• Published 8th Dec 2015
  • 363 Views, 6 Comments

Moving Forward, Wrought with Danger - Odayama

A mercenary guild from the Forgotten Relms gathers their three strongest fighters to take on a job too close to their city. Little did they know that their target would use wild magic that would thrust them into another relm that is...less forgotten.

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Chapter 1

“…ey…hey, buddy? You ‘aight?”

Tom stirred. What happened? He remembered the demon, and the mage, but then what? His head was foggy, like he was only slightly hung over. Where was he now?

He felt the grass get blown in the breeze. Was he in a meadow, or a field? He ventured to open his eyes.
The first thing he noticed was the sunglasses. Now, there are no sunglasses where he came from, so this pair of glass was a bit confusing. He had seen goggles before, but these weren’t attached the same way.

The sunglasses were pushed up by…a hoof? That’s when Tom had realized that the person who was talking to him wasn’t a person, but…a unicorn? A white unicorn with those deep red eyes and a wild, multi blue mane. Tom was a bit skeptical at first. Sure, unicorns could talk, but it was their own language. Only druids knew the language.

Wait…there’s the old tale about how unicorns are always attracted to virgins…Tom just hoped that this wasn’t Odin’s idea, and just trickery from some fey sprit, or even Loki trying to trip him from his faith.

“Hey, you’re awake.” The unicorn smiled. “I was wondering when you’d wake up. What are you doing outside of Ponyvile, dude?”
Tom looked at the unicorn, confused. He got up, only to see the town reveal itself in front of him. From the distance, he saw...he was dumbstruck as he saw…the citizens of this town were…ponies. It seemed that this unicorn was the only one to notice him so far. There were no people. Only…well it was more than just ponies. There were other unicorns, and pegesi. Tom placed his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes.
“So….what are you, anyways?” the unicorn had asked. Tom looked at the unicorn. Weren’t unicorns and elves creatures that lived in similar areas? How did this one not know what he was?

Tom looked at the unicorn sternly. “I am an elf.”

The unicorn looked up at Tom. “Oh, so you can talk. I was beginning to wonder if you didn’t.” She held out her hoof, as if to offer it in a handshake. “The ponies around here call me Vinyl Scratch, the DJ pony. I blow music up at all sorts of parties that everypony calls on me when they need a sick beat. What’s your name?”

Tom blinked. A unicorn…bard? She spoke funny, but he dismissed it. Tom crossed his arms. It didn’t matter what was speaking to him anymore. He was still being asked who he was, so he will introduce himself like he would to anyone else. “My name is Tom Odayama, head cleric of Odin. The keeper of his knowledge and the leader of his armies on the material plane.”

Vinyl looked at Tom, a bit confused at his intro. “…Well…okay…so Tom, then. I’ve never met an elf before, but at least your name is easy to remember. Nice to meet’cha, Tom.” Vinyl pulled her sunglasses down with her magic.

Tom blinked again. He didn’t know what was more impressive, the fact that unicorns here have a different kind of magic here, or the fact on how his intro didn’t really faze her.

“So, what are ya doin here? You seem…lost.”

Tom looked behind him. His comrades weren’t behind him. “Was I the only one here?”

Vinyl nodded. “Yeah, you were just lying here under this tree. I had just finished working on my newest song, and decided to take a long walk home. There was this flash of light on my way, and…well, here you are. You missing somepony?”

Tom took a deep breath. “Some people, yes.” He was just hoping that whatever happened, that the three of them were at least in the same area. He started to walk into town. Vinyl walked in front of him. “Whoa, where are you going?”

Tom looked at Vinyl. “What does it look like? Into town.”

Vinyl nodded. “Okay, yeah. You are…but…aren’t ya worried? You don’t really…blend in, here in Ponyvile.”

Tom took another deep breath. “Look, I was with two of my comrades. If I attract more attention to myself, the more likely I will get their attention.” He started to walk again.

Vinyl looked at Tom. “…‘Aight. You’re missing your friends. Well, at least let me show ya around. You probably don’t know where anything is, do ya?”

Tom stopped walking. Newtolm’s lessons had told him that asking for directions wasn’t something he had to be ashamed of. Tom was trying so hard to follow the lessons, but his pride always was in the way. Finally swallowing his pride, he looked at Vinyl. “…I need a drink, some alcohol. Then I need something to eat and a room in an inn. I don’t know how long I’ll be here, so I might as well get ready to stay.”

Vinyl nodded. “‘Aight. I only know two places to buy alcohol, but one of them is only seasonal. So, I’ll lead you to Berry’s place. C’mon, I’ll show ya the town.” Vinyl started to lead, but then looked back at Tom. “So…are ya sure that you don’t mind walking around town like ya are? I know you have to find your friends, but…”

Tom crossed his arms. “I am a proud warrior. If anyone has a problem with my presence, they better be prepared to voice that issue, and have power to back their courage up.”

Vinyl had no idea what she had just picked up, did she?

Author's Note:

When I started writing, I was thinking of Nowhacking's version of Vinyl Scratch...This was long before the 100th episode... I just felt that Vinyl was the better choice to be the one meeting Tom.