• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 727 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Soul Eaters - ComputerGlitch88

Where ponies must work to protect their world against the changelings, horrible creatures that eat the cutie marks of innocent ponies. its up to the academy of brave ponies to fight against them. partners, a mister and a weapon.

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The Training Mission

My little Soul Eaters

The Training Mission

Rainbow Dash blew her scruffy multicolored mane out of her eyes, feeling drowsy. She laid on her stomach and cuddled up to the couch pillows on her sofa. She had been up late helping Applejack get a nest of Parasprites out from behind the washing machine, and was in need of a morning nap. As she tried to get a bit of extra shut-eye, Applejack stood in the kitchen shoving her hooves in a bowl of batter. The Kitchen led straight into the living room without a wall in-between, So Rainbow was able to see A.J. messily spilling batter pretty much everywhere. She was going to tell her that her long, blonde mane was halfway into the bowl, but she decided to just let Applejack do her thing. Making those Apple Pancakes may be messy, but it was definitely worth it.

" Hey sugarcube, I'll let ya' rest but don't be mad if ah' eat it all while you're sleepin'."

" I'll wake up by then, The smell will be my alarm clock."

Applejack's raspy voice chuckled as she continued to spill pancake batter all over the counter.

Applejack was about to start up the stove when the doorbell buzzed. Rainbow shot up from the couch, " What was that!?" She gasped, startled.

" It's just the door Rainbow, ah'll get it."

Applejack trotted up to the rug by the front door and found a large letter laying on it, presumably shoved through the letter slot.She could hear some faint giggles from behind the door, as she picked up the letter and ripped it open. It was written in a pretentious tone, trying to sound way more professional than it actually was. Applejack read though the words, most of it being filler, but when she got to the ending her eyes bulged open. She let out a yelp, waking Rainbow once again.

" Applejack! You said you would let me sleep!" Rainbow whined. She looked at Applejack's beaming face as the cowpony lifted up a sloppy looking letter.

" THEY GOT IN!" Applejack shouted.

Rainbow jaw dropped. " THEY GOT IN?!" Rainbow smiled along with Applejack, completely forgetting about her fatigue. She flew over and threw the door open, looking at the two filly's sitting in the hallway.

" APPLEJACK!" Applebloom yelled as she jumped onto her big sister.

Scootaloo tried to keep her cool around Rainbow. " Hi Rainbow!"

Rainbow dash smiled and pulled Scootaloo towards her. She rubbed her hoof against her little buddy's head. " What's that? You're not happy to see me?" Rainbow Teased.

Scootaloo panicked " NO! No! I am! I am!" Scootaloo wrapped her hooves around her honorary sister.

Applejack pried Applebloom off of her and sat her on the rug. " Ah' am so proud that you two got into the DWMA!" Applejack congratulated.

The two little ponies grinned, liking this new praise. " Yeah!" Applebloom cheered " We were so surprised the Shinigami Celestia said she loved our presentation!"

Rainbow nodded "And It's great that you two got paired up together!"

Applebloom shook her head. " Actually, Ms.Luna said that she saw some real potential in me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. So she said that we would work best as a three pony team!"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash's mouths gaped open. " Really?! But, that barely ever happens!"

"Yeah," Applejack agreed. " Well, ah' guess that means you guys are somethin' special."

The kids jumped around hallway, overwhelmed with excitement. Applejack let out a sigh, when she asked" Hey, where's Sweetie Belle?"

"She visiting Rarity, But she'll come over in a minute." Scootaloo answered.

The four ponies continued with hugs and compliments. It was tough to see family when you were in DWMA, seeing as how you always needed to be ready to take on a changeling. So any visits from ponies that didn't live in the same apartment building needed to be scheduled weeks in advance. Applejack and Applebloom hadn't seen each other in about a year, and Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hadn't seen each other since Rainbow joined the academy. They needed to savor this moment, since their letter stated that the C.M.C were moving into the building on the other side of town.

" Hey!" Rainbow got an idea. " You guys should show us your presentation!"

The two filly's smiled. " Yeah! That's sounds awesome!" Scootaloo proclaimed.

Applejack walked the filly's into the living room, as Rainbow pulled the coffee table away from the couch, giving them room to preform.

" It looks a lot cleaner since the last time ah' saw this place." Applebloom stated.

Applejack grinned " Yeah, ever since ah' implemented the " Give Applejack a bit every time you don't clean up after yer'self rule" things have been looking a lot nicer 'round here."

Rainbow groaned. " I hate that rule."

Applebloom and Scootaloo stood in front of the sofa, as their sisters quietly sat, waiting to see their skills. " Alright, it looks a little weird without Sweetie Belle, But ah' think we can make it work." Applebloom warned. Scootaloo stood up straight and tall, as a light began to shine off her. She fell into Applebloom's hoof as a bright orange nunchaku, The chains colored a deep purple. Rainbow clapped, It was always exciting to see what a pony's weapon was. Applebloom began to throw and thrash around the nunchaku, preforming something she had obviously memorized. Her hoof was even gripped as if she was holding another nunchaku, presumably Sweetie Belle. She threw up Scootaloo into the air, and bowed. Before the The sisters could react Scootaloo fell back down to earth, knocking Applebloom in the head.

" What'd ya do that for?!" Applebloom shouted at Scootaloo as she rubbed the forming bump on her head.

" I didn't do anything! I was sitting there when you dropped me!" Scootaloo argued, changing back into a pony .

Applejack chuckled, the two filly's bickering reminded her of her and Rainbow. She remembered how when they first moved in together they would fight all the time. They had no idea how to live with each others flaws and issues, so that led to a lot of stupid arguing. But now that they've lived together for two years,they stopped caring about the little quirks and focused on what was so great about each other instead, even if they still fought sometimes. And that was the way they liked it.

"Alright, Alright, calm down," Rainbow sighed. " Scoots, when you're a weapon you can't just zone out, It all rely's on focus. It can be frustrating, and trust me, I know how hard it can be. But you need to be in tune with your miester, feeling everything that's going on around you. It will be a lot easier for you, and your partners if you do."

Scootaloo nodded. Rainbow looked over at Applebloom. " And Applebloom, Applejack will be better at talking to you about being a miester than me, but you probably don't want to throw things over your head."

Applebloom frowned, embarrassed as her big sister threw her arm around her. " Aw, Applebloom ah' still thought it was great! Don't be down on yer'self now." Applejack encouraged, letting the country twang in her voice resound.

Rainbow grinned at the sisters while she jokingly used Scootaloo's head as an armrest. " Thanks for the advice Rainbow." Scootaloo smiled.

" Don't mention it squirt, You're going to need it tomorrow on your first day of training," Rainbow said, giving herself a pat on the back for her great mentor skills.

" Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I hope that were ready to impress Shinigami Celestia and Ms.Luna." Scootaloo worried

" Don't worry about that. Nobody knows what their doing on the first day. Their not looking to be impressed." Rainbow said

" I know, but we want to be the best!" Scootaloo proclaimed. " Right Applebloom?" Applebloom cheerfully nodded.

Scootaloo looked back at Rainbow. " If we stand out, than everyone will know how awesome we are! I wish that we could get a head start."

Rainbow smacked her hooves together. She felt as though a light bulb had appeared above her head. " YES! We should give you a head start!" Rainbow's voice rang with enthusiasm. " LETS GO CHANGELING HUNTING!!"

Rainbow slammed the window open and flew outside. She hoped to find a changeling somewhere that she could bring back and have the fillies destroy. But before she got anywhere she felt a familiar tug on her tail. She looked back through the window where she saw Applejack looking annoyed as she bit on the end of Rainbow dash's tail. " Not so fast sugarcube, We can't just have them kill somethin'. They need to know how to deal with actually being on a mission. How to go through some strange place to find an enemy."

Rainbow groaned, then nodded. " True. But they still need to know how to fight." Rainbow sassed as she flew back into the apartment.

" True." Applejack shrugged and then smiled. " Hey, we should take them on a mission with us! that way we can show them the ropes!"

Rainbow pulled her fist to her side, grinning. " YEAH! Perfect! Now lets go!" Rainbow shot back out the window.

Applebloom stared out the window for a few seconds before asking her big sis, " Uh, should we try to stop her?"

" Naw, she'll just sit at the place until we get there." Applejack rubbed her sisters head lovingly." But let's not keep her waiting too long."

Applebloom saw the look on Applejack's face and became perplexed. Why did Applejack seem so happy by Rainbow running out like that? She asked her about this.

" Huh? Oh. Ah' just think it's kind of......" Appplejack paused looking for an appropriate word. " Charming. It's charming. A bit more exciting than just a partner that sits around for ya'." Applebloom still felt a bit skeptical about this answer, but decided to just go with it. But she couldn't help but think that something else was going with the way Applejack was acting about Rainbow.

" So, lets go get Sweetie Belle and then meet up with Rainbow, Alright girls?"

" Alright!" Applebloom and Scootaloo chimed, Feeling the excitement filling up inside them. But, they knew to be professional and walked confidently out of the door, careful not to let a squeal slip out of them.

Author's Note:

HEY GUYS! I hope that you're liking the story so far!

I know that this chapter is a bit short and I'm sorry about that. It's just because I've REALLY been wanting to write a quick romantic fluff story. DON'T WORRY! That doesn't mean I'm stopping this story or anything. Heck no, This thing is far from over. But It may be a little while before the next chapter, while I write a story or two to satisfy my craving for writing a short romance. But after that, everything will be back normal!

Thanks for being awesome.

Comments ( 2 )

Really a shame this is dead.
Would have to see what happens next.

Where's Spike though?
Why is he missing out hard here?

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