• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 534 Views, 3 Comments

mlp fire emblem - Kauetheadventurer246

A war had started between two great kingdoms. Can a small group stop this? or will this war destroy everything?

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Chapter 1: Ponyville massacre

Sans had kept his side of the deal. The problems in Equestria were solved and now back to its former glory. Before Celestia, Luna and Sans started working, Sans gave them a warning. That the new species-Sans told them they were humans-will affect Equestria for the better or worse, it all depended on the sister's actions. The sisters took this in mind and started to help the humans. The humans were shocked at where they are and even more so when they saw Celestia and Luna. It took about five days for them to get a grip on the situation and when they did, Celestia told them that they were sent here to start a new kingdom of their own. The humans didn't take this well and told them they had no clue how to run a kingdom on their own. Celestia decided that they will become apart of Equestrian community and have homes and jobs but, first she must know what they are good at. The humans had no choice but to accept this and told them thier occupation. Celestia now knows that five from both male and female groups used to be soldiers, ten men were farmers, ten females turn out to be clothing makers, five from each group were blacksmiths, five males and females were merchants and the rest were builders. The soldiers were hired to be apart of the royal guards, the farmers will help by working on the farms, the clothmakers will help create new clothing for the ponies when Equestria was rebuild, the blacksmiths will build new armor, weapons and tools to help with the repairs on Equestria and army and finally, the builders will help build new homes for the ponies that lost theirs. Sans provided the materials to help and other provlems that were very difficult to fix. Soon after five years of hard work, Equestria was finally restored. Sans had disappeared that day and the humans were now here to stay. It took time for the ponies to accept the humans but, that was no longer a problem. After 20 years, the poluation of humans went from fifty to five hundred and the humans now are capable to build their own kingdom. It took about 11 years but soon, the kingdom was finally build, and so have their relationship with the ponies start to diminish. Years had past on and the cruelty of humanity had finally shown its face. Some humans became thieves, mercenaries, brigands and betrayed Equestria by commiting crimes like stealing from the ponies and attacking merchants. It wasn't long before the ponies started to grow a hatred towards the humans and started to blame all humans for the trouble they caused and the humans started to get angry as well. Celestia and Luna were shocked by this and tried to calm it down and they did it by creating a peace treaty that promised that the humans and ponies will never go into war. There is only one thing that the humans and ponies can agree on is that neither of them wants to start a war. A few years later after the peace treaty, the humans discovered an interesting mineral, manamite-yes, I know that name is pretty lame but, that is what they called it and also it fits in Equestria as well. Turns out that since the humans lived in a world filled with magic, they started to have what they call a mana pool- a place in which they can access it at anytime. Sadly the humans don't have much mana in thier bodies but, the manamite had fixed that. They used the minerals to create a new type of metal and formed the very first mana gun- a gun that tap into a human's mana pool and use it as ammo. Celestia soon discovered about this new weapon and requested that the guards have access to this. During a test run, the humans and ponies now know that the mana gun and the minerals are unable to handle the amount of mana in ponies without blowing up and only humans can use them. The new human king promised that they will only use these mana guns for self defense. Later on after the years it was all peaceful, but the humans and ponies don't exactly turst one another, except for one certain town that had ponies AND humans living together. Soon, the popluation was now five million. This town was called ponyville and it was quite peacful, that is until that fatful day, when the massacre happen. The year is now 1024 AD, June, 15th and that is when the massacre happen and is also where our story begins.

Two teens were running down the roads of ponyville. The teen leading the way was 15 and was a boy named Jack. Jack volt was a boy that loved to take on any fights and never backs down form anything but, will do anything to protect his younger brother. Jack wore a blue cloak with a red t-shirt underneath it, gray pants and combat boots. Jack had a smooth black style hair, brown eyes and has a bandana on his head. Jack turned around but, still continued to run to call out to the boy that was running behind.

"HEY CLINK! Hurry up why don't ya! A snail can easily out run you!", Jack yelled to the boy behind him. By the looks of thing, this boy is not as energetic as Jack. This boy that was having a hard time catching up with Jack is Clink Volt, the younger brother of Jack Volt. Clink is not like Jack however, Clink prefers to stay in his room reading books in peace and was kinda of a coward. Clink wore a blue small jacket, red shorts and has a pair of boot like shoes. He also always had a pair of engineer goggles on his head. There is one thing special about Clink however, normally humans are unable to use magic like unicorns except for A few and Clink was one of them. Clink is the only known human in the world that was capable of using magic like alicorns. He also had blue spikey hair and green and blue eyes, the left eye was green and the right eye was blue. He was made fun of from bullies because of his strange eye color; humans and ponies alike. Jack was always there to protect him from the bullies by beating some sense into them. He got in trouble a lot for that but, he told Clink that he would always protect him, no matter what. Clink was only a year younger than Jack but, Jack still treated him like a little kid. These two brothers were enjoying their summer vacation by heading towards sugar cube corner to get some sweets. They manage to get there without Clink passing out again. When they first came to this place, they couldn't believe what they saw, the whole bakery looked like a gingerbread house. Jack and Clink walked through the entrance and caused the door's bell to ring, alerting a certain pink pony to come out of nowhere and hugged them both. This pink pony is pinkie pie, she wore a apron and underneath it was a blue jacket with a white shirt with a heart on it, a pink skirt and blue shoes that reach up to her knees.

"How are two of our best costumers!", Pinkie spoke loudly with excitement as she squeezed Jack and Clink even harder. Jack's and Clink's started to turn blue as they were losing air.

"Pinkie... We... Can't... Breath!", Clink tried he best to tell Pinkie to stop suffocating them. Pinkie somehow heard what Clink said and let them both go as they took deep breaths as they almost were caught by death by another one of Pinkie's famous bear hugs. Jack took one last breath before facing Pinkie Pie looking like nothing had happen.

"So what's going on where Pinkie?", Jack asked Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie told both of the brothers that buisness was a little slow today and that she had a great time the cake's children. She asked you guys what you want to have.

"I will have a dark chocolate cupcake please.", Jack gave Pinkie pie his order. He leaned over the counter so that he was close to Pinkie's ear and asked her a question, "Can you put a little hot sauce on the cupcake?", Jack moved away from Pinkie after she gave a wink to him. Pinkie turned to face Clink for his order.

"I will have just a cup of a light chocolate one please.", Clink had gave his order to Pinkie. When Pinkie finish writing down the orders, she ran into the kitchen and came out in two seconds with Jack's and Clink's food. Jack took a bite to savor the moment and so did Clink with his. Clink noticed that Pinkie had tooken off her apron and was heading out the bakery. Clink manage to stop her by asking her a question, "Hey Pinkie, where are you going?", Pinkie turned around to face Clink. Jack decided to listen in and putted his cupcake down.

"Well, Twilight told me and her other friends to hurry to the train station to meet with the princess for a important meeting!", After Pinkie finished giving her answer, she ran through the door leaving a could-like image that contain all the color from her coat and clothes. Jack and Clink looked at each other. They both shrugged and continued eating thier food. When they finished eating thier little snack, they both pulled out the proper amount of bits and set it down on the table to bay thier own bill. Mr.Cake came to pick up the bits and putted it in the regeister machine. They both gave thier goodbyes and were about to leave until they heard someone screamed outside.

"What the hell was that!?", Jack yelled out and ran towards one of the windows to see what is going. Clink went over as well to see what in the world is going on. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, Bandits...they were killing the ponies and humans. They saw a few pony corpses and some human ones. Clink putted his hands on his mouth as his checks puffed out and ran to the nearest trash can and threw up in it. Jack was gripping his right hand with anger while he watch the guards kill the innocent civilians. Jack let out a grunt and turned to where Clink was and shouted to him, "HEY CLINK!", Clink just finish spilling his guts and turned to Jack while wiping off a little bit of bile on his chin.

"What is it Jack?", Clink asked Jack groggily still feeling sick from seeing the corpses.

"We are going to fight off those bandits!", Was all Jack told Clink. This had caused Clink to go wide eyed and turned quickly to Jack.

"WHAT!?", Clink shouted in surprise, "ARE YOU INSANE!? Why in the world do you want to fight bandits!?", Clink asked Jack angrly.

Jack let out a growl and looked at the floor. Jack wasn't really sure why he wanted to fight the bandits. He knew that they can't take on all those bandits but, they might be able to stall.

"We are going to try and fend off the bandits as long as possible to give some time for the ponyville guards can get here!", Jack told Clink. Clink was about to say something but, Jack didn't gave him a chance to say, "Unless you want more of those people and ponies to die, you are going to help me!", Jack manage to hit the bullseye because Clink was stumped on what to do. Soon, Clink let out a sigh and only nodded; this brought a smile to Jack's face. Jack turned to Mr.Cake, who was still standing there in horror, "Mr.Cake! Take your wife and kids to a safe place while me and Clink try to fend off the bandits, okay?", Jack told Mr.Cake, all he did was nodded and ran up the stairs to get his family and wished them good luck. Jack put his hand into his cloak and pulled out an iron sword and Clink moved his jacket up a bit and pulled out a basic mana gun. The mana gun design looks similar to a pistol except it's is made of gold like color and had blue lines through out on it as a way for mana to flow through the gun. Jack was about to open the door until he stopped and turned to Clink with a smirk, "And you said we shouldn't bring around weapons!", All that Clink did was sigh to his brother's remark and ran with him out on the battle field.


"Hey Clink, you do know how to fight right?"

"Um, no not really.", Clink answered to Jack while rubbing the back of his head. Jack letted out an annoyed groan and faced Clink.

"I am going to tell you the basics. Right now, think the battle field like a chess board. There are turns we have to follow: our turn and the enemy's turn. Just move closer to the enemy and try to attack if possible.", While Jack was explaining how to fight, a bandit saw them and so did jack, "Like so.", Jack said as he ran towards the bandit. Jack took a swing at the bandit and took away 9 points of hp away from the bandit's total of 18. The bandit took a swing at Jack with a bronze axe but, Jack easily dogded out of the way and swung at the bandit, killing him and gaining 28 exp. Jack turned to Clink who watch the whole thing and Jack started to talk about the weapon triangle, "The weapon triangle basically tells which weapons beats which, like rock-paper-scissors. Swords beats axes, axes beats lances and lances beats swords. There are a few exceptions but, I'll tell you that when we get there. Also you gain experience every time you go into a fight, you get the most experince if you defeat the enemy, got it?", Clink nodded to Jack, "Good, now lets go!", Jack yelled pointing his sword fowards but, but soon he remembered something about Clink's mana gun, "Almost forgot, the mana gun is not affected by the weapons trangles so, it is not weak to anything but, not strong against anything. Also, the mana gun acts like a tome and bow combined.The mana gun is not really strong but it's quites accurate and will use your magic to attack at a range and up close but, you can only use that as many times as your mana pool can allow it. When your mana pool runs out, you can no longer use it like a range weapon but, you can just it like a close range weapon, okay?", Clink looked at his mana gun and looked back to Jack to nod, "Good, now lets go because I had never really explained anything for this long.", With that, Clink and Jack charged into battle. Jack already made his move and all Clink did was moved foward a little.

The leader bandit came out of a house and saw Jack near a dead bandit. This caused the leader to be filled with rage at this sight and he let out a fearsome yell, "All of you worthless maggots are going to die! Alright you fools, KILL THOSE TWO KIDS!", The leader then ran to the town hall to make it his base. The other bandits heard the yell and started to move closer to Jack and Clink but, neither of them could reach them and thier turn was over.

Jack didn't waste anytime as he ran to another bandit and attacked him. The bandit manage to get a hit on Jack, causing him to lose 5 from his 20 points of health. Jack manage to kill the bandit but, not without coming out unscathed and earned 8 exp. Clink manage to build up what little courage he had and ran up to a bandit and attacked him. Clink pulled out his mana gun and shot at the bandit with a blue ball of mana, dealing 5 damage. Just like Jack said, the mana gun takes in magic to deal damage due to the fact it can't deal too much damage on it's own. The bandit couldn't fight back so, Clink shot at the bandit once again and left him with 4 hp and earned 10 exp. Clink also remebered something else that he remembered in school. The term for humans that can use magic like unicorns is magi. They can use magic but, they have a very limited amount of mana unlike the unicorns. They also can't regenerate their mana naturally so, they have to either rest or eat to restore thier mana. Clink looked at his gun because it can tell how much mana a human has left. It read, "8", This mean Clink can use his mana gun eight more times.

The bandit that was attacked by Clink ran up to him and swung his axe at him. Clink barly dodge the axe and countered the bandit, killing him and gaining 30 exp. Jack ran towards Clink so he could help out and also because none of the bandits were near him. While the fight was going on, three ponies came from the right of sugar cube corner. The three ponies were one from each race. The earth pony was wearing an old set of training armor and underneath it was a yellow coat and she held back her red hair with a big red bow. Next to the earth pony is a pegasus with wings smaller than the average pegasus. She was wearing similar armor like the earth pony except, it was leather. The pegasus had an amber colored coat, light purple eyes and dark pink mane. The last pony that was with them was a unicorn. Unlike the other two, the unicorn was wearing a white robe. The unicron had an marshmallow colored coat,-yes, I just had to make that joke-she also had light green eyes and a purple mane with a pink highlight that swirls like a yogurt. This three ponies were apart of the ponyville militia and were known as the cutie mark brigade. They were both in thier teen years like Jack and Clink except, the earth pony is about the same age as Clink while the others are a couple years older.

"Apple Bloom, are we really going to fight those bandits?", The unicorn asked the earth pony sounding quite nervous, "Wouldn't it be a better idea to wait until reinforcements come to help?". Apple Bloom turned to face the unicorn to answer her question.

"And let the ponies and humans die!? No way Sweetie Belle!", Apple Bloom told the unicorn sternly as she couldn't believe at what her friend was saying, "The most of guards went with princess twilight to escort her and the rest got killed by the bandits, we are the only ones that can help ponyville now.", After Apple Bloom was done talking to Sweetie Belle, the pegasus steped in to say something.

"Yeah Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom is right. We need to save ponyville, if you want to run and hide like a coward, than do it!", The pegasus yelled at Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle was begining to cry and this caused Apple Bloom to fume at the pegasus.

"SCOOTALOO! That was uncalled for!", Scootaloo just crossed her arms and let out a small humph. Apple Bloom went to Sweetie Belle to try to cheer her up, "Hey Sweetie Belle, please stop crying. If you don't want to fight with us, than that's-", Apple Bloom didn't finish her sentence when Sweetie Belle got up and rubbed her arm to wipe away the tears.

"It's okay Apple Bloom, I'm fine.", Sweetie Belle told Apple Bloom with a reassuring smile and soon, turned put on a serious face, "Now let's go save ponyville!", she cheered as her two friends join in the cheer as well. However, Scootaloo saw Jack and Clink on the battle field.

"Hey guys, two people are over there.", Scootaloo told her friends as she pointed to the direction of where Jack and Clink are, "Should we help them?", Apple Bloom walked past Scootaloo and turned around.

"Of course we are going to help them. Now let's move out!", Apple Bloom yelled as she ran towards Jack and Clink and so did Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Apple Bloom was th first one to get there. She walked up to Clink to talk to him, "Howdy there partner.", Apple Bloom said cheerfully but, this caused Clink to let out a quick scream and crouch down in fear, "Oh sorry, Didn't mean to scare ya there.", Clink looked up to see who was talking to him and saw Apple Bloom. He letted out a sigh of relief as it wasn't a bandit. He got up and dusted off his coat and looked at Apple Bloom.

"Oh uh, h-hey Apple Bloom. What brings you here?", Clink asked Apple Bloom sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head; He was never good at talking with girls or anyone in general. Apple Bloom gave Clink a smile and gave him her answer.

"Me and my friends came to fight off the bandits!", When Apple Bloom gave her answer, Jack had just sneaked up behind Clink and asked Apple Bloom a question.

"Can you and your friends fight?", When Jack finished his question, Clink jumped in fright at the sudden appearance of Jack. He letted out a sigh and glared at Jack, who was chuckling at how easily Clink was to scare. Soon Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle caught up. Scootaloo heard Jack's question and answered it for Apple Bloom.

"Of course we can fight! We ARE in the militia.", Scootaloo said as she pumped out her chest with pride but, all Jack did was stare at her with a deadpan look on his face. Soon he asked Scootaloo a question that caught her off guard.

"Let me guess. You were all only put in the militia yesterday, weren't you?", Jack asked his question in a deadpan voice. This caused to let a nervous chuckle at his question as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Um, well...", Was all that Apple Bloom said to Jack's guess, all Sweetie belle did was look at the ground. Jack face palmed as he let out an annoyed groan. He then looked at the three once more.

"So now we got three recruits that came to help and they have barely any training.", Jack said as he continued to at the three and they all nodded their heads, "Just perfect!", Jack said with a sarcastic tone, "But, this is better than nothing. Heck, we got us three recruits classes helping us!", It was now Clink turn to ask a question.

"Recruits classes?", Clink asked in confusion. Jack turned to look at Clink and done a face palm.

"Right, I never told you about classes didn't I?", Jack let out a sigh and continued talking, "Well, people or ponies have something called classes. It defines what they are. For example, the bandits' classes are brigands.There are other classes but, I won't go too deep into that right now. I will however, tell you a little about recruit classes. You see, most classes have a level cap of 20 but, recruits get 10 free levels before they get a base class. They both can choose from three different classes but, they can tell us what they can class chance into after this battle, okay?", Clink nodded to this, "Good, now back to the fight!"

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had just joined Jack and Clink as they try to save ponyville. Apple Bloom up to a near by brigand and pulled out a bronze sword to get the weapon triange bonus. She attacks the brigand and took about half his health away, the brigand countered Apple Bloom and caused her to take 4 points from her max of 21. She swung once more, killing the brigand and gained 60 exp. Sweetie Belle ran up to Apple Bloom and healed her for about 14 hp and gained 25 exp for healing. Scootaloo has a bigger movement range like Jack and moved next to Apple Bloom.

The leader was seeing everything from the town hall as he saw that there are two brigands left out there and he was losing his temper.

"YOU FOOLS! How in the world are you losing to a bunch of kids!? Kill them already!", the brigand leader yelled. The two brigands moved closer to the team. One of them manage to reach Scootaloo and they took a swing at her. Axes beat lances so, the brigand dealed 6 damage to her. She retaliated but, she didn't do too much damage and only caused 6 damage and another 6 since she was faster than the brigand but, only got 20 exp becuase she didn't kill him.

Apple Bloom moved to where the brigand that attacked Scootaloo and finish him off and got enough exp to gain her first level.

Apple Bloom

"I could do better than this." Apple Bloom complained at the bad level up she received but, at least she can hit a little harder. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were a little confused because they saw Apple Bloom had just talked to the no one in perticular but, they shrugged and decided to not pay attention to it. Scootaloo moved up until she was one space away from a brigand and pulled out a bronze bow. She shot an arrow at the brigand, dealing 6 damage due to the brigand's 1 defense. She shot once more but, the brigand was still standing with only 4 hp. Sweetie Belle moved towards the bandit until she was one space away from him and pulled out a fire tome and cast a fireball at the brigand and took the full 6 damage, killing him. Sweetie Belle had gain 60 exp from the fight. Clink was watching all of this and is quite surprised at what he saw and no it was not the girls fighting but, he saw something else. It's hard to explain but, he saw the accuracy, damage and critical chance for both the girls and the brigands! Clink can even see what kind of things they had, their stats, their hp, the exp bar and even some info on them. Clink closed his eyes as he rubbed them to make sure that what he saw was just his imagination. Clink blinked a couple of times and he didn't see those things again. That was when Jack came up to Clink to ask him while sounding a little concern.

"Hey, are you okay Clink?", This caused Clink to jump a little but, he calmed down as he answered Jack's question.

"Yeah, I-It's nothing Jack.", Jack looked at Clink to make sure that Clink wasn't lying. Clink saw this and decided to say something to Jack, "I'll tell you about it later.", This seem to have convince Jack to believe what Clink said and so, he dropped it. That only leaves one question however, "How am I supposed to explain how I saw weird numbers and the weapons the girls and brigands were carrying!", Clink told himself with worry. Clink let out a sigh and decided to think about it later. They manage to kill off the brigands and all that is left is the leader at the town hall. Clink and Jack moved closer to the town hall to fight the leader but, they couldn't reach him. When the enemy's turn came, the leader did nothing as he stays at the entrance of the town hall. Jack was planning to move to the Leader but, stay one space away from him. That sounded like a good plan if Clink didn't saw the fact the leader has a handaxe, waiting to be used. Clink grabbed on Jack's shoulder so, he can warn him, "Careful Jack, he has a handaxe and an iron axe on him. He is also a little tougher than the other bandits we fought!", Jack just thought Clink was being paranoid but, he decided to trust him and made sure he was two spaces away. The leader heard what Clink said and was shocked.

"How the hell did you know that I had an handaxe one me!?", The bandit leader yelled angerly at Clink. Jack was shocked as well because Clink was right about the handaxe. Jack turned to Clink and pointed his index finger at him, this was Jack way of saying, "We will talk about this later." When it was their turn once more, Jack ran up to the leader to fight him.

"Grrrr, those fools were USELESS! If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself!", the bandit leader said with hints of anger in his voice. Jack swung his sword at the leader and only did 6 damage to his total of 26 hp while gaining 20 exp. 'Clink was right, he is tougher. This is going to be a little hard but, at least it's going to be fun', Jack thought to himself. The leader pulled out an iron axe and attacked Jack but, he moved out of the way just in time. Jack was faster than the leader and manage to redcue the leader's health to 14. Clink didn't want to move closer in fear of getting attacked by the handaxe but, he knew that Jack couldn't dodge the bandit's axe forever. Despite Clink's better judgement, he ran behind Jack and pulled out his mana gun and pointed at the bandit but, the bandit said something before the battle.

"Wait, are you a magi?", The bandit leader asked Clink. All Clink did was nodded his head and his answer made the bandit become furious, "Great, now I have to deal with a freak as well!", The bandit soon put on a creepy smile, "Don't worry, I will put you out of your miserable life!" That sentence alone made Clink feel shivers in his spine but, he shooked it off and fired at the bandit. Luckily, the bandit didn't have much resistance so, Clink manage to deal 5 damage. Since the bandit still had the iron axe out so, Clink fired once more without getting countered and gained 25 exp. The bandit wasn't looking so hot now that he only had 4 hp. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo tried to get to where Jack and Clink are but, they weren't close enough. Sweetie Belle decided to heal Scootaloo's wounds and she got her first level up.

Sweetie Belle

"That was really bad.", Sweetie Belle commented on her on bad level up. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were going to ask what Sweetie Belle was talking about but, they dropped.

The Bandit was having a hard time trying to stand on his own two feet. He was getting quite annoyed that he was having trouble against these kids. He let out a grunt as he pulled out his handaxe and threw it at Clink as a last resort. It almost got Clink but, he dodge in just a spilt second. Clink pulled out his gun and blasted the bandit, taking away his last bit of hp.

"I...can't believe that I lost to a buch of...kids. They didn't tell me about... This", The bandit gave out his last words before falling to the ground and let out his last breath. Clink had gained 100 exp from the boss and earned his first level up.

Clink Volt

"This might be good enough to help me survive a little better.", Clink commented on his decent level up. When that was finish, Jack ran up to the town hall and rasied his sword. They had defeated the bandits.
Clink felled down on his butt from exhaustion from the battle. The cutie mark brigade let out a cheer as they jumped up and down in excitement that they won thier very first battle. They were in a good mood until Jack pointed out the reality.

"Look at all this.", Clink and the three ponies looked at what Jack was pointing and now saw a reason that they shouldn't celebrate. Many bodies of humans and ponies lied on the ground. None of them were moving. Clink hold both of his hands to his mouth, trying not to throw up again. Apple Bloom stared im horror as she saw two ponies that she hoped would survive this attack. She saw her grandma and big brother on the ground. She dropped her sword and felled to her knees, tears started to fall as she began to mourn over her now dead family members. Sweetie Belle closed her hands together and closed her eyes as she prayed that they will have a happy afterlife. Scootaloo only looked at disgust at how cruel humans can really be, she walked over to a dead bandit and started to kick it around to let out some steam. Jack only watch all of this and tightens his grip on his sword, "WHY THE HELL DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!?", Jack yelled out to the heavens. This caught the three ponies and Clink's attention, "All I wanted to do is have a great and relaxing summer with my brother and those bandits had to come and ruin EVERYTHING! So many ponies and humans are dead because of these assholes.", Jack spat on the bandit boss before continuing, "What did we do to deserve this bullshit?", Jack asked to anyone that could give him an answer. Jack felt someone touching his shoulder. Jack turned around and saw it was Clink's hand. They both stared at each other for a little bit until Clink broked the ice.

"It's okay Jack, at least we stopped the bandits from doing anymore harm to the town. If we didn't do anything, than even more people would have died.", Clink said trying to cheer up his brother. Jack stared at the ground for a few seconds and soon, a smile appeared on his face.

"You're right Clink, we manage to stop a small group of bandits from destroying this town.", Jack soon put his arm around Clink's neck and brought him closer, "More importantly, how did you know that the bandit had a handaxe?", Jack asked Clink with curiosity. This was the kind of question Clink was hoping to avoid. Clink was going to say something until he saw something shining in the sky.

"What is that?", Clink asked as he squinted his eyes and put his right hand over his eyes to block out the sun to see what is up there. Jack raised an eyebrow and looked at the sky as well. Jack was quite surprised at what he saw.

"Is that what I think it is?", Jack asked as he saw the object get closer and closer. Jack got his answer as a two golden chariots landed on the ground with four Pegasus. They all had white coats and were wearing golden armor. These ponies were apart of the royal army.

"Why are the royal guards doing here?", Clink whispered into Jack's ears. Jack moved his mouth so it was closer to Clink's ear so, he can whisper his answer.

"I have no clue.", After Jack gave his answer, the guards looked at them. This caught Jack and Clink by surprised as one of the guards walked up to Jack and Clink. They stood there in silences but, the guard broke that silences.

"Are you two and those two ponies responsible for stopping these bandits?", Jack and Clink looked at one another and to the ponies behind them. Apple Bloom had finish crying but, looked pretty gloomy. Scootaloo still looked a little pissed and Sweetie Belle was just looking at the ground. Jack turned his head to the guard and asked him a question.

"Yeah but, who's asking?", The next few words caught everyone off gaurd.

"Princess Celestia and Luna had asked for your present in the castle."

Author's Note:

The battles will be made the way it was done in fire emblems. Even the levels up will be based on the RNG. If you don't like it, well that is fine by me. I will offer a list of the current characters Stats and descriptions on a blog or something. Well, until next time.
EDIT: I changed somethings and fixed some mistakes in the story.

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