this ring, but we have detained many of their high ranking members without trial just in case until this ring is completely shut down." The majority of the audience cheered and stomped their hooves at the news. "They don't deserve legal rights!" yelled a random pony. As much as Twilight fully agreed to the sentiment, she banged the gavel to get everyone orderly again. "Anyways, the reason we believe a citizen of Ponyville is involved is because we discovered a victim who claimed to have been held captive for the two days and was abused by a member of the Ponyville foalophile ring before she was about to be used by the others." Everyone was stunned. Then, the guards on the stage walk to the back and escort a new pony on to the stage. "Please meet this brave pony now." began Twilight. "Brass." Caramel's eyes went wide when Brass herself was escorted to the stage, she limped badly, had bandages around her neck, head and on her cutie mark, she looked extremely sad and scared. Everyone looked on with pity and disgust that someone would hurt this young teenage filly like this. Twilight helped her to the podium so she can give her story. "For the last two days, I was held captive by one of your fellow citizens." she began as she wiped away her tears. "I was raped, beaten and branded by him and was about to be introduced to the rest of the Ponyville ring, but I managed to escape." Brass was secretly proud of her award winning performance. If she wasn't going to have Caramel, then no one will. "He is a known foalophile who raped other fillies in his life and is even used by the ring to provide them with fresh fillies to rape and torture." she made all of these facts up and no one dared question her, least it appears like they are blaming the victim. "Can you please name the pony who did this to you so we can arrest him." requested Twilight. All of the guards slowly made their way to the area Caramel sat at. He began to sweat bullets, his heart began to pound rapidly. Do they already know? "Yes," Brass nodded. "the stallion who did this to me is..." she pointed her hoof at the general area Caramel was. "CARAMEL!" she angrily yelled. Everyone turned to face him with a mixture of shock and disgust. The guards immediately run towards the stallion. "Wait...no, I wouldn't do such a thing!" before he could defend himself, he was immediately grabbed by several guards. "Get him out of here before the citizens get him!" ordered Mayor Mare to the guards. They took Caramel and began to drag him away. "I WOULD NEVER HURT A FILLY!" He could hear the entire town boo and jeer him. "Cut off his balls!" "Gas him in a chamber." "String him by the neck!" they yelled. As the guards opened the front door, they immediately stopped in their tracks to see a giant Ursa Major at the door, ready to attack. "What the...?" said one of the guards. The Ursa quickly swiped at the guard, flinging him to a nearby wall and roared loudly. The entire audience immediately screamed bloody murder and began to run around in a panic. The guards let Caramel go to focus their attention on the bear and the stallion used the distraction to try to sneak away. "Caramel wait!" yelled Fluttershy at the stallion only to see him climb out of a nearby window. "Oh no..." she new that once the Ursa is defeated, everyone will notice that Caramel has escaped and a lynch mob will inevitably form. "I got this!" yelled Twilight who ran up to the Ursa to fight it. The Ursa was in a rampage inside the room, running around and tearing everything apart. Brass quickly dove down under the stage to hide. Twilight then shot the Ursa with a beam of magic, causing the creature to fall down, stunned. "Is everyone okay?" she asked everyone with concern. Everyone looked around and at each other only to realize one important fact; Caramel was no where to be found. "The foalophile is gone!" "Let's get him before he finds another foal to fiddle!" yelled Sassaflash with anger. If there was one thing she hated more than foalophiles, it was ponies who used her to cover up for their foalophile. She felt betrayed and used. "YEAH!" everyone yelled. "Now, now," began the Mayor in her attempt to calm down the crowd. "we have no need for extra-judicial punishment in Ponyville." said the Mayor. "Why? Because you are a foalophile sympathizer?!" snarled Carrot Top. "I am not-" before she could finish her sentence, she was punched out cold by Sassaflash herself. "We have no use for foalophile supporters!" she exclaimed. Everyone yelled with agreement. "Come one everyone! I know where he lives!" she rallied the crowd and everyone went along with it. As the crowd marched out, Fluttershy ran up to Twilight. "Aren't you going to do something Twilight?" she asked. "As much as I hate lynchings, there's nothing I can do to change their minds." explained Twilight, with genuine concern for Caramel, but she was more concerned about appearing 'soft' on foalophila or supportive of the stallion. The yellow pegasus was stunned by her friend's reaction. At least the Ursa she hired to attack town hall gave the stallion sometime to skip town and escape. She then looked up to see a middle aged mare run in. "What happened here?" she wondered, trying to catch her breath from the non-stop sprint she made from the station to town hall. "An Ursa Major attack, who are you?" asked Twilight. "I'm Dr. Stroop," she introduced herself. "I came all the way down here expecting to see a patient." she looked at the two mares before her, one of them familiar to her, a former patient she also diagnosed as a foalophile and fellow helper. "I believe your patient has escaped and is being chased by a lynch mob ma'am." the unicorn explained. "My...gosh!" Dr. Stroop exclaimed with shock. She quickly ran out of the building to get to Caramel before the mob does. "Uh...okay?" Twilight was confused. "What was that all about?" she tried to ask Fluttershy only to see that she was gone. "Huh? Fluttershy?" The pegasus flew towards Caramel's house with a determined looked on her face. She cannot fail in her mission, the princess is counting on her. "Nothing we can do?" exclaimed Fluttershy. "If we do nothing he'll be strung up from a tree!" "What else can we do Fluttershy!?" said the other voice with annoyance. "Besides, you should know how it's like to be in his situation, are you not a foalophile as well who has been disowned by her entire family?!" "We're better than this!" she yelled back, angry of being reminded of the way her family treated her. "Are we not? Isn't this why you started this project? To prove that we foalophiles are not alone in this world and that we can find a place to happily be who we are?!" "Yes, I did start this project to protect kindhearted and non-violent individuals who couldn't help be who they are, who cannot purse their true love because of what society dictates." she sighed. "Then let me help him, let me save him!" Fluttershy begged. "I don't want to see another foalophile get lynched in Ponyville ever again!" "Fine, help him, but respect his wishes should he ever reject it, don't force him." she instructed. "And if you should ever get caught helping him, I will not be there to bail you out." "I understand princess, I understand." she agreed. Nervous about taking such a risk for a single stallion. To Be Concluded... > VI > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caramel quickly ran inside his house, he was scared for his life, he needed to skip town before the inevitable mob reaches his house. "Ginger! Ginger!" he yelled. "Mel?" she woke up from her nap on the couch. "How was the meeting?" "I need to get out of here!" he exclaimed as he sprinted up the stairs to his room. "What?" the filly was confused. She followed her coltfriend up the stairs, confused. The stallion reached under the bed to take out a saddlebag. He quickly packed up all the essentials he might need in the next town he'll escape to. He always had his bags ready to be packed just in case a situation like this came up. "I was framed Ginger, now they are after me." "Then why run away?" she asked. "Why not just tell your side of the story?" "They would rather hang me from the nearest tree, than listen to what I have to say." he explained. "That's why I am running away." "But...can't I run away with you?!" she pleaded. She did not want their relationship to end so soon, she felt like it was getting better. "I want to stay with you, so we can be together forever!" "And add foalnapping to my long list of charges, I don't think so." he said bluntly as he finished packing his bags. The statement pierced the filly's heart. "So...you're just going to be selfish?" she said tearing up. "Push me away to save your own hide?!" she yelled with offense. She felt like she was being thrown away like garbage. "Treat me like garbage?!" Caramel stopped in his tracks. "I'm...sorry...but it is for the best." he explained, he did not like what he was doing either, but it needed to be done. "BUT I LOVE YOU!" she yelled with anger. "What about our promise to elope once I am of age?!" she yelled with disbelief. "I'm going to have to break that promise considering the circumstances." he sighed, he also was ashamed of hurting the filly. "I am truly sorry." without saying a word, he walked over to his bedroom window and opened it. "But the less baggage, the better." just as he was about to climb down, he was suddenly tackled to the floor by something that flew through his window. "OOF!" Caramel looked up to see Fluttershy on top of him. "Come with me if you want to live!" she said to him. "What? Shy?" he asked with confusion. He gently pushed the mare off of him. "What do you want?!" "To save your life!" she exclaimed impatiently, the mob would arrive at any minute. "Why?" he asked suspiciously. "Because foalophiles look out for each other!" she admitted. She had no time to play games, she had a mission to fulfill and she did not want to let the princess down. "What?!" "Yes Caramel, I am a foalophile too, I like fillies as much as you do, but thanks to the help of Princess Cadance and Dr. Stroop, I managed to learn how to deal with these feelings and we decided to devote ourselves into helping foalophiles like you find refuge." the mare explained. "So do you want to live and start anew, or do you want to stay here and die?!" "Wait...Dr. Stroop?!" the name brought back memories of the first time he needed to leave town because Dr. Stroop was going to tell the authorities. "Helped you..." he could not comprehend it. "Caramel, please, for the last time, please come with me." Fluttershy begged. He looked over at Ginger. "What about Snaps?" he asked. Fluttershy just went over to the filly. "I'm sorry my little one, but for your safety, I suggest you don't follow us." she broke the news to the filly. "Why not? What are you going to do with Mel?!" she asked with confusion and tears in her eyes. "Take him to a place where he can truly be himself, a place where foalophiles with pure hearts and intentions can live in peace without fear of harassment or revenge." the pegasus explained to the filly. She rubbed her face to comfort her. "Caramel is one of the most kindhearted foalophiles I have ever encountered, his love for you burns brightly." she continued. "Will I ever see him again?" she asked with sadness. "You will Ginger, you will, all I ask is patience." she answered. Caramel walked up to the filly and mare. "A place where I can belong?" "Yes Caramel, Emberville, a village we founded for foalophiles like you to belong and feel free." she reassured. "Hasn't that always been your goal in life? To find a place where you can be normal?" Caramel said nothing, the mare was correct. "But what about love?" "That'll come with time." answered the mare with a reassuring smile. "Come on Mel, we need to go." "Just let me say goodbye first." said the stallion as he went up to the filly. They both looked into each other's eyes. "So you truly are leaving?" "I'm sorry for what I said earlier." he apologized. "I was just so worried for you." "I just don't want you to go." she quickly latched on to the stallion and cried into his chest. "I LOVE YOU DAMN IT!" she bawled. "I LOVE YOU!" Caramel held her tight and brushed her mane to comfort her. "It's okay Snaps, it's okay, just be strong for me." he whispered into her ear. "You will see me again someday, just like Fluttershy said." he reluctantly pushed the filly off of him. "Just promise me that you'll never give up hope." he then gave the filly a deep passionate kiss. Ginger wanted the kiss to last forever, she dreaded the feeling of the stallion she loved to not be there, she felt empty without his affection and love. She kissed as deeply as she could, savoring it for as much as she can. But it was soon to end, he broke the kiss and the filly felt hurt. She wanted to be strong, be she did not know if she could. "Thank you for everything..." she said. "I love you Snaps, I promise this will not be the last you see of me." he assured with a smile. But he still felt saddened that he had to be apart from her. "I hope so..." she said tearing up. He walked over to Fluttershy and they both climbed down the window. Outside, a large crowd marched down the road to Caramel's house. Some of them carried torches and pitchforks while Sassaflash carried a noose while a mare next to her brandished a sickle in case an 'improvisational operation procedure' needed to be done. Suddenly, in a flash of purple light, Twilight appeared in front of them. "Okay, this is really getting out of hoof!" she said with annoyance. "This is no better!" "Twilight," began Sassaflash. "don't be such a eggheaded bitch, we're doing our part to ensure no other foal gets harmed by him ever again!" "What's gotten into you Sass? Didn't you love him before these revelations came out?" she asked stunned by her behavior. "I don't like filly fuckers, especially those who have been using me and lying to me for the past YEAR, Twi!" she snarled. "No move out of the way or we'll force you!" "Haven't any of heard of 'due process'?" she asked the crowd. "It's in the charter of universal pony rights?" "And have him go through a flawed court system where there's a chance he'll be let off easily? We don't think so." answered Carrot Top. "We're doing this to ensure a 100% conviction rate, now, one last chance Twilight Sparkle, move out of the way." Twilight was stunned at how determined they are, and by how deeply mob mentality was entrenched in their minds. There was nothing she could do to change their minds. She sighed and stepped aside. The mob happily continued their march to the house and Twilight just watched with disgust, she lost all respect for those involved. At the house, the crowd was met by the sight of a filly walking out the front door, she calmly walked out and looked at the angry crowd gathered in the front yard. They looked at each other with silence for a few seconds before Ginger finally spoke up. "If you are looking for Caramel, he left, he ran away and..." she took a deep breath, she decided it was best to lie in order to appease the mob. "...and freed me after holding me captive this whole weekend." she sighed. "Don't worry, I am the only one, there's nopony else." she pretended to be in shock and sat down on the ground. The crowd looked at each other with shame, upset that they acted on their impulse for nothing. The entire crowd just reluctantly dispersed and walked their separate ways home. Except for a middle aged mare who ran up to the house. Eight years ago... A stallion nervously knock on the door. He waited anxiously before the door finally opened to reveal the reason why he traveled all the way to Vanhoover for. "Oh hey there, come on in." happily smiled the filly who happily invited the stallion inside. "Make yourself comfortable, my parents will be gone all weekend." she lead him inside. The stallion nervously entered the house and looked around. "Nice place you have here." he commented. "Anyways, let me go freshen up for you, I'll be right back." the filly winked before she trotted up the stairs, she sashayed her hips and the stallion noticed. "Oh damn...she's hot." he muttered to himself with a smile. He sat down on the couch and made himself comfortable. He took in his surroundings, on the coffee table before him was scrapbook making supplies and various crafts. He smiled at how cute and girly everything looked. A few minutes pass and he still waited for the filly to come back down. He decided to get up to check up on her. "I suggest you remain seated sir." said a new voice. The stallion turned around to see a middle aged mare walk in. "Please have a seat back on the couch." she instructed. "Who are you?" he asked with concern. The mare said nothing and just sat down in the chair across from him. "Is it true that you traveled all the way from Fillydelphia just to be here?" she asked. She produced a transcript from a bag that was leaned up against her chair. "Yes, but that doesn't answer my question." he answered apprehensively. "Why did you travel all the way here?" she asked. "Why, to be with the first female to ever show me affection and give me attention." he answered. "So you're saying that no mare within your age bracket hasn't given you attention or affection?" "They think I am a loser, always judging me." he said with contempt for those mares. "There was a mare I liked that I confessed my love to, she rejected my feelings and told me we would rather be just friends, then she goes off and fucks my asshole friend instead." "So you are going after this filly to spite that mare who is having sexual intercourse with your quote unquote asshole friend?" she asked skeptically. "You have it completely wrong ma'am!" he spat with annoyance. "I am going after that filly because she actually truly loves me and wants to date me!" "How do you know that it was actually her that said that?" she pointed out. She looked over the transcript. "Dear Lola, I just wanted to say that I dream about you constantly, I sometimes dream of grabbing you and taking you as my own so we can live happily ever after in wedded bliss by day and make love all night until the dawn, I will be proud to be your first." she read. "How did you get that?!" he asked suspiciously. "We have your collected and recorded your entire correspondence with her sir, it's all in this transcript." she pointed out. "How sickeningly sweet this whole thing is, your letters read like baroque novels." she explained. "This one is a 1,000 word letter that describes the reasons why she should marry you." she was kind of impressed. "Had you focused more time and effort on mares your age instead of fillies, you would be tripping all over the mares piled up at your feet." "Are..are you mocking me?" he stuttered. "If you really do think so, then you are free to leave at anytime." she stated. "But who are you?!" he asked with suspicion. "My name is Zelma Stroop, I am a clinical psychologist who works for the Equestrian Special Victims Unit Division." she answered truthfully. "Don't worry, I won't arrest you, I am just here to understand why you are doing this." "BUCK YOU!" he snarled. "You came here to ruin my life and kick me while I am doing!" he stood up angrily. "To mock me for not being normal!" "Sir, I suggest you calm down." said Stroop who was slightly intimidated. "No! Never!" he snarled as he used his magic to brandish a pair of scissors from the table. He pointed them at the psychologist. "I refuse to end up in jail for following my heart!" he exclaimed with shame and anger in his voice. "BANANAS!" yelled Stroop, the code word. Suddenly, guards busted through the front door. "Put the pair of scissors down sir!" they yelled, pikes at the ready. "You'll never get justice out of me!" the stallion yelled back before he suddenly took the scissors and sliced his jugular open, blood sprayed everywhere, including on Dr. Stroop herself. She was stunned as the stallion fell to the floor, dead. Sometime later, Dr. Stroop sat outside the apartment building as she clutched a blanket tightly around her. She was in a catatonic state. A guard walked up to her. "You okay Dr. Stroop?" he asked with concern. "He didn't have to kill himself...I actually wanted to help him..." she said as she stared into the distance. "We could've bargained with him..." "We don't bargain with suspected foalophiles ma'am." coldly answered the guard. "Besides, at least it's one less sicko on the streets, so mission accomplished." he said. The psychologist was struck by the heartlessness of the guards. "But we failed to help him, we failed to make him accountable for his actions, we failed to bring justice, and you still consider that 'mission accomplished'?" "Look Ma'am, I have three daughters at home, and my job as a parent is to maintain their innocence for as long as possible, and the less filly fiddlers there are out there, the easier my job becomes." was all the guard said before he walked away offended that someone would question him. Stroop was in deep thought. "There has to be a better way Zelma..." she mumbled to herself. In present day, Zelma reached Caramel's house to see that the entire mob slowly and begrudgingly disperse to go home. Upset that they let Caramel escape. But they'll be on the look out for him should he ever return. The middle aged mare walked over to see a filly on the front step of the house, sad. "Do you know Caramel?" she asked the filly. There could only be one reason why a filly would be saddened. "Why do you want to know?" the filly asked, not in the mood to talk. "Because I really wanted to help him, my name is Zelma Stroop, and I am a psychologist that actually wants to help the stallion you love." she introduced herself with care. She looked around. "They took him didn't they?" "Who?" asked the filly confused. "Was he taken away by a pegasus named Fluttershy?" she asked. "Yes...why do you ask?" the filly was suspicious. "Fluttershy was a former patient of mine that I helped, we came up with the idea of a safe space for foalophiles together after she was disowned by her entire family." she explained. "They didn't want to raise no 'faggot filly fucker' as they so called her." Ginger Snaps was stunned. "That's horrible!" "Well, wherever he is going to, he's safe now and happy." she assumed. She gave a big sigh disappointment before she turned to leave. "I just wish I knew back then what I know now." she said before she left back for the train station. Ginger just looked at the mare leave before she looked up at the sky a saw a shooting star flash by in the night, the milky way was visible in the background next to Luna's moon. She quickly closed her eyes and made a wish. She really hoped the wish came true, but the chances are slim. But for now, all she could do was go along with the narrative all the adults will inevitably feed her about Caramel until it does come true. Six months later... In the middle of the night, Brass got up from bed and quietly sneaked her way to the sliding doors of the hotel room and to the balcony. She turned back to see a stallion peacefully asleep. There was a giant block of salt in the middle of the room and the room was a mess from the primal play sex from earlier. She strangely enjoyed it and was lucky to have found a stallion who also enjoyed it, granted, said stallion was a drummer for a rock band but at least she managed to travel on tour with them. She looked at the clock inside, past midnight, it was officially her fifteenth birthday. Except the stallion never knew that, he think she's 17 going on 18, perfectly legal in his mind since the age of consent is 16 across Equestria. Unfortunately, the teenage mare lost all meaning in life now that Caramel was gone. The last half year was fun of course, travel the kingdom, the wild sex, the drugs, but there was no longer any purpose. Her family is dead to her, the only stallion she ever truly loved has disappeared, and the stallion she's with now is too busy destroying his body with the constant drug, alcohol and sex abuse. She stood outside as the cold wind blew. It was another cloudy winter's night. Without a word, she climbed up to the top of the balcony railing. There was a faint circular wound on her neck, from Caramel's bite, and there was still a horseshoe shaped brand on her rump, healed but the mark remains, a reminder of the life she happily ruined, it only seemed fair to do so. She stood on top of the railing and looked down on the busy street below. With one last deep breath, she let herself fall. At the press room in Canterlot castle the next day, Celestia walked in to make an announcement. She was met by a wall of flashing cameras and reporters. The princess banged the gavel to quiet everyone down. Once the crowd was silent, she began. "I would like to announce that the foalophile ring has been shut down and all of its perpetrators and most of its participants have either been arrested or agreed to treatment at Canterlot Asylum." she announced. "I can also safely announce that evidence of similar rings in other cities of Equestria have never been found and it is assumed that they never existed." the reports began to ask questions, but Celestia raised her foreleg up to silence them. "However," she continued. "I would like to urge the Congress of Ponies to approve of new stricter sex offender laws I have proposed at their annual meeting next summer to make it harder for such things to happen and to suppress pro-foalophilia propaganda, to forever end the influence of such group as FLAC once and for all." As Celestia continued her speech, a guard quickly typed up a memo based on the speech and immediately gave it to a pegasus courier. The courier gave a quick salute and ran out of the room and flew out of the castle. At Fluttershy's cottage in Ponyville, the yellow pegasus mare walked inside from the snow and removed her hat and scarf. She rested by the fire to warm herself up only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. She looked out the window to see a crystal guard at the door, it could only mean one thing. She opened the front door and was immediately given a letter by the guard. She silently took it and the guard gave a quick salute before he flew away. Fluttershy quickly closed the door and opened the envelope to read the letter. Dear Fluttershy, My sister is going through with her new laws, be on the look out for even more possible foalophiles, I sense a potential influx of new arrivals who want to escape these draconian laws. Attached is a list of ponies either in Ponyville or within 10 miles from your location that I sense are possible foalophiles. I will write to Ember about issuing new resident visas so be ready for another letter detailing how many I received so you can plan accordingly. I would also like to say that the probation period for Caramel has been lifted and his request to have a filly live with him in Emberville has been approved by the town elders. You have 24 hours to get her to the village. Dark times are ahead of us, so be safe out there. Sincerely, HRH Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire Fluttershy put on a determined look on her face and got herself ready. The last six months have been painfully slow for Ginger Snaps. Her parents have naturally began to smother her and baby her, going overboard with their over-protection. She was forced to go to psychological exams and was relieved from the filly scouts due to the unwanted attention. But the worst part about the six months for her was the lies she had to tell, the lies she had to feed others, the fact she had to say what the adults wanted to hear. "He touched me there." "He was scary." "He used me to do yucky things." were some of the lies she told everyone. It pained her that no one can make the mental leap to comprehend that she and him were actually in love and not using each other. Everyone assumes that all foalophile adults want to do is rape a foal the first chance they get, but that's not true. But good luck convincing them otherwise. Ginger walked into her room and lied down on the bed from another long boring day. She just wanted to be put out of her misery, she just wanted to be left alone, this life she is living in Ponyville was a complete sham that the adults set up for her. Her real life was with Caramel, wherever he is. Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock on her bedroom window. She looked up to see a note was attached to it. She trotted over, opened the window, and grabbed the note. The cold air flowed in, but she was too focus on the letter to care. Please meet me at my cottage by midnight, if you want to be reunited with your one true love. Pack only what you can comfortably carry. But also remember, once you do this, you'll probably never come back to Ponyville or see your family ever again. -Fluttershy Ginger did not care. She would rather be with Caramel and treated as a regular pony than with her parents who treated as a defenseless baby. She quickly packed as much as she could and waited for her parents to go to bed. At midnight, Ginger trotted over to the cottage, the only sound around her was her hooves crushing the snow beneath. She knocked on the door and was let inside. "Just in time." whispered Fluttershy. "You sure you want to do this, last chance to pull out." she stated. Ginger just gave a determined look on her face. She wanted to do this. The mare saw this and gave the signal. Ginger's view was suddenly blocked by rag and a burlap sack. Everything went black. Dear Mom & Dad Just wanted to say that you are great parents and I love you both very much, but I needed to run away, to be my own mare. Ginger woke up in the middle of the forest. It was sunrise already, and she looked around to see a sign on one of the trees. 'Follow the pink arrows' was all it said. I am just tired of living this life, tired of being told what to say and do, and being treated like a defenseless baby. Ginger continued to follow the arrows as it lead her down a dirt path. Truth is, I am a filly who just so happens to be in love with an adult stallion, why? I don't know and I don't care, he has treated me better than anyone ever did. The filly had a flashback of seeing Caramel come out of the pond with an unconscious filly on his back and run to shore. She saw him save a filly, the only adult to ever notice since the others were too distracted. It was the first time she ever had feelings for him, the first time she felt the strange sensation between her hindlegs. The first time she was in love. Don't bother looking for me, I don't want to be found, I just want to live my life the way I want to with the pony I want to. She arrived at the village, situated between a riverbank and a cliff face. An occasional dragon flew overhead, signifying to the filly that she's in dragon territory somewhere. She trotted towards the settlement, passing a sign that read 'Welcome to Emberville." But don't blame yourselves, you are not horrible parents, you just have a headstrong and intelligent filly who was raised in the wilderness and wants to be wild and free like the wind. "You're looking for the shoe making shop?" asked a gray coated stallion to Ginger as a filly stood close to him. Ginger silently nodded. "Let me guess," smiled the stallion. "you know the new owner, because a foal can only enter this village if invited." he explained. "I think she knows that Type Set hun." giggled the filly. "You never know hun." laughed the stallion back as they nuzzled each other. The scene made Ginger proudly smile for them. "Anyways, welcome to Emberville, a place where we can live out our lives without harrasment and discrimination." announced the filly. "My name is Jazz and this big stallion here is my husband Type Set." she proudly introduced. "Happily married for three and a half years." Set jokingly bragged. Jazz jabbed him on the side. "Easy there you silly pony." she giggled. She then turned her attention to the other filly. "Anyways, good luck, hope it works out between you and your stallion." she said encouragingly. "The shop is down the main road to your right, you'll see the sign when you see it." Type pointed out before he couple trotted away back home, leaving Ginger behind. The former filly scout calmly trotted down the round until she saw a sign painted with three horseshoes arranged into a familiar shape for the filly: Caramel's cutie mark. A smile came upon the filly's face. The shop was about the same size as the one in Ponyville and like in Ponyville, a house was attached to it. With a smile she happily trotted over to the shop and saw a familiar stallion shaping a piece of metal into a shoe. And right, this wind is taking me to my one true love. Love, your wonderful daughter, Ginger Snaps Caramel noticed the visitor and took off his protective goggles to see it was indeed her. He looked at her with a smile, yet stunned. Ginger smiled back, her eyes began to tear up with joy. The two lovers were finally reunited at last, at a place they can finally be themselves for however long it lasts. THE END