• Published 8th Dec 2015
  • 364 Views, 6 Comments

Moving Forward, Wrought with Danger - Odayama

A mercenary guild from the Forgotten Relms gathers their three strongest fighters to take on a job too close to their city. Little did they know that their target would use wild magic that would thrust them into another relm that is...less forgotten.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Vinyl dashed up towards the elf. Why was it that she felt like it was her responsibility for bringing him to Ponyvile? Tom did snap at Berry in her shop, so who knows what else will get him off.

“Hey, Tom? Am I going to have to watch out for ya? I don’t want any trouble to happen because somepony says something wrong around ya.”
Tom looked at Vinyl, his eyes were hardened, but his sigh showed some restraint. “This might be surprising, but this is me showing restraint. My comrades would think some demon had taken over my body if they saw how much I’ve improved.”

Vinyl made a face. If that was an improvement, she didn’t want to see what he was like before.

Tom sighed again. “I paid off that wine seller with more coin than needed. I never did that before. And why did I buy ten bottles? Two would have been enough. Maybe it’s because she showed more confidence at the end there...”

Tom suddenly stopped walking. Vinyl turned around to ask what was up, when she noticed a greenish unicorn holding onto Tom’s hand in her hooves

Lyra was fascinated…neigh…stunned. Such shape…such…versatility. The perfect appendage to have, presented to her in such a fashion was…exciting. She looked up to the eyes of such a majestic creature, only to be greeted with an angry look.

“Are you looking for trouble, unicorn? None have ever stopped me before like this. Do you dare stand before Odin’s servant upon…”
“O-ookay, Tom, I think you need to find the place to eat something, I think you’ve gotten a bit too crankyLyraletgoofhishandrightnow.” Vinyl looked straight at Lyra, hoping she’d snap out of it.

Lyra stared right back at Tom, but not scared by the glare she was getting. Her curious gaze just looked up at Tom, wondering what he was.
“…Sir…how do I get hands like yours?” Lyra finally spoke. Vinyl slapped her hoof to her face. Lyra was open to her friends about her obsession with hands, and how their kind were missing out on how great it could be to be able to grab onto everyday items with ease. Vinyl just figured that Lyra was frustrated of accidentally biting off the erasers of her pencils when she was too tired to use magic, but this was a bit of a long shot on her part, wasn’t it?

Tom looked at the unicorn, changing his glare to a confused look. “You…you stopped me because…you want hands?” Lyra nodded furiously. Tom took a deep breath before he spoke. “Find my companions. We have been separated, and we need to regroup as soon as possible. Then maybe I could get you hands of your own.”

Her eyes looked as if they couldn’t go any wider than they had that day. “…Wait…really?”

Tom rolled his eyes. “Did I stutter? Find them. They have hands too, so they should be easy to find. Find them and hands of your own will be yours. Now go!”

With a giant smile, Lyra bounced off in a random direction.

Tom continued to walk, but Vinyl stopped him. “You just made an empty promise, didn’t you?”

Tom looked at Vinyl. “Is your magic as weak as your fighters? I have a transmuter back at my city that could transmute a ferret into a lion with a simple wave of his hand. Stop pestering me about trivial matters. I need food.”

Vinyl watched Tom walk past her. He didn’t lie to Lyra? Maybe he’s not as bad as his tongue made him out to be…He could be kinder with his words, though. Something to work on.

Author's Note:

Outdated meme is outdated, but I still like it.