• Published 5th Dec 2015
  • 331 Views, 1 Comments

Life in Ponyville - On a Hearth's Warming - SeaBreeze173

Ponyville is a place of love, friendship and harmony. It is also a place of grief and heartbreak. But sometimes the things that break us can mend us too.

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Chapter 3: It's the Holiday Season

Author's Note:

At little late, but better late than never, eh? I have figured out that I am horrible at deadlines:facehoof:

Now a little notice for you all. I will be posting a blog with a bit more detail in the coming days, but I want to do a quick version of it here.

I am going to be going on a hiatus for a while. After some thought, I came to the realization that I published this story too soon. Soon after I revealed the publication date, some things happened in my personal life that put me in a bit of a funk. I'm still not over most of it. I'm no where near the chapter count I wanted to be at for Part 1 of OaHW. I want to get that finished without worrying about updating here. I wish to also go ahead and get a head start of Part 2. I hope you all understand. I want to say that updates will begin again mid to late April, but it may possibly be as soon as mid March to as late as early June to maybe even into July. Depends on how I recover from everything that life has thrown my way. I hope you all understand. Do not worry, On a Hearth's Warming will continue.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't worry. No cliff hangers here!!

On a Hearth's Warming

by SeaBreeze173

Chapter 3: It's the Holiday Season

It was a week after Sea and Bolt learned of her pregnancy. Hearth’s Warming was just a day away and Ponyville was alive with joyful anticipation. The snow which had fallen days before gave the town a magical feel, though the foals who ambushed passer-bys with the cold surprise of a thrown snowball were starting to get a little annoying.

Sea trotted briskly through the streets of Ponyville, bags of presents held securely to her saddle bags. She had a horrible habit of going holiday shopping with just days to spare. This year, she had no days to spare.
As she went from shop to shop, Sea Breeze contemplated how she and Bolt would tell their families the news.

“Maybe get a card?” she said to herself. She shook her head. “No. I don’t think “You’re going to be grandparents” will work on paper,”

She pulled out her shopping list and marked off ‘present for Phoenix’. Next was the gift for Twilight. Sea headed into Quills and Sofas. A new fancy quill would be the perfect gift for her studious friend.

“I didn’t know there were so many,” Sea gaped at the large assortment of writing utensils. She finally picked a gorgeous quill with a large purple feather and a matching ink well. She made her purchase and crossed out Twilight’s name on the list. Next up, Lightning Strike.

“Oh joy,” Sea said sarcastically. Shopping for her brother had always been a pain in the flank. After spending way too long at his favorite game store, Sea finally picked out a game that she hoped he didn’t already have.

Finally after all day shopping, her list was completely marked through. Sea glanced at her saddle bags.

“How in Equestria am I going to get all this stuff wrapped tonight?” Sea fretted as she galloped home as quickly as possible without slipping on the ice or dropping her bags.

“Hey Goosey,” Sea greeted Angus, who had apparently not left his spot in front of the door since she left. The large pooch woofed and wagged his tale.

As she stepped inside, she glanced at the clock. Noting the time, Sea smiled and continued onto the bedroom.

“Wait,” she paused. Hastily, but gently, dropping the bags on the floor, she rushed back to look at the clock once more.

“SIX-THIRTY?!” Sea gasped. “Bolt! What time is Twilight’s party?!” she yelled.

“Six-Thirty, why?” Bolt’s muffled voice came from the office.

“It is six-thirty!”


“—I’m so glad you two made it,” Twilight smiled as she embraced Sea. The princess was wearing a shimmery purple dress and had her mane tied up in a bow.

“Better late than never, right? We wouldn’t miss this for the world, Twi,” Sea smiled, letting go of the breath she was holding. The pegasus had on a simple red gown and her mane was down from the ponytail it stayed in on most days, cascading down her shoulders with a red barrette holding her bangs back.

“Hey, Bolt,” Flash Sentry hoof bumped Bolt.

“Evening, Flash,” Bolt nodded. Angus pushed by Bolt and joyously bounded towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy adored the giant dog and Angus quickly learned that the kind pegasus almost always had special treats tucked away.

“I hope you don’t mind that we brought Angus, Twilight,” Sea said as the four walked away from the doors.

“Of course not. I invited all my friends and family and Angus is most definitely family,” Twilight smiled as they watched the dog, who had quickly munched up whatever snack Fluttershy had and was now playing with Skyla, Ruby, Rose, Honey, and Pepper. Soarin was holding onto a squirming Boomer, who was making it known to everypony that he was not happy being contained in his father’s arms. The colt looked like carbon copy of his father, only he had Rainbow’s eyes and her gene of multi-colored manes, making his mane Soarin’s navy blue and a slightly lighter blue.

The castle was decorated modestly, yet it still had an elegant feel. Twilight had invited all of her friends, as well as her own family, Sea’s and Bolt’s families and their friends

Sea sought out Sweet Heart over by the refreshments table, Storm snoozing in his mother’s embrace.

“Hey Heart. Happy Hearth’s Warming,” Sea smiled.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming,” Sweet Heart returned the smile.

“How’s the little guy?” Sea peeked into the blankets to see the sleeping colt.

“He’s doing wonderful, surprisingly. Hardly ever cries. You don’t know how many times I’ve woken up during the night in a panic and rushed to the nursery to make sure he’s breathing. Doctor Horse says he’s just a well behaved foal, thank Celestia,” Sweet Heart leaned closer to Sea.

“How are you doing?” the pink pegasus whispered.

“I’m okay, I suppose. Still warming up to the idea though,”

“Yeah, it took me a bit, too, but now I couldn’t imagine it any other way,” Sweet Heart smiled. “You want to hold him?”

Sea grinned brightly and nodded her head. Sweet Heart gently laid her foal into Sea’s arms. Sea held the tiny colt in a firm, yet gentle embrace and smiled down at him. Storm stirred and opened his eyes. When he noticed that it wasn’t his mother’s face looking down at him, he scrunched his face up and gurgled.

“Hey now, I don’t think I look that bad,” Sea giggled.

“I think he likes you,” Sweet Heart said.

“I like him, too,”

It was an hour after the party began and everypony was having a grand time. Soarin finally succumbed to Boomer and the colt was currently running after Ruby, Honey and Pepper. Rose sat quietly on Fluttershy’s lap while Applejack and Carmel sat with their sleeping twins. Soon Cortland and Cameo would be wide awake once more and terrorizing the guests.

Sea hadn’t given Storm back to his mother for the whole night and still sat with him, the rest of the Mane Six and her friends coming by every once in a while to gush over the colt. Sweet Heart was grateful for Sea’s foalsitting, as she was able to spend quality time with Stone.

Twilight trotted up to the grey pegasus and her charge, Bolt and Sweet Heart following behind her.

“C’mon, let’s tell everypony the news,” Twilight smiled. Sea gaped at the alicorn.

“Now?” Sea whispered.

“Gotta do it sooner or later,” Twilight grinned.

“I prefer later,” Sea said.

“Any later and there’ll be nopony to tell,” Sweet Heart lifted the sleeping Storm from Sea’s reluctant arms. Sea and Bolt followed Twilight to the front of the room.

“Attention, friends, family,” Twilight spoke up. Once everypony quieted down, she went on. “Sea Breeze and Bolt have something they wish to tell all of you.”

Bolt and Sea stepped up, Sea holding onto Bolt’s hoof as if her life depended on it.

“Sea and I have some news for everypony,” Bolt began. He looked at Sea. Sea nervously nodded her head for him to continue. “We’re expecting,”

For several moments everypony stared at the couple as if they had grown another head each.

“I’m going to be an aunt?” Junie asked. At Sea’s nod, the eighteen year old smiled brightly. “I’m going to be an aunt! You’re gonna be an uncle, Striker!” Junie hugged her brother. “Mom, Dad, you’re gonna be grandparents!! Eee this is so exciting!”

“This calls for a party!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she and Junie began jumping up and down with each other. Pinkie and Junie’s similar personalities had made them grow close as friends. Junie loved the pink party pony like a second older sister.

“Welcome to the parenthood club, y’all,” Applejack grinned.

Meanwhile Bass, Amethyst, Thunder and Ocean were frozen in place. Amethyst and Ocean looked at each other.

“I’m going to be a grandmother,” Amethyst said.

“I’m going to be a grandmother. Again,” a grin broke out on Ocean’s face.

“We’re going to be grandmothers!” the mares squealed and hugged each other.

Thunder glanced at Bass. “Congratulations, Tempo,” the brown stallion said. Bass didn’t respond. Amethyst looked at her husband quizzically.


“Rose, get my gun,”

Sea awoke in her bed the next morning, Angus once again pressed up beside her just as he had for the past ten years. Based on the beam of sunlight shining through the window curtains, Sea guess it was close to mid-morning. She and Bolt had slept in quite a bit past their usual seven o’clock wake up time.

The pegasus shivered and pulled the blankets up until just her ears could be seen over the top. She wrapped her arms around the black pooch beside her and cuddled him close, receiving an annoyed grunt from the dog. Sea rolled her eyes, but kept her hold on him.

“It’s gonna be a cold one today, Goose,” Sea said to Angus. The husky mix yawned and sneezed, earning a high pitched “yuck!” from his mistress.

“You disgust me,” Sea glared. The dog grinned a way only dogs can.

“Are you talking to the dog again, Breeze?” came Bolt’s voice. Sea jumped and pulled the covers down to see Bolt standing in the bathroom, a towel around his neck and his wet mane plastered to his neck.

“You scared the mess outa me, Bolt. And yes, I’m talking to the dog. Yes, I know he can’t talk back. Yes, I’m a crazy pony,” the mare said. She took in the sight of her husband’s wet body. “And you could have waited for me,” Sea smirked.

“I can take another shower,” Bolt smirked back.

“Nah. I took one yesterday. Rarity said I shouldn’t get my mane and tail wet very often. It’ll dry it out, especially in the wintertime,”

“Since when did you care about your mane, Rainbow Dash Junior?”

“Haha,” Sea rolled her eyes. She flipped the bed covers back and at the cold bite of the air, yelped and flipped the covers back over her.


“Nah. Just laying here with five blankets for no reason,” Sea said sarcastically. “Is this winter colder than usual? I’m freezing,”

“Do I need to warm you up?” Bolt smirked. Sea smirked back.
“Angus is doing a well enough job. He’s furrier than you,” she gazed over Bolt’s still-wet body. “And dryer too,”

Bolt rolled his eyes.

“Well fine then. I guess all this,” he waved a hoof on his chest, “is just too much for a little mare like you,”

“Hmm, I think I’ll just keep hugging my dog then,” Sea playfully snuffed at her husband. She looked down an Angus and rubbed his head. “Who needs Bolt anyway, huh? We sure don’t,” Sea said. Angus woofed and licked Sea on her nose.

“Get a room!” Bolt chuckled.

“We are in a room! You just need to move it on outta here!” Sea laughed.

Bolt chuckled and shook his head.

“Gosh I love you,”

Being Bolt and Sea’s first Hearth’s Warming as a married couple, the two decided to have a lazy day before delivering presents to their friends. Later that night they would be joining Bolt’s and Sea’s families and Twilight and her family at Twilight’s castle for dinner and gift-giving.

“What do you want to do today?” Bolt asked his wife. Sea opened the pantry and dipped out a few cups of Angus’ kibble out of the container.

“Sleep,” Sea said as she fixed the dog’s breakfast. She set it down on the mat beside the refrigerator.

“You’re still tired?”

“It isn’t easy to sleep when one has a dog and a husband sawing logs right beside her,”

“I do not snore!” Bolt stomped his hoof

“Just keep believing that, honey,” Sea eyed the brown stallion playfully.

“You’re asking for it,”

“Actually, I would very much prefer if you kept ‘it’ to yourself,”

“What?” Bolt tilted his head to the side.

“What what?” Sea responded. Bolt shook his head.

“You are the weirdest mare I have ever met,” he chuckled.

“You love it,” Sea sauntered over to the stallion and rubbed her cheek to his.

“I do,” Bolt replied, nuzzling his wife. Sea smiled and kissed his cheek. She yelped softly when Bolt pulled her close and trapped her lips in a soft kiss.

“Okay, not that I couldn’t do this all day, but I really would like to have breakfast before it could be classified as dinner,” Sea giggled when they parted several moments later.

“Fun killer,” Bolt huffed. Sea laughed and went to the fridge and got out eggs, hay bacon, butter and milk while Bolt opened the cabinet and pulled down a bag of grits.

The couple went about preparing breakfast and once done, they finished wrapping gifts for friends and family, the sound of holiday music filling the house. Angus snored upside down on the couch, his leg twitching every once in a while.

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