• Published 5th Dec 2015
  • 331 Views, 1 Comments

Life in Ponyville - On a Hearth's Warming - SeaBreeze173

Ponyville is a place of love, friendship and harmony. It is also a place of grief and heartbreak. But sometimes the things that break us can mend us too.

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Chapter 2: Honeymooners

On a Hearth's Warmingby SeaBreeze173

Chapter 2: Honeymooners

As a wedding gift, Sea and Bolt’s parents arranged for them to have an actual house to stay in for their honeymoon in northern Bitlaty instead of a hotel. The villa was owned by a couple who bought the place and remodeled it into a bed and breakfast.

The four-hundred year old farmhouse had been made into a two apartment space. It sat on atop a hill that looked over the beautiful Bitalian countryside. The owners, Adamus, his wife, Bijou and their foals, Vito and Perricone, lived just down the hill and Sea and Bolt joined them every day for meals.

That morning, Bijou had offered to take Sea and Bolt to visit some of the shops in the city. The pegasus agreed enthusiastically. Bolt declined the offer, opting to stay at the villa to relax and do “stalliony things”.

What started as just a little window shopping with the occasional purchase for her sister, brother or parents quickly turned into getting gifts and souvenirs for Bolt’s parents, his sister and brother-in-law and their daughters, Twilight, Flash, Spike, and the rest of their friends.

“Thank you so much for inviting me to go shopping with you, Mrs. Bijou,” Sea smiled to the little red mare as they walked up the hill to the villa. Vito and Perricone had ran up ahead and were impatiently waiting for their mother and Sea Breeze.

“It was of no issue, mia cara. Mio marito isn’t one who enjoys shopping with his wife. Though, I imagine most other stallions are the same,” Bijou chuckled.

“That is very true,” Sea nodded.

“Perri and Vito are having friends from school over tonight,” Bijou said as they walked up the steps to front door of the villa. “I can send Adamus up with supper for you and Bolt so you won’t be bothered,”

“Oh, we don’t mind a couple foals. We can easily come down,”

“No, no, Mrs. Breeze. You and your new marito need to have some alone time on your honeymoon. Adamus shall bring supper and you and Bolt shall have a wonderful night of being together. Don’t forget to enjoy the wine,” Bijou nodded to Sea’s saddlebags, where the top of a bottle of fine wine Bijou insisted on buying for her peaked out.

Sea smiled. “I have no problem with that idea,” she pulled the villa’s key out of her saddlebag and unlocked the door.

“Thank you again for the wonderful day in the city,”

Prego, you’re welcome,” Bijou smiled. “Vito! Perricone! Vieni con me,” the red earth pony called to her foals.

Si, madre!” Perricone said. “Venga, Vito, come on,” Perricone said to her younger brother. The two foals chased after their mother, talking excitedly about what they would be doing with their friends that night.

Sea smiled as she watched the little family leave. She pushed the villa door open and trotted in.

Setting her bags on the floor, her nose twitched as she picked up the scent of candles. Nearly all the lights were off, the only light being what peaked out between the heavy curtains over the windows. Sea managed to pick her way along the wall to switch on the lights without running into the wall or tripping over anything.

The lights flicked on, revealing rose petals all over the floor.

“What in the world?” Sea gapped. Suddenly the lights dimmed once more and a radio clicked on.

Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low.
Put some music on that’s soft and slow.

Sea’s ears perked and turned around, Bolt standing right behind her.

“You’re kidding me,” Sea deadpanned.

“Does it look like I’m kidding?” Bolt smirked.

“No, but—yipe!” Sea yelped in surprise as Bolt grabbed her hoof and pulled her close, silencing her with a kiss.

There’s no hurry, don’t you worry.
We can take our time.
Come a little closer
Let’s go over what I had in mind.

“What’s got into you?” Sea asked when they parted.

“Is it a crime for a stallion to be romantic?”

Baby we ain’t got no place to go
I hope you understand.

“Of course not, but…” Bolt entrapped Sea once again in a kiss.

I’ve been thinking ‘bout this all day long.
Never felt a feeling quite this strong

I can’t believe how much it turns me on
Just to be your man.

After several moments Sea finally melted into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Bolt’s neck and held onto to him tightly.

Ain’t nopony ever loved nopony
The way I love you
We’re alone now
You don’t how long I’ve wanted to

Bolt pulled away from the kiss and gazed down lovingly at his wife. He smiled as Sea sighed happily.

“What do you say?”

“You better lock the door and turn the lights down low,”

The sun was just beginning to set an hour later as Adamus trotted up the hill to the villa, his left saddle bag having a covered bowl of his wife’s cheesy spinach rigatoni inside and the right carrying a container of salad and bread rolls.
As he got closer, he noticed that all the curtains were pulled over the windows, along with music coming from inside. Raising a brow in curiosity, Adamus lifted his hoof and knocked on the door. He set the saddlebag on the porch as the door opened and Thunder Bolt peaked his head out. Adamus noted that the brown pegasus’ mane was much messier than it usually was, along with a bit of sweat dripping down his neck.

“Oh, hello, Mr. Adamus. What can I do you for?” Bolt smiled.

Buona sera, Bolt. Mia moglie sent supper for you and Sea,” Adamus said, motioning to the saddlebag.

“Thank you, sir,” Bolt smiled again, taking the saddlebag from the earth pony stallion. “We’ll bring everything back tomorrow,”

Si, si, that is fine,” Adamus smiled. As Bolt went to shut the door back, Adamus stepped forward.

“There is a washing machine in the basement. If you would be so kind as to wash the blankets, I would be very much appreciative,” Adamus smirked. Bolt nodded.

“Uh, of course. No problem,”

“Have a nice night, Mr. Bolt,” Adamus smiled again as he turned and began on his way back down the hill.

“We will!” Bolt shut the door and walked back to the living room. Sea sat on the couch, a glass of wine perched on her hoof. She smiled when she saw Bolt.

“So, uh, eat now or save it for later?” Bolt held up Adamus' saddlebag

“That refrigerator is awfully empty, honey,” Sea smirked. Bolt nodded and quickly trotted to the kitchen, quickly placing the whole saddlebag in the ice box.

“Later it is!”

After almost three weeks away, Sea and Bolt arrived home in Ponyville.
They were saddened at leaving Adamus, Bijou, Perricone and Vito. They had become quite attached to little family and promised to one day visit again.

“Welcome home!” shouted their family and friends as the two departed the train.

“You guys didn’t have to do this,” Sea laughed, hugging her two newly acquired nieces.

“Did you and Uncle Bolt have fun, Aunt Bee-Bee?” Honey Lemon asked. Honey and Pepper had called Sea “Bee-Bee” since they learned to talk. Even once they were able to say her name correctly, they still called her Bee-Bee. Sea loved their name for her and asked for them to continue using it.

Sea glanced up at Bolt, who averted his eyes and began whistling.

“We certainly did, Honey,” Sea smiled. She straightened up and embraced her parents and siblings. Twilight trotted up behind Sea.


“Twilight!” Sea whirled around and hugged her alicorn friend. Her eyes widened when she saw the diamond ring on Twilight’s horn.

“You’re engaged!”

“Uh-huh! Flash proposed a week ago. I’m so excited!” Twilight squealed.

“So, when will my bridesmaid duties be needed?” Sea giggled

“Not for a while,” the princess said. “But you know how fast time flies,”

“You can say that again,” Sea nodded. “I’m so happy for you.” The two hugged once again.

“Bolt! You’re going to hurt yourself!” Sea half-reprimanded, half-laughed as Bolt carried Sea up the front steps of their home. Bolt had his wings spread out for balance.

“Don’t worry about me, Breezey. I’m a big colt,” Bolt managed to get up the steps without dropping his wife. “Um, could you open the door?”

“If I must,” Sea rolled her eyes.

“Home Sweet Home,” Bolt said as they came through the doorway. They had bought the home a few months before the wedding.

The house was a simple home. One story tall, two bedrooms, a nice kitchen, a large living/dining room combination and an office equipped with a desk, chair, and a large dog bed for Angus.

“As much as I loved Bitaly, it’s nice to be home,” Sea sighed as she walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, peering in to see if there was anything she could use to make supper with. It was mostly empty, save for some cheese and tomatoes that had seen better days. Bolt strode over beside her and pushed the refrigerator door closed.
He cupped Sea’s face in his hoof and kissed her tenderly.

“How about we just get some take out and have an in-home date night—” the doorbell rang. Bass Tempo had said he would be bringing Angus home.

“—With Angus,” Bolt added.

“You know you love him,” Sea brushed Bolt with her tail. She opened the door and was instantly assaulted with dog drool.

“Hey baby. We’re you a good boy while Momma was gone?” Sea baby-talked at the canine. Angus barked loudly, making Bass flinch.

“Ten years and he still gets me,” Bass shook his head.

“Thanks for bringing him over, Dad,” Sea kissed her father’s cheek.

“No problem, sweetie. He’s a good dog,” Bass rubbed Angus’ head.

“C’mon Goosey, let’s go get you settled down. Bye Daddy!” Angus plodded down the hallway behind Sea and disappeared into her office.

“Bye, sweetie,” Bass smiled. He set a bag inside the door. “Here are all Angus’ things,” he said to Bolt.

“Thank you, sir,” Bolt nodded. Closing the door, he picked up the bag and went into the kitchen to put out the dog’s food and water dishes on a small mat and hang the leash on a hook beside the door leading to the backyard. He took out the three toys and took them to Sea’s office. Stepping in the room, he saw that Sea had lay down on the giant dog bed and had her legs around Angus’ neck. The dog was fast asleep in his owner’s embrace, Sea looking as if she were about to fall asleep as well.

“You look comfy,” Bolt whispered so as to not wake the old hound.

“This bed is softer than ours,” Sea sighed, closing her eyes.

“You want a blanket?”

“Please.” Bolt nodded and went to fetch a warm blanket from the bedroom. He returned with a large quilt and two pillows.

“Figured I might join you two,” Bolt shrugged as he put one pillow under Sea’s head and set his on the other side of Angus, so that the dog would be between them. Bolt eased himself down and pulled the quilt over them.

“Sleep tight,” Bolt began.

“Don’t let the fleas bite,” Sea finished, nuzzling deeper into Angus’ abundant fur.

The next morning Sea awoke in her and Bolt’s bed. Beside her was her softly snoring loyal dog.

After the hour long nap the three had the previous afternoon, Bolt and Sea ordered take-out and watched several movies late into the night. Eventually Sea fell asleep against Bolt’s shoulder. Sea guessed that Bolt had carried her to bed during the night and no doubt assisted Angus up on the bed as well. The dog could no longer jump onto the furniture as he had developed some arthritis in his hips throughout the years. Angus didn’t let little bit of joint pain bring a damper on his `athleticism, though. When he got warmed up enough, he could do some serious running. He just had trouble stopping when he did.

Sea yawned and sniffed the air. It smelled like eggs and hay bacon. And burnt toast.

“Awe, he even burnt the toast for me,” Sea cooed to her drowsy pet. Sea was a weird mare in that she felt that the only good toast was burnt toast. She was certainly her father’s daughter.

She threw back the covers and hopped off, retrieving a step stool and placing it beside the bed so that Angus could get off easier.

Sea and Angus walked into the kitchen. Bolt stood at the stove, a pan of sizzling hay bacon before him. Sitting on the counter sat a large bowl of eggs and two plates of toast, one with burnt bread, the other just barely brown.

“Morning, babe,” Bolt winked.

“Good morning,” Sea pecked his lips. “So, you decided to make breakfast, huh?”

“You know I used to cook all the time. Mom rarely did, River’s horrible at it and Dad was always too tired from his work, so once I got old enough I decided to try my hoof at it,”

“Anypony can cook eggs and bacon,” Sea scoffed.

“River can burn water,” Bolt deadpanned. Sea was taken aback.

“Wow, that takes talent,” She set down Angus’ food dish, complete with a bit of eggs and a strip of hay bacon.

“You can say that again,” Bolt nodded.

“Are you okay in there?” Bolt called through the closed bathroom door, the sound of painful retching coming from inside.

“Do I sound okay?!” Sea spat, followed with more sounds of vomiting.

“I was just asking,” Bolt said to the dog standing beside him. Angus’ ears went up and he sneezed, shaking his head.

Not five minutes after they had finished breakfast, Sea began saying her stomach hurt. She didn’t even get all her words out before she went galloping to the half bathroom near the kitchen.

She had been in there for the past ten minutes.

Finally, the doorknob rattled and Sea stepped out of the bathroom. She looked miserable and Bolt wanted nothing more than pull her close and hug her.

“I’m going to go take a bath,” she said, stumbling as she pushed past Bolt. Bolt caught her and helped his wife to their bedroom and set her down on the bench in front of their bed.

“Just sit here and I’ll get the water started for you,” Bolt said. Once he had the tub filled halfway up with warm water, a little bit of strawberry scented soap dropped into the water, he went and helped Sea get to the bathroom, holding her hoof as she stepped into the tub. He wet a wash cloth with cold water from the sink and laid it across Sea’s forehead.

He wet another cloth, this time with hot water and squeezed a little bit of the strawberry soap on it. Using the cloth, he massaged Sea’s shoulders and back until she almost fell asleep. He then let the water out of the tub and rinsed the suds off her. Helping her once more to get out, he wrapped a large towel around her and used a smaller one to dry her mane and tail.

“Thanks, Bolty,” Sea smiled once Bolt pulled the bed sheets over her.

“It’s nothing, Breezy. I’d do anything for you,” Bolt kissed his wife’s forehead.

“I know. Love you,”

“Love you, too. Now get some rest and I’ll check on you in a little while,” Bolt smiled gently. He shut the blinds over the windows and turned off the lights, making it nearly pitch black in the room. He left the door cracked slightly and went to the kitchen to clean up the breakfast mess.

The next morning and several mornings after followed the same pattern. Sea believed it was just a bug she caught while in Bitaly. She tried to convince Bolt of it, but her husband was beginning to think that it could be something more than just a stomach virus.

“Maybe we should get a doctor’s appointment for you,” Bolt said as he helped Sea clean herself up one morning a week after they arrived home.


“No, Breezy, there is something going on. I’ll make the appointment myself and drag you to the hospital if I have to.”

“Fine. I’ll go, if it’ll make you feel better,” Sea groaned.

“He’s worrying for no reason,” said Sea to her group of friends. Rarity had invited Sea, Fluttershy, Moon Glow, Sweet Heart, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Junie and Rainbow Dash to an afternoon at the spa. Phoenix and Applejack couldn’t come due to work. Fancy Pants, Rarity’s husband, graciously agreed to watch Boomer along with Ruby while the mares had an afternoon out.

“You can’t blame him, Sea Breeze. He’s just being a good husband,” Rarity said from the mud baths.

“But it’s nothing, really. A little morning sickness has never hurt anypony. Angus used to puke every morning when he was a puppy. He’s fine,”

“Yes, but Angus is a dog, Sea. Dogs are different from ponies,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“It could be something else,” Sweet Heart interjected.


“Sea’s got a little bun in the oven!” Pinkie Pie cheered. Sea Breeze stared at the pink pony. Junie looked at her sister in disgust.

“Eeww. Don’t tell me you and Bolt have been doing it,”

“Of course they’re doing it, Kid. They’re married,” Rainbow rolled her eyes. Junie grimaced and put her hooves over her ears. Moon Glow glanced at Sea.

“Well, are you?” Sea gaped at her friend, mortified.

“ARGH! I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with my friends. AND MY SISTER!”

“It couldn’t hurt to check,” Twilight shrugged.

“I can’t be a mother! I don’t even like foals!”

“But you love Skyla, Honey and Pepper,” Junie said. Rarity nodded in agreement.

“If I remember correctly, you couldn’t get enough of Ruby when I had her,”

“Don’t forget when you went ga-ga over Boomer,” Rainbow smirked.

“And just a month ago you said you couldn’t wait to get your hooves on this fellow,” Sweet Heart gestured to her pregnant belly. She was due to have the foal any day now.

“But I’m not their mother. I can easily hand them back over when I’m done drowning them in kisses,” Sea said. “I’m not ready to be a mother,”

“Congratulations, Sea Breeze. You’re going to be a mother,” Doctor Stable smiled.

Sea shook her head. “No, no, no. Check again. There has to be a mistake,”

“The tests don’t lie, Ms. Breeze. You are pregnant. Nearly a month along. It’s a little odd that you are having morning sickness so soon, though. Most mares don’t start until they are several more weeks along, if it even happens at all. I believe you’re just a bit more sensitive than most mares,”

“I’m going to have a foal,” Sea whispered to herself.

“Based on my calculations, your little one should arrive a few weeks before next Hearth’s Warming. We’ll know better as the time gets closer. Congratulations again, Sea Breeze.”

Sea shook the doctor’s hoof and slowly plodded out of the examination room and down the hospital hallway to the entrance. Bolt and Twilight were sitting in the waiting room. Bolt stood up when he saw Sea Breeze.

“How’d it go? Are you going to be okay?” Bolt asked anxiously.

“Yeah. Everything’s fine. Nothing ten months can’t fix,” Sea cheered half-heartily.

“What?” Bolt tilted his head, confused. Twilight’s grin grew with every passing moment.

“Bolty, you’re going to be a father,” Sea smiled shyly. Bolt froze.

“Congratulations, Sea!” Twilight threw her arms around the pegasus’ neck. “When are you due?”

“A few weeks before Hearth’s Warming, but it could be sooner or later,”

“A holiday foal?! That’s so sweet!” the princess gushed. She glanced at the brown pegasus. “Isn’t it, Bolt?” Bolt continued to stare, frozen. Sea waved a hoof in front of her husband’s face.

“Bolt?” The stallion shook his head.

“Sorry. I think I heard you wrong. I thought you said that you’re pregnant?”

Sea nodded her head. “I am. We are going to have a foal,”

“We are?!” Bolt’s face lit up. “No joking right?”

“No joking,”

“Ah Yeah!” Bolt wrapped his arms around his wife. “We’re going to be parents!”

“Uh-huh. Parents.” Sea uneasily grinned.

The three left the hospital, Bolt talking up a storm about the news. Sea held her head low with her ears pinned back. Twilight noticed her friend’s trepidation.

“What’s wrong, Sea?” Bolt paused in his monologue and looked towards the mares.


Sea stopped in the middle of the pathway and dropped to the ground, tears pouring out of her eyes.
“This can’t be happening,” she wailed. Twilight and Bolt glanced at each other and went to the pegasus. Bolt laid on his belly and wrapped an arm around her, nuzzling her mane.

“Don’t worry, Sea. We’ll get through this together,”

“You have all of us, Sea,” Twilight went to the pegasus’ other side and rubbed Sea’s back. “You have me, the girls, all your friends, your parents, Lighting and Daisy, and even Angus. We all will be right with you.”

Sea sniffed and wiped her nose. She smiled up at her husband and friend, a few tears still clinging to her eyes.

“I’m sorry, guys. This is just a lot to take in,”

“I know. It is a bit of a shock,” Bolt nodded. “How about we get you home, settled on the couch with a blanket, Angus, a bowl of ice cream and a TV? I’ll fix supper tonight.” Sea chuckled.

“That sounds nice,”

Twilight and Bolt helped Sea off the ground.

“I have to get back to the castle,” Twilight said. “I’ll come visit you tomorrow, Sea.” She hugged both Sea and Bolt goodbye and took to the air.

When they arrived home, Angus greeted them with a plethora of barks and excited licks, most of which were directed at Sea. Despite their friendship, Angus did not feel that Bolt was worthy of such affection.

Sea made her way to the living room, Angus hot on her hooves, while Bolt went into the kitchen to make a bowl of ice cream for his wife and a bag of popcorn for himself and the pooch. He set the time on the microwave for the popcorn and fetched the tub of ice cream from the freezer. He put two scoops of strawberry and a scoop of vanilla in a bowl for Sea and placed another scoop of vanilla into a smaller dish for the dog. Bolt knew that once Angus saw Sea’s ice cream, he would not leave her alone until she gave him a bite and so figured he would give the mutt his own.

Bolt balanced the ice cream and popcorn on his spread wings and carefully made his way to the living room. The sight he found was one that warmed his heart, yet, at the same time, filled him with sorrow.

Angus had a special intuition when it came to Sea. A sixth sense, Fluttershy called it. The dog always knew when his owner was sad or angry or stressed, even when no pony else could. Whenever he sensed that something was off about Sea, he would get as close to her as possible, lay his head on her shoulder and stay there for as long as Sea would let him.

This time, however, Angus sat beside the couch with his head laid on the cushion. Bolt knew that the dog was gazing lovingly up at his mistress. Sea slowly stroked the dog’s head and fondled with his velvety ears.

“Goose, what am I going to do?”

“Oh Sweet Heart, he’s beautiful,” Sea gushed as she held the newborn foal. He had his father’s slate coat and had the blue mane of his grandfather Rapid, along with a strip of white which he got from Sweet Heart and both of his grandmothers. When he opened his eyes, they were the same purple orbs as Sweetie’s.

“Have you decided on a name?” Bolt asked Stone Brook.

“We did, but after several knock-out drag down fights,” Stone chuckled.

“We did not have any knock-out drag down fights. I just threw the mane dryer at your head,”

“My point exactly,”

Sweet Heart rolled her eyes. Turning to a wide-eyed Sea, she said, “We decided on Storm Ryder,”

“That’s a wonderful name,” Sea smiled, though apprehensively.

Sweet Heart noted Sea’s nervousness. “Boys, could you leave Sea and I alone for a few minutes?” The stallions nodded and trotted out of the hospital room. Sea hoofed the sleeping Storm back to his mother, Sweet Heart cradling the colt in her arms.

“What’s wrong, Sea?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Sea smiled, shuffling her hooves. “When did I say something is wrong?”

“You didn’t,” Sweet Heart said. “I’m just psychic,”

“No you’re not,”

“No, I’m not. But I know when one of my friends is troubled, especially when she’s my best friend. So spit it out. What’s wrong?”

Sea wrinkled her face, but finally her emotions poured out.

“Everything!” The grey pegasus cried. “I’m pregnant, Sweet Heart,”

“That’s wonderful news, Breezy!”

“No it’s not! This wasn’t supposed to happen. At least, not this soon. I can’t be a mother. I just can’t. I know Bolt wants foals and he’s going to be a wonderful father, but I know I’m going to be a horrible mother,”

“Oh, Sea,” Sweetie sighed. “You’re not going to be a horrible mother. You’re a loving and kind mare. I’ve seen how you interact with your nieces and with Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Applejack’s foals. There’s no mistaking the sparkle in your eyes when you are with them. You’re going to be a wonderful mother,”

“But what if I’m not?”

“I had the same fears, Sea. I believe every expecting mare does. But holding this little colt in my hooves, I feel such love for him. I may not win Equestria’s Most Amazing Mother award, but I’m going to raise this foal to the best of my abilities. And I have Stone to help me along the way, just like you have Bolt,”

Stone peaked in the room and glanced at his wife. “Are you two finished with your mare talk? I have a waiting room full of mares eager to get their hooves on my kid. I’m afraid they might start throwing hooves at any moment,” the stallion shuddered.

“Well it’s a good thing we’re in a hospital, then,” Sweet Heart chuckled. She balanced Storm on one arm and reached her hoof over to Sea’s, squeezing the grey mare’s hoof.

“I’m here for you if you need me. Any time,” the pink pegasus smiled. “Love you,”

“Love you too, Sweet Heart,” Sea leaned down to Storm and nuzzled the foal’s head. “Don’t work your momma too hard, little guy,”

“Sea?” Sweet Heart said as Sea made her way out the door.

“Yeah, Heart?”

The new mother smiled. “Congratulations,”

Author's Note:

The lyrics in this chapter are from Your Man by Josh Turner