• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 727 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Soul Eaters - ComputerGlitch88

Where ponies must work to protect their world against the changelings, horrible creatures that eat the cutie marks of innocent ponies. its up to the academy of brave ponies to fight against them. partners, a mister and a weapon.

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Applejack and Rainbow Dash

My little Soul Eaters

Applejack Rainbow Dash

" Are you sure ya' brought everythin'?" Applejack asked as she walked on the sand.

"Yeeeeeesssss, Are you gonna ask me that the whole way there?" Rainbow questioned.

" I'll stop ask'in ya' when ya' prove to me that you won't constantly keep leaving all the supplies at home!" Applejack Ranted.

" Oh I leave the Bandages at home ONE time and you never let me hear the end of it!" Rainbow complained.

" One, it was more than once, and two, I had a huge cut on ma'h neck!"Applejack choose to ignore Rainbow Dash's response, feeling that it would just further annoy her. Also she knew that they were nearing in on there destination, but why Did the building have to be in the middle in desert? she grumbled as she thought about their situation.

" And that's why Even though I may have forgotten the bag a few times, that doesn't make me any less awesome, but I still will prove that I can turn over a new leaf! So I will- Hey! are you listening to me?" Rainbow smacked the back of Applejack's head. Her hat flew off her head and on to the grimy sand. Applejack Didn't Move for second, Thinking, before she went to pick up her hat. Rainbow was off put but Applejack's silence. " hey, Applejack are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted you to listen to me."

" Aw, I'm sorry Sugarcube, I'm just upset that we have to walk all this way," Applejack said feeling down on herself.

"Oh, Don't worry about that! Hey, I know what'll make you feel better..." Rainbow Grinned Devilishly. Applejack cheered up the moment she heard Rainbow.

"A race, Ah presume?"

"you know it!" Rainbow Cheered. "now, get ready.......geeeet seeeet-" Rainbow shot off before she fished the phrase, Leaving Applejack in the dust.

" AY! You get back here!!"Applejack yelled starting to run after her at full speed.

Rainbow flew though the desert as fast as she could, making sure to hold onto the bag so nothing fell out, She wasn't going to let Applejack get angry with her. She was going to prove that she could be responsible for The supplies. She held the satchel by her chest, Against her dark blue and yellow skin tight jacket. She could hear the furious galloping of Applejack, only a few feet behind her. She tried to fly as fast she could without her wings aching, but Applejack was quickly gaining on her. Applejack's brown flimsy jacket flapped as she ran towards Rainbow, trying to catch up from her head start. Rainbow was nervous about how faraway Applejack was from her, until she saw Applejack Gallop up right next to her. she gave a smile as if to say, " hey look at me, i'm beating you, DEAL WITH IT!" in a funny way of course, As she ran ahead of Rainbow. Applejack ran a few feet ahead of Rainbow before she suddenly stopped. Her hooves dragged in the ground before she came to a halt. She knew that she should check the compass real quick to make sure they were going the right way, but first she turned around to declare herself the winner of the race when she heard rainbow screaming.

" WATCH OUT!!!!" Rainbow was still soaring through the air when Applejack stopped running, she ended up bashing into Applejack. After Applejack felt the impact of Rainbow Dash Crash into her and the pain of being knocked to the ground, she looked down and saw Rainbow on her lap.Rainbow was staring up at Applejack when she realized she was on her lap. She could feel her face get hot for a moment as she looked into Applejack's deep green eyes. Applejack's Cheeks turned pink for a moment before Rainbow flew off of her. "Oh, uh sorry." Rainbow said, embarrassed.

"Don't worry bout it, sugarcube." Applejack said, trying to get her mind off the awkward moment and back onto the more important things.

"And ah' just need to say..." Applejack started "I WON! I WON!"

Rainbow frowned and then smiled, " alright, alright you got me but I'm totally gonna destroy you next time!

"We'll see," Applejack Slyly smiled. " but real quick," Applejack held out her hoof, "I need to check the compass, make sure were not completely lost... you brought it, right?"

" "of course!" the Pegasus confidently reached into the bag and slapped the compass into Applejack's hoof.

" Good! thanks Rainbow!" Applejack checked the compass as Rainbow smiled.

"I knew i'd show her." she thought.

"but just so ya' know this doesn't prove that you remember the supplies," Applejack stated as she checked the compass.

" WHAT? Why not?"

"one time doesn't prove yerself."

"Fine" Rainbow Dash grumbled." so where are we?"

Applejack looked in front of her. " actually, only a few hundred more feet that way." Applejack stuck the compass back into the bag and her and rainbow dash started trotting towards their destination.

" So were going to a changeling club in the middle of the dessert? Right?" Rainbow asked, forgetting the mission for a minute.

" eeyup" Applejack answered.

" Aw yeah! I can't wait to destroy all those guys, should give me a pretty hefty meal, don't you think?"Rainbow Said.

Applejack giggled, " sure sugarcube." Rainbow smiled, she didn't want anyone to know, but when Applejack called her sugarcube it always made her feel warm inside. like Applejack was showing her how special she was, she knew she was looking too much into it, but still. but she wouldn't let any pony know that.

When they got to the tiny shack they marveled at how underwhelming it was. They both imagined it as some big Las Pegasus gang club building, but it was just a run-down black wooded old shack in the middle of nowhere. " um, not exactly what I expected."Rainbow turned her head, trying to literally look at it from a new angle.

" yeah," Applejack turned and smiled at Rainbow, trying to hold in her laughter." It's even more amazing than I thought it could be!" They both laughed at Applejack's sarcastic comment, Until they heard a yell coming from inside the house.

" AY! IS SOMEONE OUTSIDE! SCRAM!" The shack door burst open with about twenty changelings pouring out of the house, all looking angry. " what are you doing? You better leave or well be the last things you see!" one of the changelings called from the crowd.

Applejack Confidently glared at the changelings, trying to intimidate them." Were here.... to take your cutie marks!" she held out her hoof waiting for Rainbow to transform, She yelled out her name. "Rainbow!"

"Ready!" Rainbow chimed. her body began to glow and contort into her weapon form. Her arms turned strait and skinny as she turned. she fell from the sky and into Applejack's hoof. Rainbow was now a Rainbow colored, fully loaded gun. Applejack stood on her hind legs and put her other hoof on the other end of the gun and pulled it back making a intimidating "chu-chunk!" sound she gave a sly grin and pointed the gun towards the changeling crowd.

" Come and get us."

Rainbow reflection shined off the metal part of the gun. she grinned, " AW YEAH!" Then rainbow automatically switched to autopilot.

Applejack panicked,"RAINBOW! NO!" but rainbow didn't listen. She started firing in all directions missing the changeling horde almost every shot. "RAINBOW STOP!" But it was too late. after only five changelings where killed Rainbow tried to shoot again, but realized she was out of bullets.

"Ya wasted your bullets on nothing! pay attention next time!" Applejack yelled at rainbow's reflection on the gun.

"Ok! sorry! I just got Excited! if you refill Me I can get them!" Rainbow boasted.

"No, Ah'm your miester! You need to listen to me!" Applejack scolded.

" I know, I'm saying if you listen to ME and fill me up we can win!"

" No! Listen! Ah'm saying ya-" Applejack couldn't finish because one of the changelings dived for her, bored of their bickering.

"RUN!" Both of them yelled as they ran Away from the mob chasing after them, Still angry with their argument but they both saw they would have to clear that up later.