> My Little Soul Eaters > by ComputerGlitch88 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twilight and Pinkie Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My little Soul eaters. Twilight and Pinkie Pie In the middle of the night, A mare walked on the brick path connecting the two streets together. She was carrying her just-bought groceries with her as her hooves tapped the brick road. As she trotted, she began to feel a creeping feeling of paranoia. she looked at the eerie large buildings looming over her, and her only light source was the single street lamp on the edge of the curb. she was spooked by the rhythmic clicking of her hooves making contact with the road and the scattering she heard in the alleys. she suddenly turned around, looking to make sure nothing was following her. Her eyes darted all over the street, but she saw nothing. she turned around, feeling that it was all in her imagination, when instead of a road she came face to face with the black fangs and ocean blue eyes of a changeling . she tried to scream for help but the changeling had already bitten into her, and quickly killed her. The mare lied on the ground for a moment until its body Faded away, leaving nothing but the ponies's cutie mark. The cutie mark floated in the air, ready to be taken. The edges of the cutie mark shined a calming blue color , every pony knew that a ponies cutie mark glowed blue when they died, it showed the good and kindness that ran through their veins when they were alive. The changeling gave a sly smirk, Delighted by the meal sitting in front of him. he leaned forward and chomped down on the mark, it squished between his teeth as he chewed it up and swallowed it. "CHANGELING!" shouted a commanding voice behind the him. He turned and Grimaced at the Alicorn standing on the road. She was a lavender alicorn, wearing a black, zipped up sweater with white lace. with her horn, she was holding the handle of a large whip. The handle was bright pink, with a symbol of three balloons and confetti. the rope was dark pink and smelled of candy, many ponies thought that meant the rope was actually licorice, but no one knew for sure. The Alicorn stood tall and proud with her back straight and head high. " YOU HAVE TAKEN ONE TOO MANY CUTIE MARKS! AND THAT MEANS THAT WE WILL HAVE TO TAKE YOUR CUTIE MARK! WITH MY FRIEND HERE WE MAKE SURE TO WRAP THIS ALL UP NICELY! Twilight had no idea why she said that last line. it sounded so stupid she couldn't believe it was coming out of her mouth. was a pun really going to make this changeling intimidated of her? Pinkie must have been starting to rub off on her. Speaking of Pinkie, the end of the whip Twilight was holding began to glow. the very end of the rope turned into the front half of Pinkie. " Ha Ha! that was a good one Twilight! you've been working on your material since last time!" Pinkie laughed. " Pinkie! Now is not the time!" Twilight said through her gritted teeth.Pinkie looked at the changeling who was rather disinterested with their conversation, wondering whether he should just get it over with and kill them or see what happens. " Oop! Sorry Twilight!" Pinkie gave a awkward smile and her body turned back into the end of the whip. The changeling gave up at the point and started to fly away, forgetting that Twilight had wings too. she quickly swooped in front of him and smacked the end of the Whip against his face, his black cheek filled up with blood and turned a cherry red. he quickly went from irritated to enraged. He dove towards Twilight, baring his fangs and letting out a screeching "HISS!" . Twilight swiftly dodged to the side And flew south. she then wrapped the whip around his hoof. Realizing that Twilight had gone,he tried to bite the rope to get it off of his hoof.but instead twilight thrust the changeling towards the ground as hard as she could. He shot headfirst into the path creating a small hole in the road. A few bricks went loose and one or two of them flew off in different directions. He laid on the floor for a few seconds before vanishing and leaving a cutie mark. The cutie mark left a red glow, showing the distrust and hurt the changeling expressed in its life. Pinkie quickly went from being a (possibly) candy whip to a pony in a second flat as she skipped over to the cutie mark and started to slurp it up like milkshake. she was bright pink with a darker pink mane, wearing a green and brown camo jacket and a satchel with supplies around her chest. she swallowed the mark in one bite and smiled. " ooo! Cherry pie and cinnamon flavored, Yummy!" Twilight rolled her eyes at Pinkie, "you know those don't have flavors Right?" Pinkie shot her a mysterious look and then smiled. " well how do you know? You've never eaten one!" " That's because I can't." Twilight said with a tone of Duh, you should already know that." I know, but see! you don't know what it tastes like so you can't prove that they don't come in flavors!" Pinkie smirked believing she had won the argument. " I think I've read enough about it to know" Twilight Know-it-all-ingly said. " well books only go so far when you've got first hand experience!" Pinkie gave another victory smirk. Twilight smiled, "you can't lose an argument about sweet stuff ever, can you"? Pinkie gave a chipper grin, "Nope!" Twilight Chuckled, "You can be hard to work with sometimes you know?" Pinkie Frowned "you don't really mean that, Right Twilight?" Twilight gave Pinkie a reassuring smile "of course not Pinkie, I'm just joking, now lets go home. I need to plan out what were doing tomorrow." Twilight began to trot down the road. Pinkie Got an excited smile on her face. " Yay! and I can finish eating the rest of the cookies I baked this morning!" She began to bounce down the street next to Twilight. Twilight quickly checked her watch, She thought about whether or not Shinigami Celestia got the cutie mark by now and put it in their files. This was always the most stressful part of changeling hunting, waiting to find out if Shinigami fixed their grade so the new cutie mark would show up. she would die if the cutie marks were lost and she failed, she Shook nervously at the thought. "hey Twilight? you coming?" Twilight looked up, not realizing she had stopped walking, Pinkie was already all the way up the road. Twilight blushed. "oh! sorry Pinkie! I got a bit distracted." Her and Pinkie walked down the brick path, To their home on the other side of town near the academy. > Applejack and Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My little Soul Eaters Applejack Rainbow Dash " Are you sure ya' brought everythin'?" Applejack asked as she walked on the sand. "Yeeeeeesssss, Are you gonna ask me that the whole way there?" Rainbow questioned. " I'll stop ask'in ya' when ya' prove to me that you won't constantly keep leaving all the supplies at home!" Applejack Ranted. " Oh I leave the Bandages at home ONE time and you never let me hear the end of it!" Rainbow complained. " One, it was more than once, and two, I had a huge cut on ma'h neck!"Applejack choose to ignore Rainbow Dash's response, feeling that it would just further annoy her. Also she knew that they were nearing in on there destination, but why Did the building have to be in the middle in desert? she grumbled as she thought about their situation. " And that's why Even though I may have forgotten the bag a few times, that doesn't make me any less awesome, but I still will prove that I can turn over a new leaf! So I will- Hey! are you listening to me?" Rainbow smacked the back of Applejack's head. Her hat flew off her head and on to the grimy sand. Applejack Didn't Move for second, Thinking, before she went to pick up her hat. Rainbow was off put but Applejack's silence. " hey, Applejack are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted you to listen to me." " Aw, I'm sorry Sugarcube, I'm just upset that we have to walk all this way," Applejack said feeling down on herself. "Oh, Don't worry about that! Hey, I know what'll make you feel better..." Rainbow Grinned Devilishly. Applejack cheered up the moment she heard Rainbow. "A race, Ah presume?" "you know it!" Rainbow Cheered. "now, get ready.......geeeet seeeet-" Rainbow shot off before she fished the phrase, Leaving Applejack in the dust. " AY! You get back here!!"Applejack yelled starting to run after her at full speed. Rainbow flew though the desert as fast as she could, making sure to hold onto the bag so nothing fell out, She wasn't going to let Applejack get angry with her. She was going to prove that she could be responsible for The supplies. She held the satchel by her chest, Against her dark blue and yellow skin tight jacket. She could hear the furious galloping of Applejack, only a few feet behind her. She tried to fly as fast she could without her wings aching, but Applejack was quickly gaining on her. Applejack's brown flimsy jacket flapped as she ran towards Rainbow, trying to catch up from her head start. Rainbow was nervous about how faraway Applejack was from her, until she saw Applejack Gallop up right next to her. she gave a smile as if to say, " hey look at me, i'm beating you, DEAL WITH IT!" in a funny way of course, As she ran ahead of Rainbow. Applejack ran a few feet ahead of Rainbow before she suddenly stopped. Her hooves dragged in the ground before she came to a halt. She knew that she should check the compass real quick to make sure they were going the right way, but first she turned around to declare herself the winner of the race when she heard rainbow screaming. " WATCH OUT!!!!" Rainbow was still soaring through the air when Applejack stopped running, she ended up bashing into Applejack. After Applejack felt the impact of Rainbow Dash Crash into her and the pain of being knocked to the ground, she looked down and saw Rainbow on her lap.Rainbow was staring up at Applejack when she realized she was on her lap. She could feel her face get hot for a moment as she looked into Applejack's deep green eyes. Applejack's Cheeks turned pink for a moment before Rainbow flew off of her. "Oh, uh sorry." Rainbow said, embarrassed. "Don't worry bout it, sugarcube." Applejack said, trying to get her mind off the awkward moment and back onto the more important things. "And ah' just need to say..." Applejack started "I WON! I WON!" Rainbow frowned and then smiled, " alright, alright you got me but I'm totally gonna destroy you next time! "We'll see," Applejack Slyly smiled. " but real quick," Applejack held out her hoof, "I need to check the compass, make sure were not completely lost... you brought it, right?" " "of course!" the Pegasus confidently reached into the bag and slapped the compass into Applejack's hoof. " Good! thanks Rainbow!" Applejack checked the compass as Rainbow smiled. "I knew i'd show her." she thought. "but just so ya' know this doesn't prove that you remember the supplies," Applejack stated as she checked the compass. " WHAT? Why not?" "one time doesn't prove yerself." "Fine" Rainbow Dash grumbled." so where are we?" Applejack looked in front of her. " actually, only a few hundred more feet that way." Applejack stuck the compass back into the bag and her and rainbow dash started trotting towards their destination. " So were going to a changeling club in the middle of the dessert? Right?" Rainbow asked, forgetting the mission for a minute. " eeyup" Applejack answered. " Aw yeah! I can't wait to destroy all those guys, should give me a pretty hefty meal, don't you think?"Rainbow Said. Applejack giggled, " sure sugarcube." Rainbow smiled, she didn't want anyone to know, but when Applejack called her sugarcube it always made her feel warm inside. like Applejack was showing her how special she was, she knew she was looking too much into it, but still. but she wouldn't let any pony know that. When they got to the tiny shack they marveled at how underwhelming it was. They both imagined it as some big Las Pegasus gang club building, but it was just a run-down black wooded old shack in the middle of nowhere. " um, not exactly what I expected."Rainbow turned her head, trying to literally look at it from a new angle. " yeah," Applejack turned and smiled at Rainbow, trying to hold in her laughter." It's even more amazing than I thought it could be!" They both laughed at Applejack's sarcastic comment, Until they heard a yell coming from inside the house. " AY! IS SOMEONE OUTSIDE! SCRAM!" The shack door burst open with about twenty changelings pouring out of the house, all looking angry. " what are you doing? You better leave or well be the last things you see!" one of the changelings called from the crowd. Applejack Confidently glared at the changelings, trying to intimidate them." Were here.... to take your cutie marks!" she held out her hoof waiting for Rainbow to transform, She yelled out her name. "Rainbow!" "Ready!" Rainbow chimed. her body began to glow and contort into her weapon form. Her arms turned strait and skinny as she turned. she fell from the sky and into Applejack's hoof. Rainbow was now a Rainbow colored, fully loaded gun. Applejack stood on her hind legs and put her other hoof on the other end of the gun and pulled it back making a intimidating "chu-chunk!" sound she gave a sly grin and pointed the gun towards the changeling crowd. " Come and get us." Rainbow reflection shined off the metal part of the gun. she grinned, " AW YEAH!" Then rainbow automatically switched to autopilot. Applejack panicked,"RAINBOW! NO!" but rainbow didn't listen. She started firing in all directions missing the changeling horde almost every shot. "RAINBOW STOP!" But it was too late. after only five changelings where killed Rainbow tried to shoot again, but realized she was out of bullets. "Ya wasted your bullets on nothing! pay attention next time!" Applejack yelled at rainbow's reflection on the gun. "Ok! sorry! I just got Excited! if you refill Me I can get them!" Rainbow boasted. "No, Ah'm your miester! You need to listen to me!" Applejack scolded. " I know, I'm saying if you listen to ME and fill me up we can win!" " No! Listen! Ah'm saying ya-" Applejack couldn't finish because one of the changelings dived for her, bored of their bickering. "RUN!" Both of them yelled as they ran Away from the mob chasing after them, Still angry with their argument but they both saw they would have to clear that up later. > Fluttershy And Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My little soul Eaters Fluttershy and Rarity "GET BACK HERE!!!" As the nearby ground, underneath the many nearby cabin's shook, The sounds of screaming rang through the wind. A shrill voice was heard from the nearby ponies in the houses. The snow sparkled as it fell on the mountainside by the tall trees surrounding the fancy cottage at the top. The cottage's doors burst open with a crash, as a mare flew down, looking horribly frightened. The mare's light pink tied-back mane whipped in the wind, her over sized nerdy-looking goggles bounced on her head violently, her green striped jacket held tightly to her fur. She flew as fast as she could while holding a large shield tightly in her hoof. The border around it Gleamed a golden shine, the base color was white with three sparkling blue diamonds in the center. " THEIR GETTING AWAY!!" A bulky changeling Ran out of the house as a few others followed him. They chased after the ponies down the icy mountain. The sparkling shield Fluttershy was holding Gleamed the reflection of Rarity looking angry. "FLUTTERSHY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!?" " I can't fight them Rarity! They're too scary!" Fluttershy cried. " Well you need to get over it! they are right behind you! turn and-" Rarity was interrupted. "THEY"RE RIGHT BEHIND ME?!?!" Fluttershy panicked. She turned and tried to shoo away the Changeling chasing her and Rarity. " Come now, do y-you need to chase us? Why don't you just go back to lovely homes and relax? Alright?" The changelings were not impressed. " uh, Fluttershy.... THAT'S NOT WORKING!!!" Rarity yelled. "I don't know what to do!" Fluttershy whined. " Do what you learned about in class!" " What did they say to do?" " I DON'T KNOW! YOU'RE A MIESTER! WE HAVE DIFFERENT CLASSES!" " I need to find somewhere to hide!" Fluttershy dashed out of the way. she dived behind a mossy, half iced over boulder. She curled up in a ball and tried to catch her breath. She held Rarity in her arm until the shield began to glow. Rarity jumped out of Fluttershy's hooves and stopped shining when she hit the ground as a pony. the falling powdery snow clung to Rarity's purple fur coat and covered the stylish bejeweled bag around her chest. "Where did they go?" one of the changelings asked. they all stood on the mountain side, apparently a little too dim to see them behind a rock a few feet away. " lets go look if they ran back up." the changeling suggested. When they left, Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief. " whew, thank goodness." "Fluttershy! What was that? Why didn't you fight back?" Rarity disappointingly asked Fluttershy. " Uh..Uh.. Im sorry Rarity. It's..It's just that those things are so scary." Fluttershy said sounding scared even though they were gone. " But, Fluttershy we have ZERO cutie marks, And we need to get ONE HUNDRED for me to become a death weapon. So instead of running away you need to fight, do what you learned about in class, try some techniques, I don't know, but we need to do something. okay?" Rarity explained. Fluttershy knew Rarity was right. by running away she may have been out of danger, but she was letting everyone, including herself, down. But just the idea of those creepy eyes and fangs being close to her just made her shutter. She kept reminding herself that she would just have to work through it, she signed up for it in the first place so she was going to have to deliver. " I know Rarity, It's just hard for me." " I know darling, but let's just try." Rarity Decided to give Fluttershy the benefit of the doubt. She knew that if she just kept telling Fluttershy the same speech then they would get some results eventually, but she was starting to lose hope. She sighed as she turned into her shield and landed in front of Fluttershy causing the snow underneath her to puff up into a cloud of powder. Fluttershy picked up Rarity and held her close. Fluttershy stood on her hind legs and tried to psych herself up. " Alright Fluttershy, you can do this. Just smack them in the horn and you'll win. You can do this." She marched out from behind the rock when she came face to face with the bulky changeling. " HISS! THERE YOU ARE!!" Fluttershy stood for a few seconds, seeming like her brain had stopped working. but then she fell to the ground and screamed. Her high pitched voice shrieked throughout the mountain. She was so surprised and scared that she felt like her body was shutting down, so she just kept screaming. She knew she was overreacting but she didn't know what else to do. she kept screaming Until she was interrupted by a loud rumbling from the top of the hillside. the three ponies at the bottom looked up and were horrified at what they saw. " GET OUT!! RUN!!! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" A couple changeling's cried out, running, and or flying, away. What looked like a horrible White monster was seen crashing through the trees at the top of the alp. The snowy white Rocks tumbled down the mountain and Completely demolished the couple of cabins, including the changeling one, at the top. " AVALANCHE!!!!" Rarity Shouted at the top of her lungs, trying to warn Fluttershy. but that was when she realized something. "Fluttershy! Did your scream do that?" Fluttershy was as still as statue. Other than the fear of being crushed by a million Ice- covered boulders, she was was scared of the fact that a scream could do that. more specifically, HER scream. Could she really have started an avalanche? She knew she wasn't strong enough to do something like that but, was her scream really that powerful? " Oh, Rarity! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to at all! can you please, please, please,forgive me I just-" " Fluttershy, darling, You know I forgive you, and I don't mean to interrupt you but ...... ummm." Rarity pointed behind Fluttershy. Fluttershy slowly turned around and saw the same changeling that spooked her standing behind her sarcastically smiling. " you know, I love this stupid little conversation you two are having here, but there's a flood of impending doom coming our way, so I would like it if you would let me kill you real quick so I get out of here, okay?Okay." The changeling dived for Fluttershy's neck. Trying to sink his teeth into her like vampire,but just to kill her, not to drink her blood. Fluttershy yelped and tried fly out of the changelings way, but he reached up and grabbed the tips of her wings before she could. He tried to hold onto her feathers as she struggled to get away. " Let go of me Please!!" Fluttershy begged for the changeling to let go of her when Rarity appeared on the face of the shield " Fluttershy! We have to do something! he's not letting go!" Rarity looked at the changeling for a few seconds and then whispered to Fluttershy "and he could use a manicure. his hooves are looking a bit mangled." Fluttershy didn't appreciate Rarity's comment, but did have to agree. The changeling's hooves were kind of gross, but Fluttershy had more important things to focus on, mostly getting away from this thing trying to kill her. The changeling did not let go, he reached up and bit Fluttershy's wing. " OW! Fluttershy shouted as the Changeling flew up and grabbed her arms. her free hoof that wasn't holding Rarity grabbed her wing. " oh, ow, ow..." Fluttershy noticed her wing was bleeding, she tried to see if something else was wrong, when Rarity appeared on the shield and panicked, wondering if Fluttershy was alright. " OH MY GOODNESS!! Fluttershy! are you alright?" Rarity asked her friend. She looked to see what the damage was when she saw the changeling carrying them high above ground. When the rumbling in background got REALLY loud. She looked down and saw the avalanche Running under their hooves. " OH SWEET CELESTIA! ARE YOU TRYING TO TORTURE US?!?!" Rarity furiously yelled at the changeling. The changeling gave a smug smirk " Maybe a little. I'm gonna kill you anyway so why not have fun with it." " We'll that won't work! one of the Ponies your trying to kill is Pegasus! She can just fly away!" Rarity thought the Changeling was too much of an idiot to see the obvious flaw in his plan and acted like her and Fluttershy was too smart for him, But, she was wrong. " Heh, don't you think I've thought of that." The changeling smiled. Rarity realized he HAD thought of that. She looked at Fluttershy inspecting her hurt wing, blood dripping off of it and onto the crisp snow. Fluttershy looked sadly at Rarity showing her that she can't fly in this condition. The changeling held out Fluttershy and Rarity over the wave of snow and rocks. " Please don't" Fluttershy asked. But the changeling didn't show any mercy. He released Fluttershy from his grasp, and her and Rarity began tumbling down. They were both screaming, as the cold dust coming off the mountain side flew past them. Fluttershy slammed her eyes shut as she embraced for the impact. When she Heard Rarity Screaming at the top of her lungs. Fluttershy held Rarity close to her when she looked at the shield. And that's when Fluttershy got an idea. She held Rarity tightly in her hoof and flipped around so she was staring straight down at the Avalanche. she held Rarity in front of her as she tried to hide herself behind the shield. " I hope this works" she whispered. But she doubted herself as they fell, feeling as though they would still die. She shut her eyes and waited for something to happen. Fluttershy and Rarity fell while Rarity Panicked about getting a crack on herself, worrying what kind of mark that would leave on her pony form. When she felt herself smash against one of the boulders. They both cringed and thought of the worst things that could happen while the edge of they boulder collided with Rarity's shield. when they curved forward and they impact of the boulder bounced back onto them and they shot off into another direction. The changeling's mouth gaped open at what he saw, they- they survived! how did that happen? Fluttershy thought the same thing when her and Rarity ( who quickly turned back into a pony) fell into a nearby snowbank. they poked their heads out of the snow and looked at each other. They both smiled and laughed, delighted at them still being alive. " WE'RE ALIVE!!" Rarity cheered. " Fluttershy, you did it!" " I did?" said Fluttershy " Of course you did! that was you who made us ricochet of that rock!" Rarity congratulated Fluttershy. Fluttershy blushed, flattered, " Oh, thanks. I just didn't think that would actually work." "Well it did! Fluttershy you need to be more confident about what you do. you just saved us! you even started an avalanche and you still think your're helpless! your'e not!" Rarity gave Fluttershy a pep talk. Fluttershy felt inspired by what Rarity said. " Do you really mean that?" Rarity nodded. Fluttershy felt a wave of confidence wash over her as she stood up and held her head high. " Your Right!" " There you go darling!" Rarity proudly cheered Fluttershy on as she turned back into her shield form. Fluttershy clutched the handle on the back of The shield and held it high. Then Fluttershy saw a blur of black shoot past her and felt a piercing pain strike her forehead. She fell to floor as Rarity fell out of her hoof and onto the snow a foot away. she saw the bulky changeling from before standing in front of Rarity. Fluttershy sat up and felt a stream of blood coming down her forehead and between her eyes from a bash from the changelings horn. "You wretched little fools! I will DOOM you if it's the last thing I do!!" The changeling was furious and determined to kill Rarity and Fluttershy on the spot. Fluttershy saw him standing in front of Rarity as a shield. He was staring at her with blind fury and Fluttershy knew That he was gonna do something bad right then and there. so, without thinking she lunged over to Rarity, picked her up, and yelled angrily " STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!!" as she smacked the shield across the changeling's face and knocked him backwards towards the avalanche. A boulder came down and smashed into the changeling. his body disappeared and his cutie mark floated in front of Fluttershy and Rarity, who were completely in awe for a few seconds. Rarity turned back to a pony and sat next to Fluttershy, still amazed. " Did-Did we just get a cutie mark?" Fluttershy asked, not believing what happened. " We-WE DID! FLUTTERSHY WE GOT A CUTIE MARK!!" Rarity squealed. Fluttershy made a sound that sounded like what a mouse would do if he just found a lifetime-supply of cheese. Rarity stared at Fluttershy, and asked Fluttershy the question they were both thinking. "Fluttershy, how did you do that?" Fluttershy thought for a moment and then gave Rarity her honest answer " I actually don't know. I just did the first thing that came to my mind." and gave a little awkward smile. "Well, you Did it!" Rarity tried to celebrate Fluttershy overcoming her fear, And gave her a quick hug before she walked over to the cutie mark and looked at it's ( supposed) glory. "This is so EXCITING! I've only dreamed about how these taste and now I finally get to try one!" She carefully picked it up and daintily put it in her mouth and chewed it up. she swallowed it and thought about it's taste for a short moment before she turned to Fluttershy. " What is it like?" Fluttershy asked. Rarity paused."could use salt." They both giggled at Rarity's comment. Rarity walked over and picked Fluttershy off the ground. she wiped a bit of the blood off her forehead " Darling, we should hurry home! We need to take you to the hospital!" Rarity told Fluttershy as reached into her bag and wrapped up Fluttershy's forehead and wing up in a gauze bandage. " But I am very proud of us. Especially you!" " Thank you Rarity!" Fluttershy felt so flattered. As Rarity helped her off the ground and helped her walk back home She thought to her self "I made Rarity happy and I made myself happy.... I could definitely do that again." She thought that as her hooves sank into the ice and snow as she walked to the hospital with Rarity. "FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!!" Rarity screamed. She Panicked, " Is somepony there?!!? I need help! Please! Somepony! My friend is hurt! PLEASE!" > Applejack and Rainbow Dash Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My little Soul Eaters Applejack and Rainbow Dash part 2 "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" Applejack berated Rainbow Dash " Where did ya get the idea to switch into autopilot at worst possible time?!?!?" " Look, I'm sorry. I just got excited, but I know that if we go out there and try again we can kick all of their tails!" Rainbow Tried to redeem herself. " Rainbow listen! you have forgotten the supplies about five times..." " I Brought it this time!!" Applejack held out her hoof to make Rainbow Dash stop, " No, Rainbow, let me finish, I'm feeling like you just want to be lazy." " What? No! I mean I am lazy, but you know I care about this! I just act more on impulse! You know that!" Rainbow started to get angry."we've been partners for two years and I've remembered the bag all but ( I guess) five times and I've done plenty right! But all you can focus on is everything I've done wrong!" " That's because ya seem to not understand how important this is! If we don't get enough cutie marks you'll never become Shinigami Celestia's Death weapon!" " But Applejack, why can't you just look on the bright side! We have, like, 48 cutie marks out of 100! We're ahead of a lot of ponies, and we're definitely ahead of Rarity and Fluttershy. But all you can think about is how I screw everything up!" " Sugarcube, ya know I don't think you're screw everythin' up. I just want ya to understand that I get frustrated with ya when this happens." " Well, I get frustrated when You only focus on my mistakes and won't give me second chances!" Rainbow defensively shouted " You don't trust me!" Applejack was surprised that Rainbow would say that. " What? Of course I trust ya!" " If you did then we would go out there and destroy those punks, so I can 1. not go into auto pilot and 2. Prove that I brought the supplies." Applejack thought for a few moments as Rainbow laid on the Brown fur couch in their small apartment. Rainbow Dash was prepared to take a nap when she heard Applejack. "Okay." Rainbow sat up, she didn't expect Applejack to actually to take her comeback seriously. But she was glad that she did. " Really?!?" Applejack nodded. " I want you to know that I trust ya. That we both trust each other." " YEAH! Lets go! See you there!" Rainbow shot to the wall, opened the window, and dashed towards the desert passed the DWMA. " AY! NOT FAIR!" Applejack yelled out the window as she ran out of the apartment and down the flights of stairs leading to bottom. ***************** "Al'right, We have to be stealthy this time." Applejack whispered to Rainbow in her rifle form behind a tree by the shack. The gun barrel gleamed as Rainbow looked back up at Applejack. " Well, how are we going to get them out here If we're quiet?" Applejack paused. " Good point." She shot a few bullets into the air. " AY! YOU VARMINT'S BETTER GET YOUR CUTIE MARKS OUT HERE!" Applejack ran out into the open, waiting for the changelings to come outside. eventually one did, wearing a delightfully smug smile on his face. " WHAT'RE YOU SO CONFIDENT ABOUT YA VARMINT?!" Applejack yelled at the Stuck-up Changeling. " We figured you idiots would be back. so we brought some backup. I bet that-" The changeling was interrupted by a few bullets in his chest. he faded away as the barrel of The rifle turned into Rainbows head as she stretched out and slurped up the mark. " Mmmmmm.... Nice." Rainbow gave herself a pat on the back.when she thought about what the changeling said, as her head turned back into the barrel gun. " Hm, I wonder what kind of "backup" they meant?" "BOOM! BOOM!" Rainbow wasn't able to elaborate on her thoughts due to the sand rumbling underneath their hooves. They stared at the door, waiting for the ( whatever it was) to come out. Applejack tried to keep her stance to look intimidating but the shaking sand made it hard for her to stand straight. The door burst open, With a seven foot tall husky changeling with steel horse shoes covering his hooves. He looked like a building compared to Rainbow and Applejack. When he talked his voice boomed." HEH, THIS IS THEM? I WAS EXPECTING SOME PONY MY SIZE BUT THESE ARE JUST WEAK WASTES OF FLESH!!" Applejack aimed Rainbow's Rifle at the Changelings stomach. She sent a few bullets his way, but he just moved his hoof in front of the seeking metal. The bullets bounced off his steel horseshoes. " What? Those are BULLETPROOF?" Applejack realized. How were they supposed to fight this thing if he had two invincible shields on his hooves? Applejack just thought that I they got him from a certain angle she could shoot him. She galloped and ducked between his legs and slid to the other side of him. She hoisted up the gun before The changeling swung his arm and it smacked across Applejack's face. He hit her with such force she worried if her head would disconnect from her body.She fell onto the ground, getting a mouthful of sand. She laid on the land for a moment before Standing up and Rushing towards the behemoth changeling, Brushing off the blow. She Jumped up and was going to ram the rifle into his face before she shot him. Suddenly the changeling lifted his arm and ripped the gun right out of Applejack's hands as he threw her to the ground. " Rainbow!" Applejack sprang up. The changeling took the gun and put the mouth of it right up against his hoof, not leaving any space for even air to get out. He then pulled the trigger. Rainbow's Face gleamed on the gun barrel for a second before the bullet Fired off but didn't go anywhere. the stopped up gun shot the bullet backwards and caused a horrible feeling to rush through Rainbow's system. Applejack could see the pain on Rainbow's face And rushed over towards her. " Applejack! ( oof) Stop!" Rainbow shouted through her grunts of pain. " What? What are ya doing?" " I have a ( urk) plan!" " What? NO! we need to get you out of there!" " No! Applejack it's ( urk) alright! You know my Awesomeness can help anything!" Rainbow tried to make Applejack calm down with a joke, But it didn't work. " Sugarcube! This is no time for jokes! and we need to save ya!" " Applejack trust me! You said that you trusted me!" Applejack was about to retaliate with something, but stopped herself. She knew that It would just make Rainbow mad at her. And She wanted to show that she did trust Rainbow. So she sat aside and hoped Rainbow's Plan would work out. Rainbow kept grunting in pain as the bullet bounced around her insides. The changeling devilishly smiled as he knew that the bullet would eventually destroy the pony. He looked closely at the side that was stating to curve and dent. Applejack's stress was rising by the second, but she knew that this plan would work out in the end. Rainbow tried to take the pain as long as she could, but she kept taking it until she felt it happen. the side of the rifle that was denting burst out the bullet to the sky blasting through the Changeling's head. He fell backwards onto his back as he dropped a broken Rainbow onto the ground. She turned into a pony as The changeling faded away. Rainbow got up, feeling relived as she trotted to the cutie mark and a swallowed it in one bite. She turned and saw Applejack running up to her. " Rainbow Dash! How did you know that would work?" " I knew I would that I would break eventually, I just figured we could use that to our advantage." " Well that's good! just, don't do that again or I'll buck you into tomorrow." Applejack laughed. " Alright, I can promise I won't get myself killed. But I can't promise that I won't use my genius ideas" Rainbow joked. Rainbow then felt Applejack rush up to her and wrap her hooves under her wings in an embrace. Rainbow was surprised at Applejack's sudden movement, but began to hug her back. The hug lasted for a few seconds, before Rainbow began to feel kinda awkward and pushed Applejack away. Applejack's nose and cheeks turned red, embarrassed about her sudden hug. But she tried to hide it. " Oh! Um... Sugarcube! Your arm!" Rainbow looked at her hoof, that had a huge open gash from the hole in her gun form. Crimson blood slowly poured out of it before she shot Applejack a sly smile. " Don't worry. I've got that covered." She reached into the bag around her chest and pulled out a roll of gauze bandages. " I told you I brought them." She wrapped the Bandages around her hoof and smugly waited for her answer. Applejack smiled and rolled her eyes " alright, alright, Ya brought the stuff." " YEAH!"Rainbow let out a yell of victory.She began to do a little dance in the sky, until she heard Applejack. " Hey Rainbow, see ya at home!" Applejack began to gallop on the grainy sand towards the city. " HEY! I WAS DISTRACTED!" Rainbow shouted as she dashed towards Applejack, trying to catch up. ******************** " ( Wheeze) Alright, you win." Rainbow panted. " Yee-haw!" Applejack threw her hooves onto the air. " But can we just walk ( Wheeze) the rest of the way?" Rainbow pleaded. " Sure sugarcube." Applejack and Rainbow Dash began to trot down the long streets of the city, The DWMA shone bright in the center. " RAINBOW! APPLEJACK! HELP!" The two ponies quickly turned around to see who was calling to them. They saw Rarity running down the road, Covered in dirt with a pony on her back. "Rarity! What happened?" " What are you doing?" "What are you- WHAT HAPPENED TO FLUTTERSHY!" " How did this happen?" " QUIET!!!" Rarity stopped Rainbow and Applejack's Questions. " Just help me get to the nurse's office!" She pointed to the unconscious Fluttershy on her back. Her partly bandaged wing was dried with blood and look completely disfigured. Her forehead dripped red blood. The three ponies ran as fast as they could towards the DWMA Nurse's office. Hoping that their friend would be okay. > FOALS! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My little Soul Eaters FOALS! Rarity looked at her hurt friend laying on the bed next to her. She sat solemnly In the nurse's office, waiting for Luna (Shinigami Celestia's current death weapon) to come and see if she could help Fluttershy. She Thought while sitting in a little chair next to the bed, while Rainbow and Applejack sat at the foot of it. " Where is Luna? She said she would hurry over here!" Rainbow complained. " She's probably busy sugarcube, ah'm sure Being a Death weapon is hard work." Applejack replied. " Yeah, but I'd make it work." Rainbow bragged. " Ah doubt that." Applejack quipped. " Oh come on! I bet Rarity will agree with me!" Rainbow's head popped up from behind the bed. " Right Rarity?" Rarity didn't react for a moment . She seemed lost in her own thoughts. She eventually looked up. " I'm sorry darling, did you say something?" Rainbow and Applejack stood up and trotted over to Rarity. " Rarity? You okay? I know were all worried but, you seem kinda lost." Rainbow asked. " I'm Alright, it's just, I feel so sad for Fluttershy." Rarity looked down at her hooves. " I remember two years ago, on the second day of school when........"Rarity looked up. she wanted to be absolutely sure that Twilight wasn't there. Twilight's five friends had sworn never to mention that second day around her. Rarity continued" When we first became partners, and I just remember how proud Fluttershy was of herself for joining the DWMA in the first place. We talked about how we would get tons of cutie marks, I would be adored by thousands and she would be able to conquer her fears. But it took so long to even get ONE, and I know it wasn't just hard on me, I know it was disappointing for her too. She was so happy when we finally got one from her act of bravery, but now she can't celebrate, and If this doesn't work out, she may never get to celebrate." Rainbow Dash and Applejack's ears folded down, thinking about what Rarity said. Rainbow was about to respond, before Luna slammed the door open. " I'm sorry I'm late my friends." Luna said. She trotted over to Fluttershy's bed and looked over her. she unwrapped the bandage around Fluttershy's head and looked at the sore. When she inspected Fluttershy's wing she looked quite surprised. " Is this really a bite mark?" she asked. Rarity nodded. " I'm not sure what to do." Luna stated " I only know one way to fix this, Not many ponies get changeling bite marks." " One? What is-" " WAIT!!" The door burst open. Twilight and Pinkie stood in the doorway panting, apparently having ran here. " Huh... Huh.... What wrong with Fluttershy?!" They both ran to the bed and looked sadly at her. Luna cleared her throat. " Uh, what I was saying was that I can only think of one cure-all for a bitten wing." Rainbow grinned. " Well, then lets go get it! Where is it?" Luna looked away. " Ummmmm........" Luna cringed. " It may be a bit of a ..... intolerable experience." Applejack smirked " Intolerable? ah'm sure it's not that bad. And even if it's bad, nothing is to difficult to help our friend!" " That's not the type of intolerable I mean" Luna answered " Then what type of intolerable do you mean then?" Twilight asked. ****************** " Funny that Luna decided to make a crude face instead of answer me, huh?" Twilight grumbled " Twilight, Are you going to complain the whole way there?" Rarity asked " Well now were just walking towards something "supposedly" intolerable and we don't know whats happening!" Twilight whined " well, we all have to walk there so you have no more right to complain the the rest of us. Especially me! I mean,we all have to walk through this Algae filled river to some random watery cave That we know nothing about, And we'll probably have to walk through some dirty waterfall where our EXPENSIVE HAND-MADE FUR JACKETS WILL GET SOAKED...." " HEY! you two quit your yappin'!" Applejack yelled behind her. " It's giving me a headache." " Oh! Applejack! My granny pie said that if you ever have a headache while walking in a river to a mysterious cave, you should eat a piece of cake!" Pinkie advised " We don't have any cake Pinkie." Applejack said dryly. " Don't be too sure about that!" Pinkie reached into the infinite void that is her mane and pulled out a slice of lemon cake. Applejack bit into the cake and swallowed. " Well.......?" " Nothin'" Applejack replied Pinkie disappointingly put the rest of the cake back in her mane and began to bounce around in the river on the way to the cave. After a few minutes of trotting the five ponies reached the mouth of the river. They stared into the small opening at the end. as they trotted into the watery cave it looked much bigger on the inside. In the center was a rocky platform with a pristine white chair in the middle facing the wall with a pony sitting in it. A quaint side table with a cup of tea on it stood next to the pony. They all walked to the platform and climbed up. " Um... hello, we were told that you had a cure for a hurt Pegasus wing, Right? Uh...... Ma'am?" Twilight guessed,trying to see the pony sitting in the chair "I have what you need my friend A salve for a Pegasus wing to mend But first I must tell you my legend before I can give you my present" the pony flipped around her seat, she revealed herself to be an adult zebra. Her hair stuck high up in the air with a white staff laying on her lap. Her voice was loud and spoke in rhyme. the ponies stared at her for a moment, confused about her speech patterns and what she said. " Sooooo..... you're saying that you have it but won't give it to us yet?" Rainbow asked. The zebra nodded. " WHAT?!?" Rarity shouted. " You may not understand but our friend is possibly DYEING from her bleeding wing and we need this cure for her! I am definitely NOT sitting around for some zebra to finish some story." A few of Rarity's friend's stepped away from her, a little surprised from her sudden explosion, even if they agreed with her. FOAL! you really think I would have the idea To take the humbleness away from this zebra? Of course not! I wouldn't dream! Zecora will provide you with a salve like cream! The ponies looked puzzled at the zebra. " Uh, alright so are you giving us the salve?" Rarity questioned Zecora nodded once more. Rarity smiled and held out her hoof for the salve. " Now my legend starts in the 12th century....." Zecora was probably going to end that in a rhyme, until Rarity interrupted her. " EXCUSE ME!! YOU SAID YOU WERE GETTING THE CURE!!" FOAL!!! how dare you accuse, the legendary Zecora of lying of this news! " But you said....." Don't say that! I said no such thing! BUT!..... FOAL! My legend is one beloved by many.... "GAH!" Rarity threw her hooves in the air and stormed out of the cave. Her friends watched her as she sat angrily in the river. She called back inside "Can the rest of you darlings get it for me? I need a moment." Zecora sat with her legs crossed, awaiting another pony to listen to her. All of them were dreading going up there. Eventually, Applejack walked up to the chair and prepared for a story. Hello willing friend, wanting to listen to my legend You are a Miester! I betyou could use a weapon! \ " HEY!" Rainbow flew over to the chair. " She already has a weapon! ME!" " Yeah,.......... And ah' thought you were telling some story." Remember friend it is wrong to tell lies! But I will still offer my weapon as a prize. " What? Applejack is the most honest pony in town!" Rainbow defended " AND IM HER WEAPON!!" " Thanks Rainbow" Applejack said " But Zecora, ah' have no idea what you're talkin' about. You just said that you had a legend!" FOALS!!! you, Applejack need my skills I, the legendary Zecora will fill The space of where you need a weapon Rainbow gritted her teeth " I'M. HER. WEAPON." My first rules that you must know are ones that you cannot blow " What the buck are ya talkin' about?!?!" Applejack shouted FOALS!! "UGH!!" the two partners groaned. They ran off of the platform and out of the cave to join Rarity. Three down two to go. Twilight and Pinkie looked at each other for a few moments, silently debating who was going next. Soon Pinkie walked forward. " Alright Pinkie just sit, listen and get the cure" She thought. So miss Pie, I see that you like sweets Even if there the ones you don't eat She took the cup sitting on the side table and let Pinkie look into it. " ooh! sweet tea!" What do you mean? This is no tea! Only the weak links drink tea! " But...... you're drinking tea." Pinkie informed. This is coffee with poison joke! " But........... that's.............tea." Pinkie wasn't sure what else to say. FOAL! I have no idea what you're talking about! This is obviously tea. very sweet and strong like stout Pinkie gave an unimpressed look. " I'm done" She stood up and unceremoniously trotted out of the cave to join the others. " Whelp," Twilight thought, " I guess it's up to me." Hello Twilight I heard you are quite studious You would be great as one of my students " Students?" One of my students to study greatness And hear of my wonder sweetness " You're sounding like Rainbow Dash..." " WE CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!" Rainbow shouted from outside. " Anyways, Zecora, We really need this cure. " I will give a cure for your friend but first I must ask to sen- Twilight dashed behind Zecora by her table. Zecora twisted around and Ran over to The alicorn. Twilight jumped behind the platform and fell into a pile of old relics and Random zebra-themed artifacts. She began to rummage around until she felt a vial in her hoof. She heard Zecora galloping over to here before Twilight Used her horn to hold her in place. She grabbed the vial and ran out of the cave, unfreezing Zecora. When she meet back up with her friends, they quickly bolted out of the river trying to get away as fast as possible. WAIT! The group stopped and looked back at the zebra Remember, I will be waiting for you to return that vial Twilight looked blankly at Zecora. She said to her friends " Run" ***************** Having delivered the salve to the nurses, The five ponies nervously sat in the hallway outside. They waited for Fluttershy to wake up, the nurses said that once the salve stopped the bleeding from her wing, She would be able to To get up and make a recovery. Applejack and Rainbow were playing cards and Twilight read her new book from Celestia as Pinkie Read over her shoulder. Rarity doodled some design ideas in a journal when she heard the door open next to her. Fluttershy stumbled out of the room, still a little lightheaded. "FLUTTERSHY!!!" Pinkie shouted. She Moved so fast it seemed like she flew over to Fluttershy and wrapped her arms around her. Fluttershy yelped. Pinkie jumped off her. " Oh, Sorry Fluttershy! I was just excited!" "It's alright." Fluttershy rubbed her bandaged wing, " The nurses said I can't fly for about a month but After a few days I should be able to fight again." Fluttershy smiled. The five ponies cheered, until Fluttershy asked them a question. " Hey, Where did you guys get that salve? It was lovely." The ponies paused on their celebration and stared at Fluttershy. They stood for a moment before they all violently cringed. " Never again" the 5 of them said. > A Super Pinkie Party Surprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My little Soul Eaters A Super Pinkie Party Surprise "OH TO-FEE!" Pinkie chimed. She bounced around her apartment, heading for the couch, as a couple dozen ponies stood around and danced in her lounge. It was time for another super Pinkie party! Pinkie had hired Vinyl Scratch to take care of the music, and she delivered. Every time a beat played out of the turn tables that Vinyl had hauled in here it felt as though the entire apartment building shook, but It made for some great Dance music. The entire room had dimmed purple lights that made it feel wild. Pinkie usually had more innocent Parties, but she enjoyed a good " Time to get crazy" party occasionally. ( Don't worry, she made sure they didn't get too crazy). On the big snack table sat a huge bowl of super Pinkie party punch and a 5-foot tall chocolate cake shaped like Shinigami Celestia. Pinkie walked over to the couch on the far side of the room to ask Toffee a question. The seats over there surrounded a small pink kiddie pool with Pinkie's pet, Gummy, sitting in it. she planned to take a swim in it later, but first she wanted to make sure everyone was here. " Hey Toffee? you know where Sassaflash is? She told me she was coming." The light orange mare sat with her friends Lucky and Noteworthy. She looked over Pinkie and smiled. " Oh, she'll be here. She's just running a little late." Toffee Chirped. " But, where are your other friends? like Rarity, and Applejack and the others?" Pinkie gave a cheery grin. " Oh! Rarity and Fluttershy are doing some training with Luna, and Applejack lost a bet, so she has to go around the whole mare mart wearing a princess tiara and a tutu covered in mud. I'm sure Rainbow wanted to come, but she wouldn't DARE miss that!" Pinkie nodded. " Where's Twilight?" " She's here, she's just in her room. She's not a big fan of my more wild parties so when I throw them she sits in her room like a party pooper!" Pinkie happily giggled. Pinkie trotted towards the snack table because one of the ponies over there caught her eye. More specifically, how the pony was standing caught her eye. " Hey, Lyra.......... what are ya' doing?" Pinkie awkwardly questioned. Lyra Heartstrings was chugging down a cup of the punch while standing on her hind legs. Ponies really only stood up like that if they had to use a certain weapon with both their hooves, but no pony really walked around regularly on their hind legs. Lyra acted completely oblivious. "What are you talking about Pinkie?" She confidently proclaimed after she finished her cup. Lyra's partner, Bonbon, glared up at Lyra. " Lyra, You know you don't have to walk around like that. It's drawing some unwanted attention." Pinkie didn't remember Bonbon with having a Manehatten accent, but she guessed she never noticed it. Lyra pouted. " Oh come on Bonbon! If I walk like this I can be more like a human!" Bonbon sternly whispered " humans aren't a thing!" Lyra rolled her eyes, dismissing her girlfriend's nay-saying. " oh,don't say that. And come on, you know you think I'm cuter when I walk like this." Bonbon blushed. Pinkie gave a little squeal, feeling overwhelmed with the cuteness going on in front of her. Before she exploded from the couple's adorable banter, she noticed the empty punch bowl on the table. She immediately looked over to the corner of the room, where she saw Berry Punch passed out with about a dozen punch cups littered around her. " Oh Berry! She so goofy!" Pinkie chuckled as she began to skip down her hallway. In the hall sat the entrances to her and Twilight rooms, also to the kitchen where she kept the extra punch. As she passed by Twilight's door, she stopped. she looked at it, and remembered Twilight telling her that morning before the party that she was going to have a quiet night to herself. She hoped that the loud music wasn't bothering her. She decided to go check, as she went up to Twilight's door. ************* " Twilight, You know you don't have to call me every time, right?" Shinigami Celestia said through the mirror . " I know, I just like to make absolutely sure that I won't start losing my cutie marks or anything. I just don't want to fail." Twilight rubbed her hooves together, feeling shy. " Twilight, you know the only way to lose any of your cutie marks is....." " To hurt or attack an innocent pony, I got it Shinigami." Twilight smiled. " Good job Twilight. Also, I would like to thank you and your friends for getting that cure for Fluttershy. I went to see Zecora before and.... It wasn't exactly pleasant." Celestia cringed. Twilight had pushed those memories out of her mind. so she just nodded and bowed. " Thank you. Have a nice night Shinigami." " You too. see you tomorrow." Celestia's likeness disappeared from the mirror Twilight kept in her room. When she was certain that Celestia had left, Twilight ran to her desk pressed up against the wall by her bed. The desk was decorated with a few stickers Pinkie had put on there when they moved to the apartment. Twilight was upset at first, but she learned to love them over time. The books she was reading that week were carefully organised in the corner with some book stoppers. She was excited for a nice night of reading. But, she didn't read the books on her desk. She reached underneath a little drawer that hung off the counter, leading into a tiny little secret compartment. She looked around her room, making sure no pony was watching her, when she pulled out a book from the secret space. She pulled out her lavender bookmark and continued where she left off. The two mares stood close to each other. the air between them bare to none. "What are you doing?" The gray pony asked, shaking. " Whatever we wan't " The Mare pushed her friend against the wall. Leaving her feeling weak. She then- The door slammed open. " Hey-ya Twilight!" " GAH!" The book fumbled in Twilight's hooves for a second before quickly stuffing it in her jacket. ".. Uh ... Hey Pinkie!!" Twilight smiled, trying to look casual. Pinkie shot her a look saying " I totally saw that fifty shades of hay novel, you silly." Twilight groaned, embarrassed. " What are you doing in here Pinkie? I locked the door." " Twilight! I have a key to every door!" She pointed to the front tip of her mane where a little curl hung in front of Pinkie's eyes. It suddenly began to twist and change until it resembled a key to Twilight's door. Twilight didn't understand how Pinkie was able to do that, but she guessed that was one of the things she liked about her. " I just wanted to make sure that the music wasn't bothering you." " I'm fine Pinkie, Thanks for asking." Twilight said, Appreciating Pinkie's gesture, but also wanting her to leave so she can get back to her book. " Okey-dokey!" Pinkie held her hooves in the air for a moment before returning to her mission of getting more punch. She closed the door behind her as Twilight gave a sigh of of relief, searching through her book to find where she left off. Pinkie wiggled open the door to her and Twilight's microscopic kitchen. She looked at the fridge and was glad to see that no pony had raided it. She had baked a couple dozen of Twilight's favorite brownies for them to share once the party was over. She was happy to see that they were still there. She was excited to reveal them to Twilight, they always made get a huge smile on her face. Then, Pinkie reached for the large pitcher in the back of the fridge. *************************** The front door of Pinkie's apartment swung wide open. A light blue Pegasus flew into room. " Hey Sassaflash!" A couple ponies called out. When Toffee looked up she grinned and waved for her girlfriend to meet her. Sassaflash sat next to her and snuggled up to the pony on the couch. "Hey! You finally got here! What was keeping you?" Toffee questioned. " Oh, nothing. I wouldn't worry about it. Well, hows it been going?" Sassaflash asked. Toffee felt a little weird from Sassaflash's question. She was getting a strange vibe from the way Sassaflash was talking and looking. " Uh, we've just been sitting here the whole time." Toffee pointed to Lucky and Noteworthy sitting next to her. They were arguing about something, but Toffee assumed it was something stupid so she just zoned out until her girlfriend showed up. " But, hey, are you alright? You're acting a little ...... different." " What are you talking about?" Sassaflash smirked. " Come on, let's just relax." Sassaflash cuddled up to Toffee. She rubbed her soft fur and pressed her face against her side. The odd feeling Toffee had didn't go away, but she returned the affection. But, when Toffee saw the expression on the Pegasus's face she was starting to get a little freaked out. Sassaflash's eyes were closed, and she had a devilish grin on her face, the face of enjoyment, of satisfaction. " Ummmmm......... Sassaflash? You're kinda starting to scare me." " I already told you! I'm fine!" She leaned over and gave Toffee a little peck on the cheek. Toffee blushed from her girlfriend's gesture. But, once again a sinister smile appeared and filled the caramel-colored mare with a looming sense of dread. Alright, Toffee was done. She knew that something was up. " Sassaflash, tell me what's going on, I'm not gonna play games with you. What's happening?" Sassaflash opened her eyes.They were completely green. " You tell me." This Sassaflash was a fake, A changeling. *************************** "AAAAAAAAA!" Pinkie jumped. She was so surprised that she almost dropped the pitcher in her hoof. " Whew! That was close! That pony's scream almost made me spill the punch!" Pinkie chuckled..... until it dawned on her. " Wait, scream?" Pinkie sat the punch on the counter and rushed into the lounge. When she got there, she was shocked by what she saw. the changeling that was disguised as Sassaflash was hovering in the middle of the room, holding Toffee up by her long mane.The changeling stared at Toffee with it's cold blue eyes and hissed. " Why, I must thank you for supplying me with an appetizer. Love and and affection tastes quite delicious, but i'm sure your cutie mark will be even more so." the changeling cackled before dropping Toffee to the ground. She dashed over to the window's, and pushed them wide open. " Hey! come in guys! there's a real buffet in here!" Suddenly, dozens of changelings began to fly into the apartment, Hissing and laughing. Since most of these ponies were in the mood for a party, they were, A. not prepared, B. tired or C. both. So all of the guests bolted out of Pinkies apartment. The horde of changelings chased many of the ponies out the door. a few of them stayed however.Pinkie stood there, stunned, but before one of the changelings attacked her, she called out. " Uh, Twilight? You might want to get out here." Twilight poked her head out of the door. "What is it Pinkie? Did somepony get their horn stuck in the door again?" " Uh, No." Twilight slowly trotted into the lounge. " Well, what is it th-" Twilight looked at the monsters. She dropped the book she was holding on the ground, and stared at the changelings for a moment. She then had wave of rage quickly wash over her. It was understandable, there was only one other time changelings were in her apartment, and it wasn't a pleasant memory. At all. " What are these things doing in my house?" Twilight angrily scowled. One of the changelings smiled. " One of us was hiding as a pony when this coral clod" The changeling pointed at Pinkie " handed us an invitation to a party that everypony was going to. A.K.A An absolutely perfect feast for a changeling." Twilight gritted her teeth and Pinkie glared. The Pink pony Glowed and changed as Twilight tightly gripped the whip's handle with her magic. The alicorn felt her building anger, and didn't hold back when she lunged towards the horde. She cracked her whip at the changelings that attacked her and quickly had them reduced to their marks. She galloped around the lounge, smacking the rope at the monsters one after the other. As she crushed through the creatures, she began to fall into a rhythm. And as Pinkie felt the impact of the attack her and Twilight dealt together, she could sense her partner's pulse. Both of their hearts beating together in unison. As they felt themselves resonating with each other perfectly. And as their bodies briefly transformed. Twilight stood confidently as her wing grew to a ginormous size.The tips became a Dark plum color, as the feathers turned a hot pink. Her mane and tail stretched to the floor, with a large blonde streak running through them. The rope on Pinkie's whip grew in length and thickness, as a few of the strings turned blonde and blue. The handle's design became even more extravagant, with more balloons and confetti. A power surrounded them like a veil. Twilight bashed through the other changelings with barely any effort, leaving a trail of dust and marks behind her, until only one was left. She wrapped the whip around his neck and threw him against the wall. but instead of dying, he slid onto the ground and chuckled. Twilight gripped the handle tightly and pulled the monster close, looking him straight in the eye. " Why are you laughing? You are about to be destroyed." Twilight informed. The changeling cackled hysterically. " HA! It- it's just.... HA!HA! You really think your going to beat the entire changeling race with some type of Dumb-ass rainbow powers? You're acting so " menacing" it's freaking hilarious! HA!" Twilight tightened the whip. " I can kill you at this exact moment." She struggled, trying to look intimidating. " SEE! You're doing it right now! You're so confident that a couple of ponies can defeat all the millions of changelings we have, so that you can prevent us from releasing queen Chrysalis! When you're really just delaying the inevitable! It's priceless!" Twilight felt confused. " Queen......Queen Chrysalis?" " Oh no. Don't tell me! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO QUEEN CHRYSALIS IS!!!!!" The changeling burst out into a horrible laughter. " This, This is something else! You idiots don't know who the ruler of all of us are? That once we kill enough of you to be able to make your defenses useless, we will release our queen from her cocoon? And she will kill your "Shinigami" And then feed on all of your love and cutie marks? THAT'S AMAZING!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!! LOVE IT!!! LOVE -" Twilight pulled the rope tight until it ripped through changeling's neck, and he disappeared leaving his mark. The power surrounding the ponies faded, and their forms returned to normal. Pinkie changed back into a pony, picking up the mark, but not eating it. She looked at Twilight, they were both distressed about the new information they learned. Pinkie quietly put the mark in her mouth and swallowed it, not saying anything, not even describing it's taste. " I'm sorry about all this Pinkie," Twilight sadly said. " I just think we should go to bed. maybe we can ask Shinigami later about all this." The alicorn headed for her door. Pinkie raised her hoof " Hey Twilight, did you maybe..." the lavender pony kept walking. " Want to....." Twilight shut her door behind her. "Have some brownies?" Pinkie whispered. having a feeling of despair settle in, she walked to her room. " maybe I should just go to sleep. I'll probably feel better tomorrow." She thought as she shut her door. > The Training Mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My little Soul Eaters The Training Mission Rainbow Dash blew her scruffy multicolored mane out of her eyes, feeling drowsy. She laid on her stomach and cuddled up to the couch pillows on her sofa. She had been up late helping Applejack get a nest of Parasprites out from behind the washing machine, and was in need of a morning nap. As she tried to get a bit of extra shut-eye, Applejack stood in the kitchen shoving her hooves in a bowl of batter. The Kitchen led straight into the living room without a wall in-between, So Rainbow was able to see A.J. messily spilling batter pretty much everywhere. She was going to tell her that her long, blonde mane was halfway into the bowl, but she decided to just let Applejack do her thing. Making those Apple Pancakes may be messy, but it was definitely worth it. " Hey sugarcube, I'll let ya' rest but don't be mad if ah' eat it all while you're sleepin'." " I'll wake up by then, The smell will be my alarm clock." Applejack's raspy voice chuckled as she continued to spill pancake batter all over the counter. Applejack was about to start up the stove when the doorbell buzzed. Rainbow shot up from the couch, " What was that!?" She gasped, startled. " It's just the door Rainbow, ah'll get it." Applejack trotted up to the rug by the front door and found a large letter laying on it, presumably shoved through the letter slot.She could hear some faint giggles from behind the door, as she picked up the letter and ripped it open. It was written in a pretentious tone, trying to sound way more professional than it actually was. Applejack read though the words, most of it being filler, but when she got to the ending her eyes bulged open. She let out a yelp, waking Rainbow once again. " Applejack! You said you would let me sleep!" Rainbow whined. She looked at Applejack's beaming face as the cowpony lifted up a sloppy looking letter. " THEY GOT IN!" Applejack shouted. Rainbow jaw dropped. " THEY GOT IN?!" Rainbow smiled along with Applejack, completely forgetting about her fatigue. She flew over and threw the door open, looking at the two filly's sitting in the hallway. " APPLEJACK!" Applebloom yelled as she jumped onto her big sister. Scootaloo tried to keep her cool around Rainbow. " Hi Rainbow!" Rainbow dash smiled and pulled Scootaloo towards her. She rubbed her hoof against her little buddy's head. " What's that? You're not happy to see me?" Rainbow Teased. Scootaloo panicked " NO! No! I am! I am!" Scootaloo wrapped her hooves around her honorary sister. Applejack pried Applebloom off of her and sat her on the rug. " Ah' am so proud that you two got into the DWMA!" Applejack congratulated. The two little ponies grinned, liking this new praise. " Yeah!" Applebloom cheered " We were so surprised the Shinigami Celestia said she loved our presentation!" Rainbow nodded "And It's great that you two got paired up together!" Applebloom shook her head. " Actually, Ms.Luna said that she saw some real potential in me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. So she said that we would work best as a three pony team!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash's mouths gaped open. " Really?! But, that barely ever happens!" "Yeah," Applejack agreed. " Well, ah' guess that means you guys are somethin' special." The kids jumped around hallway, overwhelmed with excitement. Applejack let out a sigh, when she asked" Hey, where's Sweetie Belle?" "She visiting Rarity, But she'll come over in a minute." Scootaloo answered. The four ponies continued with hugs and compliments. It was tough to see family when you were in DWMA, seeing as how you always needed to be ready to take on a changeling. So any visits from ponies that didn't live in the same apartment building needed to be scheduled weeks in advance. Applejack and Applebloom hadn't seen each other in about a year, and Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hadn't seen each other since Rainbow joined the academy. They needed to savor this moment, since their letter stated that the C.M.C were moving into the building on the other side of town. " Hey!" Rainbow got an idea. " You guys should show us your presentation!" The two filly's smiled. " Yeah! That's sounds awesome!" Scootaloo proclaimed. Applejack walked the filly's into the living room, as Rainbow pulled the coffee table away from the couch, giving them room to preform. " It looks a lot cleaner since the last time ah' saw this place." Applebloom stated. Applejack grinned " Yeah, ever since ah' implemented the " Give Applejack a bit every time you don't clean up after yer'self rule" things have been looking a lot nicer 'round here." Rainbow groaned. " I hate that rule." Applebloom and Scootaloo stood in front of the sofa, as their sisters quietly sat, waiting to see their skills. " Alright, it looks a little weird without Sweetie Belle, But ah' think we can make it work." Applebloom warned. Scootaloo stood up straight and tall, as a light began to shine off her. She fell into Applebloom's hoof as a bright orange nunchaku, The chains colored a deep purple. Rainbow clapped, It was always exciting to see what a pony's weapon was. Applebloom began to throw and thrash around the nunchaku, preforming something she had obviously memorized. Her hoof was even gripped as if she was holding another nunchaku, presumably Sweetie Belle. She threw up Scootaloo into the air, and bowed. Before the The sisters could react Scootaloo fell back down to earth, knocking Applebloom in the head. " What'd ya do that for?!" Applebloom shouted at Scootaloo as she rubbed the forming bump on her head. " I didn't do anything! I was sitting there when you dropped me!" Scootaloo argued, changing back into a pony . Applejack chuckled, the two filly's bickering reminded her of her and Rainbow. She remembered how when they first moved in together they would fight all the time. They had no idea how to live with each others flaws and issues, so that led to a lot of stupid arguing. But now that they've lived together for two years,they stopped caring about the little quirks and focused on what was so great about each other instead, even if they still fought sometimes. And that was the way they liked it. "Alright, Alright, calm down," Rainbow sighed. " Scoots, when you're a weapon you can't just zone out, It all rely's on focus. It can be frustrating, and trust me, I know how hard it can be. But you need to be in tune with your miester, feeling everything that's going on around you. It will be a lot easier for you, and your partners if you do." Scootaloo nodded. Rainbow looked over at Applebloom. " And Applebloom, Applejack will be better at talking to you about being a miester than me, but you probably don't want to throw things over your head." Applebloom frowned, embarrassed as her big sister threw her arm around her. " Aw, Applebloom ah' still thought it was great! Don't be down on yer'self now." Applejack encouraged, letting the country twang in her voice resound. Rainbow grinned at the sisters while she jokingly used Scootaloo's head as an armrest. " Thanks for the advice Rainbow." Scootaloo smiled. " Don't mention it squirt, You're going to need it tomorrow on your first day of training," Rainbow said, giving herself a pat on the back for her great mentor skills. " Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I hope that were ready to impress Shinigami Celestia and Ms.Luna." Scootaloo worried " Don't worry about that. Nobody knows what their doing on the first day. Their not looking to be impressed." Rainbow said " I know, but we want to be the best!" Scootaloo proclaimed. " Right Applebloom?" Applebloom cheerfully nodded. Scootaloo looked back at Rainbow. " If we stand out, than everyone will know how awesome we are! I wish that we could get a head start." Rainbow smacked her hooves together. She felt as though a light bulb had appeared above her head. " YES! We should give you a head start!" Rainbow's voice rang with enthusiasm. " LETS GO CHANGELING HUNTING!!" Rainbow slammed the window open and flew outside. She hoped to find a changeling somewhere that she could bring back and have the fillies destroy. But before she got anywhere she felt a familiar tug on her tail. She looked back through the window where she saw Applejack looking annoyed as she bit on the end of Rainbow dash's tail. " Not so fast sugarcube, We can't just have them kill somethin'. They need to know how to deal with actually being on a mission. How to go through some strange place to find an enemy." Rainbow groaned, then nodded. " True. But they still need to know how to fight." Rainbow sassed as she flew back into the apartment. " True." Applejack shrugged and then smiled. " Hey, we should take them on a mission with us! that way we can show them the ropes!" Rainbow pulled her fist to her side, grinning. " YEAH! Perfect! Now lets go!" Rainbow shot back out the window. Applebloom stared out the window for a few seconds before asking her big sis, " Uh, should we try to stop her?" " Naw, she'll just sit at the place until we get there." Applejack rubbed her sisters head lovingly." But let's not keep her waiting too long." Applebloom saw the look on Applejack's face and became perplexed. Why did Applejack seem so happy by Rainbow running out like that? She asked her about this. " Huh? Oh. Ah' just think it's kind of......" Appplejack paused looking for an appropriate word. " Charming. It's charming. A bit more exciting than just a partner that sits around for ya'." Applebloom still felt a bit skeptical about this answer, but decided to just go with it. But she couldn't help but think that something else was going with the way Applejack was acting about Rainbow. " So, lets go get Sweetie Belle and then meet up with Rainbow, Alright girls?" " Alright!" Applebloom and Scootaloo chimed, Feeling the excitement filling up inside them. But, they knew to be professional and walked confidently out of the door, careful not to let a squeal slip out of them.