• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 727 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Soul Eaters - ComputerGlitch88

Where ponies must work to protect their world against the changelings, horrible creatures that eat the cutie marks of innocent ponies. its up to the academy of brave ponies to fight against them. partners, a mister and a weapon.

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My little Soul Eaters


Rarity looked at her hurt friend laying on the bed next to her. She sat solemnly In the nurse's office, waiting for Luna (Shinigami Celestia's current death weapon) to come and see if she could help Fluttershy. She Thought while sitting in a little chair next to the bed, while Rainbow and Applejack sat at the foot of it.

" Where is Luna? She said she would hurry over here!" Rainbow complained.

" She's probably busy sugarcube, ah'm sure Being a Death weapon is hard work." Applejack replied.

" Yeah, but I'd make it work." Rainbow bragged.

" Ah doubt that." Applejack quipped.

" Oh come on! I bet Rarity will agree with me!" Rainbow's head popped up from behind the bed. " Right Rarity?"

Rarity didn't react for a moment . She seemed lost in her own thoughts. She eventually looked up. " I'm sorry darling, did you say something?"

Rainbow and Applejack stood up and trotted over to Rarity. " Rarity? You okay? I know were all worried but, you seem kinda lost." Rainbow asked.

" I'm Alright, it's just, I feel so sad for Fluttershy." Rarity looked down at her hooves. " I remember two years ago, on the second day of school when........"Rarity looked up. she wanted to be absolutely sure that Twilight wasn't there. Twilight's five friends had sworn never to mention that second day around her.

Rarity continued" When we first became partners, and I just remember how proud Fluttershy was of herself for joining the DWMA in the first place. We talked about how we would get tons of cutie marks, I would be adored by thousands and she would be able to conquer her fears. But it took so long to even get ONE, and I know it wasn't just hard on me, I know it was disappointing for her too. She was so happy when we finally got one from her act of bravery, but now she can't celebrate, and If this doesn't work out, she may never get to celebrate."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack's ears folded down, thinking about what Rarity said. Rainbow was about to respond, before Luna slammed the door open. " I'm sorry I'm late my friends." Luna said. She trotted over to Fluttershy's bed and looked over her. she unwrapped the bandage around Fluttershy's head and looked at the sore. When she inspected Fluttershy's wing she looked quite surprised. " Is this really a bite mark?" she asked. Rarity nodded.

" I'm not sure what to do." Luna stated " I only know one way to fix this, Not many ponies get changeling bite marks."

" One? What is-"

" WAIT!!" The door burst open. Twilight and Pinkie stood in the doorway panting, apparently having ran here. " Huh... Huh.... What wrong with Fluttershy?!" They both ran to the bed and looked sadly at her.

Luna cleared her throat. " Uh, what I was saying was that I can only think of one cure-all for a bitten wing."

Rainbow grinned. " Well, then lets go get it! Where is it?"

Luna looked away. " Ummmmm........" Luna cringed. " It may be a bit of a ..... intolerable experience."

Applejack smirked " Intolerable? ah'm sure it's not that bad. And even if it's bad, nothing is to difficult to help our friend!"

" That's not the type of intolerable I mean" Luna answered

" Then what type of intolerable do you mean then?" Twilight asked.

" Funny that Luna decided to make a crude face instead of answer me, huh?" Twilight grumbled

" Twilight, Are you going to complain the whole way there?" Rarity asked

" Well now were just walking towards something "supposedly" intolerable and we don't know whats happening!" Twilight whined

" well, we all have to walk there so you have no more right to complain the the rest of us. Especially me! I mean,we all have to walk through this Algae filled river to some random watery cave That we know nothing about, And we'll probably have to walk through some dirty waterfall

" HEY! you two quit your yappin'!" Applejack yelled behind her. " It's giving me a headache."

" Oh! Applejack! My granny pie said that if you ever have a headache while walking in a river to a mysterious cave, you should eat a piece of cake!" Pinkie advised

" We don't have any cake Pinkie." Applejack said dryly.

" Don't be too sure about that!" Pinkie reached into the infinite void that is her mane and pulled out a slice of lemon cake. Applejack bit into the cake and swallowed.

" Well.......?"

" Nothin'" Applejack replied

Pinkie disappointingly put the rest of the cake back in her mane and began to bounce around in the river on the way to the cave.

After a few minutes of trotting the five ponies reached the mouth of the river. They stared into the small opening at the end. as they trotted into the watery cave it looked much bigger on the inside. In the center was a rocky platform with a pristine white chair in the middle facing the wall with a pony sitting in it. A quaint side table with a cup of tea on it stood next to the pony. They all walked to the platform and climbed up.

" Um... hello, we were told that you had a cure for a hurt Pegasus wing, Right? Uh...... Ma'am?" Twilight guessed,trying to see the pony sitting in the chair

"I have what you need my friend

A salve for a Pegasus wing to mend

But first I must tell you my legend

before I can give you my present"

the pony flipped around her seat, she revealed herself to be an adult zebra. Her hair stuck high up in the air with a white staff laying on her lap. Her voice was loud and spoke in rhyme. the ponies stared at her for a moment, confused about her speech patterns and what she said.

" Sooooo..... you're saying that you have it but won't give it to us yet?" Rainbow asked.

The zebra nodded.

" WHAT?!?" Rarity shouted. " You may not understand but our friend is possibly DYEING from her bleeding wing and we need this cure for her! I am definitely NOT sitting around for some zebra to finish some story." A few of Rarity's friend's stepped away from her, a little surprised from her sudden explosion, even if they agreed with her.

FOAL! you really think I would have the idea

To take the humbleness away from this zebra?

Of course not! I wouldn't dream!

Zecora will provide you with a salve like cream!

The ponies looked puzzled at the zebra. " Uh, alright so are you giving us the salve?" Rarity questioned

Zecora nodded once more.

Rarity smiled and held out her hoof for the salve.

" Now my legend starts in the 12th century....."

Zecora was probably going to end that in a rhyme, until Rarity interrupted her.


FOAL!!! how dare you accuse,

the legendary Zecora of lying of this news!

" But you said....."

Don't say that! I said no such thing!


FOAL! My legend is one beloved by many....

"GAH!" Rarity threw her hooves in the air and stormed out of the cave. Her friends watched her as she sat angrily in the river. She called back inside "Can the rest of you darlings get it for me? I need a moment."

Zecora sat with her legs crossed, awaiting another pony to listen to her. All of them were dreading going up there. Eventually, Applejack walked up to the chair and prepared for a story.

Hello willing friend, wanting to listen to my legend

You are a Miester! I betyou could use a weapon! \

" HEY!" Rainbow flew over to the chair. " She already has a weapon! ME!"

" Yeah,.......... And ah' thought you were telling some story."

Remember friend it is wrong to tell lies!

But I will still offer my weapon as a prize.

" What? Applejack is the most honest pony in town!" Rainbow defended " AND IM HER WEAPON!!"

" Thanks Rainbow" Applejack said " But Zecora, ah' have no idea what you're talkin' about. You just said that you had a legend!"

FOALS!!! you, Applejack need my skills

I, the legendary Zecora will fill

The space of where you need a weapon

Rainbow gritted her teeth " I'M. HER. WEAPON."

My first rules that you must know

are ones that you cannot blow

" What the buck are ya talkin' about?!?!" Applejack shouted


"UGH!!" the two partners groaned. They ran off of the platform and out of the cave to join Rarity. Three down two to go.

Twilight and Pinkie looked at each other for a few moments, silently debating who was going next. Soon Pinkie walked forward. " Alright Pinkie just sit, listen and get the cure" She thought.

So miss Pie, I see that you like sweets

Even if there the ones you don't eat

She took the cup sitting on the side table and let Pinkie look into it. " ooh! sweet tea!"

What do you mean? This is no tea!

Only the weak links drink tea!

" But...... you're drinking tea." Pinkie informed.

This is coffee with poison joke!

" But........... that's.............tea." Pinkie wasn't sure what else to say.

FOAL! I have no idea what you're talking about!

This is obviously tea. very sweet and strong like stout

Pinkie gave an unimpressed look. " I'm done" She stood up and unceremoniously trotted out of the cave to join the others.

" Whelp," Twilight thought, " I guess it's up to me."

Hello Twilight I heard you are quite studious

You would be great as one of my students

" Students?"

One of my students to study greatness

And hear of my wonder sweetness
" You're sounding like Rainbow Dash..."

" WE CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!" Rainbow shouted from outside.

" Anyways, Zecora, We really need this cure. "

I will give a cure for your friend

but first I must ask to sen-

Twilight dashed behind Zecora by her table. Zecora twisted around and Ran over to The alicorn. Twilight jumped behind the platform and fell into a pile of old relics and Random zebra-themed artifacts. She began to rummage around until she felt a vial in her hoof. She heard Zecora galloping over to here before Twilight Used her horn to hold her in place. She grabbed the vial and ran out of the cave, unfreezing Zecora. When she meet back up with her friends, they quickly bolted out of the river trying to get away as fast as possible.


The group stopped and looked back at the zebra

Remember, I will be waiting for you to return that vial

Twilight looked blankly at Zecora. She said to her friends " Run"

Having delivered the salve to the nurses, The five ponies nervously sat in the hallway outside. They waited for Fluttershy to wake up, the nurses said that once the salve stopped the bleeding from her wing, She would be able to To get up and make a recovery. Applejack and Rainbow were playing cards and Twilight read her new book from Celestia as Pinkie Read over her shoulder. Rarity doodled some design ideas in a journal when she heard the door open next to her. Fluttershy stumbled out of the room, still a little lightheaded.

"FLUTTERSHY!!!" Pinkie shouted. She Moved so fast it seemed like she flew over to Fluttershy and wrapped her arms around her.

Fluttershy yelped. Pinkie jumped off her. " Oh, Sorry Fluttershy! I was just excited!"

"It's alright." Fluttershy rubbed her bandaged wing, " The nurses said I can't fly for about a month but After a few days I should be able to fight again." Fluttershy smiled. The five ponies cheered, until Fluttershy asked them a question. " Hey, Where did you guys get that salve? It was lovely."

The ponies paused on their celebration and stared at Fluttershy. They stood for a moment before they all violently cringed.

" Never again" the 5 of them said.