• Published 8th Dec 2015
  • 364 Views, 6 Comments

Moving Forward, Wrought with Danger - Odayama

A mercenary guild from the Forgotten Relms gathers their three strongest fighters to take on a job too close to their city. Little did they know that their target would use wild magic that would thrust them into another relm that is...less forgotten.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Spike was happy. Not only did Rarity ask him to help her today, but she also gave him a basket of gems for helping her. “Ah, nothing could be sweeter. I’m glad she came by the castle. These might be the leftovers from her collection for that dress, but knowing these came from Rarity makes this basket sweeter than any treasure hoard.” Humming a little tune, he walked home. But then he noticed there was a flash of light coming from the windows. “Huh...I wonder what Twilight is up to?”

Spike walked in, going towards the library. When he reached the doors, he saw another pony sitting on a chair as Twilight was looking through the books around her. “That didn’t work either. I don’t understand why it’s not working? I’ve tried everything from removing cursed items to despelling the magic. Nothing seems to work.”

“Princess Twilight, my lady, I appreciate the amount of work you are putting into fixing my problem, but do not overexert yourself for my sake. Casting spell after spell must be tiring, and as much as I need this hat off as soon as possible, you must not take too much of your spell casting ability for one job.” Newtolm got off the chair.

“Twilight, what happened that you have to get this pony’s hat offwhyisthatponyfloating?” Spike dropped his basket of gems in surprise.

The two ponies turned to look at the frightened dragon. “Oh, Newtolm. This is my trusty helper, Spike. Spike, this is Newtolm.” She gathered Spike’s pile of gems with her magic and put them into his basket. “Spike, I know it seems weird, but Newtolm here did that when I first met him.”

Newtolm walked towards Spike with a friendly smile. “A pleasure to meet you, Spike. I apologize about startling you. I am a psychic, and no longer have the restraint of the ground to affect me.” He offered his hoof for a handshake.

Spike was a little weirded out by this, but still shook his hoof. “Uh...nice to meet you too.”

Newtolm lowered himself to give Spike more comfort. “If you do not mind me asking, what is your race?”

“Can’t you tell? I’m a dragon.” Spike puffed his chest up to make himself more macho.

Newtolm looked confused. “You are a dragon?” He looked at Spike’s back. “But if that is true, where are your wings?”

It was Spike’s turn to look confused. “Huh? My wings?...Well...Twilight, did I have wings when I hatched?”

Twilight looked in thought. “...I don’t recall you ever had wings before. Newtolm, why should it matter? You didn’t have wings before you changed.”

Newtolm cleared his throat. “That is because I am half dragon. Not every half dragon gets wings. And just because I am polymorphed into this equestrian form does not mean I feel no pride in how my body was born.”

“Waitwaitwait wait, what is this about being a half dragon?” Spike had even more confusion show up on his face.

Newtolm sighed. “Forgive me, little hatchling, for not explaining fully of what I am. This body you see before you is not the my real body. I have changed because the magic of my hat had mixed with my lady’s magic, and now it changed me into this pony body. I am actually half dragon, half elf.”

Spike had mixed thoughts about this. It was possible for a dragon and another race to have a child? Is it possible that if he were to marry Rarity, he could have kids? How do you have kids, anyways?

“Anyways, Spike, could you help me put these books away? I’m going to take his advice and take a break.” Twilight started to gather her books off of the ground.

Spike started to pick up some books. Newtolm moved to help, but he tried to pick it up with one hoof, instinctively thinking he had hands. “...Oh...”

Twilight chuckled. “You’ll get used to picking things up with your mouth. Or holding things with one hoof, if you get used to it.”

Newtolm sighed. “I do apologize, but I am so used to be the one helping others. The fact I cannot even help by picking up books is...disturbing me. This form is not one I might not get used to at all.”

Spike looked at Newtolm. “Why can’t you just use your 'psychic powers' to levitate these books?” He wiggled his fingers in the air, half mocking the mystical powers that he'd never heard of before.

Newtolm shook his head. “This power only works on myself. And most of the powers I have learned only affect myself, with very little affecting others. Levitation is only limited by myself only.” Newtolm moved over to the pile of equipment in the corner to move them, only to feel like he could help.


After the books were all put away, there was a knock on the library door. “Twilight? We’re all here.” Dash was heard on the other side of the door.

Twilight opened the door with her magic. “Come on in, guys.”

To Newtolm’s surprise, one of the four other ponies to arrive was Fluttershy. He didn’t know who the other three were, but Fluttershy was one of them. “Hello there, Mr. Newtolm. Nice to see you again.”.

Before he could ask about how Fluttershy was one of the warriors he asked for, the pink one came bouncing in. “I hope this doesn’t take to long. I’ve got a big day planned tomorrow!”

“I hope you don’t really mean to impress that tall critter ya dragged into Sugar Cube Corner earlier, sugar plum.” An orange pony shook her head. “That fella didn’t look in the mood for sweets, let alone in the mood for smilin’.”

“Wait, are you two talking about...”

Newtolm was about to ask what those two were talking about, when the white pony with a shiny, purple mane walked in saw him and gasped. “Oh no, darling. That look will just not do. That hat looks so...old! That can’t do for such a charming stallion like yourself. I must fix that, and give you an outfit that will suit you.”

Newtolm was taken aback from this sudden outburst. What was this pony on about. He put his hoof over his head, holding onto his hat. “Pardon me, madam, but what is this about my look?”

“Well, you have a such a beautiful silver coat of fur, and your blonde mane is only a little messy, but that hat is an ugly color on you. If you come by my home, I can make you look fabulous, darling.”

“Rarity, can you lay off?” Rainbow Dash got in between Newtolm and the one named Rarity. “Didn’t I tell ya that he’s the one who got transformed? That hat is stuck to his head!”

Twilight smiled. “Well, Newtolm, these are my friends, and the warriors you need...”

Newtolm shook his head, interrupting Twilight. “Ladies, please, I asked to call upon you because of something important. But before I start...” He looked at the six ponies in front of him. “...Please do not take this the wrong way, but...are you six...really the only warriors in this town?”

Rainbow Dash looked at Newtolm, scrunching her face a bit. “What, not impressed? You were just commenting on how awesome I was fighting your jerk friend not that long ago.”

“I did not mean to question your strength, Dash...but...how is Ms. Fluttershy one of the warriors you talked about? Ms. Fluttershy, you do not seem to be the kind to hurt a fly, let alone anyone...anypony.” Newtolm looked at the other three. “And before I become any more rude as I have been now, my name is Newtolm. Might I ask of your names, and how you are the warriors that had triumphed your past trials?”

“Well, mah name is Applejack. I’ma farmer in Green Apple Acres.” Applejack had taken off her hat, being nice.

“My name is Rarity, darling. I’m a designer of the best clothes in Equestria.” Rarity positioned herself dramatically, showing off her best side. “And my offer still stands if you need a nice suit to slip into.”

The pink one seemed to have disappeared. Newtolm looked around the room for a second, until he looked to his left. “And my name is Pinkie Pie!” How many times was Newtolm going to be taken aback in one day? He feels like if he was on his best day and could spot a white rabbit in the middle of a snowy field, he’d still wouldn’t be able to tell when and how this pink pony snuck up on him. “I’m the town’s best party pony. You need a party, I’m your pony. And because you’re new in Ponyville...” Suddenly, confetti spewed out from random locations. “We have to have your ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party!”

With a dessert in hoof, Newtolm blinked. How did he even get this? He didn’t see her have any of these spongy things on her when she came into the room. This seemed to have snowballed so far away from what he needed to talk about. “Ms. Pie, please. I do not mean to cut celebrations short, but there is a reason why I called upon you.” To make things more comfortable for himself to hold the strange food item, he sat back in the air so he could hold it in both hooves. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie gasped.

“What in tarnation?”

“How is this possible? You’re an Earth Pony.”

“Cool! Do a slow-motion flip!”

Newtolm gave a sigh. “Please, ladies, can we focus on the task at hand? I still need to know how you are all warriors that had defended this town.”

Twilight stepped forward, clearing her throat. “Well, Newtolm, we have a power that most ponies who try to cause harm cannot withstand. We six are the wielders of the Elements of Harmony.”

Newtolm raised a questioning eyebrow. “Elements...of Harmony?”

Everypony nodded. “Given to us by the Tree of Harmony, the Elements of Harmony allows us to stop those who try to bring chaos to the land of Equestria. We’ve used this power many times, and we know how to use it for good.” Twilight smiled. “With the power of our friendship, we were able to take down and convert Nightmare Moon and Discord, and defeated the tyrant Tirrak. That’s only naming a few of our victories.”

“...That...if what you say is true, that makes this situation quite comforting. Using friendship to defeat tyrants...” Newtolm looked the six. “But even so, this problem of mine has become yours because my comrades and I failed to stop it. I do not wish to burden you with our problem...”

Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Newtolm’s shoulder. “Hey, all six of us are awesome. We can take on anything thrown at us. Tell us what this problem is and we’ll fix it in no time.”

Newtolm looked at Dash with sad eyes. “...It is not that simple. The problem is that my comrades and I were facing a demon named Korthak. I do not know what kind of demon it was, but it seemed to be the kind who would dominate any who stood against it. And to make things worse, I have no idea where this demon is now...If one of my comrades is here as well as I, then there is a high chance that everyone else who was caught in that tear are also in this land.” He carefully flipped himself back on all fours, still holding the strange gift Pinkie gave him. “This demon could be capable of doing anything, depending on what is out there to dominate. We need to plan for the worst.”

“...You need to cheer up a little.” Pinkie bounced around Newtolm. “Eat the cupcake. I was saving it for the elf I met earlier, but you might need it more right now than he does.”

Newtolm watched the pink pony bounce around with upset eyes, but seeing the cheer this pony had kind of stirred those feeling away. With a nod of agreement, he started to get his usual cheer back. “...Yes, you are probably right, Ms. Pie. Dreading on things like this is bad for moral. Thank you for this... ‘cupcake’.” He was about to take a bite, when the words she said finally hit him. “...Wait...elf?...Have you met Tom?”