• Member Since 4th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Comments ( 13 )

he fell into the wrong crowd, working for Canterlot's most dangerous crime boss as an enforcer.


. After brushing his teeth he went straight to bed.

It's a nice start but there some details that no need to be pointed out. I mean why mention brushing his teeth?
Plus some stuff is repeated as well.

Wow I cannot wait to see the next chapter:moustache:

Really happy to see this updated hope to see another really soon.

Thank you for appreciating my story and hopefully I would have the next chapter out by the coming week

"Asshole" said Silver after he hung up, he hated Sombra for forcing him into this life, the only benefits of working for him is that he gets paid a lot money, Silver had always been greedy when it comes to money, hell Avarice is his last name for god sakes, so he just sucks it up and does whatever Sombra tells him to do, because Sombra has been blackmailing him to continue working for him.

Blackmailing him with what?

Thirty minutes later after the pizza arrived, Silver heard a knock at his door. He opened to reveal a girl with green hair, pale green skin, brown eyes. She was wearing a brown striped sweater with light and dark brown stripes, light blue jeans and gray sneakers.

This was Silver’s girlfriend Wallflower blush, “hey Silver” greeted Wallflower with a small smile on her face.

How long have they been dating?

The whole school turned on him, calling him a monster and murderer, after he found out that Sunset had twisted his story around, he was furious, he confronted her about it, but she just had smug expression on her face, said that if he had have just submitted like everyone else then his secret wouldn’t have gotten out.

That was the last straw for him, he then decided to let his fist do the talking, he beat the absolute bloody crap out of her, it took four students to pull him off, afterwards, principal Celestia expelled him, it infuriated him that Shimmer had the school's staff wrapped around her fingers, they always took her side. Later that same day Greg heard about his expulsion and was ripping into Silver's mom of how irresponsible she was raising him and his sister Amber.

Silver got tired of Greg and got into an altercation with him, and his mom took Greg's side again and called him a problem child. After that day Silver had finally had enough of his mom's submissive attitude and ran away from home, he felt bad about leaving Amber behind, but he didn't want to get her involved into the life that he was living now. He blamed everything on that manipulative bitch Sunset Shimmer, one day he was going to get even with not just her, but all of CHS for labeling him a monster without giving him a chance to explain his side of the story.

Don’t worry, silver. You did the right thing.

After arriving at the mall Silver entered the food court and saw his younger sister Amber, she had long black hair, pale peach colored skin, a black t shirt that said oh my goth black jean pants, black steel toed boots with purple laces and a spiked chocker on her neck.

She going through a phase?

Amber quickly looked up front and saw Sunset Shimmer, she couldn't help but glare at the red head, Amber blamed Sunset for her brother's misfortune, this bitch twisted up a story about her brother and made him look like a scumbag in the eyes of the school, sure Silver was no saint, but she had no right digging into his past and twisting the story around, in fact she personally believes that Shimmer deserved that beating that Silver dished out on her, girl or not.

Glad someone else agrees.

Sunset managed to strike Heath out, and Amber quickly threw her ball at her, the red ball struck Sunset in the stomach pretty hard that she slightly puke. Everyone was appalled at what the young goth did, Rainbow quickly went to her friend's aid.


"I seriously don't know what that girl is thinking wearing all black, it's so dreadful and depressing, I once tried to offer her some better fashionable clothes but she was very rude and told me to get lost, very unbecoming of a lady if you ask me." huff Rarity.

Why was she mean to rarity?

Soon the trio made it to the Cafe, Pinkie had already put on her work uniform and began to take her friends orders and the other customers, while they were waiting for their food they began talking about Amber again.


"Um girls, who's Silver Avarice?" she asked. Rarity turned to look at Twilight, "Only the biggest ruffian and delinquent to ever have attended Canterlot High." said Rarity.

"Quite the trouble maker he was that scum Silver" said Applejack

"There were many time I wanted to give that bastard a knuckle sandwich" growled Rainbow Dash.

"He was terrifying for a freshmen, he would constantly get into fights with other students even with the seniors" said Fluttershy. Twilight then noticed Sunset trembling, which really worried. "My goodness Sunset you're trembling, are feeling alright?"

Damn, what did he do to them?

"That bastard brutally beat Sunset to a bloody pulp, and he probably would have killed her if he wasn't pulled off of her, and man was it gruesome, Sunset was bleeding out of her head and she wasn't moving we all thought she was actually dead. Sunset may have been a heartless bully at the time but she didn't deserve such a beating, I've seen my fair share of injuries before, but never to that extent" said Rainbow shuddering. Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing, no wonder Sunset reacted that way early, she had been completely traumatized by this animal.

I mean, she did kinda deserve it.

Served that sicko right.

Look forward to more.

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